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<kmath> YouTube - gearbox with motor
<Mat2ch> oh, wow
<Mat2ch> grease it
<Althego> use bearings?
<darsie> There was a bearing.
<darsie> Black axle in holes.
<Gasher[work]> heh
<Gasher[work]> like, something with less friction and centered better
<darsie> Yeah. Don't 3D print stuff. Use a better manufacturing process.
<packbart> I 3D-printed some gears but not a whole assembly. Had to use the "expensive" HP DesignJet, the Ultimakers just didn't have the precision
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<Mat2ch> darsie: if you only have a 3d printer, you have to stick to the process...
<Mat2ch> I have a cnc mill, but making gears with it?
<Gasher[work]> dividing tool and profiled cutter?
<darsie> jk. It's cool to print 3D gears. If they don't do the job ... you need something else.
<Mat2ch> well, he only wants to win against the hoverboard people, so it doesn't have to last very long ;)
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<darsie> I want self replicating machines to happen. Need some serious engineering.
<sandbox_> I replicated a replication of a replicator
<Ezko> do self replicating machines need to do something besides self replicating?
<darsie> Ezko: Yes. They shall listen to commands and also create useful stuff like space habitats and ships.
<Gasher[work]> darsie, it's called a lathe
<darsie> Gasher[work]: Can a lathe make a lathe?
<darsie> Like, the hard parts.
<darsie> Drills
<darsie> knives/edges, whatever you call them.
<Gasher[work]> if you have a forge and you have a device for abrasive disk on the lathe, yes you can sharpen them
<Mat2ch> you might need a robotic arm or two
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<Althego> agc update
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<Althego> hehe "before we build a lm let's first try to repair memory"
<Althego> yes, probably building al unar module wouldnt be simple
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<packbart> huh. I broke the brake action group. can't even click the brake icon. what on Kerbin did I do?
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> Taking little steps - ⏎ I’ve started lifting my support structure off the surface of #Mars. Once it’s out of the way…
* packbart turned KSP off and on again - nowitworks. weird.
* packbart tries again to land next to the Baobab tree
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: Althego: !
<Mat2ch> But only 5:54 long :/
<Althego> so cool
<Althego> some marbles are still lost
<Mat2ch> jep, but seems to be just a problem of alignment
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<Althego> scott
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<Althego> electron in less than 10 hours, hopefully
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<Fluburtur> not yet
<Fluburtur> it isnt fully done yet
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<Mat2ch> Elon explains why the center core of the Falcon Heavy crashed
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @justpaulinelol @MattLBates @Erdayastronaut High entry force & heat breached engine bay & center engine TVC failed
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<Eddi|zuHause> i dunno what happened, when i last played starbound i had no fps problem, but after i picked it up again now with the update, i got 10fps :/
<nate> check that something else on the system isn't bogging it down?
<Eddi|zuHause> nothing weird showing up anywhere
<Fluburtur> middle gear has airsoft BB bearings
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<Guest36934> wa
<UmbralRaptop> aw
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<UmbralRaptop> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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