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<UmbralRaptop> Much less if you can have a drogue chute or the like
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<UmbralRaptop> If the craft cannot survive reentry, probably more like 4000 m/s.
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<Great98> gojira 2 from tundra. I should have enough if I aerobrake well.
<Great98> if not, there are only 2 kerbals onboard so one can parachute out
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<Great98> and splashdown, bye
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<Eddi|zuHause> <Ezriilc> Ha! I hadn't thought of that, but many industrial type machines are started by just that - pulling out on the stop button, which is commonly red. <-- that's the emergency stop button. if your process relies on using that regularly, you should probably re-evaluate your process...
<packbart> the American Truck Simulator taught me that you need to pull the red button to disengage the parking brake
<Gasher[work]> Eddi|zuHause, it is indeed one of the usual procedures with industrial machines that we have here, but it is done not as a stop but rahter as an extra safety and could be pushed after powering off
<Mat2ch> well, my brother had a pillar drilling machine designed just like that.
<Mat2ch> You could flip up the emergency stop button, beneath it was a green "On" button. And you switched it off by hitting the emergency stop button
<Mat2ch> was a weird design, but if it works...
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<Althego> trust me, i have seen many industrial machines, none started by pulling the emergency stop
<Althego> that just made it possible to start them
<Althego> yes, the big red mushroom is the mergency stop
<Gasher[work]> they are not started by it, right - but the procedure of starting include pulling it out
<Gasher[work]> cause stopping of it includes pushing it
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<UmbralRaptop> "Interestingly, our solar system currently is within the transit zone as seen from Teegarden’s Star. For any potential Teegardians, the Earth will be observable as a transiting planet from 2044 until 2496."
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* packbart imagines a Teagarden Star
<Althego> hehe, transiting exoplanet
<Althego> in xkcd, whren the atronomers looks down during the nightime, and concludes there is a planet around this star because it blocked the light
<UmbralRaptop> <_<
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<packbart> heh, didn't remember that one.
<packbart> "Recently, some exoplanet astronomers have managed to use careful analysis of reflected light to discover Earth during the day."
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<Eddi|zuHause> what planet size and orbit radius would an exoplanet researcher conclude when a dip in brightness lasts 12 hours and repeats every 24 hours?
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<JVFoxy> there's probably a lot more to it than that
<JVFoxy> star brightness, amount of dip, how it dips in brightness, how far out is it, accound for red shift?
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<packbart> the distance between astronomer and planet surface needs to be taken into account. nights are short but frequent on the ISS
<Eddi|zuHause> surely, for an exoplanet researcher, distance to planet surface would be assumed same as distance to star?
<Eddi|zuHause> the difference would be negligible
<JVFoxy> may seem that way, but could you see a planet if its as close to mercury or if it were as far out as pluto the same way?
<JVFoxy> star and planet size can also be a major factor
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<UmbralRaptop> Distance to the planet and star are assumed to be about the same
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<UmbralRaptop> As for likelihood of transit, closer in planets work better than more distant ones, but that's a probabilistic thing
<Eddi|zuHause> are there still mainboards with a regular PCI slot?
<UmbralRaptop> (RVs scale down with distance so at some point get impossible to measure. Astrometric effects increase with distance, but take longer. And have a bad history)
<packbart> humm. some piece of debris swings into physics range of my space station every few days. I'll probably should send a tug with a claw out and deorbit it for good. or maybe try the KAS EVA explosives
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<JVFoxy> ponder wokr'n on ksp video for once
<JVFoxy> I don't suppose people had any very early creations they had a lot of fun with?
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<Eddi|zuHause> what kind of question is that?
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<JVFoxy> craft from early versions of the game... one of the ideas I'm mulling over is a look back to how things were in early versions KSP
<Althego> i have some few i made years ago
<Althego> but these were from 0.7 or so onwards
<Althego> 0.70
<Althego> so not so early
<Eddi|zuHause> the earliest version i used was the demo version, which was maybe 0.28.something or so, and that didn't work at all... i have no clue what steps lead from that to actually buying the game
<Althego> i started on 0.24
<Eddi|zuHause> the version that i bought was 1.0.5 or so
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<JVFoxy> I've stuff from 23.5, craft files from friend's laptop when he had .18 and I was first trying it there
<Althego> this was a complete eve mission in 0.90
<Althego> at least i think so
<Althego> from the name
<sandbox_> all my early stuff is toast :(
<Althego> there were its predecessor. eve, eve x, eve, y, eve z 1, eve z 2, eve z 3, all failed
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<JVFoxy> oop... actual craft file
<Althego> i only kept hte ones that made it to videos
<JVFoxy> I thought of an add-on to the KSC puts in a sort of visitor's center. Lets you put in crafts that had firsts, or just a museum of sorts. Though, I'm not exactly sure how much kerbals would care for such a thing.
<Althego> actually nice idea
<Althego> it would have them around in an exhibition
<Althego> maybe in small models
<Althego> and you could walk among them
<JVFoxy> might have problems with large parts count, unless if the 'weld' mod was used to help with things. Or place with a few rooms, each focusing on a certain aspect
<JVFoxy> or another idea was like a viewer, would set things up a little though before hand. Like is it laying across on a stand, or verticle. Info on firsts, flavour text
<Althego> it doesnt need to run physics
<Althego> just renderm them
<JVFoxy> mechanic of teh vistor center, could take how many firsts and reputation into account, a little randomness, how many kerbals would show up to check things out, generate a little funds. Possible ideas for different contracts
<JVFoxy> lol.. just thought for a contract: a bunch of tourists want to be shown around the KSC.. so gotta build a bus or something. Drive them around all the buildings.
<JVFoxy> announce a launch, see how many show up.. but like I said, how much do we know about kerbals themselves, interests in the program? Or, this all 100% up to the player
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<JVFoxy> side thought: do any tourists to kerbin bases every come up.. or to bases on moon/minmus?
<Althego> i havent seen anything like that
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<JVFoxy> I guess it be a little complex.. moving tourists from ship to base
<Eddi|zuHause> i once used some contract mod that spawned tourists to the KSC Island
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<JVFoxy> heh
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> a refueling station would be nice. Though not sure if any good spots up near the north pole/cap area
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<flayer> i'm going insane
<JVFoxy> darsie: ok...
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<JVFoxy> I was thinking more grounded, something I was going to work on. I'm no where near thinking of astroid redirect
<darsie> It's tedious. Especially huge asteroids with 60 kN.
<JVFoxy> I keep thinking you'd need so much fuel, tank would be size of a small moon
<darsie> what?
<darsie> The asteroid provides the fuel to redirect it.
<Althego> that's no moon
<darsie> With drills and refinery.
<darsie> don't forget ore tanks.
<darsie> and radiators
<UmbralRaptop> KSP asteroids also aren't *that* heavy
<Althego> i never get why do you need the ore thanks if you are never interested in the ore in the first place
<JVFoxy> gives the game some place to deal with them
<JVFoxy> its also good to have a buffer just in case.. even if its a tiny thing
<Althego> but you sgould be able to run without the buffe
<Althego> the ore tanks have 1 useful purpose only: submarines
<JVFoxy> technically
<Althego> and in practice too
<JVFoxy> you should also be able to run without batteries if you just have a command chair too
<Althego> i never had a single line that had any buffer
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<Althego> the reverse, if you run out of electric charge the magictorque is gone from the reaction wheels. however the contorl surfaces still move. how?
<JVFoxy> past creation, I did a plane, it had solar panels, it was suppose to power something, I forgot what. But I didn't include batteries. Some reason it didn't give me any power due to lack of a battery
<JVFoxy> Althego: if you have a pilot, mechanical links
<Althego> njormally i think they should be hydraulic powered
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<Althego> but hydraulcs are not simulated at all
<JVFoxy> hydrolic or electric.. usually ya for giant planes. But even then, some craft still used cables and pullies
<JVFoxy> maybe for game play, they figured it doesn't draw that much, considering how much power other things need.
<Althego> except that the shuttle had 3 apus running the hydraulics during descent
<darsie> Hydraulics can be operated by animals, too.
<darsie> I'm not sure if Kerbals are animals or plants. They are green and don't need food.
<Althego> i subscribe to the fungus theory
<JVFoxy> shuttle could still operate on just one APU, they weren't running all the time
<Althego> they explode to spores
<Althego> but you still needed the power to come from somewhere
<Althego> even in case of passanger planes, something needs to supply the hydraulic power
<JVFoxy> was only enough fuel (peroxide) for the APUs to run during launch, landing.. and a bit of safety margin. In orbit, they had powercells
<JVFoxy> boosters even had APUs for hydrolics as well
<Althego> i think they ran on hydrazine
<JVFoxy> ya sorry hydra I meant..
<Althego> why have that devilish thing there :)
<JVFoxy> in fact... let me see the book I have
<Althego> but the soyuz rcs runs on hydrogen peroxide
<darsie> I guess they're ants. an(imal plan)ts.
<JVFoxy> According to the Space Shuttle Operator's Manual (book), Two APUs are enough to run things, 3rd is a backup. Each has a supply of 295 pounds Hydrazine, which allows it to operate for 90 minutes. Each APU weighs 88lbs (40kg) and delivers 135hp
<darsie> Funghi need food, too.
<Althego> aside from hydraulics, bleed air, life support (atmo pressure, temperature and composition control) not simulated ither
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<darsie> I want a leash for Jeb, so he can pull stuff :).
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> air skiing
<Althego> or airboarding, i dont know
<Althego> that should be a thing
<darsie> In space.
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<Althego> see talespin
<darsie> tailspin?
<kmath> YouTube - TaleSpin Intro (English)
* darsie watches Humans season 3.
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<Althego> humans, year 12019 (the kurzgesagt calendar)
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<packbart> you could fudge a small ore buffer into the ISRU converter or the drill with a bit of ModuleManager config and wouldn't need additional ore tanks
* packbart doesn't mind
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<Althego> take a crew report in spaceflight below jebediah's recklessness
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<jUMPSu1t> How do you take off in a plane?
<darsie> have the gear not to far behind the CG, go fast, pull up
<darsie> hello?
<jUMPSu1t> How to pull up?\
<darsie> s
<jUMPSu1t> I built the plane already
<jUMPSu1t> Oh
<darsie> Do you have control surfaces?
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<darsie> ailerons, elevator?
<JVFoxy> I built a jet powered drown, used reaction wheels, jeb don't need control surfaces ;P
<JVFoxy> drone.. even.. arg
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<Neal> welp looks like relying on KER's impact point was a mistake
<Neal> it didn't factor me slamming into the side of a mountain on vall
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<darsie> Neal: Did you fall or thrust?
<Neal> I was watching the suicide burn countdown
<Neal> I was burning retrograde
<darsie> This will change the impact point.
<darsie> Having the impact point considering retrograde burning would be nice, but I guess it's too complex.
<Neal> I would have hit the mountain regardless
<Neal> notice that the suicide burn countdown starts after the impact has occurred
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<JVFoxy> ouch...
<Wastl4> Isn't the KER suicide burn calculation for vertical descent only?
<Neal> that still doesn't answer the question of why it's saying to burn after impact
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<JVFoxy> don't think it factors in angle, or gravity. Just gives you time it takes to 0 your velocity
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<Wastl4> It doesn't know about the impact because it completely disregards your horizontal velocity.
<JVFoxy> maybe it looked past the mountain and figured you'd be landing somewhere further on?
<Neal> yeah
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<JVFoxy> could be looking at mean surface level than iregularities in the terrain
<jUMPSu1t> My plane keeps "wobbling", that is, zig-zagging from side to side on the runway, eventually gets so bad that plane explodes
<jUMPSu1t> Because it tips over
<Neal> JVFoxy, it usually gets the correct landing elevation
<jUMPSu1t> But my CoT, CoL, and CoM are
<Neal> but for whatever reason the massive cliff in the way did not trigger its collision detection
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<Neal> jUMPSu1t, wobbling before firing engines?
<Neal> or after
<Neal> KSP's wheels are a bit... buggy... so you want to try getting off the ground as soon as you can
<JVFoxy> suicide burn figure... time it takes to 0 velocity... but, whats telling you 'when' to start it?
<jUMPSu1t> no, wobbling after
* jUMPSu1t considers tail fin
<JVFoxy> oh, ker sucide burn... then I no idea. never used it. I typically don't do hte suicide thing
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<JVFoxy> jumpsu1t sounds like landing gear isn't set right.. plane nosed up or down when just sitting still?
<JVFoxy> do you have wheels toed in/out when you placed them on?
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<Wastl4> Maybe the craft needs more struts.
<JVFoxy> wobble can sometimes be caused if craft tries to lift up, but wants to nose down and rest on nose wheel too
<jUMPSu1t> know, the plane is nosed up when sitting
<jUMPSu1t> But to make sure the CoM and CoL are lined up, I have to place the winds super far forward
<jUMPSu1t> Wings
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<JVFoxy> jumpsu1t try a little nose pitch up as you get up to speed.. craft may want to be lifting up but putting more weight on nose. tends to want to pull craft around unintentionally
<JVFoxy> CoL works best if slightly behind CoM...
<JVFoxy> it'll require pitch up usually but that is normal
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<jUMPSu1t> Using diff. wings, noticed CoL is way off to the side
<JVFoxy> ah.. be sure to mirror
<JVFoxy> tail not so much though you can depending on what you going for design
<jUMPSu1t> I am tho
<jUMPSu1t> TRIED DIFFERENT WINGS got same result
<JVFoxy> might not be your wings.. hows wheels?
<JVFoxy> neal going for rail dune buggy were ya? :P
<Neal> lol yep
<Neal> didn't feel like making my own rover
<Neal> just slapped on a couple RTGs and called it good
<jUMPSu1t> im going to make a car
<JVFoxy> I did a little car/truck thing. 6x6, had a mk1 cabin on it and couple of oscar tanks for the fuel cell system as a backup
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<Neal> that looks pretty good actually
<Neal> does it have any VTOL capability at all?
<JVFoxy> eh.. no...
<JVFoxy> though I did make one that did... have to find it again
<JVFoxy> another... rather bigger one, landing system can come off but can also reconnect if needed:
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<Neal> is the inflatable heatshield any good?
<Neal> I tried to use it when it first came out but everything immediately flipped around and burned up
<Neal> haven't touched it since
<JVFoxy> some complaints about it acting like a lifting body too much
<JVFoxy> I built a little cargo drop pod thing to test on it.. hadn't touched it since. More for the fact most of my creations tend not to be quite /that/ big or heavy
<Neal> I'm been thinking about landing a large base somewhere
<JVFoxy> I'm hoping to eventually do a base buton kerbin's ice caps.. be flying things over in sections
<nate> If it's the inflatable one I was using not long back, worked fine for smaller-ish things
<nate> It half way acts like an inverted parachute at that as well (it tends to be so large that it seems to generate some serious slowing friction even before chute release)
<JVFoxy> oh landing with the heatshield..
<nate> Now that I've only ever done in the water, I wouldn't want to risk physics with a soil landing with that thing lol
<nate> it makes for a fantastic flotation body in water
<JVFoxy> think its meant for dense heavy craft.. the inflato shield thing..
* JVFoxy huhs..
* JVFoxy as going to test something but already been putting too much off as si
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