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<packbart> man, those ground science messages disappear too fast for me to read them and they don't seem to be stored in the science archive
<packbart> I crashed a probe into the moon near the seismic thingy and apparently got some science out of it. and something about attenuation
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<packbart> heh, a Kerbal's shadow in IVA is headless
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<Neal> does the orbit editor allow you to place your vessel into an orbit that collides with the atmosphere?
<Neal> it doesn't seem to want to let me put it even at 70km
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<Neal> ok the orbit editor is just broken
<Althego> not broken it just doesnt allow too low orbits
<Neal> it's broken in other ways
<Althego> i never wanted really precise orbits, i just wanted to test ships areound the target planet. it was good forthat
<Althego> before the editor i hadto cheat them there
<Althego> by editing the save files
<Neal> currently it is saying -6.86749943178055E+15 is the lowest safe sma for kerbin
<Althego> hehe
<UmbralRaptop> uh
<Neal> the kraken is strong with this one
<UmbralRaptop> I guess deeply negative sma silliness? (which is just barely hyperbolic)
<Neal> all of my vessels are getting kraken-quakes
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<sandbox> Craft is too heavy! The Launch pad can't support vessels heavier than 340282346638529000000000000000000000000t
<sandbox> Untitled space Craft's total mass is NaNt.
<darsie> Get an unlimited launchpad ;).
<Mat2ch> I need a picture of that craft! ;)
<packbart> trying to launch a black hole to orbit?
<Mat2ch> With only three parts!
<Althego> 18 kerbal station (with lander) is on its way to the mun
<Althego> 2 kerbals remained in ksc
<Althego> bob is arriving back to kerbin from minmus in a day
<Althego> actually got basically all nodes i wanted
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch im rendering the build videos of the bass
<Althego> he still lives
<darsie> Is it cheating if I pass through the atmosphere in the tracking station to avoid aerobraking my asteroid?
<Althego> grey area. the game simulates it without drag, but in reality there would be
<darsie> I'm too lazy. Need about 20 passes to lift it out of the atmosphere.
<darsie> The problem is turning the asteroid so it gets sun to mine fuel, then turn to pass through the atmosphere.
<Fluburtur> you will see them soon
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<packbart> how did the asteroid get into the atmosphere?
<Gasher[work]> by thrusting retrograde/
<Black_Eagle> i'm still going mad
<Black_Eagle> what is up with these phantom forces?!
<Gasher[work]> ?
<Althego> the phantom menace
<Black_Eagle> SAS off, spawn on runway, brakes on. plane slides. drifts, almost, sideways
<Black_Eagle> WHY
<Gasher[work]> ah
<Black_Eagle> and when i fly the plane rolls to the right
<Gasher[work]> that's unusual though
<Althego> most of my planes roll to the right
<Gasher[work]> the runway drift seems to be usual
<Althego> under highest timewarp
<Black_Eagle> everything is snapped in with 'absolute' and all the pieces are symmetrically attached
<Althego> yes, i know
<Black_Eagle> I HATE THIS and this is the reason why i stopped playing KSP for a while
<Althego> maybe you can have some protection against this roll with dihedral wings, but they never seemed to do much for m
<Althego> e
<Black_Eagle> they are :/ not enough
<Black_Eagle> the force seems to be constant so if you counteract it with trim you won't achieve stable flight because increasing air speed increase the force put out by the trimmed piece
<Black_Eagle> *increases
<Black_Eagle> so could auto struts do this?
<Althego> if anything they woudl fix it
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<Fluburtur> should I take guitar or trumpet lessons
<flayer> i like trumpets
<flayer> - the good bit starts at about 0:33
<flayer> come join our merry dance!
<Black_Eagle> i gave up. good bye ksp for another month.
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<darsie> packbart: I picked a class E asteroid with very low delta v to Kerbin orbit, but it was a near polar orbit, so I let it go back to solar orbit, rendezvoused and attached to it, killed the low inclination, and aerobraked to 315 km apoapsis. Then I pushed Pe to 70.5 km.
<darsie> I put it down to about 25 km for aerobraking.
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<Althego> if it is not focues it is going to be dfeleted
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<darsie> deflated?
<Althego> deleted
<darsie> There was a spaceship attached to it.
<Althego> maybe the auto delete works only for debris, i am not sure
<Althego> but below 30 they are deleted
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<jvfoxy> find it curious, they said the motors weren't intended to make prop craft. And yet people took that as a chellenge and went built things anyways
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> about dlc
<Althego> so maybe they paid for his free tiume :)
<umaxtu_mobile> fun
<Althego> as an rc airplane? :)
<kmath> YouTube - The One-Lane Bridge Shared By Cars And Trains
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<jvfoxy> looking back at some old KSP stuff i did.. probably spending too much time messing around rather than actually seeing if there's anything good to salvage
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<jUMPSu1t> Hey...I've got Valentina up right now, my rocket has orbital capabilities but I put it on a suborbital trajectory.
<jUMPSu1t> If you have no more maneuvers to do, can you jettison the second stage?
<jUMPSu1t> Or is there a thing with the pod
<Althego> if there is something that can disconnect it
<jUMPSu1t> Yeah, I have a decoupler
<Althego> so decoupler, stack separator, heat shield, or some kind of elements can function as a decoupler
<jUMPSu1t> Alright, if it's fine by you I'll just do it
<Althego> but why would you do it?
<Althego> try to recover as many parts as possible
<jUMPSu1t> Y?
<umaxtu_mobile> you get some money back
<jUMPSu1t> I'm playing sandbox
<Althego> decoupling is usually done for 2 reasons, to have less mass for the next stage, or to have less mass for the atmospheric slowing down
<jUMPSu1t> Less mass for reentry
<jUMPSu1t> Also my heatshield is covered my the decoupler...I imagine that's kind of important
<umaxtu_mobile> or when you run out of fuel just before you get your periapsis into the atmosphere
<Althego> also decoupling some mass would let the capsule orient itself in bottom first
<Althego> hehe, emergency decouple to give you a few more m/s delta v
<jUMPSu1t> No...I've already done course adjustments...I don't need more
<jUMPSu1t> And i have a stage separtor so no explosive force there
<Althego> so either use the staging, or right click the decoupler and use the menu item
<packbart> *twiddle* 20 days for a transfer from Mun to Minmus. I probably could have timed that better, although I was coming from Mun polar orbit and lucky to get an encounter, anyways
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<jUMPSu1t> When do I stage chutes? This is something I've struggled with in the past, and a lot of kerbals died bc of it
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<jvfoxy> bleh... -bats at router
* jUMPSu1t looks at heat shield intently
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<Althego> i did mun to minmus transfer once
<Althego> it is just too annoying
<Althego> in 20 days i could collect all the science nodes
<Althego> jUMPSu1t: when they are not red :)
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<jvfoxy> was messing around in 0.23.5, my has the game ever changed...
<Althego> or alternatively you can set the minimum activation pressure to high (in atmospheres), stage whenever, and they will activate at the pressure, hopefully you going slow enough and not crashed into a mountain
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<jUMPSu1t> Alright! That was my first successful mission, in the bag!
<Althego> hehe the agc fixing project. guy explains about the apollo gyroscopes in ep 9, mentions an hermetic beryllium sphere, then cut away to a corresponding scene in galaxy quest :)
<Althego> gravity probe h and l collected 11 biome data gravity scan from 17 in orbit of the mun
<jvfoxy> I barely remember that movie, but know the scene. It was just made up, yet the aliens managed to make it work. Took them a long time, couldn't figure out why it was that way...
<packbart> hmmyeah, I'll probably send a new ScanSat to Minmus and ditch the other one if it arrives. maybe I'll have a seismic thingy set up by new
<packbart> by then, I mean. d'Oh
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<jUMPSu1t> TRYing to build a plane, can't get the front laning gr=ear straight
<jUMPSu1t> landing gear
<jUMPSu1t> how do u take off
<Althego> activate symmetry, move it where they overlap, deactivate symmetry, place part
<jUMPSu1t> Oh yeah...I forgot to add control surfaces. Wait a sec
<Althego> move the back wheels closer to the center of mass
<Althego> then the tail can press down the back and raise the nose
<Althego> if you dont want to do that, roll until the end of the runway
<Althego> or use canards
<Althego> (control surfaces in the front)
<UmbralRaptop> ^
<UmbralRaptop> note how far forwards the gear on real aircraft are:
<Althego> which may not be practical for ksp, because landing on other planets can require you wheels as far apart as possible
<jvfoxy> I forgot.. they ever made tutorials on aircraft in KSP?
<Althego> not usre, they did make quite useful tutorials for rockets
<Althego> and there is that big picture that describees everything of the basics
<jvfoxy> ya that part I wouldn't be too surprised about
<jvfoxy> mind you... I've made one or two planes out of SRBs before :)
* UmbralRaptop should try out the tutorials and see if they're any good these days
<UmbralRaptop> (remember when the Aeris 4A was tail-heavy?)
<Althego> i remember stock craft were not very good
<Althego> in fact my first ssto was crated by changing the tanks on one of the stock
<jvfoxy> heh.. before they did engine performance caps, I built a SSTO with a command chair. It could do two full launches orbits and de-orbits before needed refueling. It was a tiny thing too
<Althego> hehe
<jvfoxy> oh and before deadly heating effects
<Althego> i remember some challenge, go to duna and back, then launch the craft that came back and go to duna and back again
<Althego> some guy did it 3 tiems
<jvfoxy> I tried some of hte stock craft, I wasn't too impressed
<Althego> but today the stock planes are ok
<jvfoxy> I've done creations based around a 737, BAE 4 engined regional jet, something similar to Vicer VC-10..
<jvfoxy> a few other things.. nothing super high detail..
<Althego> i am hilariously bad in copying real designs
<Althego> i get inspiration from them
<Althego> the best i did is a replica of b-52 and x-15
<UmbralRaptop> I'd consider messing around with the Aeris 3 worthwhile.
<Althego> just he x-15 became orbital
<UmbralRaptop> Althego: ah, the X-20
<Althego> the problem is, that the planet is so small that if you have the sizes correctly, everything is really op
<Althego> btw is there any news on the mini shuttle thing?
<Althego> what is its name?
<Rokker> which one
<Rokker> X-37B?
<Althego> no nat that one
<jvfoxy> oh..
<Althego> the private one
<Rokker> Althego: Dreamchaser
<Althego> that
<jvfoxy> er ya beat me to it
<Rokker> no news is good news on this one
<Rokker> cause otherwise the news would be a delay
<jvfoxy> according to wiki.. development still underway, orders for 6
<jvfoxy> first flight 2021
* UmbralRaptop eyes SLS and JWST
<Althego> hehe
* darsie retrofitted his asteroid pusher with an RGU. The okto2 didn't have maneuver tracking.
<darsie> also have oxidizer now for my vernors :).
<jvfoxy> oh.. using some the mass to turn into fuel
<jvfoxy> keep meaning to try something in sand box.. bring into high kerbin orbit, turn into station or something
<Althego> there are contracts like that
<jvfoxy> ugh.. I"m no where near able to do something like that career mode
<jvfoxy> rather.. I usually don't get that far into career before game updates. :\
<Althego> they are more annoying than useful
<jvfoxy> honestly... I should hunker down, do that polar station build video
<Althego> i couldnt make a single video for months. either i was mining in the mackinaw in eve, or was running the career game in ksp, neither are interesting
<jvfoxy> my mun mission sorta halted because trying to figure out if it be worth doing vid in stock game, or how was even going to go about doing it
<Althego> now i could make the electric prop and the folding wing plane to duna and eve but i am still stuck in the career game which was quite advanced when the update hit
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<jvfoxy> .... ok now I'm wondering: anyone really gotten around to building a polar station in stock by flying sections over?
<jvfoxy> lol.. 30 part limit but ... didn't say I couldn't drop a 30 part plane, park it off to the side. Drop 30 part station module...
<darsie> Polar, on Kerbins surface?
<jvfoxy> ya
<jvfoxy> and no, not a 240 part plane/station combo all flow over at once.. not much challenge there
<darsie> You can keep playing your games with updates, usually.
<Althego> but the problem is that it adds science instruments, and i would then need to deploy those on all biomes
<Althego> maybe next time
<jvfoxy> usually, major updates come up, its a copy of the game into itself on my drive
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<Althego> lol
* jvfoxy sees Doom Eternal trailer.
* jvfoxy gets more a kick out of the comments
<jvfoxy> Bethesda: Announces release date, Playerbase: So when does the soundtrack come out?
<jvfoxy> anyways.. sorry bout that
<UmbralRaptop> hah
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<packbart> great, the scanning arm toppled my Mun lander. It's best not to mount that thing on the underside :)
<UmbralRaptop> Rescue^Wservicing mission!
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<Fluburtur> seems like I got quite a nice deal with the old guitar I got in high school
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