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<kmath> <david_kipping> @TM_Eubanks mf/mi is order of mag the Lorentz factor for photon rockets
<Eddi|zuHause> there's a bunch of important things missing in that graph, like, actually trying to stop at the place you're going...
<UmbralRaptor> minor detail
<Eddi|zuHause> well, and for an actual "round trip" you'd also need to go back...
<Eddi|zuHause> bonus points if it fits within a human lifespan
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> While I’ve been quietly listening for #marsquakes, my team has been carefully studying ways to help my robotic mole…
<Althego> finally
<Althego> strange, lack of friction, i thought it was stuck
<Althego> instead it is too loose
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<UmbralRaptor> Yay, I hope
<Althego> also we got high resolution ultima thule, but that was sa few weeks back, i just didnt check
<kmath> <Rainmaker1973> If the Korolev cross is a spectacular space ballet, the view of all the 9 Castor-2 motors of an H-I rocket is an am…
* UmbralRaptor thought that they were always dropped in triplets, but apparently…
<packbart> I see 9 Kickbacks with Sepratrons
<Althego> these are thinner
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<darsie> When will we build telescopes in space?
<Althego> probably sooner on the moon
<Althego> construction in space is not really a well established engineering branch
<darsie> We grow protein crystals in space.
<Althego> growing is not building
<UmbralRaptor> I think spin-casting needs gravity, so probably array silliness would be needed for optical instruments
<Althego> you can double spin it to have "gravity :)"
<UmbralRaptor> Something something VLBI as a bigger use?
<UmbralRaptor> Since space is, well, big
<darsie> Althego: Conservation of angular momentum might be a bitch, there.
<darsie> oops, I said something bad.
<darsie> s/bitch/problem
<Althego> maybe if you put a lot of small mirrors in space you can combine them into a huge mirror without actually building anything
* UmbralRaptor fines darsie 1 credit
<Althego> "You are Fined 1 Credit for a Violation of the Verbal Morality Statute"
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX in the News - Episode 31 (Updates On All SpaceX Projects)
<darsie> I could give 1 dogecoin on freenode.
<UmbralRaptor> heh
<UmbralRaptor> Could I put dogecoin on my smarttrip card?
<darsie> dunno
<darsie> If it can hold random 256 bit numbers, I guess you could.
<darsie> Or one 256 bit seed.
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<somestranger> IRC chat? what is this, 2004?
<Rolf> irc is immortal, moral!
<Rolf> *mortal
<somestranger> This brings me back to D1 days
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<darsie> Did he pull 2004 from ?
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* UmbralRaptop blinks
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