UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps:
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<darsie> Yeah, I think so.
<darsie> In the VAB.
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<Neal> shoutout to gusgard kerman for falling off the VAB and surviving
<Neal> (tried to parachute onto the roof, but had too much forward velocity and skipped off, falling a few hundred meters
<Neal> "gusgard kerman exploded due to overheating"
<Neal> that's kinda brutal
<UmbralRaptop> uh
<UmbralRaptop> Wait, he survived faceplanting in front of the VAB, and then spontaneously combusted?
* UmbralRaptop needs to see what happens if a kerbal opens their helmet in a place without breathable air
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<Neal> umbral: immediately repurposed him for the next mission
<UmbralRaptop> Hah. Also, ow
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<Eddi|zuHause> * UmbralRaptop needs to see what happens if a kerbal opens their helmet in a place without breathable air <-- IIRC they just refuse
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<packbart> I launched to my very first resuce mission - only to find out that Podsen's capsule is orbiting the other way round. D'Oh. *revert*
<packbart> should have checked the map before ignition
<JVFoxy> ... orbiting where?
<packbart> around Kerbin. I hadn't played career mode before
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<JVFoxy> ...
<JVFoxy> this a contract rescue or something you left in orbit?
<JVFoxy> mostly wondering if was retro or not... and ya, I used to be just sandbox early on when I played too
<packbart> a rescue contract among many. It's orbiting retrograde but only slightly inclined
<Eddi|zuHause> i did that mistake once.
<Eddi|zuHause> luckily it was a very high orbit, so reversing was possible with a few hundred dv
<packbart> heh, the Tracking Station classifies Podsen's Capsule it as "Class A object"
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, it does that until you fly close by and can identify it
<Eddi|zuHause> i once made a "rescue" mission from LKO by steering an unmanned satellite close by, and then just having him jump out
<JVFoxy> ever gotten any 'too high an expectation' kind of contract? Two days in, oh lets launch to Duna now... umm..
<packbart> my plan is to drive a Mk1 capsule controlled by an Okto to rendezvous with the lost Kerbal and EVA him over
<Eddi|zuHause> JVFoxy: yeah
<Eddi|zuHause> i still have this "explore duna" contract
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<JVFoxy> got a bunch of mun contracts lined up... game sorta ground to a halt though as I scrounge up the courage to record and play
<Eddi|zuHause> i fell into a creative hole after my minimus base failed that badly. last time i tried finding an autosave where i could pick a better route, but one autosave is already halfway through landing, too late to correct. and the next previous autosave is in some totally unrelated EVA where i don't know how far along that is to complete it again.
<JVFoxy> if you were in windows, you could probably have tried reverting the persistance file to a previous version. Although, be sure to save a copy in case you don't like what you find.
<JVFoxy> Quite a few times, I've hit 'go back to ksc' when I actually meant to revert back to landing pad..
<packbart> KSP keeps backups under Linux, too
<JVFoxy> or a couple of cases, power at home just went out and ugh..
<packbart> ah, I see, file system snapshots
<JVFoxy> I've not used linux before... though some point soon, I'll be virtual boxing a version. something to do with an overview map thing for minecraft
<packbart> at first, I thought you meant the Backups/ directory within a KSP save. Then I remembered the Windows feature to restore previous versions of a file
<JVFoxy> ya.. I have moments i forget about myself too.. its not perfect but..
<JVFoxy> I think I've only ever used the in-game save feature.. a couple times in all the years I've played? I think partly because of how the game deals with save states
* darsie starts a hard career.
<Fluburtur> Althego Mat2ch I will try to participate in the next maker faire so is that a good pic for my thing?
<JVFoxy> Fluburtur curious.. what is the plane skin made of?
<JVFoxy> looks like some of the curves didn't come out exactly smooth on the tail section.
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: it is, yes
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: I bet it's newspaper and white glue
<darsie> Oh, I thought 'quickloading' (not allowed with hard settings) meant F9. But I can't load saves at all.
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<Eddi|zuHause> i would have assumed that meant something like the iron man mode in paradox games (eu4, stellaris, ck2, ...)
<Eddi|zuHause> so you only have one main savegame, and cannot branch off alternate histories
<JVFoxy> want something more hard core? Game on steam a little while back, one life, die, bans you from playing again
<JVFoxy> you couldn't technically get back in again but involves a new account and rebuying the game. Been some other issues involving it... but anyways
<JVFoxy> I seem to recall a few ksp playthroughs that people done, no revert.. scotts, "check yo staging" seems to come up a lot :P
<RoboFreak> hmm, event horizon with zubrin
<RoboFreak> ah i think i left the other client running
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<Althego> better
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<Althego> hah new gtoger video
<Althego> what a day
<Althego> haha the police
<Eddi|zuHause> the band from the 80s?
<Althego> no
<kmath> YouTube - Skater Flees, Cops Catch Tow Truck? WHAT?
<Althego> oh there was an update to the agc restoration yesterday
<Althego> hehe, that cliffhanger ending
<kmath> YouTube - Apollo AGC Part 12: Return of the AGC
<Althego> after this i continue with some flat earth :)
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i understand what happened in that video
<JVFoxy> was saving agc video for after I got out of tub, back isn't doing so well.. :\
<JVFoxy> have been wondering about something: what comes to mind when see a series called 'The serious kerbal'?
<JVFoxy> you think more explosions, massive rocket ships, or something a little more... reasonable when it comes to designs of ships?
<Althego> seerious kerbal. jeb not smiling. but there are still explosions
<JVFoxy> there /might/ be explosions.. just trying to think of what to call video series once I get around to it.
<packbart> actually, I imagine there would be less explosions. Serious Kerbals would plan their missions better and do more math and spreadsheets
<JVFoxy> heh.. well funny you should say spreadsheets.. although...
<JVFoxy> ended up using notepad for figuring out orbital times around the mun at various altittudes
<Althego> notepad. at least this would have been a legitimate use of an excel sheet
<JVFoxy> actually.. I more or less used notepad to write down times, in sequence for each level. used something online to make a graph
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, that seems like a job for a spreadsheet
<Althego> i thought more like calculate the times
<JVFoxy> I probably could have but... rather keep my head intact. I would have gone through 50 advil by the end... maybe
<Althego> if you have one orbital radius and one orbital time, you can calculate the times with kepler's 3rd law
<Eddi|zuHause> the formulas are not that complicated, and you can also do plots in a spreadsheet
<Althego> or just use your math program of choice
<kmath> YouTube - We MUST GO Back! | How to Debunk Your Teacher's Astronomy Class!
<JVFoxy> I suppose.. just ended up going one route and stuck with it since I had a routine
<Fluburtur> it is 3d printed
<Althego> what changed?
<JVFoxy> fluburtur ah ok.. the mesh tape
<packbart> authentic plane repair tape
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<JVFoxy> 'duct tape' got ya
<JVFoxy> or... gorilla tape, seems to be the new thing
<Althego> gorilla tape? made of gorilla glass? :)
<JVFoxy> its just a name.. more to do with strength than made of actual gorillas
<Althego> btw for calculations, use a math program
<packbart> Math. Not even once!
* packbart eyeballs most orbits
<Eddi|zuHause> "this is your brain on Math"?
<Althego> you dont need to do actual match in the game, unless you are trying to make orbits without the mapú
<Althego> hehe
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<JVFoxy> I usually eyeball rocket designs
<Althego> at that point i realized how hard it must have been in the 60s
<JVFoxy> that was till they included DV...
<Althego> i calculated delta v for some eve ascent vehicles by hand
<Althego> 11 stages or so
<Althego> after that that i realized i dint need to do t hat
<JVFoxy> Althego just think.. when Gemini was doing their target docking missions, they had a hard time figuring out orbital mechanics. One doesn't just accelerate towards target to get to it
<Eddi|zuHause> i only ever used the builtin tools and KER
<Althego> at first id dint use ker, i used the formula and mass for each stage
<Althego> then i sued ker
<Althego> now i dont use ker again
<Althego> sued lol
<JVFoxy> sir... ker isn't working like it should, we'll have to sue them
<JVFoxy> wonder if rockets take out insurance, does it include hardware glitches/failures?
<packbart> A privacy reminder from YouTube, a Google company
<packbart> DE
<packbart> oops
<Althego> matlab triggers ptsd even after 2 decades, so i stick to maxima instead of octave
<packbart> sorry for the copy&paste fnord
<JVFoxy> uh oh... packbart key mashing agian :P
<Althego> remember the spacex explosion?
<packbart> it was the middle mouse button
<Althego> the insurance was for the launch only, and since it was a ground test, they didnt pay :)
<JVFoxy> kind of .. 'ugh' in order to do video from space, have to take out a license beyond a certain height during launch. Was it over privacy concerns or something or just some red tape-money grabbing?
<packbart> KER (and Mechjeb) sometimes have trouble calculating dV with drop tanks on radial decouplers. I haven't been able to figure out why. maybe some part tree glitch
<packbart> KSPs own dV readout does it correct
<Althego> still works a lot better than the builtin dv meter
<Althego> it faield me in many situtations, indicated 0 dv instea d of value, while i still had fuel
<JVFoxy> doens't it have issues with the LV-N engine?
<JVFoxy> or was it the ion..?
<Althego> not to mention in one case the game used up fuel incorrectly, it used it from the tanks closer to the engine instead of thedrop tank, i had to transfer fuel manually, was really annoying because of the small oscar b tanks
<Althego> no, normal chemical
<Althego> it just decided no indication anymoer
<Althego> probably there was an nre or something
<Eddi|zuHause> i've had problems with the nuke engine
<JVFoxy> eh well could be worse.. could be sucking up fuel /and/ oxi, as well as drawing from tanks in sequenial order like in older versions :P
* packbart doesn't believe in nuke engines
<packbart> but yeah, I know the burn time readout was always off. maybe it's been fixed now
<JVFoxy> my game, I could see them being used, but only on long long term space flight only missions. Not on stuff like spaceplanes
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<Althego> the nuke is the basis of all long range missions
<Althego> i still need fuel only tanks with several sizes though
<JVFoxy> large orange tank with fuel only.. ugh. Good luck getting that off the ground
<Althego> the nuke doesnt need to operate kerin's surface
<JVFoxy> probably better launching something empty up, then refining fuel in space
<Althego> that si too tiring
<packbart> I use Wolfhounds, Poodles or Terriers for long-range
<Althego> at best i refuel at target location
<JVFoxy> I mean more refueling around minmus maybe if you've got a station there.
<Althego> nuke is still the best for an all jool moons mission
<Althego> and plan transfer from minmus? hell no
<JVFoxy> didn't say it be easy...
<JVFoxy> then again.. I'm not one to launch 10000ton or larger craft from kerbin just cuz I can
<Althego> so anyway i usually end up with a single nuke, 1-2 tanks above it (the only one type it can take), and possibly 6 around that (with 2 decouplers)
<JVFoxy> Althego what was the rest of the craft like?
<JVFoxy> though guess more wondering if crewed or robotic
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<kmath> YouTube - All 5 Joolian moons with a single common core
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<Eddi|zuHause> i once made a nuke with mk1 tanks, and mk0 tanks around it... but that's crazy number of parts for something that should be so simple
<Eddi|zuHause> (whole craft was 2.5m)
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<darsie> That's not fair. I relied warp to throttle automatically to 50x at SOI change, but it stopped much later. Have to load some autosave in my hard game...
<JVFoxy> worse when it doesn't slow down before re-entry.. one game, by the time it realized, my craft was 120km underground
<Althego> to this day i always slow down warp manually
* UmbralRaptop tried a warp to periapsis for reentry, and had it warp right past where the craft would have been inside the atmosphere
<Althego> result is that exactly the same time the game does it too
<UmbralRaptop> (yesterday, in fact)
<JVFoxy> UmbralRaptop lol.. ya, flight path woulda taken it down to surface, instead, it warps right past planet, like wasn't even there
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<UmbralRaptop> oops
<UmbralRaptop> On an unrelated note, happy solstice ☀
<JVFoxy> geez.. time flies huh?
<UmbralRaptop> Something like that
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<packbart> hmm. a local multiplayer setup might help with parallel maneuvers. the Touribus has a burn scheduled near the mun at about the same time a returning capsule will hit Kerbin's atmosphere
<Althego> my usual problem too
* packbart executes a small radial burn to reach the atmosphere later
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<Fluburtur> would be very hard to get the shape with most other techniques
<Fluburtur> eh
<Fluburtur> also what do I write for the description panel
<Fluburtur> im kinda doubting wether I should sign up for the maker faire as a company or just hobby
<Fluburtur> that plane was crashed a number of times and it was in storage for a while
<Fluburtur> actually i put some on the wings this time
<Fluburtur> they ask for a small video, I put that together quickly
<Fluburtur> I want to make the self heating cup again
<Fluburtur> where can I buy 200 grams of plutonium
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<kmath> YouTube - maker of things
<Althego> lol
<Althego> there are glowing thingies with tritium
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<Althego> scott
* darsie has a green betalight.
<darsie> With a small solar panel it can charge capacitors to 0.2 V :).
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> not enough for heating
<darsie> Maybe it was more, but IIRC this was most power efficient.
<Althego> but plutonium for self heating cup is insane
<darsie> Might boil some liquid helium :).
<Althego> that boils by you looking at it
<darsie> I'm hot :).
* darsie did 7 Mun contracts with one flight.
<darsie> Althego: I'm playing hard now, too.
<Althego> i play mostly hard. i know i would always want reverts, if for nothing else, testing
<Althego> since i run many missions in parallel, it cant revert after the launch anyway
<JVFoxy> speaking of Scott, wonder what it would take to recover a bunch of those satellites in a single go...
<Althego> not feasible currently
<JVFoxy> feasible or not.. eventually we're going to have so much trash up there, its going to cause us problems
<Althego> geo is not that big of a problem. leo is. bu there is this idea of long strips of metal (very light), that could interact with the magnetic field of earth and slow them down
<darsie> "We'd like to bring a vessle back form the surface of the Mun." "Return to Kerbin from the surface of the Mun." Returning Jeb is enough, right?
<darsie> Someone say yes.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i am not sure
<darsie> :)
<Althego> kerbals track where they were
<darsie> ok
<Althego> but kerbals may not be recognized as a craft by the game
<darsie> IIRC recovering a Kerbal is addressed as Vessle returning.
<darsie> In the stats.
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<darsie> I clicked Recover vessle with Valentina on the launch pad and got 0.5 science for "Recovery of a vessle that survived a flight".
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> then it works
<darsie> :)
<darsie> ok, I trust you :).
<darsie> My mun survey vessle has enough dv left to land and reorbit. I think. 1430 m/s or so.
<Althego> provided as is, absolutely no warranty
<darsie> Wow, Valentina gained 1 xp. That launch pad must have been interesting :).
<Althego> a kerbal can take the science
<Althego> if you jump up you were in flight and eva
<darsie> Yeah, not from thermometers, etc., though.
<Althego> why not
<Althego> kerbals can collect all science
<darsie> I can transmit.
* UmbralRaptor 's current campaign has involved kerbals EVAing to move temperature / pressure readings into the command module
<UmbralRaptor> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<darsie> Yeah, can take temp/press data.
<darsie> Now I have to land on The Mun without reloading ...
<darsie> scary
<Althego> but there are the science containers, those can collect the data
<Althego> i can land on the mun any time, provided it is not the dark side
<darsie> Landed. 785 m/s left.
<Althego> you can make it into orbit with that
<darsie> yes
<darsie> ik
<darsie> You can bring lights to land on the dark side.
<darsie> I use the landing info of KER.
<Althego> i brought them once
<darsie> Impact marker, suicide times.
<Althego> hapend to land on the ligth side
<darsie> :)
<Althego> every other time it was on the dark side
<Althego> so they are useless weight
<Althego> it is like docking is always on the dark side
<Althego> no llanding legs
<Althego> could have tipped easily
<darsie> Now if I plant a flag, will I miss out a Record society contract for that?
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<darsie> ik, I was careful. Was an unplanned landing :).
<darsie> I'll plant a flag ...
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<Althego> but faceplant first :)
<Althego> hehe hacksmith, doctor strange
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<darsie> Faceplant I did :).
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<Althego> every time i have to let go of the ladder
<Althego> fail to activate rcs in time
<Althego> why cant you just activate it in advance
<darsie> Need hands on the controls or the ladder, I guess.
<darsie> Activate while falling?
<Althego> i fail to do that every time
* darsie reorbits ...
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<packbart> huh. so I've read that sometimes contracts don't complete. None of my tourist lost consciousness and yet:
<packbart> am I missing a goal?
<Althego> no, you still need to recover them on kerbin
<Althego> at least it looks like that based on the list
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<packbart> yeah, I just realized that. I even have the alarm clock entries right in front of me m)
<darsie> Ohh, no, I lost the badass because I used an untested deorbiting protocol.
<packbart> I got those four confused with some other tourists
* packbart shuttles so many tourists around
<packbart> just to build up reputation I can use to decline contracts
* UmbralRaptor would be tempted to edit the save so that the penalty is 0
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<packbart> the penalty is just 1 per contract. I skip the "take readings below xx m at this point" contracts
<Althego> those are easy
<Althego> the take above 16 are hard
<Althego> at least in early career
<packbart> as long as it's near KSC I might take those on ascent
<Althego> usuall they are on the other side of the world
<Althego> ok, the new sites help somewhat, but still
<packbart> the new sites aren't enabled in career by default, I think
<packbart> I don't like building planes. I can get around by rocket and rover :) (and sometimes on a rocketrover)
<UmbralRaptor> Rocket jumping rover
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i built science plane 1, 1g and 3, i carry them over from career to career
<Althego> i dont know what happened to 2, but probably it was to short lived to keep it around
<Althego> those planes are actually quite good to fly
<packbart> yeah. I'll get over it some day and build one. or maybe I'll just download a nice plane from KerbalX or Steam
<packbart> although those are often heavily clppped for aesthetics
<packbart> clipped even
<packbart> ooh nice. thanks :)
<Althego> 3 needs the panther, but that is wha gives its power
<Althego> 1g has the better wheels
<Althego> but usually i dont upgrade that for quite a while so i have to use the plain 1
<darsie> Degun Kerman, stranded in LKO, just left her capsule and has a chute.
<Althego> more like debug kerman
<darsie> She deorbited safely by following jetpack deorbit protocol. Damn you, Jeb.
<packbart> heh. I had wondered if that would be a faster way. I had several Kerbals stranded in orbit just above 70km
<darsie> Sure faster than sending a rescue craft.
<packbart> I decided to send up an unmanned tourist bus and pick them all up in one mission
<packbart> took some time
<darsie> ~70.5 km circular orbit, 3.1 EVE fuel retrograde, after heat go horizontal, splash down. You may right yourself just before splashdown for realism. Low altitude landing may work as may landing at higher altitudes slopes.
<darsie> EVA*
<darsie> To land at KSC, begin deorbit about midway of the peninsula before.
<darsie> ahead?
<darsie> I use a wake up probe to fly by stranded Kerbals and then switch over.
<packbart> I actually did that to Jeb on one of my very first launches in KSP. EVA on suborbital flight. "Press Space to let go" - "ok. oops."
<packbart> "ooh. deploy chute. *click*"
<packbart> he made it
<packbart> didn't even heat up much as fas I remember. suborbital speed already from the start
<darsie> I came from the Mun, full with data, and aerobraked to 72 km Ap.
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<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Helmet probably still hot from entry.
<darsie> I woke Mauster with my wakeup probe and sent her to another leftover capsule to fulfill the transfer crew between vessels contract.
<Althego> but couldnt you have just fly there with an empty capsule and eva into that?
<packbart> I guess I'll try to combine both approaches and skip the "match orbits" part of the next rescue rendezvous. an EVA pack has enough fuel to match the rescue capsule's orbit instead
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<packbart> now that I think about it. a command seat on a probe core on a 0.625m heatshield should be enough, right? launch it on a suborbital rendezvous flight. sounds like much more setup work, though :)
<Althego> you dont need the heatshield :9
<Eddi|zuHause> the point of using a probe is that it's already in orbit and you don't need to launch it. just spend a low amount of fuel to do a phase shift
<Althego> around 5 minutes into orbit
<Althego> not big of an issue
<Eddi|zuHause> but the money...
<Eddi|zuHause> with a probe you also don't have to make a full rendevouz. just an encounter <2.5km or so
<Eddi|zuHause> don't know the exact number
<Althego> the remaining 2.5 km takes only 1 minute
<Eddi|zuHause> see, you already saved 6 minutes of a 10 minute mission...
<Althego> you didnt
<Althego> since you had to launch the probe anyway
<Althego> andyou need to recover the kerbal too
<packbart> I haven't counted the monies yet. It's early game still
<Althego> few minutes is just ok to launch between nodes
<Althego> so that time would have been wasted otherwise
<Eddi|zuHause> the probe launch amortizes across multiple rescue missions, and launching the probe probably was a separate mission anyway
<Althego> or i could launch one ship to collect 2-3 kerbals
<Althego> small rocket, only around 10k
<packbart> that's what I did so far
<Eddi|zuHause> but you can only do that if the missions already spawned
<Althego> the big win for the kerbal rescues is the kerbal
<packbart> reused the orbital tourist design
<Eddi|zuHause> (when i first started playing i thought rescue missions needed a Klaw. and i didn't know how EVA RCS worked)
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<packbart> got the last missing fractions of Goo-watching in near space out of it, too
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<Ezriilc> signing off; movies with fam.
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<Eddi|zuHause> thanks for letting us know, person who never said a word before...
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<darsie> What's a good Pe for Munar Mk1 command pod reentry without heat shield?
<darsie> 50 km?
<darsie> What's the idea with hard games? Switch to a sandbox game and cheat the situation for testing?
<darsie> Play safe but inefficient?
<darsie> Or know it all?
<darsie> Copy a hard game and allow reverting?
<darsie> Maybe a mod could implement a testing mode. When activated the game is saved an when it's deactivated the game is loaded again?
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