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<darsie> KSP doesn't update context windows, e.g. solar panels, tanks, if it's not the active window.
<darsie> Like, if I have IRC focused, ^ happens.
<darsie> On Linux.
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<TheKosmonaut> darsie: I've seen that before on MacOS but usually as a way of saving power
<TheKosmonaut> (laptops)
<darsie> I wanted to see when I run out of power which will stop and not restart the drills while mining fuel.
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<UmbralRaptor> Huh, so somewhere along the line the launcher was upgraded
<UmbralRaptor> (Please do not use the launcher)
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<jvfoxy> sad that my AC isn't running, can't KSP much or puter overheats, what with heatwave we've been getting
<Althego> is it a laptopt?
<sandbox> send some of your heat this way
<jvfoxy> lol... my Acer doesn't even have fans.. doubt it could support KSP. Was more comment refering to my desktop
<jvfoxy> watching in openhardware monitor, CPU and graphics hitting around 55-65c :(
<Althego> if it is a daktop you have to fix your cooling
<jvfoxy> good thing I wasn't doing an actual career, system locked up and had to do a hard boot.
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<jvfoxy> don't know what the laptop does for cooling, isn't any fan ports. Then again, its not really a major system. Simple 3d only. I can barely get a race game working on it
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<jvfoxy> when charging, the plug gets stupid hot, than anything
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* UmbralRaptor pokes Guest34978's connection with a cat 3 cable
<Guest34978> Oop
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<UmbralRaptor> ah
<Althego> lol that fan
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: still too hot? ;)
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<Althego> ok, vab fully upgraded
<Althego> finally got rid of the maneuver nodes again. i couldnt even collect science on lander, because there was not enough time
<JVFoxy> so.. now you got unlimited access, what monsters you plan'n to build?
<Althego> only 220k money remaining
<Althego> lot of tech needs to be bought
<Althego> the second level vab is good enough for most purposs
<Althego> although the lack of actiopn groups is annoying
<Althego> the upgrade is important because it gets me more science from the biomes
<JVFoxy> I haven't found lack of action groups that much of a pain.. yet.
<JVFoxy> I guess I see it more as a matter of convenience type thing
<Althego> opening closing of bay doors, antenna, solar panels
<Althego> i usually put them on gear, or if not available, light
<JVFoxy> I kind of gave up building 'monsters' early on. I tried a few things in early games, giant spaceplaces. Usually disassembled if I tried even moderate pitch on take-offs
<Althego> hee
<JVFoxy> those giant wings can be stupid sometimes, ripping right off under heavy loads
<Althego> sstos works best if they are small
<JVFoxy> My Shepard was a decent spaceplane. Moderate size. I didn't really develope it past the prototype stage so didn't get an idea of how much it could lift
<Althego> my biggest ssto went to laythe and back
<JVFoxy> any cargo capacity or just purpose built?
<Althego> didnt really have anything else than the 4 person cockpit
<JVFoxy> ya, my dakota used the Mk3 cockpit for 4 people. It was small-medium. testing showed to LKO it could lift about 1t
<JVFoxy> I intended to use it for crew transfers to stations, or launching small satellites
<JVFoxy> the design was kind of neat, mk2 parts, sideways for engine pods. Named it such because made me think of my pickup truck in ways
<JVFoxy> er.. wait..
<JVFoxy> ugh its been so long. Dynafly was the 1t cargo thing... Dakota.. -looks for it
<JVFoxy> had the scifi'ish look
<Althego> i think my most common name is untitled spacecraft
<JVFoxy> heh.. and always flown by Jeb
<Althego> jeb sees almost no action
<JVFoxy> ah.. locked away for sneaking onboard all the time?
<Althego> now that is collected a lot of science and have isru, engineers may see some use
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> no, pilots are useless
<Althego> most of the time a probe can do it
<Althego> or a probe combined with a scientist
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<JVFoxy> oof.. room mate rebooted router..
<JVFoxy> was going to say...
<JVFoxy> Dakota went up to Mk4... mostly in part to me keeping the ship around long enough to go through few versions of KSP
<Althego> middle of day 3. i wonder why it is daytime at 0 hour but dark at 3 :)
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<JVFoxy> guessing cuz elapse time counter starts mid day?
<Althego> probably
<JVFoxy> KSP doesn't have time zones sooo...
<Althego> because there are no kerblas anywhere on the planet, except in ksc
<flayer> i can see cities from space
<Althego> with mods
<Althego> and they are textures only
<flayer> they're real to me
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<darsie> 100 km
<darsie> class E asteroid apoapsis
<Althego> how big is a kellicam? :)
<darsie> What is a kellicam?
<Althego> klingon unit of length
<darsie> ic
<Althego> since not even memory alpha knows it, probably nobody does
<darsie> Is it an astronomical unit?
<Althego> no, relatively small
<Althego> probably in the order of km
<darsie> ok
<Althego> if you have a rescue contract around kerbin, and instead of taking the kerbal out you just grab the part and take it down, the kerbal never gets orbiting kerbin exp, and i dont remember getting the intermittent money either (when you normally activate the kerbal the first time)
<Althego> strangely the kerbal gets suborbital on kerbin
<JVFoxy> lol..
<JVFoxy> guess they didn't expect people to just grab things and bring it down instead of removing the kerbal
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<darsie> I often just pass by with a minimal rocket I already have in orbit, switch and let the kerbal deorbit with jetpack.
<JVFoxy> survives re-entry ok? I figured you'd have to at least MOOSE it somehow
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> JVFoxy: From circular 70.5 km orbit burn 3.1 EVA fuel.
<JVFoxy> they produce a lot of drag?
<darsie> After atmospheric heating is passed, turn horizontal. Splash down or land on low elevation. Slopes may work on higher elevations.
<JVFoxy> I've usually gotten a few rescues at a go, put them into one big mission.
<JVFoxy> I'll usually still be in lvl0 VAB so.. somewhat careful on design
<darsie> You can use parachutes if available.
<Althego> needs 3 stars
<darsie> nominally
<Althego> for that you need to land on the mun, minmus and go outside of kerbin soi
<packbart> One wonders how so many Kerbals end up stranded in space. Going _to_ space is probably much too easy on Kerbin ;)
<JVFoxy> it /is/ a smaller planet than what we used to
<JVFoxy> mind you, how does one get stranded in one part, no mono, no power, nothing else attached
<darsie> Hard landing.
<JVFoxy> mind you.. ya I know, gameplay mechanics..
<darsie> Jetpack back from Minmus to LKO, but not enough fuel to deorbit.
<packbart> just call Orbitside Assistance Services
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<JVFoxy> kerbal 45deg south lattitude on mun, middle of dark side... I never did get to doing that mission as KSP got another update. :\
<JVFoxy> suppose I could still run it, got the old version on file still... been holding off for the right mood
<packbart> do you have to restart career games on updates?
<packbart> I used the same sandboxes from 1.4(?) to 1.7.1
<JVFoxy> I don't run launcher.. download new version into its own folder
<JVFoxy> earlier I was checking on first creations I did in ksp starting in 0.23.5, but couldn't really find anything worth reviewing
<packbart> I don't use the launcher either but I'd have thought you could use the same save after updating
<darsie> 102
<darsie> oops, wrong chan.
<JVFoxy> I never really tried.. suppose I could drag the save folder over, see if it works?
<JVFoxy> though i'd be worried about what it would do to some of my craft.
<JVFoxy> My carter uses the older, heavier Mk3 command pod and older poodle engine. I'd be a little curious what an updated version with the new twin nozzle poodle be like. Though lighter command pod could do something to weight balance
<darsie> You may need to replace some invalid parts, but not much, IMHO.
<JVFoxy> I suppose I could try to rebuild it.. trouble is, not really sure how I connected the spine on one side from the backside of the command pod
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<JVFoxy> maybe some day I'll fiddle around with it in the original version ksp it was build in, see if I can replicate things..
<Althego> hehe i didnt know that the pod memorial next to the vab has its own biome
<Althego> but i distinctly remember the side building had one, and now it doesnt trigger
<darsie> Althego: The monolith?
<Althego> no
<Althego> there is a pod memorial for the old model of the crew pod
<darsie> hmm
<Althego> next to the vab main building
<darsie> Whihc version?
<Althego> it is not a pod like in the abandoned island airfiled, just a statue of it
<Althego> 1.7
<Althego> i bet that was tehre for a long time
<Althego> similar to the flag it has a small footprint
<packbart> which side building, however? there's an R&D side lab
<Althego> soutwest from the vab building there is a round tank. there is a small paved way that goes next to it. at one point that road has a sharp turn. there is the pod memorial
<JVFoxy> ok so I'm not the only one that noticed the monolith doesn't trigger any more
<Althego> i think there used to be a world first for goin near the monolith
<Althego> but i saw it only once
<JVFoxy> flying over it usually.. ya. saw it in the past too
<Althego> tried to get it many times since then, in several versions
<JVFoxy> I do know you trigger the airfield one just by flying near
<Althego> ah i was going there on the ground
<darsie> I told my brother the monolith is just dirt on the screen :).
<darsie> But ofc it moved :).
<JVFoxy> ugh careful, may try putting a hole through your screen just trying to get it off
<Althego> in this picture the pod memorial is a speck next to the vab round tank (towards the science building)
<packbart> the VAB round tank is missing, probably in the final upgrade
<packbart> oh noez m/
<packbart> I was just looking at the wrong point
<darsie> Althego: Did someone make waypoints for this pic?
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<kmath> YouTube - Stratos IV Unveil Livestream
<Althego> what waypoinys? solving the travelling salesman problem?
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<JVFoxy> every points once, no path traveled more than once?
<Althego> no, shortest route every point travelled once
<Althego> what you said was a hamiltonian path or cycle
<Althego> (path for every point once, cycle for every point once ending in where you started)
<packbart> the travelling salesman problem is mainly an unhealthy lifestyle
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> I hated doing door-to-door... they put you through too much high pressure :(
<JVFoxy> was kid at the time, looking for work. job was selling chocolates for something, I don't remember. Lot of the others that were doing it, weren't exactly the best people.
<JVFoxy> by 'best', trying to set things on fire in the car while going between places :\
<Althego> no world first for flying over the monolith
<Althego> but at east there are two for deap sea diving
<JVFoxy> ya.. I gave up on trying a while back.
<JVFoxy> you done the underwater thing? I think it stops at 240m under or something
<Althego> yes there are only two
<JVFoxy> uh..? east what?
<JVFoxy> two what.. locations or.. world firsts for going under?
<Althego> yes
<packbart> "at least", not east ;)
<Althego> hehe typo
<JVFoxy> I think there are 3 underwater depth milestones
<JVFoxy> not sure distance, but I have done them all the time
<packbart> I've been roving underwater just once, in a sandbox. I have the faint idea how to build a mod that would spawn collidable fishies around the craft
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> catch them with the fish intake and turn them into resources ;)
<JVFoxy> lol.. fishes, makes me think of that mock add-on Manley made a vid about a while ago
<JVFoxy> ah well.. gotta run, fly safe as the say goes?
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* packbart resumes listening to the "Roadside Picnic" audio book. SciFi stuff!
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<Althego> small but strong magnets must have some use on spacecraft
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<Fluburtur> nah
<Mat2ch> Althego: uh, fusion reactor!
<Althego> i built the science plane 4
<Althego> it was never needed before
<Althego> but i have one remaining gravimetric kerbin contract i couldnt finish because of all the scheduled maneuver nodes
<Althego> with a single turbojet it reaches 1.2 km/s on half thrust
<Althego> and it fits into the 30 part limit (sph, as always, upgraded last), and it turned out to be quite nimble with minimal com movement
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<darsie> Yes, finally a long mission is over. I brought a 3600 t asteroid into 70.5 km Kerbin orbit, providing more fuel than I will ever use.
<Althego> hehe that ship is serously small
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<Mat2ch> looks like a life goal
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