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<kmath> YouTube - Can We Travel Faster Than Light? with Dr. Miguel Alcubierre
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<Althego> hopped to all minmus biomes, still have 1950 m/s delta v remaining
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<Wastl2> How much Δv did you start with?
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<Althego> cant remember
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<Althego> day 9, reached the gravioli detector
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<Althego> i wish wheels wouldnt generate energy
<jvfoxy> wouldn't? mod?
<Althego> no, stock wheels are jumping a bit
<jvfoxy> mm ok?
<jvfoxy> which ones are jumping on you?
<Althego> airplane wheels
<Gasher_> heh
<jvfoxy> let me guess, the non retracting ones or the single tired?
<Gasher_> generating mechanical energy?
<jvfoxy> ya, had me thinking as in power at first
<Gasher_> same
<jvfoxy> well... more EC than causing the plane to hop about the runway
<Althego> both are
<jvfoxy> springs are probably getting compressed too much. They bottom out, I think is a slight 'glitch' where they push back for some reason. tends to make nose wheels pitch the plane up right on landing in previous vrious
<jvfoxy> *versions
<Gasher_> can't you increase the damping
<Althego> probably
<Althego> but they didnt behave this before 1.7
<Gasher_> em, they did?
<Gasher_> at least in 1.3 i have that
<jvfoxy> could be worse.. wheels could simply explode no matter how slow you tried to land
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> avtually even the most basic ones are usable now
<Althego> there were wersions when you literally couldnt land on them
<jvfoxy> ya I know... made it rather unplayable. I only managed to land with them on the rare occasion.
<jvfoxy> sometimes I wondered if teh wheels were getting 'snagged' on teh ground and just ripping off, springs too light
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<Eddi|zuHause> man i really hate this channel...
<Eddi|zuHause> i can't say a single line anymore without the thought in my head that i get immediately banned...
<Eddi|zuHause> ... after getting banned for a rule i didn't even break...
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<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: You got banned?
<Eddi|zuHause> i got muted, which is really the same thing
<darsie> Yeah, you just have to be a little mindful of what you say.
<Eddi|zuHause> but... i'm still insisting i didn't say anything wrong...
<Eddi|zuHause> and that's where the problem is.
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> I got permanently banned from a channel for such a thing.
<darsie> Not letting go of a mute I found unfair.
<nate> Thing is though a channel is a home, they can kick you out if they think you so much as smell funny in real life
<nate> :P
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<jvfoxy> ugh net hardware being a pain again
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<darsie> These rules may be changed at any time and it is each member's responsibility to keep up to date.
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<darsie> Is there a mailing list informing me about any changes, so I don't have to read everything over before each post?
<Althego> Eddi|zuHause: what did you do?
<Eddi|zuHause> i said what i always said.
<Eddi|zuHause> that i have no spare brain power to search for "bad words"
<Eddi|zuHause> and saying that is apparently now worse than saying an actual bad word.
<Althego> once a month or so i too say something that is not appropriate here
<darsie> Alternatively I could poll the rules once a minute automatically and send myself a notification if anything changes, to perform my responsibilities more efficiently.
<Althego> you could set the client up to replace some words with something else
<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: yes. but again, i did not say a bad word.
<Althego> i use it for some common typos
<Althego> now that is strange
<Althego> thought police?
<jvfoxy> not what you say.. more about how you say.. huh?
<Eddi|zuHause> thought police is never a good idea
<jvfoxy> ya.. not exactly psychic, but also would be invading even the most private of spaces
<jvfoxy> its already pushing things a bit far if you can't feel safe in your own room...
<Eddi|zuHause> jvfoxy: don't worry, police will get access to alexa/siri/whatever recordings soon
<Althego> hehe safe space
<jvfoxy> I don't have one, too much tech as it is anyways.
<jvfoxy> Eddi|zuHause always figuring the worse in the world huh?
<jvfoxy> i'd been with my foster from when I was 11, I never had any run ins with police. Yet, because of where my B-day fell, I couldn't move out till after I was done schooling. The goverment wanted to do a criminal record check in order for me to stay with them past my 19th
<Eddi|zuHause> oh, there are certainly even worse things
<jvfoxy> lady at police station: Well... records check clean. Just means we haven't caught you.. yet....
<jvfoxy> my biggest issue when I moved out? Being self distructive, depression. :\
<darsie> How can I exercise my responsibility to keep up to date on the rules? Is going to reflect them?
<darsie> s/them/any changes
<darsie> Is saying 's/them/any changes' a violation of rule 2.3.2?
<Eddi|zuHause> yes, you're not allowed to use any kind of jargon. is surely what that rule means.
<jvfoxy> ehhh.....
<Rolf> any jargon of curse words or?
<darsie> I never heard about txt-speak. Is that like 'cu', 'IIRC', 'ru mad', ...?
<jvfoxy> oh as in leet talk?
<Eddi|zuHause> it's an old thing where you type SMS by leaving out most of the letters
<jvfoxy> ya...
<darsie> I see.
<jvfoxy> I had to look up 'jargon', any words used specifically in a profession of some kind...
<jvfoxy> although.. 'profession' in this sense sorta used rather loosely.
<darsie> short message service
<Rolf> so i could be banned by saying I used my mic to measure boss on part?
<jvfoxy> Rolf no.. 'mic' is a proper word
<Rolf> no its not
<Rolf> full name is micrometer
<jvfoxy> microphone
<Eddi|zuHause> jvfoxy: a sentence can be jargon even if each individual word is proper
<Rolf> no. micrometer. i know my stuff lol
<jvfoxy> I was going to say, help with AV crew, they say 'mic', or 'mike' all the time
<Rolf> i'd be very very wrong guy to work in av dealing with audio. lol
<jvfoxy> I was going to say, doesn't KSP or anything space related use quite a number of words, Ex: Periapsis, that would be considered jargon too?
<Rolf> it is
<Eddi|zuHause> definitely
<Rolf> so everyone here is very bannable
<jvfoxy> then again, am taking things pretty litteral here.
<darsie> I don't see jargon forbidden. Considering it exclusionary forms of speech is a bit of a stretch.
<jvfoxy> oddly enough, I'm not even suppose to be this awake such a time, 0340PST...
<darsie> like, periapsis. That's proper spelling.
<Eddi|zuHause> darsie: but it gets grey pretty quickly once you start abbreviating things
<Eddi|zuHause> darsie: i have sat here a bunch of times when people said rocketry things thinking "wtf was that person just saying?"
<jvfoxy> I've mentioned some stuff, plain english, very understandable. Yet end up with a blank stare.
<darsie> 'wtf' violates rule 2.2.7 and possibly 2.2.3.
<Eddi|zuHause> sure.
<Eddi|zuHause> 2.2.3 is kind of an extreme stretch...
<jvfoxy> I kind of figured this place was family friendly to begin with
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<jvfoxy> Rolf heh.. floaty mice in space. I wanted to get a few mice myself but hadn't really considered how they'd fair in micro-g before
<Rolf> rats is pretty good pets
<Rolf> we had em for few years
<Rolf> problem is their inoconent problem lol
<Rolf> cant hold worth it
<jvfoxy> got a pair of females myself, adopted from cousin. Originally was for kids, but gave up on them. Felt bad if they didn't get proper attention
<jvfoxy> mice 'race tracking' makes me think of videos from Skylab
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<jvfoxy> hmm... anyone with interests in Plut-Charon system? Watching one of these Issac videos on youtube. Orbit center around the two bodies is outside Pluto, got me wondering: how much would that affect surface grabity
<jvfoxy> *gravity
<jvfoxy> ..... I suppose gravity can grab and hold ya down too in a way
<Gasher[work]> i think it's called barycenter
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<jvfoxy> ya.. sorry, word slipped me
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<Eddi|zuHause> "how much would that affect surface grabity" <-- just like normal tidal forces, i presume... nothing crazy
<jvfoxy> Eddi|zuHause ... ya only two bodies are pretty much locked to each other.
<Althego> ah the space mice. these were the ones that delayed the spacex launch because their food was found to be moldy
<Eddi|zuHause> jvfoxy: are they actually tidally locked?
<jvfoxy> Altehgo Oh.. that recent.. ok didn't know that
<Althego> collected the max science building biomes, it is so much
<jvfoxy> Eddi|zuHause far as I know.. they are just locked in position with each other...
<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: i had some trouble finding all the spots in the science center
<Althego> maybe i didnt find all
<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: well, i had [X] Science! listing them all, but that doesn't tell you where they are
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there are somewhat obvious by the names
<jvfoxy> Althego guessing you fully upgraded everything in the center?
<Eddi|zuHause> i had to go around it like 3 times
<Althego> basically each block of building, plus 2 things which dont seem to be anything at all, tanks and a small lab
<jvfoxy> think some of them you have to make contact with the building before it would register
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, you have to get in weird spots sometimes
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<Althego> i touched the buildings
<Althego> originally i thought you need to land on them
<Althego> but that is hard
<jvfoxy> I usually drive up, jam a wheel against the side.
<jvfoxy> mind you, I've not done fully upgraded stuff yet
<Althego> i use the jet powered tricycle science car
<Althego> you can get that faster than powered wheels
<Althego> and it works later on too
<Althego> so i never changed it
<jvfoxy> jet science car... lol ya...
<Eddi|zuHause> i was testing my rover design
<Eddi|zuHause> i think i had a screenshot somewhere
<Althego> it can move without the jets too, by wiggling left and right
<jvfoxy> gyro
<jvfoxy> find my jet cars, in order to backup, have to wiggle with gyro
* UmbralRaptop pours tzatziki sauce on gyros
<jvfoxy> at last it wasn't... jam
<Althego> heh i took a contract to put 18 kerbals into orbit around the moon. with the touorists i have 17
<Althego> bob is still around minmus
<Althego> and one is waiting rescue from the surface of the mun
<Althego> so i have to wait for that to come back. unfortunately in the southern polar region
<Althego> but the mun is almost rotated under the orbit, after days of waiting
<Althego> and i have the nuke now
<jvfoxy> wait.. 18 kerbals in general from roster or tourists?
<Eddi|zuHause> could always hire more?
<Althego> station contracts
<Althego> need 18 kerbals
<Althego> yes but the hire is expensive, i collect them
<Althego> the game doesnt care if they are tourist or not
<Eddi|zuHause> it's slightly annoying that the hiring cost also goes up when you do rescue missions
<Althego> i need to take 4 to the mun anyway
<Althego> i never hired any kerbal
<Althego> in fact after a while there are too many
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i've ever had 18 kerbals
<Eddi|zuHause> so, if you miss one kerbal, and you've a rescue mssion open, you could just combine both?
* packbart hires Kerbals via F12 if needed *cheat* ;)
<Althego> the rescue mission takes miore than a day probably
<Althego> hohman back to kerbin
<Althego> and 37 minutes until the node to land
<Althego> even that is going to need a bit of a plane change
<Althego> and i want to collect two biomes at least, one whatever carater and one plar region
<Althego> i just need to do a tiny hop
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<Althego> but then i still need to do something about the polar orbit, not sure how i come back
<Althego> so in the 37 minutes i wanted to launch a longer mission, that would have been the munar station with the tourist lander
<Althego> has to wait a little bit
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<Althego> but i have enough money to launch a duna explorer on day 9, the fastest i could do before was day 10
<Althego> that is just too funny, requires like 8000 dv and injects perpendicular to the orbit direction, it is so out of window
<jvfoxy> my guess for cost going up each new kerbal... housing or something. harder to keep more kerbals around. though, I never checked, does price drop when you fire/loose kerbals?
<Althego> probably, i doubt it was programemd with a state. but i never tried it either
<sandbox> Nasa is to allow tourists to visit the International Space Station from 2020.
<Althego> there were some there already
<Althego> just with the soyuz being the only manned craft doing the visits, there were not enough seats
<Eddi|zuHause> that carries like what, 3 people?
<Althego> yes
<Eddi|zuHause> how many companies are offering crew launch modules now?
<Althego> only the russians are operational. but there is boeing and spacex
<Althego> but spacex is currently delayed
<Althego> and boeing first flight is some time this year
<jvfoxy> visitors to the station.... wasn't it like the first one who went up, payed so many millions. then each new one that went up, price jumped stupidly high each time?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> were they like 2? 1 went 2x
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<jvfoxy> checking...
<Althego> wiki syas... counting
<Althego> 6
<Althego> but the price is not mnetioned
<jvfoxy> 6 american.. 1 canadian.. ok now I'm wondering who the Canadian was
<Althego> then i didnt count correctly
<flayer> i am the lord of the very last dance
<Althego> and i am the lord of the laufring
<jvfoxy> oh.. A poker player went up to play tourist on the ISS from Canada... huh
<jvfoxy> talk about gambling with life
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> he gambled his way up to space
<Althego> kiind of cool
<jvfoxy> passing through google search, one thing says its 55mil to visit station.. ouch
<Althego> should have won a falcon 9 in a game of sabacc, that woud have been better :)
<packbart> Schrödinger's Ground Science. The cluster I set up next to the runway keeps flopping about when unobserved
<Althego> lol
<packbart> when Bill walks out the SPH to check it, it is in its usual place and working
<Althego> a heisenbug
<Althego> i wonder, can i fulfill the station contract with command chairs?
<Althego> if i can, then the whole ship can be qute small
<jvfoxy> no thrills huh?
<jvfoxy> watch you don't get smacked by 8km/s space bug
<packbart> .oO( - not my idea, though ;)
<jvfoxy> huh...
<jvfoxy> docking port curious touch. I can dock without RCS but craft gotta be pretty nimble.
<packbart> I managed to dock a craft and EVA everyone back into the pod. but yeah, every nudge changes the park bench's orbit
<jvfoxy> lol.. cute name
<jvfoxy> not have thought of park though... bench sure
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<jvfoxy> went to look at what I've named recently so craft files now have meta files too huh?
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<jvfoxy> Xmapa... Ukraine for cloud, mun station.
<jvfoxy> was going to copy and past but seems got the ukranian font still stuck on there.
<Eddi|zuHause> can't find the screenshot of my rover anywhere
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<jUMPSu1t> I made my rocket too pwerful and I'm set up for Kerbin escape...all I wanted to do was go to orbit!ow do I lose enough velocity?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> burning retrograde
<Althego> otherwise just revert
<jUMPSu1t> I burnt retrograde...still like that
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<Althego> instructions unclear, exploded on the sun
<jUMPSu1t> How do you use the EVA MMU? I think I can get Dufrey alone to orbit, but the problem of a rescue craft remains...I think I'll just revert.
<Althego> for activating the eva pack, press r
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<Althego> then wasd and shift-ctrl keys are usable
<Althego> bit differently than for the rockets, shift-ctrl is the up down
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<jUMPSu1t> Ok...launched another rocket, my stuff overheated and the fuel tank exploded
<jUMPSu1t> Any advice for not having that happen again?
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<Althego> by any chance, was an engine pointing at the tank?
<jUMPSu1t> What? No
<Althego> unless you accidentally activated the second stage on top of it
<jUMPSu1t> I had jettisoned the firat atage by then...
<jUMPSu1t> First stage
<Althego> then you were going almost horizontal in relatively low altitude with high speed, flames around the rocket
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<jUMPSu1t> yes, but I was almost out of the atmosphere
<Althego> at that point there shouldnt be much heating, above 45 km or so
<jUMPSu1t> my rocket has enough power for Kerbin escape, but I wanted to channel that into orbital energy
<jUMPSu1t> So I pointed sidewayz
<Althego> more orbital energy means higher apoapsis, ultimately escape. each orbit has its own energy, you cant put more into them
<Althego> but yes, you have to point sideways
<Althego> the sooner the better for lower gravity losses
<Eddi|zuHause> try throttling down the engine at the right moment?
<jUMPSu1t> earlier model of this rocket had less that the direction I need to go?
<Althego> except for the pesky atmosphere
<jUMPSu1t> And how do you preciesly throttle? I only know Z & X
<Eddi|zuHause> to go to orbit, look at the map to see when your AP goes over 70km, then turn off the engine
<Althego> shift and control
<Althego> that is why i said the eva control are somewhat different
<Eddi|zuHause> then turn it back on when you are at AP, to raise PE also above 70km
<jUMPSu1t> Hold on...I'm gonna go make a car...random piece of debries and i'd like to go over there and see it
<Althego> keep in mind solid rockets cant be throttled, just ion the editor
<Althego> no burn marks or anything, except on heat shields
<Althego> so not really interesting
<Althego> just recover it
<jUMPSu1t> Also, what's the difference between apoapsis, apocynthion, and aphelion?
<Eddi|zuHause> -helio means relative to the sun
<Althego> i dont know about the second one
<Althego> apoapsis is the generic term
<Eddi|zuHause> apoapsis is generic
<Althego> but for different bodies there are different endings
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<darsie> jUMPSu1t: Deviating from prograde may expose parts to air heating.
<Althego> so there are for eath, moon, sun, etc but in my opinion it just makes it more complicated
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<Althego> instead of us shooting in the dark, you can just make a screenshot with f1 and send us the link, so we can really come up with a solution
<darsie> I try to fly as much as possible prograde in the atmosphere, except at launch, when I turn east at the right moment. Then, when bearing aligns with heading I activate prograde hold.
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<Althego> there is no right altitude anymore, except for eve
<Eddi|zuHause> how about left altitude?
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<UmbralRaptop> port/starboard, obviously
<Althego> serial port :(
<Althego> )
<darsie> I can't remember what's (anti)normal on retrograde orbits.
<darsie> Or AN/DN.
<Eddi|zuHause> use the right hand rule?
<darsie> ok?
<darsie> What is AN/DN with retrograde orbits?
<Eddi|zuHause> dunno, we didn't have those when i was in school
<Eddi|zuHause> "58 million dollar for the flight, plus 35 thousand dollar per day on the ISS", that sounds like a good deal?
<Eddi|zuHause> it also says the russians are decreasing their crew size fro m3 to 2, also making some space for occasional tourists
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<jUMPSu1t> How do you zoom in on what you're building in the VAB?
<Eddi|zuHause> +/-?
<Eddi|zuHause> possibly also rshift/alt+mouswheel
<jUMPSu1t> I'm on a MAcBOOK
<Eddi|zuHause> my condolences
<UmbralRaptop> They accept USB mice
* UmbralRaptop is stuck with a macbook for work porpoises
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you havent watched any louis rossmann videos, you wouldnt buy macbooks then :)
<UmbralRaptop> Behold the high resolution of 1440x900!
<jUMPSu1t> And I'm trying to build a car
<jUMPSu1t> And I can't zoom in on it
<jUMPSu1t> who's he star person
<Eddi|zuHause> nobody said mouswheel must be a physical object...
<jUMPSu1t> then where's the mousewheel on a laptop
<Eddi|zuHause> typically you can configure a touchpad to do that
<Althego> in fact they do that out of the box
<Althego> even on macbook
<Althego> you can use them as scrollwheel
<Althego> they are just reversed :)
<packbart> I seem to remember to burn antinormal at AN in relative prograde orbit. normal when retrograde
<UmbralRaptop> yeah, two finger touch. Not sure how well it works in KSP
<packbart> but honestly, I just fiddle with the node and look at the predicted change
<Althego> i used to have touchpad like that
<Althego> not a problem
<Eddi|zuHause> the thing i hate most about touchpads is that they always register mouseclicks at random positions...
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<jUMPSu1t> How do you autonomously move towardss targets?
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<packbart> what would be "autonomously" for you?
<packbart> later cores and pilots can hold towards a craft or pro/retrograde relative to it
<packbart> the MechJeb mod can do fully autonomous rendezvous and docking
<packbart> I don't really know how to land at a given spot, even without an atmosphere. I must have skipped class when Gene taught that topic.
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<Althego> ok 5 days realistically to kerbin soi with bob, i rather bring him home now from minmus
<Althego> on a rather speedy road in 2.5 days
<Althego> i forgot about the 2 guys recovering the lost kerbal from the polar highland crater, so i do have 18 kerbals then
<Althego> with 572 m/s remaining and an 1.8 m heat shield, the recovery is quite certain
<Althego> for bob
<Althego> but the remaining 1600 for the polar lander is somewhat problematic
<Althego> i have to come up with a trajectory that doesnt need much adjustment
<Althego> if i do it correctly the polar orbit is oriented in a way the injecting before the poles would just get me back to kerbin. or not
<Althego> it is working
<Althego> i have too much delta v remaining like this
<Althego> could have done another hop
<Althego> i think i never landed on the highlands
<flayer> ugh
<flayer> i launched my ship to the solar orbit station on the wrong trajectory
<flayer> it will arrive mostly depleted of snacks
<flayer> well, either that or without enough fuel to slow down for docking
<Althego> ksp is 50% off on gog. still more expensive than the price i bought it for
<UmbralRaptop> I mean, KSP would have to be 82.5% off for me
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