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<Eddi|zuHause> you mean, turn the galaxy into paperclips?
<UmbralRaptop> Only the galax
<UmbralRaptop> *galaxy?
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<Tank2333> i would be u for that, everytime i need one i cant find a single one
<lordcirth> Being turned into paperclips yourself would indeed permanently solve that problem
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<Althego> i think i build my smallest eve ascent
<Althego> but i think i could make it smaller with a propeller
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<Althego> but in this form it is useless, cant get to the top
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<Althego> somebody jsut made it
<kmath> YouTube - EVE QUADCOPTER ROCKET - The Ultimate Ascent Vehicle
<Althego> on the other hand it is around the same size as mine, but i dont have the props
<Althego> ok, mine doesnt have a cabin
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<Eddi|zuHause> i don't know how you compare sizes to determine that "sameness"
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<kmath> YouTube - tracks test 2
<Althego> eh that noise
<Mat2ch> it's scary and should sound scary!
<darsie> did the front left wheel break?
<Althego> it looks like the tracks came off
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<Althego> and the size is apparent because of the tank diameter, based on the on top capsule and the same slanted cones i used
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<JVFoxy> messing with the crater crawler stock vehicle.. ok figured out how to jump off ladders to each level. But the lower ladders, don't think kerbals know hwo to pull them selves up off the top to the deck. Just fall back down
<Althego> they can climb since some 1.x
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<JVFoxy> Althego: ya they can climb, but when they are just standing. Not while on a ladder already..
<JVFoxy> unless if I missed something
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<Guest05026> hello?
<Guest05026> got a technical question i was wondering if someone could help
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<UmbralRaptor> …
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