UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<Guest06937> How do I get a refund for this game? Just bought it tonight. Not played it at all. Feel like I have to have an IT degree to understand let alone fix what ever is wrong. Not worth it to me. How do I get a refund for this game?
<Guest06937> To be clear, I cannot get the game working on my computer. I would just like to get my money back. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
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<TheKosmonaut> Guest06937: did you buy it on steam?
<Guest06937> No, directly on KSP
<TheKosmonaut> Guest06937: kk hang on a sec lemme get the email address to contact for ya
<Guest06937> Thank you!
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<TheKosmonaut> Try contacting
<TheKosmonaut> ...
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<TheKosmonaut> Guest25965: hello
<TheKosmonaut> We're you the one looking for the email a min ago
<Guest25965> Hi, yes please.
<TheKosmonaut> There you go
<Guest25965> I got disconnected. Thank you.
<Guest25965> Do they refund? I never played the game.
<TheKosmonaut> Guest25965: that's between them and you. I am not too sure what the refund policy is
<Guest25965> Okay....
<TheKosmonaut> I do know that refunds for third party sites like GOG and steam etc aren't covered by squad
<TheKosmonaut> But as for KSP itself from the site, not sure.
<Guest25965> Well I guess I'll find out. Disappointing, I really wanted to play. I just can't trouble shoot all the IT mumbo jumbo to fix what ever is wrong. Feel like I need an IT degree to understand.
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<kmath> <AstroHardin> Turn your device to the landscape position and watch this! This is spectacular! #ISS 🚀🛰
<Althego> as in ksp, docking always happens on the night side so you cant see anything
<Althego> what vehicle is this from?
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<Tank2333> Guest25965 should have turned it off and on again, that always works
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<JVFoxy> bleh.. was going to do a mun landing but now sunny side facing away from kerbin...
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<UmbralRaptor> Far side landing it is
<packbart> The far side is the fun side!
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<darsie> Make a relay
<JVFoxy> suppose I could toss a twin set or triple set of relays up in a launch
<JVFoxy> now I just need some music while designing something
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<darsie> VAB has great music :).
<UmbralRaptor> Bad Apple?
<JVFoxy> nah.. I usually poke soundcloud website
<JVFoxy> also...
<JVFoxy> I think I wigged out the DeltaV thingy in VAB... 5 tanks+terrier, think I only got 30seconds burn, 127dv in vacuum.. eh..
<UmbralRaptor> uh
<UmbralRaptor> Although I have a launcher it thinks can't get to orbit. I think sufficiently odd tank layouts confuse it.
<JVFoxy> I'm burning to circularize.. thinks I'm stuck at 24dv now
<JVFoxy> I've two tanks inline, 3 oscars surface mounted on them. docking ports, and the probes with their own engines and tanks... ya mighta made it a bit confused
<JVFoxy> ah ya.. I took the oscars with the attached probes and then it figured things out..
<darsie> JVFoxy: Crewed or probe?
<JVFoxy> mk3 command, but service section has 3 probes on docking ports.. I'm just being a little cheap, I could have done things a bit better if I unlocked more parts
<JVFoxy> huh.. I stick them back on, it gets confused again..
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<JVFoxy> ya.. its as soon as I connect oscar tanks to the ant engines, if ant engines are connected on docking ports
<JVFoxy> says I've got 2600dv, which drops down to 127dv when I do that.
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<darsie> Guess it thinks the ants have to power the whole ship, then.
<UmbralRaptor> Guess Excel based craft design remains useful
<JVFoxy> don't know... guess it doesn't like when use docking ports as decouplers?
<JVFoxy> swapped in with regular decouplers, though I don't have the the tiny ones.. trying something else. sticking them on the radial tanks but with probes off set so I can still fit in fairing
<JVFoxy> well at least DV isn't as confused... now to see if can drop probes off without decouplers blowing everything up
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<JVFoxy> technically I could have just used a service bay for two relays like I've done in teh past.. but I wanted a challenge :)
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<JVFoxy> anyways.. ya works, but now gotta run
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