TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | No, we don't have details on KSP2
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<Samario> q: is there a specific channel that i should be asking in for help w/ mods
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<UmbralRaptop> If the mod in question has its own channel, maybe (eg: #principia)
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<SDS200> hmm is there a way to use 4x symmetry on top of a 8x symmetry part?
<SDS200> e.g. for placing RCS thrusters..
<Althego> there is one
<Althego> first take a part
<Althego> then put it on top
<Althego> use symmetry on it and put the stuff you want on it
<Althego> then take this part with all the parts on it, activate desired symmetry and put it somewhere
<Althego> after tyhis you cant move the sub parts because they lose their symmetry
<UmbralRaptop> There's also that switching off symmetry option I think?
<Althego> yes but you have to do that individually
<Althego> it is there since the last update
<SDS200> hmm not sure if I get what you mean
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<darsie> My friend landed on Duna at 16-17 m/s on a chute without landing burn. No damage. Spark made first contact.
<darsie> Slope, but not very steep.
<darsie> The rocket did slide a bit, so the chute cut 30-60 s later.
<darsie> that steep
<UmbralRaptop> eep
<darsie> Does EVA fuel have mass?
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<SDS200> darsie, apparently it doesn't
<SDS200> but the post I found is fairly old so that might've been changed
<darsie> I'm getting fairly constant 128 m/s/EVA fuel, no matter how much fuel is left. So no mass. That would give them 640 m/s total.
<darsie> KER says 94 kg all the time.
<SDS200> yeah that's the mass of a Kerbal I think
<SDS200> that sounds about right
<darsie> using their personal RCS jetpacks, which have a Δv of 600 m/s RCS
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<SDS200> darsie, very useful if you have to get out and push
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<darsie> 640 m/s. The wiki is wrong, if you ask me.
<darsie> Just burned 4.99 EVA fuel and extrapolated to 5. 640.08 m/s.
<darsie> 10 Gm circular solar orbit, facing radial out, burning left/prograde.
<darsie> 10827.4 m/s --> 11466.2 m/s
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<darsie> keeps dropping my session.
<darsie> Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data.
<darsie> I give up.
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<lordcirth> Hasn't the wiki been broken for over 5 years now?
<UmbralRaptop> hit or miss. time to complain to someone with proper admin access?
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