UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> UmbralRaptor actually, I don't know to be honest... just remember vaguley the scene
<JVFoxy> exploding planet thing, was intro scene for Dr Muto (Xbox)
<UmbralRaptor> Never played that, was it good?
<JVFoxy> its alright.. weird sense of humor. I never finished it, but still have it.
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<Black_Eagle> is the ksp forum completely dead?
<Mat2ch> dead in what way?
<Althego> seems to be running
<Black_Eagle> no, not that way
<Black_Eagle> just very quiet
<Black_Eagle> quieter than a year or two back
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<Mat2ch> Black_Eagle: well, just like this channel.
<Mat2ch> Black_Eagle: we need a KSP 2. Bigger, faster, better graphics...
<Mat2ch> (ships with more than 10k parts, maybe no predefined parts. Building stations where you can go inside, etc)
<Althego> even if they started on it now, and wouldnt continue on obvious cashgrab dlcs, it would take years
<UmbralRaptop> N-body and instrumentation done from a clean slate?
<UmbralRaptop> Also, stock equivalent to kRPC? >_>
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<darsie> Are there eastereggs in RSS?
<Eddi|zuHause> isn't the whole point of eastereggs that you need to go looking for them?
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<UmbralRaptop> Well, there are the cats
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<Guest99746> oxygen
<Guest99746> mmm
<Guest99746> yes
<Althego> one of the common poisons
<darsie> 1.6+ bar
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<Althego> temporary change in entropy :)
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<UmbralRaptop> Not using isentropic processes?
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* UmbralRaptop performs equilibrium transformations on Disorganized
<Disorganized> I really need to set up a bouncer so I'll stop spamming joins/parts when my laptop wakes/sleeps XD
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<UmbralRaptop> hrm
<darsie> my game is upset. Long ago I had a contract to fly Tourist Tamemone Kerman to solar orbit, not requiring to bring her back. Another Tamemone showed up in the passenger list, so I brought her to her sister in orbit. Later the contract changed its mind and wanted me to bring her back. So I "launched" another Tamemone and without flying, I recovered her from the launch pad. Now the game refuses to
<darsie> save or let me exit from the Austronaut center or Missoin control.
<darsie> Recovering Tamemone from the launch pad completed the contract.
<darsie> I can load the last saved game.
<darsie> The recovered Tamemone gained 2 stars.
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<JVFoxy> anyone else still mess in any of the previous versions KSP?
<darsie> I'm thinking of reinstalling RSS/RO/RP1 or find out why there are no asteroids in my install.
<darsie> I think it uses 1.4.
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<JVFoxy> dropped back into version I had with firespitter and kerbinside. MK3 pod but.. no tanks or structural parts? hmm..
<JVFoxy> 0.90 with firespitter.. maybe I'm just not seeing the tanks...
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. lol n/m. this was still versions with 'pages' instead of just scrolling right now. >_<
<JVFoxy> also other trouble is, game flipped to my secondary screen (windows reg throws older version on other screens. I know how to fix, its just a pain to find) so, not as much things show up on the side bar
<darsie> Ok, I could complete the contract and save by "launching" a third Tamemone to the launch pad, killing the two in orbit and recovering the one on the launch pad.
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