UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> ok so... somewhat decent cargo plane, thanks in part to airplane plus parts. not entirely happy with the landing gear though. Kind of looks better than an earlier version I did in stock.
<JVFoxy> meanwhile..see CKAN got an update...
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<JVFoxy> so. first pic old, last two mod version.. though changed it up quite a bit, had to rename it from Mule to Nebula..
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<JVFoxy> Yo Althego?
<Althego> lo
<Althego> ha, managed to avoid the bot reply
<JVFoxy> get your thoughts on something?
<Althego> wetware initializing
<JVFoxy> not good time then?
<JVFoxy> ya mine's sorta... struggling a bit too most of the day
<Althego> just woke up
<JVFoxy> I hate the, just woke up, can't get fully awake /all/ day, but can't really sleep, feel too much crap
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<Althego> that doesnt happen. but usually morning is a lot better than the evening
<JVFoxy> that time was con crud... slammed me a few weeks later so badly with a headache, had to keep myself from smashing face with hammer
<JVFoxy> but anyways
<Althego> add more boosters
<JVFoxy> eh.. this was over 15 years ago. eventually did fall asleep despite pain, woke up like nothing ever happened.. go fig
<JVFoxy> Althego: any case.. if you feel up to it, your thoughts maybe? Trying out airplane plus, wasn't too happy with landing gear options... a few other things, but seems to look at least a bit better than my original design.
<Althego> lol those tiny gears on a fat plane
<Althego> nice flaps
<Althego> in the lasst pic
<JVFoxy> I was kind of... limited on wheel options. The hercules nose wheel ends up poking up through the cargo bay floor
<JVFoxy> I really love the intergrated fuel tank and wing root box, the structure on the roof between the wings. Two of them.
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<JVFoxy> lol.. slow cruise to north pole, but hey.. at least its ecnomical..
<darsie> Jet plane? Rover? Walking?
<darsie> Kerbin?
<Althego> once i broke the jet intakes on the laythe sub when i was trying to come on shore with it. so i had to walk all kerbals uphill to the return vehicle
<JVFoxy> darsie turboprop cargo plane
<darsie> Althego: Did you jam the W key?
<Althego> i dont remember how i did it
<Althego> just that it took more than an hour
<Althego> even weith physics warp
<JVFoxy> lol.. friend of mine wanted to get a special shiny pokemon. Built a rig to hold his controller, and a lego motor to just press the button till he turned it off
<darsie> You can do homework meanwhile :).
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<Webchat322> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat322
<Althego> i think i was browsing on the phone with the other hand
<Webchat322> hallo
<Webchat322> deutsch
<JVFoxy> well.. 1h 20minutes.. finally crossing the last bit of water till the ice shelf
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<Althego> they never last long
<darsie> deutsch
<JVFoxy> parle englis?
<darsie> gone
<JVFoxy> ya I kinda noticed
<JVFoxy> does raise a good question, anyone know Deutsch here?
<Althego> ein bißen
<darsie> I do.
<darsie> I'm from Austria.
<JVFoxy> oh and its a slow flight btw.. props thanks to airplane plus:
<JVFoxy> making my descent now
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause seems to be from Germany.
<darsie> Rolf is a German name.
<JVFoxy> beent hrough Germany myself.. but was back in '86..
<Althego> i spent quite a lot of time in germany, but unfortunately in remote military bases
<Rolf> darsie: and sweden
<darsie> I heard German and Swedish sound similar.
<Rolf> same root language
<Althego> which all have airstrips, but no way for me to fly there. many hours spent on trains instead
<darsie> To fly less with fossil fuels I set hurdles. Currently my friend has to do a Duna sample return before I fly with her :).
<darsie> So far she landed the capsule.
<JVFoxy> we mostly visited family in denmark up. Some say dutch and danish sound similar..
<JVFoxy> ok so.. plane looks nice, sounds nice, handles nice, 1.5 hour to get to the landing site.. ugh.
<darsie> autopilot?
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<Eddi|zuHause> around the internet places i've been, german was usually the most common non-english language spoken
<Rolf> you are in germany correct?
<Eddi|zuHause> it is the most spoken first language in the EU by a pretty large margin, and the second most spoken foreign language
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm in east germany
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<JVFoxy> if you account for SAS being autopilot
<darsie> JVFoxy: no. That's insufficient to fly long distances.
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<GlassYuri> I just tried sealing some exposed wires on an old mobile battery with wood glue. almost glued them together :O
<Rolf> wood have been problemic
<darsie> plastic have been problematic
<Eddi|zuHause> the minimum i would require from a plane autopilot would be "keep the same altitude", SAS doesn't do that
<Rolf> sas dont follow curve of world
<Rolf> so as you fly your plane stays on same plane as before, but world is curved down which means your plane is now nose up a little
<Rolf> there is no altitude autopilot.
<Althego> and that becomes annoying quite quickly if you are doing a long distance flight in the coffin vorner
<Althego> corner
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<Eddi|zuHause> exactly
<Rolf> well eddi what I do usually is go slightly nose down
<Rolf> so as it run it will "dip" then rise again
<Rolf> its longest possible before you have to adjust down again
<Althego> yes that is an obvious workaround
<Rolf> we really need altudude autopilot
<darsie> and heading
<Rolf> thats true
<Althego> maybe one day they add it to the pilot capabilities
<Rolf> real space and plane programs have hundreds of people
<Althego> but it is optimized for space
<Rolf> we have... us. lol
<JVFoxy> belatedly, why would it be insufficient?
<JVFoxy> oh sorry.. check'n back log
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<JVFoxy> meh.. so I just push nose down now and then. I'm more bothered by fact even if built perfectly mirrored, still rolls and/or yaws
<Eddi|zuHause> JVFoxy: thing is, when i fly a plane on 4x physics warp, any "just push the nose down" button press will explode everything
<Eddi|zuHause> so i have to go out of warp, push the button, try to keep it from crashing into the ground, and go into warp again
<Eddi|zuHause> and that adds up pretty quickly...
<JVFoxy> I was flying from KSC to ice shelf, 1.5 hours, no warp
<JVFoxy> I also notice, when you physical warp, conections strain, squish, bend quite a bit more. I remember the old days, forget about mainsail overheating, it threw out so much power, it ran through your rockets if you so much as breathed on it
<JVFoxy> when I showed pic of my chub-corde... concord with a lot of thin wing panels, someone said I should have used fat-455 wing. Perhaps but I noticed some versions of the game, they had a tendancy to rip off even under autostruts if you weren't careful
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<Eddi|zuHause> ... not sure what that has to do with anything
<kmath> YouTube - Raw Video Plane Loses Wings Crashes
<Eddi|zuHause> how is that "raw video" when that is clearly an edited piece with voiceover?
<packbart> oh my, there seems to have been a full conspiracy behind it.
<packbart> the wings are not supposed to fall off
<packbart> (not sure if that's even the same crash, though)
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<JVFoxy> Eddi|zuHause: I could see warp breaking things by putting some weird extra strain on connections. It used to be, even without warp some stuff would still break. Those giant one part wings, back in the past would snap off if your craft was stupid heavy and you attempted a light pitch up
<JVFoxy> I built a large craft, early attempts at giant spaceplanes, using Mk3 tanks and body parts. A few designs, slowly got off the ground. Though, when it got up to speed and I tried to pitch up, snapped like a dried up twig
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<Althego> at least new duna textures look better
<Althego> but duna becomes more brown than red. i hate brown. even though it is closer to actual mars color
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<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Watch HQ video on our Youtube Channel!
<UmbralRaptop> This makes sense in context
<kmath> <DrPhiltill> 12/ Scientists shouldn’t speculate when there’s a total absence of empirical data. But if someone wants to provide…
<Althego> lol tardigrades
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<JimmyRustles> hello kerbals
<JimmyRustles> i just bought the game and i'm slowly making my way through career mode
<Althego> as scolar visari would say: sons and daughters of kerbin
<JimmyRustles> just managed to achieve orbit and land safely afterwards
<Althego> yay
<Althego> off to the mun you go
<JimmyRustles> seems pretty close now
<JimmyRustles> i'm already getting mun flyby mission offers
<JimmyRustles> i think i need to unlock maneuver nodes first
<Althego> not really
<Althego> there is a trick
<Althego> in fact i make it so i always go to the mun before nodes
<Althego> the trick is
<iamfishhead1> I believe that JimmyRustles should commit himself, before this game session is out, to flying a Kerbal to the Mun and returning him/her safely to Kerbin.
<Althego> as you orbit kerbin
<Althego> wait for the moment when the mun starts rising from the behind the curve of kerbin
<Althego> and then you ignite
<JimmyRustles> and that always works?
<Althego> burn until you have an intersecting ellipse with the orbit of the mun
<Althego> always works
<iamfishhead1> Yup.
<iamfishhead1> Maneuver nodes certainly make things easier
<JimmyRustles> iamfishhead1: you mean landing on the mun?
<Althego> landing is a whole different story
<Althego> you cant really prepare for it on kerbin
<JimmyRustles> also do i also need to have some fuel to slow myself down when returning? i find that if i don't slow myself down with my engine my parachutes get destroyed
<Althego> depending on your settings, probably not, with careful aerobraking
<Althego> or a capsule with heatshield
<JimmyRustles> i've turned heating to 0% in my settings
<iamfishhead1> It helps to unlock heat shields for that, but you should be sure you have a shallow trajectory
<Althego> also, dont try to recover the science junior, it is too light and flips the capsule if you put it under it
<iamfishhead1> Areobreaking takes some practice
<Althego> and finally somebody who didnt quit in 10 seconds
<JimmyRustles> what's aerobraking?
<Althego> using the atmosphere to slow you down
<JimmyRustles> so you go for a shallow approach to get more atmosphere to slow you down?
<Althego> with standard settings it can be done without a heat shield, but you need multiple passes. i say better take a heat shield, but with only 1/3 ablator, less mass
<Althego> like 50 km preiapsis, that doesnt burn you
<JimmyRustles> do i still need a heat shield even if i've set atmospheric heating to 0?
<Althego> no
<JimmyRustles> ok that makes it easier
<Althego> that is like in the old days when there was no heat
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<JimmyRustles> thanks
<JimmyRustles> gonna try a mun flyby
<Althego> later with nodes
<JimmyRustles> what height do i need my orbit to be to do the mun over the horizon trick?
<Althego> you can have a free return trajectory, what the apollo program did. the mun swings you back for free
<Althego> i am usually 70-80 km
<iamfishhead1> That is easier with maneuver nodes, but yeah, it's nice as it returns you right back to Kerbin after a flyby
<Althego> doesnt really make a differnce
<iamfishhead1> Just as long as you don't enter the atmosphere while exiting Kerbin orbit, it should be fine
<Althego> you can, above 60 :)
<iamfishhead1> Althego is right about the minimum height, for sure.
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<bees> iirc heat shields tolerate up to 5000-5500 m/s without ablator in kerbin atmo
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<JimmyRustles> i keep getting that problem where my orbit doesn't line up with the mun's
<JimmyRustles> it's slightly higher or slightly lower
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<Althego> you launch almost on the equator. if you fly straight east you get an inclination less than 0.2 degrees
<Althego> so you probably were imprecise and have an inclinationú
<Althego> bigger than that
<Althego> also it doesnt need to line up completelythe gravitational indluence of the mun is quite big
<Althego> you can correct this with a radial burn if you want to
<JimmyRustles> how do i do a radial burn?
<Althego> what worreis me more is that the apoapsis is too far out, you can miss the mun like this
<JimmyRustles> are those the purple markers?
<halcyon_b> Yeah, depending on your approach, you might be able to fix your inclination around the moon during your capture burn, as long as you can get the rendezvous and put a maneuver node over the equator
<JimmyRustles> i don't have enough fuel
<JimmyRustles> i'll have to start again
<Althego> you can do it manually at this point, later the pilot can do it for you
<Althego> scott
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<darsie> Do you keep crew out at planets and moons ready to do contracts, or do they pile up in KSC?
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Death is the transfer orbit to awe!
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