UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | Starhopper test
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<Althego> good that i went to bed. there was nothing to see, the hopper did not hop, raptor ignition failed
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* King_Arthur wonders which of KJR Continued and KJR Next is the go-to for Kerbal Joint Reinforcement.
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<packbart> you don't really need either of them. KJR caused more damage by wobbling in my experience
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<Althego> a cargo dragon was just released, but where is soyuz ms-14?
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<Althego> seems it docked 13 hours ago
<Althego> with gorgeous shots, ship moving in front of earth, rcs activity visible
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<Mat2ch> Althego: you know... link or didn't happen!
<Mat2ch> I wonder what Fluburtur is up to
<Althego> building a tank
<kmath> YouTube - REPLAY: 2nd attempt to dock Soyuz MS-14 to the ISS with FEDOR robot! + Live Q&A with Raw Space
<Mat2ch> still? Should be done by now...
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<Althego> i dont know, the last picture i saw from a tank
<Althego> was
<Mat2ch> were all three on board the Sojuz?
<Althego> on ms-13, yesterday
<Althego> because of the redock
<Althego> nobody is on this one
<Althego> this was the nice sequence
<Althego> as it goes across earth, from the dark, to the illuminated clouds, then the rcs after it passed the edge
<Mat2ch> and I didn't realize that IDA 3 was launched on CRS-18
<Althego> yes that is the replacement of the one that was lost with the strut failure
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<Mat2ch> I knew that it would be sent up someday, but didn't know it was on CRS-18
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<Althego> first crime in space
<Althego> or rather probably first known crime
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<darsie> alleged or ruled crime?
<Althego> just the accusation
<Ezriilc> Greets, ya'all. I have a question about KSP Settings.
<Ezriilc> In General, there is a section for "Making History", and in that there is a toggle for "VAB Camera Controls in GAP (VAB/SPH Mode)".
<Ezriilc> What is GAP?
<darsie> dunno
<darsie> I don't have MH.
<Ezriilc> Google doesn't seem to either.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there is a mod by that name
<Ezriilc> But for a single IRC log where the same question never got answered as far as I can tell.
<Ezriilc> Yeah, I know of the mod, but I don't use it.
<Ezriilc> It would seem odd to me that the vanilla game (even a DLC) would reference a mod.
<Ezriilc> Anyway, back to building... If anyone finds out, could you please ping me? THANKS!
<Althego> hmm, there is a graphics option: celesttial bodies cast self shadows. maybe it adds some looks
<Althego> but that gap thing is utterely unexplained
<Ezriilc> Yeah, especially in the oddly specific context of the Making History expansion.
<Althego> Ezriilc: gap seems to be graphic action pane
<Ezriilc> Aha! But... what the heck is that? lol
<Ezriilc> Much thanks!
<Althego> i guess this is for the editor thing
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<arch> hi folks, im looking for Nassault's "Kerbal - A KSP Movie" video. does anyone have a mirror?
<arch> youtube took it down, curse google
<arch> to ring a bell
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<kmath> YouTube - 150 Meter Starhopper Test
<Mat2ch> 5 minutes
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<Mat2ch> T-3:00
<Mat2ch> T-2:30
<Mat2ch> T-2:00
<Mat2ch> Hold. As usual.
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<GlassYuri> hold while my browser is starting up
<GlassYuri> browser is go
<Mat2ch> :D
<Neal> has it lifted off yet
<Neal> prob not
<Mat2ch> T-1:30
<Neal> look at all the lox dripping
<GlassYuri> Neal, it seems to be off the ground except for the tips of the legs :D
<Mat2ch> T-1:00
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<Neal> w a t e r
<GlassYuri> d i h y d r o g e n m o n o x i d e
<GlassYuri> engine didn't even start until T+00:01 or 02
<Neal> nice
<Neal> panels get ripped off?
<Neal> looks a but worse for wear
<Mat2ch> are those red things bush fires?
<Neal> hrm can't rewatch it?
<Neal> I don't see red things @Mat2ch
<Mat2ch> Around the landing pad
<Mat2ch> maybe just artefacts
<Mat2ch> and the panels don't look ripped off. It looks like they weren't just there from the beginning
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<wikkid> hey all
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<wikkid> been so long since i used irc last... mustve been nearly 20years or so..
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<wikkid> got a lil issue in ksp i hope someone could help me out with... when using "long" vehicles the camera seems to always center on the bits i dont need to see, but the bits i do want to see end up out of field of view and im forced to bugger around with the camera until i can squeeze the whole craft in somehow
<wikkid> is there a way to change where pov is centered?
* wikkid paces back and forth
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<halcyon_b> wikkid: does zooming out not work? I think the camera focuses on the ship at the center of mass, if I remember correctly.
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