UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<Eddi|zuHause> they say russian is actually easy to learn, once you get used to the alphabet (and ignore some of the cases, i guess)
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<Althego> hehe, cinnamon coca cola for christmas is released on 30th of september
<umaxtu_mobile> Althego: obviously it's due to the impacts of climate change on polar bears
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<darsie> umaxtu_mobile: The new term replacing the euphemism climate change is climate crisis.
<umaxtu_mobile> Fair enough
<Althego> global extinction is the correct term
<darsie> Very unlikely that all species will go extinct "near" term. And the globe may even survive the red giant.
<Althego> not in this decade. and of course not all. but one of the great extinctions was caused by carbon dioxide, but from volcanos
<umaxtu_mobile> You suggesting we ban baking soda volcanos?
<Althego> that would be pointless
<Althego> we need to have fusion power asap, and use that energy to remove co2 from the atmosphere
<darsie> CO2 is probably better absorbed by plants.
<Althego> they cant
<darsie> They do all the time.
<Althego> if the weather is too hot and there is nto enough water they cant absorb it
<Althego> also what they absorb they also release after they die
<Althego> so land plants are around carbon neutral
<darsie> Build stuff like houses with wood, char plants.
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<Althego> at this point the only solution is to artificially remove i twhat we put there
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<darsie> Also fusion comes too late.
<Althego> it has been late for decades
<Althego> not too late, if it happens in a few decades
<darsie> Too late for 150 species per day.
<Althego> the problem is, even if all humans disappeared, the carbon dioxide in the air would still rise the global temperature until thermal equilimbrium is reached
<darsie> Might even trigger runaway methane clathrate release.
<Althego> which is scary
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<Kevin> nice article
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<Althego> hmm, electron in 35 minutes?
<Althego> why do the russians want to launch a soyuz without crew to the iss in 5.5 days?
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<Althego> no electron launch today, because of weather
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* darsie expanded his Mun surface station:
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<Guest25924> hi
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> quit faster than the bot could say hellop
<TheKosmonaut> Poor not
<TheKosmonaut> Bot
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<SDS200> I have a stupid question: which direction do you burn in to return to Kerbin from a polar mun orbit? I tried a variety of combinations of prograde, normal and radial burns but don't seem to get close enough to Kerbin)
<Althego> unfortunately for best result you have to wait until the mun moves into position so that your orbital plane aligns with the kerbin-mun line
<Althego> otherwise you might need to burn several hundred m/s for a plane change
<RarestIowa> What prevents you from attaching a tank to the decoupler point for an engine plate?
<SDS200> right now that's roughly the case
<Althego> then i would expect it around 45 degree from the horizontal plane
<SDS200> up or down?
<SDS200> or what are you referring to?
<Althego> that depends on your orbital direction
<SDS200> I mean what's "it"
<SDS200> The mun? My orbit? The maneuver?
<darsie> Plan a maneuver.
<Althego> was trying
<UmbralRaptop> You want to burn so that you exit the mun's SOI on its trailing side
<Althego> but on a polar orbit
<UmbralRaptop> yeah
<Althego> ah yes i was fumb, you want to replicate a normal to kerbin burn
<Althego> for that you dont want to move towards kerbin
<Althego> you want to cancel the mun's orbital speed
<Althego> so you need to go towards where the mun came from
<Althego> which is exactly 90 deg from kerbin, and still around 45 deg altitude from horizontal
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<Althego> the latter resulting an escape vector around parallel with the mun's orbital plane
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<SDS200> So I have to burn.. radially?
<Althego> in this case for simplicity i would first wait for the mun to move around, and then burn so that the escape is backwards
<Althego> or if there is enough fuel, just rotate the orbit around the pole so that it is perpendicular to the mun-kerbin line
<SDS200> Right now it looks like this
<Althego> yes, that is the problem, despite what i said at first, this is perpendicular to what you would need to have. so one way would be to burn slightly before the equator radially so that you point backwards compared to the mun's movement
<Althego> just dont escape kerbin
<SDS200> wait so I actually want it to be 90° around the equator?
<Althego> that essentially would turn you to equatorial
<Althego> just on an escape trajectory
<Althego> otherwise wait quarter of a month
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<SDS200> well I waited for it to be this way because I misunderstood what you meant
<Althego> no you didnt, i was simply wrong
<SDS200> hmm
<SDS200> If I burn radially before the equator from below the moon I get a return but it still takes more than 600m/s
<Althego> thought so
<Althego> maybe around 800
<JVFoxy> hmmm?
<Wastl2> "quarter of a month" is just about nine and a half hours, isn't it?
<Althego> there are other solutions, burn to get an elongated orbit, do the plane change there, and maybe the escape too
<Wastl2> That's not too long a delay for a better aligned orbit, I think
<Althego> i dont know exaclt, a kerbin month is a few days long
<Althego> i usually run missions in parallel, so any amount of waiting is spent on other missions
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<Neal> RE-I2 engines are supposed to be like the J2 rocket engine right?
<Althego> the wiki says so
<SDS200> The ~600-800 m/s is with waiting for the alignment you mentioned
<JVFoxy> eh.. we talk'n earth time or kerbal time when figuring out their months and years?
<Neal> only has 1/3 the thrust of the J2 so something's up
<Althego> because of the plane change
<Neal> my saturn 5 model is not working as planned
<Althego> so the other opportunity is the apoapsis plane change
<SDS200> I might barely make it
<Althego> around 30 you can push with the kerbal
<SDS200> I'll just try it and save..
<Althego> because of the infinite eva fuel
<Althego> the cabin always refills it
<JVFoxy> mm.. eva fuel from the ether.
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<Althego> maybe it is a byproduct of kerbal physiology :)
<SDS200> Was it originally meant for Kerbals to refill their EVA packs with the monoprop in the capsules?
<Althego> probably
<Althego> so i say the eva fuel is so little it doesnt even show on the fuel gauge of the capsule
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<JVFoxy> eva from kerbal farts? Hmmm
<JVFoxy> doesn't really specify liquid or compressed gas so...
<JVFoxy> Althego: ya, they had a few ideas for the game that were never included. One of them was to use EVA fuel from the pod's own supply.
<SDS200> Althego, similarly to how initial electric charge is free?
<Althego> it is not free, we can assume that the ksc fills it up
<JVFoxy> Another idea they had was to impliment limited parts on hand when it came to building things. I think when you picked something, you'd see a little 'instock' quote on the bottom.
<SDS200> The KSC also refuels and fuel isn't free
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<SDS200> would be fun if you could set up a mining base the KSC takes its fuel from which makes it free
<JVFoxy> electricity is pretty much free... I think people would really abuse it building just giant solar farms
<Althego> you can
<SDS200> Althego, you mean other than manually driving a tanker to the launchpad?
<Althego> there was some video with a huge contraption that costs some millions, but also mines some millions more and when you get it back you gain all that money
<JVFoxy> seem to recall a video where someone found a way to farm money using ISRUs at the KSC runway
<Althego> you launch it, let it mine, and then recover it
<Althego> no need to move
<SDS200> well I meant the fuel in the VAB
<Althego> both the runway and the launchpad are minable
<JVFoxy> You pay for fuel when you include it onto a build
<Althego> true
<JVFoxy> I find it funny, you can include ore at the KSC
<Althego> very useful
<Althego> basiacally the only way to make working submarines
<JVFoxy> I use it more for dummy weights
<JVFoxy> use it to balance a sub, I guess you could... adjust boyancy, eh well.. can you dump ore from a tank?
<Althego> the russian a321 crash
<Althego> they were really lucky
<Althego> or the pilot was good
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<Althego> but they had just a few seconds during takeoff before the crash
<SDS200> and here I thought I should add this easy lko kerbal rescue mission because I have extra deltaV..
<SDS200> I hope I'll actually have enough to deorbit this lol
<SDS200> too bad kerbals haven't invented the technology of portably fuel pipes
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<Althego> i think the claw lets fuel through
<JVFoxy> kudos to the pilot.. managed to land and everyone got off
<Althego> still lot easier than in the case of the hudson landing
<JVFoxy> not much time.. just fortunate the had field close enough
<Althego> yes, what i have seen, only few seconds to react
<JVFoxy> a plane simply doesn't just drop out of the air, soon as an engine dies.. nearly 100tons of momentum will still carry you, if for a bit.
<SDS200> Althego, true but I don't have one on board or on my station
<SDS200> It's one of my goals though
<JVFoxy> According to Wiki, says it lets fuel through, like a regular docking port. A part should say 'no fuel crossfeed' if it doesn't let fuel resources through.
<JVFoxy> electricy, air and RCS fuel ignores it though, since its more a 'place anywhere' system
<Althego> it is not that simple, there are some options, like it talks about something follows crossfeed rules, and also the required building upgrades
<JVFoxy> old system, when you attached a tank radialy, you had to also include fuel pipes
<SDS200> Is it possible to only take some experiments and not all of them?
<Althego> not when they are already in the cabin
<SDS200> What happens if you add more data to a science lab than 750?
<Althego> dont know, i never use the lab on principle, there is already too much science in the game
<SDS200> Too much science? Does such a thing exist?
<Althego> too much compared to the science t ree
<JVFoxy> if an experiment doesn't fit, it won't fill the spot, from what I gather on the info page
<JVFoxy> lab adds quite a lot more complexity to the game... also I not gotten to use it much myself yet.
<SDS200> I think it's fun to use since it gives my space stations a purpose beyond storing fuel or just sitting there to fulfill contracts or for vanity
<JVFoxy> I've used a few for doing crew transfers.. sometimes will have a ship that can't land, need a way to join ships up together in a place.
<SDS200> I do wonder whether the kerbal I have to save actually has enough EVA in his pack to rendezvous with my ship rather than the other way around
<JVFoxy> they'll have full pack, long as you stay in 2km.. just take it easy
<JVFoxy> rescue contract or strand kerbal yourself?
<SDS200> contract
* darsie built a minimalistic (as usual) orbital rocket for Kerbals: Requires using up most EVA fuel.
<Althego> lol riding up into space with a pointy rocket up his a...
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Then entering a deserted capsule to get the EVA fuel needed to deorbit.
<SDS200> Can the kerbal actually survive re-entry?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> If you do it right.
<SDS200> I guess he'll have a better view this way
<SDS200> Perfect for tourism contracts
<JVFoxy> K.O.S.S.E.
<darsie> My recipe is 70.5 km circular orbit, burn 3.1 EVA fuel, after heat turn horizontal and land at a low spot, like the sea.
<JVFoxy> er.. sorry: K.O.O.S.E
<darsie> burn retrograde, ofc.
<JVFoxy> lol.. survive re-entry, if you do it right. Survive the landing, depends, got chute?
<JVFoxy> or could try landingon head
<darsie> no chute needed.
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: This is no Kermans' sky!
<darsie> Terminal velocity for horizontal Kerbals is survivable at low altitudes.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> how do you come up with these intros?
<Althego> also no electron's sky, apparently
<SDS200> Is there a way to instantly focus back on your current ship instead of lots of tabbing?
<Althego> backspace
<Althego> but be avare
<Althego> that is also the key for the abort
<bees> darsie: You initiate a rocket-measuring contest. Your rocket is eaten by a horde of white mice.
<Scolar_Visari> Althego: Today? I was actually thinking about purchasing No Man's Sky, but only because it was on sale and has a new update.
<Althego> so it doesnt abort in map mode but focuses back
<Scolar_Visari> And I Kerbalized it.
<Althego> supposedly it is starting to be ok after all this time
<SDS200> oh yeah I only it was the abort key so didn't try it
<Althego> anyway electron launch probably tomorrow
<SDS200> hmm I guess you can't fly wrecks from the tracking station
<SDS200> I wonder if ~50m/s deltaV will be enough for the rendesvouz
<Althego> what is this chinarocket co. ltdf dsmart dragon 1 maiden flight
<Althego> rocket made of china :)
<darsie> This was quite finicky, figuring out how to get a Kerbal to orbit with a 0.625 m rocket.
<Scolar_Visari> Nanorocket!
<Eddi|zuHause> how does a kerbal fit into a 0.625m rocket?
<Althego> on top
<darsie> There is nothing to be in a 0.625 rocket.
<Althego> what is the drag caused by a kerbal?
<darsie> Less than a flat.
<darsie> More than a small nose cone.
<darsie> Kerbals aerobrake well.
<darsie> But their temperature limit is "only" 800 K.
<Althego> lol
<Althego> temperature resistance of computer characters. i wonder how much heat the tiny creature had to take on the balloonacy stage of the c64 game creatures 2
<Eddi|zuHause> is that like asking how much heat the space invaders take?
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<Althego> this one was one of the best games on c64, i love it to this day. the music is a part of it
<darsie> I liked Loderunner and Elite.
* Scolar_Visari is insure as to how much one can customize ship interiors in No huMan's Sky
<Althego> if on this stage you didnt hurry up, than the little guy at the bottom started to get darker, then started smoking, then finally caught fire
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UmbralRaptop is now known as NomalRaptor
<Scolar_Visari> Shouldn't that be UmbralDesktop?
<NomalRaptor> hah
<NomalRaptor> Nah, this is some silliness related to meme on another channel
<Althego> perpendicular raptor :)
<NomalRaptor> Nomal, not normal <_<
<Althego> ah cant read
<Althego> but it is past 22h
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<bees> NahmalRaptor
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<JVFoxy> Heh.. that tower with the other level on top, someone forgot to include how the people were suppose to get up there?
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<NomalRaptor> Incidentally, "Nomal" is a name that dwarf fortress will generate
<Scolar_Visari> JVFoxy: They could arguably fly?
<Althego> hehe, probably by jumping hard
<SDS200> I'm sure my tourists enjoy the dozens of orbits through which I'm slowly catching up to this stranded kerbal
<Althego> but loks cool
<JVFoxy> I"m sure the oceans of water is cool to look at too but .. ugh, getting it up there in the first place. Unles... they've been bringing it from else where in space
<Scolar_Visari> Althego: I was thinking more like pedal powered aircraft ala the person in the top here
<Althego> once you are not rotating, why would you fall down?
<Althego> or is the air dragged with the surface?
<Scolar_Visari> You would, albeit quite slowly, because of the air pushing you.
<Scolar_Visari> "Normal" gravity would only be felt when you're in direct contact with a rotating surface.
<Eddi|zuHause> Nominal?
<Scolar_Visari> Normal! Humans think 2G is normal, right? Or am I thinking of Saiyans? All of you bipeds look the same, really.
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> air would be moving around as it rotated.. you'd be moving with it. biggest problem would be, the direction you are going relative if you were moving at a good clip.
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<JVFoxy> if you were just going down the length, no problem. Going up spin, or downspin.. you effectively be changing the force that pulls on you outwards
<Scolar_Visari> This would make certain sports, like tennis, quite problematic!
<Althego> eötvös effect
<Althego> or something similar
<Scolar_Visari> Also, there's plenty of water in space courtesy of C Type asteroids. Where do you think the Earth got it? I mean, it's not like Pur'n'Kleen existed yet.
<Althego> also the coriolis force when moving up or down in the length of the cylinder
<Althego> water is an abundant molecule in space
<Althego> after h2 probably
<NomalRaptor> Sorry, we got distracted by Luna, Vesta, and Venus
* Scolar_Visari glares at Venusian isotopes.
<JVFoxy> well, long as you not moving too fast.. more speed, the bigger the effect
* Scolar_Visari also glares at the water content evolution of the Moon post Big-ish Impact.
<JVFoxy> I wouldn't wanna be living in what would effectly be a spin drier..
<Scolar_Visari> The larger you get, the lower the RPMs.
<JVFoxy> its understandable H2 is that abundant.. it is the simple building block of everything
<Scolar_Visari> See Sanchez, R. "Simulating centrifuges with a rock on a string." Physics Z. 2016.
<JVFoxy> they found some gravity is better than none at all. So, not like you have to maintain a full 1g everywhere
<JVFoxy> scene in the Expanse... bird floating around, flapping every so often
<Scolar_Visari> There's . . . still absolutely no consensus as to how much gravity is required for healthy human development.
<Althego> very little research on that
<Scolar_Visari> There's, like, a grand total of one experiment on the subject that didn't work out because the centrifuge broke.
<JVFoxy> build a gym on a ring station, but make the gravity 3g
<bees> we may have see some 0.17g research in our lifetime
<Althego> we dont even know what the long term results of martian gravity on an adult would be
<JVFoxy> did get to experience sleeping on the moon at least, a few nights at a time
<Scolar_Visari> That's a very, very, very tiny sample.
<JVFoxy> its a start..
<Althego> they didnt really sleep
<Althego> was uncomfortable and noisy
<JVFoxy> bright
<JVFoxy> granted, could you sleep when you knew you had so limited time on a different world?
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<JVFoxy> I have a hard enough time sleeping when travelling to some place new.. wanna be up to watch it all
<Scolar_Visari> Astronauts generally undersleep even when workloads are reduced.
<Althego> now add some fear of poking out the side of the craft while turning in your sleep :)
<JVFoxy> I was reading on something about htem sleeping. I think they had a bit of a problem with just keeping warm in there.
<Scolar_Visari> It depends on the particular craft. Mir was rather famous for running hot.
<JVFoxy> first landing, wasn't really any provisions for sleeping. one curled around engine cap, not sure what the other one did. Later, some kind of cot was included
* Scolar_Visari ponders having space colonies run at warmer, arid temperatures to reduce residents' clothing requirements.
<bees> isnt that only 24C?
<Scolar_Visari> That's about it, something Mediterranean.
<JVFoxy> I hate living in the heat
<JVFoxy> give me snow
<Scolar_Visari> Let it NO.
<JVFoxy> I hate when I have to go out, even for a walk, and soon as I go a block, my shirt is already wet
<Althego> 24 C is no heat
<Althego> i would still wear long sleeves in that
<JVFoxy> ya but what humitidy?
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<Althego> normal
<Althego> around 30-40 or something
<JVFoxy> then your lucky
<JVFoxy> sitting just under 80 here
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<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> in a private window.. was checking something on google, go to leave, another pops up, you sure you want to leave youtbe? wait wha...?
* Scolar_Visari ponders if JVFoxy is sitting under a very, very warm lamp.
<Althego> some 5900k warm lamp?
<JVFoxy> no.. LED light bar.. also 3 fans in window.
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* Scolar_Visari also ponders if JVFoxy is attempting to grow lots and lots of, ah, recreational plants.
<JVFoxy> had AC in window but cuz wiring in house is soooo stupid. No mater what outlet I had it in, kept trip'n breaker. (seems 3 breakers to this one room, one ofthem share outlets in front room. Room mate dind't know, turned on massive fan on same circut.. >.<)
<JVFoxy> Scolar_Visari: ugh.. honestly, I can't even stand the smell of it. Let alone cig smoke. Got someone outside smoke it now and then, gets sucked in through the fans. Soon as I get wiff, fans off, window shut. ugh..
<Scolar_Visari> This is why you should adopt the lifestyle of the Helghast and breath through a personal respirator.
<JVFoxy> I'd rather an armored flight suit...
<Althego> because evil troopers always look the same
<JVFoxy> speaking of evil troopers.. someone take a page from the world of creepy?
<Scolar_Visari> Yeah, but those Jin-Roh dudes are literally Nazis.
<Althego> how many eyes one need?
<JVFoxy> think new version night vision, wider view
<Scolar_Visari> Those have been around for a while.
<Althego> havent seen one like that
<JVFoxy> just happened across it while looking up anything for armored flight suit
<Scolar_Visari> Althego: The U.S. Navy Seals have used them since at least 2011.
<Althego> i dont follow the lives of navy seals
<Scolar_Visari> Also used by G22 grunts in the espionage adventure classic, Alpha Protocol, released 2010.
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<JVFoxy> hmm...
<JVFoxy> guess kerbals have it easy.. all uniformly sized, same last name. Where us humans...
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