Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch, some day:
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<raptop> f
<Tank2333_> o
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<packbart> Twitch streamers who refer to themselves as "we" are we-ird
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<umaxtu> packbart, everyone is weird
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<Althego> eh starlink 12 delayed again. my double launch sunday is gone
<Althego> at least i found flattie content again
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<flayer> packbart, watching a twitch stream is a weird activity
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<Mat2ch> watching tv would be the same then.
<flayer> don't get me started
<Mat2ch> I watched a lot of tv in my life. There isn't much to do in a city with no internet...
<Mat2ch> For children there are playgrounds. But for teenagers there's nothing.
<flayer> teenagers should learn useful skills
<flayer> carpentry, construction, etc
<flayer> not sit in front of a tv or computer like we did
<Mat2ch> flayer: yes, I agree. But who should do that? And where?
<Mat2ch> You see the problem? :)
<flayer> of course
<Mat2ch> In Finnland they had problems with teenagers who were lingering around outside (even in the cold...) and were loitering and stuff
<Mat2ch> so they built rooms for them, where they can do exactly that.
<Mat2ch> And since then, no more problems with teenagers.
<Mat2ch> That's how easy it can be...
<flayer> aside from the fact they grow up useless
<Mat2ch> nah, they have to fix climate change. :D
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<kmath> YouTube - Datazucc, Part 2 [deepfake]
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that's... blasphemy!
<Althego> there is a reverse one too (part 1)
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<Althego> sn8 starship rollout? autobots, transform and rollout
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<Mat2ch> but it'll take until Tuesday for the first test.
<Althego> 26 19-8 closure scheduled
<Althego> they are going to do something now. probably just pressure test
<Althego> oh wait no, it is 7-8, so probably just moving
<Althego> and yes they tuesday is the test
<Althego> but still probably just pressure test
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<Mat2ch> only 15 km hop
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> First flight is to 15km or ~50,000 ft
<Althego> eh
<Althego> but says first flight
<Althego> so there may be a second
<Althego> no man's sky 50% off on gog
<Althego> oh yes, it can still do it, not dead yet
<kmath> YouTube - Reefer truck breaks the spell at the 11foot8+8 bridge
<Althego> eh delta iv heavy slipped to monday
<darsie> How about delta v?
<Althego> that would be funny, unfortunately there are no plans for a delta v rocket
<Althego> apparently the chinese are seriously planning a manned moon mission now
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<Mat2ch> Althego: almost the full way! \o/
<Althego> 493 Undecipherable
<Mat2ch> Althego: the truck
<Althego> 200 OK
<umaxtu> if they had taken the time to let most of the air out of the tires, the truck might've made it
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<FLHerne> What sort of height at Duna would be safe for some light aerobraking in a non-heatshielded craft?
<FLHerne> (and grabbing some atmo science on the way past)
<Althego> heat basically is not an issue there
<Althego> but if you go too low you might fall down
<Althego> dont try the same on eve or laythe :)
<FLHerne> Hm
<FLHerne> Would I be pushing my luck going for <12km to grab low-atmosphere science? :p
<Althego> you would probably need a reboost for orbit
<FLHerne> That's probably ok, I've got Δv in spades
<Mat2ch> Also: Quicksave!
<Althego> elon is talkative today
<Althego> 8 bar differential in ullage, 9 bar at base due to propellant head. It’s enough. Improvements in work.
<Althego> Mostly 304L, some 301. Broke at 301 to 304 interface. SN9 will be all 304. Also, we’re making some tweaks to the 304 alloy mixture.
<Althego> so it can be even stronger
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<raptop> Apparently tonight is international observe the moon night
* raptop observes clouds and rain
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