Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Soyuz on Sunday
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<raptop> Okay, this can do science collection missions near the peninsula
<raptop> Any thoughts on safety/stability/range?
<raptop> or cost, I guess
<raptop> Note that it's a very low tech design
<raptop> Note: I've drained the monoprop and it has temperature and pressure sensors
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<JVFoxy> huh... friend of mine I not seen in ages, heard about me playing KSP and now has gotten into it themselves too. c.c
<raptop> \o/
<raptop> hrm, 200 m/s on a single engine isn't terrible, but also isn't great
<JVFoxy> they kind of new to things.. I forgot that 1.10 came out.. 1.10.1 though cuz, bugs of course
<raptop> (I assume you need a proper J-33 to do the 450 m/s silliness)
<raptop> hah
<JVFoxy> Raptop do'n what?
<JVFoxy> subortbital high-g contract?
<raptop> nah, just doing mach 1.5 on an engine that is supposedly only for subsonic flight
<JVFoxy> heh... 3 wheezers, stubby little double delta wing 'thing' I did
* raptop 's designs tend to use 20-50% less plane per plane
<JVFoxy> or 6 junos and two Mk1 capsule pods back to back ;P
<raptop> I want to say that any high altitude contract vaguely near KSC can be fulfilled by a pair of RT-10s
<raptop> Though that's probably more expensive than the fuel costs of a proper aircraft
<JVFoxy> how to get above 18km multi point contracts halfway around kerbin...
<JVFoxy> granted, whips and a bit of fuel, sure.
<raptop> Given that I have the DLC, there are the Dessert and Woomerang sites...
<JVFoxy> oh right... ugh. Been at a friend's, so focused on an electronic project for the past month (also partly to avoid some crap going on at home) I kinda forgot about the DLC.. >_<
<raptop> hah
<raptop> Also, hopefully the project is going well?
<JVFoxy> well... store isn't open on weekends. On hold for the time being. I also need to go through some values for a comparator so its output is high enough, and yet it doesn't bounce
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<JVFoxy> from what I can tell, its behaving like I want to, mostly. Its not shifting something over because the one line isn't tripping a part like it suppos eto
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<Althego> quite professional
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<Judge_Dedd> Anything with cheese is good in my eyes
<Judge_Dedd> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> More coffee
<Judge_Dedd> That suggestion disturbs me with its lack of cheese
<Judge_Dedd> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Horse
<Judge_Dedd> Hmm. Close enough
<Althego> at least make it coffee flavored icecream. who wants to eat coffee anyway
<Judge_Dedd> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Mapo tofu
* packbart might go for a traditional Dönerteller today
<packbart> .nextlunch add Döner Kebab
<LunchBot> That's already on the menu!
<packbart> aye, good to know
<Judge_Dedd> How about Döner doughnut?
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<Mat2ch> I wonder when we will see SN8 fly. The crane is still holding the nose cone
<Mat2ch> or is it for wind stability?
<Althego> supposedly 2 static fires
<Mat2ch> But it looks like they are still doing work on the inside
<Althego> and soem tests
<Althego> so not this month
<Althego> even two weeks seems to be really close
<Mat2ch> well, usually they are pushing faster
<darsie> Is there space for payload or a stowaway?
<Mat2ch> some bad weather coming up, so they take their time?
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<Mat2ch> darsie: there is space, but no hatch to store it :D
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<morerockets> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Morerockets
<morerockets> Is anyone online?
<FLHerne> No
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<FLHerne> bleh
<darsie> .
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<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> a chinese launch in 12 minutes but no stream
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<Althego> 42 sec
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<FLHerne> .nextlunch add cheese and marmite sandwiches
<LunchBot> Added lunch: Cheese and marmite sandwiches
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<Althego> almost marimite :)
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<flayer> Althego, what did they launch?
<Althego> Long March 2C
<Althego> Yaogan-30-07
<Althego> whatever that is
<Alanonzander> more space junk :/
<Althego> scott
<Althego> hmm i always wanted to know that
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<Althego> so it is a sodium layer
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<Althego> but why that bad dude t-shirt
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* flayer tackles Althego
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<Althego> still better than heckling :)
* raptop shines lasers at the sodium layer
<Althego> in real life?
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<raptop> Sadly I don't do anything directly with laser guide stars, so no
<raptop> chanlogs
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<raptop> note to self: poke deddly about his website being down
<Althego> site down! it medic!
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<Judge_Dedd> Althego, I finally finished watching that video. It was great!
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<morerockets> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Morerockets
<Judge_Dedd> Hey there
<morerockets> hi
<Althego> more boosters
<Mod9000> Hello, Morerockets
<Althego> and more struts
<Judge_Dedd> Hehe
<morerockets> :)
<Judge_Dedd> How's it going?
<morerockets> good
<morerockets> Im in KSP right now launching some rockets
<raptop> Judge_Dedd: the logs site seems to be down
<morerockets> yeah
<morerockets> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<morerockets> yup
<Judge_Dedd> raptop, yeah I noticed that. The entire web page is down, so I'm amazed the bot is still running
<Judge_Dedd> Morerockets, nice :)
<morerockets> thanks
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<morerockets> I'm thinking about getting Hexchat as an IRC client. Does anyone know what the interface looks like? Thanks!
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<morerockets> Also whats the diffrence between Hexchat and Xchat?
<Althego> mostly licensing
<Althego> xchat is not free on windows
<morerockets> Ok got IT
<morerockets> I think ill get Hexchat then since im on windows
* raptop remembers having a version string that was irssi on NT5.1
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> now that Windows has WSL, installing irssi is just an apt-get away ;)
<raptop> well, yes
<Althego> but at that point why would you have windows at all
<packbart> to play KSP
<Althego> runs on linux
* raptop gestures at the linux builds of KSP
<raptop> Now more generally a wintendo isn't a bad idea
<Althego> basically no work ever done on this machine. ssh exists for this purpose :)
<FLHerne> Morerockets: Note: when you were here earlier, about three people said "yes" within minutes after you left
<FLHerne> (well, I said "No", but...)
<morerockets> huh?
<morerockets> yes to what?
<FLHerne> [12:34] <Morerockets> Is anyone online?
<FLHerne> [12:34] <-- Morerockets ( has left this server (Client Quit).
<morerockets> oh yeah
<FLHerne> [12:34] <FLHerne> No
<FLHerne> [12:36] <darsie> .
<morerockets> sry about leaving so abruply
<FLHerne> It's usually a good idea to wait a few minutes, people are usually not watching every channel with an obsessive gaze :p
<raptop> ^
<Mat2ch> raptop: proton/wine is really good now in running windows games
<Althego> still, if it is not perfect, why would you subject yourself to that
<FLHerne> raptop: Why gesture at the Linux builds?
<FLHerne> They work fine
<raptop> that, er, was my point
<Althego> .
<FLHerne> Oh, ok
<Althego> and that is my point :)
<raptop> (arguably they worked better than the windows ones for a while, given the 64bit stuff)
<FLHerne> packbart: Then why would you have Windows to play KSP?
<packbart> raptop: I get that feeling, too, but I use much less mods on the Linux laptop than on the Windows Gameloader
<raptop> hm
<packbart> FLHerne: because I haven't found the time to install Linux on the "gaming rig", yet. It came with Windows 10
<packbart> ;)
<FLHerne> Installing Linux is quicker than making Win10 not spy on you :p
<packbart> ah. and of course it's "fewer mods", not "less mods" :)
<packbart> or is it? I always get those wrong
<FLHerne> It is
<FLHerne> I had to install a proper OS on my 'new' laptop on Saturday -- 10 minutes for the install, 40 minutes making Win10 stop throwing a wobbly about the partition layout changing
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> Althego: because I will never ever give Microsoft any money again.
<morerockets> I gtg sry
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