Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<Althego> what, another starlink on sunday?
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<Althego> also maybe test is in progress in boca chica
<Mat2ch> test in progress?!
<Mat2ch> Where's the stream? :D
<Althego> anyway two backup dates for the next two days
<Althego> this is probably static fire
<Mat2ch> The road isn't even closed. Boring! ;)
<Mat2ch> I meant the timeline in the stream ;)
<Mat2ch> Usually from road closed to an actual test it takes hours.
<Althego> they are running out of time
<Mat2ch> oh, right, test window is now at night and not during the day.
<Mat2ch> This am/pm stuff is really weird. How can they live like that?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> also how is it that after midnight is 12 something?
<Althego> totally annoying
<Althego> but americans are afraid of zeros
<Althego> and negatives
<Mat2ch> and health ca, ehm, I mean, data formats like yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyy.
<Althego> ah yes the american date format
<Althego> special kind
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<Mat2ch> Althego: aren't they sweet, when they're asleep? ;)
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch: Sunday 18 Oct 12:27 GMT/UTC
<Deddly> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Tomato and cheese sandwich
<Deddly> How about just the cheese?
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<FLHerne> You can always throw the tomatoes to the seagulls
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<Deddly> Wait, maybe these are home-grown tomatoes, in which case, I'm eating them
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<bees> Deddly: You smuggle a bottle of 99% ABV munshine aboard. Your ship transforms into an oven with fans.
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<packbart> so... he's going to "just play guitar"
<Deddly> Seriously? He's giving up on half the machine that was working fine until he decided he had to coat the guides with umpteen layers of rubber? (I haven't seen the video yet)
<Althego> how long has it been going on?
<Althego> 2 years?
<Deddly> Perhaps, if he's going to remove the guitar, he could remove the drums and xylophone as well and just have a band
<Deddly> </SARCASM>
<packbart> Deddly: I was just summarizing his first comment. 'Perhaps the Marble Machine X itself is the Local Maximum, in that case, the current process will lead me to that discovery and i will take another u-turn to find the path to the world tour. Probably i will take the advice that has been given to me so many times during the past years: "Why dont you just play guitar?"'
<Deddly> Ah OK. So he's not actually planning to do that, yet
<Deddly> Glad to hear it :)
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<Althego> hehe jatpack guy was flying again around los angeles
<raptop> The long awaited sequel to balloon chair guy?
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<packbart> quite high, too. 6000ft, 3000ft. ( )
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<Althego> what, another starlink on wednesday
<Althego> they are on a roll
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<Althego> it is almost like a hobby
<Althego> when nothing is happening, we launch starlink
<darsie> .
<packbart> launch enough sats quickly before someone important notices that Musk's Orbit Denial System is not mainly a communications constellation
<Althego> somebody mentioned that once he moves to mars and declares himself king (emperor sounds better in my opinion), he activates the kessler syndrome so nobody can follow :)
<packbart> not to even speak of the phased laser array of the combined constellation
<packbart> no, "phased" is the wrong word. anyway
<darsie> Laser propulsion?
<Althego> no, there is supposed to be a satellite-satellite laser link for communication
<packbart> I was thinking of a few thousand "weak" communications lasers all pointing at the same location on the ground
<packbart> silly, though ;)
<Althego> because ther are so many of them, this could owrk :9
<darsie> Would that create a hologram of Elon Musk? :)
<Althego> say it works in the infra red window
<Althego> thean you could at least set things n fire
<raptop> *which* infrared window?
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<Althego> hologram on chocolate :)
<raptop> (J? H? K? L? M?)
<Althego> my knowledge is not sufficient for this. and it was a joke anyway
<packbart> yeah, facts just distract from the glorious image of a distributed orbital laser cannon ;)
<Althego> ion cannon charging
<Althego> low power
<Althego> aaaaah vegan velociraptor, fighting speciesism and reversing the food chain
<Althego> 5th of december is far away. and december is the worst time to order anything, especially with the virus around
* raptop blinks at Althego
<packbart> never mind, he's quoting NanowaR of Steel again ;)
* raptop is not particularly vegan
<packbart> they also sing about the Ikea catalog (feat. Angus McFife as Odin)
<Althego> so redgamingtech and ufd tech videos. get the tech news
<Althego> btw pray for the comfort
<Deddly> At what orbit would Kessler syndrome prevent orbits from Earth for at least a couple of hundred years? Asking for a friend
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i heard anything under 600 km slows down quite fast
<Deddly> That's the problem with Starlink. But at least they have thrusters
<darsie> small shrapnel should deorbit faster, cause it has lower mass/cross section.
<Althego> if kessler syndrome happens, no problem. just need to hire flat earther advisors. they will simply deny the existence of space
<Althego> no space, no problem
<darsie> How would debris from different orbits affect each other? Would everything circularize given enough interaction? Or would the accretion disk heat up and deorbit?
<darsie> Probably the interaction would be too few for such things to happen.
<Althego> it is not a disk. a cloud around earth
<darsie> A lot is prograde.
<Althego> and a lot are polar
<Althego> sun synchronous is popular for earth observation satellites
<darsie> collisions should dissipate energy as heat and thus lower orbits.
<Althego> dounfd plsudiblr
<Althego> sounds plausible
<darsie> There's deformation work, too.
<darsie> Valentina didn't have enough dv left to stop at the space station, so she collided with it, but then didn't wake up from unconsciousness, so the station picked her up.
<darsie> Was just 16 m/s impact.
<Althego> kerbals are way tougher than that
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> Yet she didn't move.
<Deddly> Kerbals can sometimes ragdoll in space following collisions. I think part of their body clips inside another part and prevents them from coming out of ragdoll. physics warp or reloading should help
<packbart> clipping Kerbals are Kraken bait. I once attached an antenna to a station with KAS and the Kerbal was clipping into it as a result - shot away very fast
<Althego> spaghetti kerbals :)
<Althego> also there was the planet destroyer device, where two claws attached to a kerbal
<Deddly> Danny's
<Deddly> "I found another way. And it requires a Kerbal soul"
<Althego> there is always a new way for him
<Deddly> Except for Jool
<Althego> how much time left in the soyuz?
<Althego> i doubt roscosmos can create a new spacecraft in a few years
<Althego> they simply lack money
<Althego> somehow i havent heard of this
<Althego> might actually fly in a few years, since supposedly it has been om development in a while
<Althego> for a
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<umaxtu> I thought there new spacecraft was called Federation
<umaxtu> also, when did Soyuz-5 get renamed?
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<FLHerne> umaxtu: It was, but they renamed it
<FLHerne> That way it sounds like they have all these different exciting projects
<FLHerne> Good for propaganda
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