Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Yet another Starlink launch: Wed 21 Oct 16:36 GMT/UTC | Starship SN8 engine testing
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<Althego> here we go again. road closed
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<Althego> hehe, how to handle science deniers
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<Althego> siren
<Althego> same thing as yesterday
<Althego> at least it looked like that to me
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<Althego> siren again
<Althego> done
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<Althego> looked like a perfectly fine static fire
<Deddly> Aaw I missed it
<Deddly> Glad it worked
<Deddly> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Lasagna
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<Mat2ch> Althego: oh noes, I missed it
<Althego> luckily the internet keeps archives
<Althego> it is only interesting in live if it fails
<Althego> like it did several times previously with the explosions
<Mat2ch> no, this is also exciting, because it means we will see a flight soon :)
<Althego> soon in elon time
<Althego> i guess next week soonest
<Althego> they have to mount the nose cone
<Althego> probably do tests with the assembled ship
<Althego> and only then
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<Deddly> I can't see them getting the sky-dive manoeuvre right first time
<Althego> that is why there is an sn9 and 10 in the works already
<Althego> as alon said: if sn8 craters
<Deddly> I can imagine they'll be able to keep it steady, but perhaps not aimed exactly right, but the part where it goes vertical will likely fail.
<Deddly> It'll be a fabulous show :)
<Althego> i am not really afraid of the skydice
<Althego> the problem is at the end where it has to flip 90 degrees
<Althego> and land
<Deddly> Skydive will work - it's neutrally stable
<Deddly> Yes, exactly
<Althego> supposedly most of the torque comes from the raptors
<Althego> not the rcs
<Deddly> But the hard part with the skydive is not merely remaining stable, it's also aiming the ship to the correct location for the flip
<Althego> so it will have the power
<Althego> but no rocket has ever done this before
<Deddly> Looking forward to it, for sure
<Althego> also probably higher than 1 twr too
<Althego> so there is hardly any room for errors
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<Judge_Dedd> It'll have loads of thrust at that point, no? Empty of fuel for the most part
<Althego> doing a suicide burn while also doing a flip
<Althego> that is the problem, too high thrust. if velocity or position is off it will slam into the ground or start to go up again and falls back from there
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah...
<Althego> same problem with falcon 9, but at least that is a normal landing
<Judge_Dedd> They aren't going to land on 1?
<Althego> hmm
<Althego> maybe
<Althego> that could help
<Althego> or not
<Judge_Dedd> or 2
<Judge_Dedd> They actually haven't had any failures in flight or landing yet, right?
<Judge_Dedd> Burst tanks and a few Raptor issues, some landing leg issues, all on the ground, and the landing leg issues were not catastrophic failures
<Judge_Dedd> So Starship flight and landing record is actually 100 percent success so far
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<Judge_Dedd> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
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<Mat2ch> Judge_Dedd: it's all about the PID controllers and if they are configured correctly.
<Mat2ch> If they are I see them having a successful flight and landing.
<Mat2ch> And they are doing many many tests right now with the setup
<Judge_Dedd> What is PID?
<Mat2ch> tests = simulations
<Mat2ch> the stuff that makes the world go round today :D
<Mat2ch> It's just a way how you control control loops
<Judge_Dedd> Ah I see
<Mat2ch> or better: Set up control loops
<Mat2ch> I've built myself one once for KSP in kOS. But I hated kOS too much to do more things with it.
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<FLHerne> <- precision rocket engineering
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> completely legit
<Althego> i was moving 3 T machines with less than a mm precision with wooden beams like this
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<umaxtu> FLHerne, more of the same.
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<Rokker> Althego: wanna see a stupid hot take
<Althego> maybe a hot cake?
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<Althego> it is the first reusable
<Althego> that may or may not make it more important
<Rokker> nah
<Rokker> first rocket to land humans on foreign body
<Althego> saturn v, and everything with the apolo program is far greater achievement
<Rokker> yep
<Althego> but the importance is a different thing
<Rokker> nah
<Rokker> Saturn V and Apollo hold much more importance than F9 can ever have
<Althego> saturn v is basically a one off
<Althego> for the long run falcon 9 may be more important
<Rokker> the technologies it spawned sure as hell arent
<Althego> but as i said, still the moon landing is the biggest achievement ever
<packbart> each rocket dropped into the ocean increases the sea level ;) (not measurebly much, though, I imagine)
<Rokker> F9 uses technologies created for Saturn V
<Althego> not directly
<Althego> but then everything is because of v2
<UmbralRaptor> Okay, F9 uses LEM technologies
<packbart> I'd say it gets increasingly difficult to attribute influences over time. shoulders of giants and all that. there probably wouldn't be any rockets without discovery of black powder and fire, anyway
<Althego> even falcon 9 is just an intermediate solution
<Althego> originally there were plans for full reusability
<Althego> but then elon decided to focus on starship isntead
<packbart> I hope rockets are just an intermediate solution ;)
<Althego> yes, we all need docking port levitator ufos
<packbart> but it doesn't look like any great break-throughs are to be expected in the medium future
<Althego> even nuclear thermal is just the same thing
<Althego> a bit differently
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<Deddly> I mean, it depends what you're comparing, doesn't it? Saturn V was not the entire Moon landing
<Deddly> Saturn V was tye booster. There were other parts that were probably more significant to actually landing on the moon
<packbart> looks like there was some firing after all at SpaceX:
<umaxtu> yup
<Althego> it was loud even in the stream
<Althego> and there was that metal sound at the end
<umaxtu> kinda reminded me of the Titan II startup noise
<Althego> su what is with delta iv heavy?
<Althego> it seems like they stopped trying to launch it
<Althego> i will be sleeping by then
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the burp might be just some ressonance in the whole system. And that should be avoided...
<umaxtu> they could get rid of that by adding MOAR ENGINES right?
<Althego> it can be anything else, for example the releasing of the stress of the thrust giving way to the weight instead. could have been the base it was sitting on too
<Althego> nonetheless it was a cool sound
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<Deddly> I wonder if that sound has something to do with a built-im protection from water hammer
<Deddly> built-in
<Deddly> And of course, fuel and lox, not water, but I think it is still called water hammer
<FLHerne> It happened with early test engines, but not the more recent ones (until now)
<FLHerne> So the assumption in #SpaceX at least was that it wasn't intended, and possibly related to Elon's "looks like 600 Hz Raptor vibration problem is fixed" tweet
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<MisguidedKerbal> Everyone see the new forum update?
<MisguidedKerbal> ...
<MisguidedKerbal> Nobody's on, again
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<flayer> He just gave us 36 seconds to respond...
<Deddly> LOL
<packbart> jup, I noticed. even got the "upgrade in progress" page inbeteen
<packbart> new look
<Deddly> Forum update went wrong and should be in the process of reverting
<packbart> oh noez. it did work for me
<Deddly> So don't be surprised to see a lot of wierdness
<Deddly> I mean, it works, sort of. But there are problems with it
<FLHerne> That's got to be a new record
<FLHerne> I mean, wow
<Deddly> Record for what?
<packbart> ah, indeed. Now it throws some odd template errors
<packbart> good luck :)
<packbart> a record for the shortest appearance. I don't log join/part in this channel, so I can't compare
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<FLHerne> Their previous appearances were 21 minutes and 20 minutes
<FLHerne> So it's a new personal best at least
<umbralraptop> yeah, it's frustrating when they act like we're a tech support phoneline / being paid to constantly monitor the channel
<Deddly> Ah I see
<packbart> there are no official records on how fast a forum upgrade can be reverted ;)
<Deddly> Hehe
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<Deddly> Still in progress
<packbart> no worries. I don't envy you :)
<FLHerne> And you can't have the record for worst-broken forum upgrade, because I still claim it :p
<FLHerne> (for , which is mostly dead these days anyway because its game is)
<packbart> "Dofus requires a lot of strategy, planning, management, social skills, and this Wikia. And don't forget patience... lots and lots of patience..." - I guess it takes a lot of patience, then :)
<FLHerne> Maybe less than ten years ago when someone wrote that
<FLHerne> It used to be the most ludicrously grind-heavy game
<FLHerne> You thought WoW was grindy?
<FLHerne> The newer versions are much less so
<FLHerne> Oh wow
<FLHerne> I haven't seen those saturated XP colours in years
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<umbralraptop> yes, but have you considered kittens
<flayer> honestly, these games bring me about as much joy as other games
<flayer> it's just so sad
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* FLHerne is trapped clicking meaningless cat-related buttons
<umbralraptop> yay, cats
<umbralraptop> uh, incidentally, if you play long enough, that game goes from cute to cosmic horror story (the cats are mostly fine, though)
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<packbart> well, three poor kittens starved in winter while I wasn't looking. 30 fields were not enough. I probably shouldn't own Tamagotchis ;)
<umbralraptop> D:
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<FLHerne> umbralraptop: What do I want 'catpower' for?
<umbralraptop> FLHerne: uh, sending out hunting parties initially. Later trade stuff
<umbralraptop> hunting parties -> various luxuries -> greater productivity until they're consumed
<umbralraptop> Also unicorns
<packbart> oh, somebody started talking. took me a while to locate the tab:
<FLHerne> So, is there a downside to starving my kittens, except the short-term absence of a kitten?
* FLHerne *may* have accidentally starved some kittens...
<umbralraptop> It means you're a bad person, and yes
<umbralraptop> It's a reason to plant more catnip
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<packbart> *reload* *reload*
<packbart> 1m lateral offset. not bad, MechJeb
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<packbart> linuxgurugamer is going to release something tonight that will "blow us away" - or so he says. take cover! :)
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* Azander hides under the launch pad :P
<umbralraptop> In the rubber room?
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<FLHerne> Hm, so I left the kitten thing running in another tab, and it went into a cycle where 70% of my population died each winter and were replaced in the spring
<FLHerne> There are achievements for killing lots of kittens :p
<packbart> a Firefox update killed my kittens - I had secretly hoped it would store some state in a local cookie
<umbralraptop> there's something there for saving state, though I forget how
<umbralraptop> FLHerne: I guess you could try getting that acheivement. for science. you monster.
<umaxtu> wth are you talking about killing kittens?
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<packbart> because that's what the program prints when it decreases a counter
<umaxtu> you're all terrible people
<FLHerne> I did kick a baby rabbit to death once
<FLHerne> But only by accident
<FLHerne> (I was cycling home and it ran in front of me)
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