Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" is not real
JVFoxy has quit [Quit:]
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<darsie> t-6 Rocket Lab 'Return To Sender' Launch
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<darsie> t-1
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<Althego> hah the first stage made it back
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<Althego> and an other one is a bit battered
<JVFoxy> lol.. gnomes in space
<Althego> only on
<Althego> e
<JVFoxy> starts with just one ;)
<minas_tirith> The moon is an interesting body
<Althego> i noticed it just now but they put a huga postal stamp on the fairing
* umbralra1top keeps on expecting but not finding a schector function in that paper
<minas_tirith> umbralra1top, are you a mathematician?
<umbralra1top> astronomer
<minas_tirith> umbralra1top, wow thats tough shit
<Althego> backseat modding: no swearing on the channel
<minas_tirith> Oh right
<minas_tirith> But yes thats extremely tough stuff
<umbralra1top> It's not *that* difficult at times. Also you're fined one credit for violating the verbal morality statute
<minas_tirith> umbralra1top, I can't even begin to understand math/physics and you do it for a living
<Althego> more than one hour until the bakery opens. i woke up too early and i am going to be hungry
<umbralra1top> ah, there it is, in section 5
* umbralra1top missed something, since I assumed that minas_tirith had a software dev day job
<minas_tirith> umbralra1top, what does that have anything to do
<Althego> in contrast to a night job, which is secret defender of gotham?
umbralra1top is now known as umbralraptop
<umbralraptop> yes, exactly like that
<minas_tirith> umbralraptop, flexing his power
<umbralraptop> minas_tirith: I mean, as in you probably have a lot of the relevant math/science background already
<minas_tirith> We were taught very little math
<minas_tirith> And most of the math won't be needed every day
<Althego> since i left the simulation business, there really was no math in the code
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<Althego> on the other hand the amount of stuck up germans is zero
<Althego> there were 2 sane software guys, all the other normala people were hardware
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<minas_tirith> Althego, do you ski?
<Althego> no
<Althego> winter sports are deadly
<Althego> if they dont kill you they maim you
<Althego> and i hate cold anyway
<minas_tirith> I want to ski
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<Althego> mars planetary base builder game: per aspera
<minas_tirith> Althego, are you latin
<Althego> are you a bot?
<minas_tirith> No
<Althego> a bot would say that too :)
<minas_tirith> Yes
<Althego> per aspera is the name of the game
<minas_tirith> Althego, its a nicen ame
<Althego> anyway it looks great, but not buyable yet
<minas_tirith> Althego, I wanna make ambient art
<Althego> this is what i needed. last year i was playing surviving mars for weeks around this time. now i am going to play per aspera. as soon as it is released
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<minas_tirith> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, minas_tirith
<minas_tirith> Mod9000, Inquisition
<minas_tirith> (the us-colombian band)
<minas_tirith> I was listening to it today
<minas_tirith> Mod9000, have you been to Colombia?
<minas_tirith> I mean to visit the nation one day
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* umbralraptop parsed that as us-columbian blend, like it was some sort of coffee
* minas_tirith parses umbralraptop
<umbralraptop> but did you use regular expressions?
<minas_tirith> umbralraptop, nope, full cfg
<umbralraptop> fiar enough
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> but no recovery pictures yet
<Althego> those bee satellites are really small
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<Mat2ch> Still no road closures. hm.
<Althego> i wouldnt expect them this week
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<Althego> more leaning tower of florida
<Althego> unrelated: broken sword has the most horrible control scheme i have ever seen in an adventure game
<Althego> broken sword 3
<Althego> 1-2 was ok
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<Mat2ch> why is it leaning?
<Mat2ch> stormy weather?
<Althego> they wouldnt try to land in bad weather
<Althego> probably a leg is damaged
<Mat2ch> Stormy weather after the landing could cause this
<Mat2ch> when the barge is thrown around by the waves
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<Savion_> hello
<packbart> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, packbart
<packbart> hello Modbot
<Savion_> what is this about?
<packbart> Space!
<packbart> or so I've been told
<darsie> Ficticious space.
<darsie> We simulate space.
<packbart> well, Kerbal Space, in any case
<Savion_> ahhh there we go "fictitious"! :D
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<Althego> what about it
* darsie took a recovery contract and the dimensions of the item indicade an inflated heat shield. I encountered a deflated heat shield.
<Althego> still better than when i needed to recover a decoupler, with the new biggest diameter (the really big one). in total darkness, because docking is always in dark
<Althego> the issue is there is a whole in the center so i couldnt use the indicator
<darsie> hole ;)
<darsie> The klaw had trouble latching onto the shield, too.
<Althego> the arecibo observatory is closing down because the damage is too dangerous to repair
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<Guest77687> e
<Althego> e!
<Guest77687> how do the aerodynamics for reentry work in code
<Althego> we dont know, closed source
<Guest77687> no like the technque
<darsie> In KSP or rl?
<umbralraptop> I guess there's always FAR
<Guest77687> we know how space works (patched conics)
<Guest77687> how does reentry and flight work
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<Althego> full os simplifications
<Althego> of
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<umbralraptop> There's something with drag cubes (so it has an idea of what parts are visible/causing drag in a given direction, as well as some effects from their shapes)
<umbralraptop> But it has assumptions that allow for shenanigans
<Althego> yes, far is way more closer to reality
<umbralraptop> see eg: those heat shield wings
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<Guest77687> how does that work then
<Guest77687> i'm trying to find the technique for reentry aerodynamics to make a game myself pretty much
<Althego> i doubt it actually does anything different for reentry
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<Althego> as compared to flight
<Althego> even simplified simulation of any kind of fluid dynamics is a field in itself
<FLHerne> Guest77687: If you want a realistic, consistent aerodynamics system, KSP's is not one to copy
<FLHerne> It's better than it was pre-1.0, but that's not saying much
<Guest77687> Orbiter?
<FLHerne> Don't know
<darsie> Hmm, I just made 106 km Ap with a whiplash.
<darsie> 6.7 g
<Althego> hmm, repair kits for fixing parts in 1.11
<Althego> but the example shows wheel, which was already repairable
<Althego> i was hoping for something else
<FLHerne> Guest77687: FAR is probably the gold-standard for spaceflight-simulator aerodynamics
<Althego> maybe engines
<FLHerne> Broadening the field, X-Plane, but I don't think the source is available
<FLHerne> There's a high-level description here
<Althego> hehe paradoxically the only thing i can tell you how real commercial simulators do it. they dont. they are always for a specific aircraft, and simply use measured data from the real one to interpolate forces. because of this a game is a lot harder to do since there is no real counterpart to measure from
<Althego> at least there is one picture of return to sender
<Althego> the interesting thing would be the bottom, how badly it is damaged by heat
<Althego> but looks remarkably clean compared to a flacon 9
<FLHerne> Althego: X-Plane does have a (very expensive) FAA-certified version for actual training
<Althego> of course you can certify anything if it comes up with correct results. there are different levels for that too
<Althego> but none of the simulators i worked with had actual aero simulation
<Althego> but had these shortcuts
<Guest77687> doesn't xplane use the lift of each section of wing
<Guest77687> or is that a diffferent kind of lift of each section of wing
<Althego> also the sims i worked with were all military, therefore they were never certified by any authority
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<FLHerne> Guest77687: Read the link above
<FLHerne> Althego: neat
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<Guest77687> where is said link
<Guest77687> oh ok found it
<Guest77687> nvm
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<Jovian_Oracle> IS KSP2 out yet?
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<umbralraptop> No, and not until 2022 last I saw
<Jovian_Oracle> If we go by Star Citizen time, that might have to be extended into 2032.
<Jovian_Oracle> I am hoping, but recognize the unlikely occurrence, of the next update to KSP 1 making my game work.
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<Jovian_Oracle> Oh well, at least I still have Surviving Duna and Jebediah: Dangerous
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* darsie found a class I comet on a sun escape trajectory
* umbralraptop wonders if it got a sling, or if comets are generated with e = 1.05 or the like
<darsie> hm?
<darsie> There are non escaping comets, too.
* darsie got a challenge.
<darsie> First, capture it to the Sun. Then, bring it to LKO or so.
<darsie> I'll make an eccentric orbit, change plane at Ap, then go after the comet from Pe.
<darsie> I should pack several nervs, but I'm too lazy. I'll try with my single nerv asteroid pusher.
<darsie> Would it be cruel to bring Bill on a command seat? :)
<JVFoxy> one of my goals, make a base on an asteroid after its made into a safe orbit. chances of happening: ... eh ya.. just survive Covid first
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<darsie> JVFoxy: define safe orbit.
<JVFoxy> darsie safe as in it won't hit anything for decades
<darsie> That's not so hard.
<JVFoxy> maybe not.. depends on settings
<JVFoxy> sandbox, easy. Career, easy to how many lifetimes you wanna do it by?
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<Jovian_Oracle> Let's see if a GPU driver update works.
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<Jovian_Oracle> Drats
<Jovian_Oracle> More detailed analysis of the UnityPlayer.dll related crashes as they relate to Citrix, which I do not have, reveal that those particular crashes involve the Citrix display adapter.
<Jovian_Oracle> This is intriguing, as my own crashes started after swapping out monitors that would be classified in the same device group.
<Jovian_Oracle> Trying to see if C++ reinstallation might help, but now I'm getting an error.
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