raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
<Qubyte> i think i want to eject into a very elipitcal orbit around duna where my pe is at the proper location for the ejection burn from duna
<FLHerne> Qubyte: You still have a NERV, and a bunch of tanks which you'll need to throw away anyway
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<FLHerne> Just do whatever the hell you like, it'll work
<FLHerne> (well, within reason)
<darsie> Cause from Ike the ideal take off moment is when Ike is kinda between Duna and the Sun. And Kerbin needs to be at the right phase so you meet it when you touch Kerbin's orbit.
<Qubyte> hmm
<darsie> So instead of checking subsequent orbits of Duna for the best phase, on Ike you'd check subsequent orbits of Ike around Duna. It's a bit messy.
<darsie> So instead of checking subsequent orbits around Duna for the best phase, on Ike you'd check subsequent orbits of Ike around Duna. It's a bit messy.
<darsie> A lowish Duna orbit is probably the best for you.
<Qubyte> ok
<Qubyte> and i guess i have plenty of fuel that's going to have to be thrown away anyways
<darsie> With a high elliptic one, you're set on one ejection direction. You'd have to get that right for when Kerbin and Duna are at the right phase. Might be a bit tricky.
<darsie> On a circular orbit you just move your maneuver node around.
<darsie> Ahh, I even equipped my refuelling station wiht drills to refuel at Minmus :).
<Qubyte> uh oh i just timewarped right into the surface of ike while waiting for a transfer window
<Qubyte> f9 time
<Qubyte> lol unintentionally relevant
<deadmind> lol yes
<deadmind> let's hope the real f9 doesn't do that
<Qubyte> it would be a shocking discovery but also extremely sad
<Qubyte> though it would lead to a bunch of finger pointing over "why the heck didn't you see the space rock until it was too late"
<deadmind> well if the dragon crew had access to a ksp timewarp button, they'd have already blown up on the pad
<Qubyte> kraken attack
<Qubyte> ok i'm going to go down to a low circular duna orbit to
<Qubyte> *eject to kerbin
<darsie> Lowish. Stay safe from Ike.
<darsie> Or really low, if you like. You can aerobrake. Not sure what is more efficient. Low orbit has more Oberth effect.
<darsie> You just need 250 m/s from LDO, IIRC.
<Qubyte> i'm areobraking into LDO
<darsie> Duna is aerobraking paradise :).
<Qubyte> unlike mars
<Qubyte> well, mars if you're landing
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<Qubyte> duna is draggy enough that you can acturally use parachutes
<darsie> Water coudl be liquid on Duna.
<elric_of_melnibone> Life is blood red
<elric_of_melnibone> Death is pale
<elric_of_melnibone> The white of bones
<elric_of_melnibone> blood and flesh dried away
<FLHerne> T-4-and-a-bit
<elric_of_melnibone> ksp and spacex are one and the same it seems
<FLHerne> Well, there's an obvious overlap in interests
<Qubyte> "who's holding the camera"
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<Qubyte> "is that a plane"
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<Qubyte> "oh no we on fire"
<Qubyte> the people in the comments are the funniest
<Jovian_Oracle> Their version of MechJeb is pretty good
<Qubyte> do they have FRMS installed?
<Jovian_Oracle> Why isn't their hull glowing red like mine does during launch?
<Qubyte> that is a pretty sweet emmisive on the engine bell
<Qubyte> very nice visual mods
<Jovian_Oracle> I don't know. SRBs would've made it a lot more exciting.
<Jovian_Oracle> I get this all done with two reusable stages with 2.5 meter parts anyway.
<Qubyte> those are really nice engine plumes
<Qubyte> whatever mod they're using for those even takes airspeed into account
<Qubyte> does realplumes do that? idk. my laptop would die if i even tried
<Qubyte> yeah their version of mechjeb is pretty nice
<Jovian_Oracle> I would've gone with the orange suits myself.
<Qubyte> the suits are still pretty nice though
<Jovian_Oracle> O
<Jovian_Oracle> I'm not hearing the orbital music playing yet
<deadmind> yeah and the camera hasn't switched
<Qubyte> yep
<Qubyte> heck, the navball dosen't even say orbit
<Jovian_Oracle> It's because their version of RPM isn't supported.
<Qubyte> ah ok
<Jovian_Oracle> And why are they taking the long way to rendezvous? Scrubs.
<Qubyte> i'm going to stop watching. there's probably some mod incompatibilities that are causing lots of issues
<Qubyte> yeah why not just rendezvous as soon as possible?
<Jovian_Oracle> Soyuz go dock faster
<Jovian_Oracle> Not bad for a repurposed Lunar spacecraft.
<Qubyte> yes
<Qubyte> ok i suck at interplanetry transfers. 880 m/s duna to kerbin encounter
<Jovian_Oracle> Is that from low Kerbin orbit
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<Qubyte> low kerbin orbit
<Jovian_Oracle> Because it's about 1000 meters per second to do that from an 80 kilometer circular orbit.
<Qubyte> *duna
<Qubyte> and it's not even that low
<Jovian_Oracle> Your trajectory sounds about right really
<Qubyte> it looks pretty bad on the map. my pe is pretty low. it's like halfway between kerbin and eve's orbits
<Jovian_Oracle> Just use your frameshift drive
<Qubyte> it's a NERV, not an orion or something
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<UmbralRaptop> *Friendship Drive
<Jovian_Oracle> It wants you to be friends with Thargoids
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<darsie> Qubyte: Zoom out till you see all of Duna's orbit around the sun. Then move your maneuver node around on LDO till you get the lowes Pe.
<darsie> lowest*
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<darsie> https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png says it should be 360+250 m/s from LDO.
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<elric_of_melnibone> raptop, Gdansk
<elric_of_melnibone> I was reading stories raptop
<raptop> hrm
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<Althego> so what happened to the rocketlab electron launch?
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<packbart> Althego: nothing ;)
<Althego> last tweet 13h ago count ing down. and they changed older tweets fort an update
<Althego> kind of dumb
<Althego> on twitter side too, an update should move them up
<packbart> I didn't know tweets were editable
<Althego> maybe they are not
<packbart> !nela
<Kerbot> packbart => Vega - SEOSAT-Ingenio - Tue Nov 17, 2020 01:52:20 UTC (L-15:42:25) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/ingenio for info/stream
<Althego> nextrocket marked electron as launched. it was not in the future
<Althego> the tweets were kind of strange
<Althego> i expected something like successful launch or standing down, sometihing like that
<Althego> the last one was counting down
<Althego> which looked like they are shortly before launch
<Althego> but it was not not
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<Mat2ch> hrm, Raptor SN42 at the launchpad, removed was SN32. I wonder what happend to SN33 to 41...
<Althego> they were never in numeric order
<Althego> probably used on other craft or undergoing testing
<packbart> SN33 to 41 were bad prints
<packbart> ;)
<Mat2ch> I have a much better theory. The are used on secret projects!
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Althego> even if you treat the raptors as prototype there are close to 50. they cant be cheap
<Althego> meanwhile nasa is trying to use up old ssmes to reduce expenses
<Althego> so how come spacex can have around 20 of these just lying around
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<Deddly> They are churning them out as fast as they can.
<Deddly> Engine manufacture is projected by SpaceX to be the biggest bottleneck problem
<Althego> yes, lot of engines on the booster
<Deddly> They need so many for each vehicle, and they want to build a lot of vehicles
<Althego> but the engines look way more expensive than a few stainelss steel rings
<Deddly> If their goal is essentially mass production, I don't find that surprising at all
<Althego> ultimately probably price goes down simply because of economy of scale
<Mat2ch> that is probably the reason why there are so many failed raptors inbetween. They are already in the process of scaling the production up
<Mat2ch> and they are redesigning them from time to time and then test them till death
<Mat2ch> So SN42 could be slightly (or heavily) different than SN32
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: I think 38 and 40 were the other ones on SN8 already
<FLHerne> Also, 46 just showed up
<FLHerne> It has a Halloween pumpkin painted on
<Mat2ch> Yeah, I saw that. Funny :D
<Althego> yes i saw that too
<Althego> (local) leet time
<Deddly> leeb time
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<Tortoise767> anyone watching the launch rn? i dont remember the last time i've watched a launch where everything flowed so perfectly and there wasn't any worry about a scrub.
<packbart> uh. what launch?
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<Mat2ch> that is a good question!
<Deddly> Tortoise767, which launch?
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<Deddly> I can't see anything on the launch schedule for today apart from the SpaceX mission. I can only assume it's someone "livestreaming" an older launch, unless it is a launch not published on nextrocket.space
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<Althego> there should be a dokcing soon
<Althego> but no laujnch
<Althego> yhere is a spacex livestream
<Althego> but that is looping past events
<Althego> i think they are going to come back with live data around the wake up call
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<Deddly> Did we ever find out what Tortoise767's launch was? I logged off
<Althego> no
<Deddly> Doh
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<Mat2ch> Maybe fell for some of those fake youtube streams
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> that was short
<Althego> docking in darkness. of course. kerbal style
<Althego> it is always dark
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<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; ; ; | Secondary; ; ; | Secondary; ; ;
<Althego> yes, it really is an empty tamble
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<packbart> will the Senate Launch System survive another change in presidential policy? I just read an article that NASA probably won't be ready to put boots and flagprints on the Moon in 2024
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<Althego> it has nothing to do with the president change
<Althego> already had the budget decreased before that
<packbart> well, I was wondering if a president Biden would continue Space Force and Artemis
<Althego> which means they cant pump as much money in sls, so later date
<Althego> yes that is an interesting question, even scott was thinking about it
<Althego> i watch angry astronaut and 2 the future with jixuan and sebastian. they often mock the waste of money that is the sls
<Althego> it is decades behind technologically and still costs more than anything else
<packbart> the purpose of the SLS is to funnel money into states, not sending rockets into space
<Althego> yes probably
<Althego> but why not funnel into something that is useful?
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<Althego> soon but i have to sleep
<Althego> i almost wrote have to space
<raptop> You will go to space tonight
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<raptop> huh, free game on gog (Butcher)
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<raptop> Also a Poland Stronk sale
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<Qubyte> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Qubyte
<darsie> .
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<raptop> ,
<Qubyte> _
<Qubyte> how hard is it to areobrake from interplanetry speed at kerbin
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<Qubyte> my craft does not have any heatsheilds nor is it designed to survive reentry, so i'm worried that i'm going to explode
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<raptop> hopefully it's very uh fluffy
<Qubyte> https://postimg.cc/G9WC3VJp is it merely going to get toasty or is it going to overcook
<Qubyte> i'm going to go and try areobraking at 40 km and hope for the best
<Qubyte> ok lol the whole thing blew up but luckly none of the debris hit me
<raptop> hrm
<Qubyte> hmm i just realized that i neglected to pack a parachute...
<raptop> uh, I guess pilots can bail out. Maybe high enough level engineers and/or scientists
<Qubyte> yeah val bailed out
<Qubyte> yay val safely made it back from duna and ike
<raptop> I guess val was unable to take the science with her?
<Qubyte> sandbox luckily
<raptop> ah
<Qubyte> where should i go next? dres? build a minmus refuling station?
<raptop> Hm. Minmus refuelling station as a staging area for Dres and outer system missions?
<Qubyte> yeah that's what i was thinking
<Qubyte> to reduce the amount of dockings i have to do, i was thinking of making single-peice tankers that land, make fuel, and dock directly with a target vessel
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<Qubyte> hmm
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<darsie> Qubyte: Fuelling stations in LKO are more useful.
<darsie> I don't use mine often, though.
<Qubyte> hmm
<darsie> But you can refuel the refuelling stations on Minmus if they run dry.
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<darsie> It's usually less tedious to fly without refuelling. It does help if you have a low budget, though.
<packbart> I found a fuel station around the Mun useful for tourist landers. The rendezvous doesn't cost much more than the usual circularization and there they get the fuel for landing and return
<packbart> also including a lab to level up the crew is useful if you play with Kourages Tourists (only 1-star tourists may EVA on the Mun)
<darsie> For Mun landing trips?
<packbart> allows for smaller tanks on the vehicle
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> If you want to go to Dres and stop at Minmus, you give up the Oberth effect of Kerbin.
<darsie> And interplanetary flight is awkward from Mun/Minmus.
<Qubyte> ok
<darsie> Just like going home from Ike to Kerbin.
<darsie> I got no comments for my LKO refuelling station. *sniff*
<Qubyte> i guess i should just get moar boosters since im in sandbox anyways
<darsie> Go play career :).
<packbart> does the stock fuel production conserve mass? I'm never sure if its better to bring ore to orbit or refine it on the miner
<darsie> yes
<darsie> Not sure about monopropellant.
<packbart> this one was just too big ;) https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspts3.jpg
<packbart> modular fuel station
<Qubyte> hmm i guess i'm going to build a LKO fueling station or something then
<darsie> In career. In career. :)
<Qubyte> oh yeah in career
<darsie> yay :)))
<darsie> Wait, do you already have a career game?
<Qubyte> had
<darsie> Oh. What happened to it?
<darsie> packbart: The conversion to monopropellant is significantly less efficient than rocket fuel, with a 1:0.8 ratio. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Convert-O-Tron_250#Efficiency
<darsie> MP only has 4 kg/unit.
<packbart> yeah, but a large monoprop tank is usually enough for many visiting vehicles
<packbart> I'm still playing with Kerbalism, so I don't have the stock ISRU processes, anyway
<Qubyte> my career save had like 50 mods installed and it's on a diffrent device
<packbart> (although I had to fudge Kerbalism's recipes quite a bit to be useful to me)
<darsie> Ahh, and I have a 2* engineer on my refuelling station: Bill.
<Qubyte> time to go to the most boring "planet" of them all: dres
<darsie> :)
<darsie> hf :)
<Qubyte> 1 km/sec should be enough dv to go from dres orbit and back and rendevous, right?
<darsie> check the dv map in the topic.
<Qubyte> yeah
<darsie> I prefer the latter one.
<Qubyte> the margins are a bit thin but it should be possible? i'm going to add some more fuel just in case
<darsie> Qubyte: There's a potentially large plane change dv.
<Qubyte> oh yeah good point
<Qubyte> oh wow the lander can is shockingly light
<darsie> The command seat is even lighter :).
<Qubyte> yeah
<Qubyte> to command seat or not?
<Qubyte> eh why not command seat
<darsie> It's an ethical issue :)
<darsie> Or a matter of style :)
* raptop remembers darsie's space stations that had only external seating
<darsie> :)
<Qubyte> that sounds like plenty of fun
<raptop> The contractor delivered on their low bid
<Qubyte> lol
<Alanonzander> mnost likley with cost overruns :P
<Qubyte> i strapped 2 clysedales to a long NERV noodle and now i'm going to dres
<Qubyte> time to hope for the best
<raptop> whee
<Qubyte> KER reporting that first stage TWR on burnout of 7 is a bit worrying though
<darsie> Never hurt to seriously overengineer rockets :)
<darsie> hurts*
<raptop> whee!
<darsie> Qubyte: You can change the thrust with RMB in the VAB.
<Qubyte> yeah i know
<Qubyte> takeoff twr is only 1.3
<Qubyte> eh let's bring that down just a bit more
<packbart> oh, I have a picture of an imitation of darsie's space station: https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspb.jpg
<packbart> the RTG keeps them warm
<darsie> :)
<Qubyte> wait don't the orange suit kerbals respawn even if you have crew respawn off?
<Qubyte> jeb died in a BASE jumping accident
<Qubyte> :( very sad
<raptop> oh no
<packbart> I think they'll respwan if the Astronaut Complex reports them as "missing" instead of "killed"
<Qubyte> it says KIA... RIP jeb
<darsie> Qubyte: Can you load saved games?
<Qubyte> yes but the last save i have was after jeb died i think
<packbart> well, you could replace "state = Dead" with "state = Available" if you really want him back ;)
<raptop> Ah, yes. Jebediah Hotdogfingers
<Qubyte> jebediah savemanipulation
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<darsie> Qubyte: Dated Quicksaves mod helps here. If you install it first.