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<krb> all your rovers belong to china uwu
<Althego> why the rovers? not all your base?
<krb> base belong to north lorea
<krb> lul
<krb> the perfect murder weapon for the modern age - the lUL
<krb> *LUL
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> I've got engineer's block, where should I go and what should I do there
<marcelinethevampirespleen> as in I don't know what to build, and I've just been making planes drive into the sea
<Althego> you could make planes drive into the sea. on laythe
<Althego> or a plane releasing a submarine on laythe to go to the deepest point
<raptop_> Eve speedboat
<Althego> you can put an electric prop on it
<Althego> it would probably take off
raptop_ is now known as umbralraptop
<marcelinethevampirespleen> @raptop beautiful
<marcelinethevampirespleen> how to get to lathe, though?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> Laythe
<marcelinethevampirespleen> my y key sticks
<Althego> you can buy lathes, even tiny ones :) to get to laythe, there in lies the challenge
JVFoxy has joined #KSPOfficial
Judge_Dedd has joined #KSPOfficial
<marcelinethevampirespleen> eyeroll = 100
<marcelinethevampirespleen> getting to duna is a challenge, I've never even seen Jool, but for whizzng by it at 2000km/s in an attempt to get to eeloo
<Althego> jool and its moons are the best place in ksp
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'm aware
<Althego> lot of interesting things
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> but I can't seem to get anywhere without getting caught by minmus or ending up in solar orbit
<marcelinethevampirespleen> except when I try to get to minmus, then I get stopped by kerbin or the mun
<umbralraptop> I mean, one can always stay on the pad or in LKO for a few additional orbits to wait for mun/minmus to get out of the way
<Althego> it is actually hard to hit minmus
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and now I will sigh, for my impatience does not behoove me
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;3
<marcelinethevampirespleen> :3*
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and what's the bis issue with duna? I try to approach from the right angle and I get solar orbit perfectly, rather than an intercept
<marcelinethevampirespleen> *the big issue
<Althego> when do you launch?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> 90 days
<Althego> year 1 day 90?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I also am yet to figure out how to keep a rover and a base i\together for launch and detach them on-planet
<Althego> duna launch window is around year 1 day 230 +- say 20 days
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oh
<Althego> it is possible to reach duna starting on day 10 too, but requires something like 8000 delta v from lko
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i saw a youtube video where they launched at 90 so I went with that, I suppose they made it look easy as experienced pilots but it's an ordeal
<Althego> then there is the injection burn
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I did slam into it beautifully a few times
<Althego> you dont want to go towards duna right now. you want to go where duna will be
<Althego> ike can help you slow down
<marcelinethevampirespleen> is it possible I'm building oversized rockets
<Althego> also the atmosphere too
<Althego> launch window planner
<marcelinethevampirespleen> when I have gotten close I found heat shields are excellent for drag and I can float down sans parachute
<Althego> especially the inflatable
<Althego> i think it is way too good
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I was trying to build a lander/base with wheels on
<marcelinethevampirespleen> so it was a touch too heavy
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I really wish I could place 4 fuel tanks, in a square, 12m apart, and connect them with science and struts
<Judge_Dedd> Well, you can
<Judge_Dedd> You can create something like that in the SPH
<Judge_Dedd> I'm sure you could do it in the VAB too but I prefer the SPH symmetry for square craft
<marcelinethevampirespleen> also I experimented with wheels on ts, using set placement, and you can't go 40 meters without jumping, it's comical really
<marcelinethevampirespleen> hm
<marcelinethevampirespleen> how?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I typed rockets not ts?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> yeesh
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I feel as if there are a whole lot of shortcuts and secrets I'm not aware of in the building process
<Althego> you can change the symmetry type so it doesnt matter anymore where you are building, sph or vab
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I've seen it happen on accident but i have only seen sph symmetry in the vab not vice versa, also as far as I'm aware there is only 2 way symmetry in the sph and you have to have an item connected to another item to place how would one achieve a square with empty space in the center
<marcelinethevampirespleen> 4 separate pillars of fuel or fuselage, separated by several meters, connected only by struts, then add on other parts
<Althego> with the offset tool
<marcelinethevampirespleen> or is that too hyperspecific to attain
<Althego> but if there is something planned in the middle
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i thought that only went a set distance?
<umbralraptop> I want to say the R key for switching between symmetry types
<Althego> it would be easier just to start with that
<Althego> if you hold down shift you can drag farther
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ah ]
<JVFoxy> that thing when you build in KSP, without thinking too much of how you go about it, just comes naturally.. eh...
<marcelinethevampirespleen> my apologies for being a noob
<umbralraptop> no, no, it's fine
<marcelinethevampirespleen> JVFoxy yes, I find myself planning one thing, then adding bits and pieces like customising a recipe, and turning up with something quite unlike what you intended but perfect for some other random use
<Judge_Dedd> KSP is a constant learning process, no matter how long you've been playing. That's why we're here :)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> apparently I'm a master at building high speed drift vehicles
<Judge_Dedd> Hehe
<Althego> will the return to sender electron launch this time? place your bets
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ksp racecars for jumping the hill behind the kss
<marcelinethevampirespleen> um? lol
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I wish there was a mod for better ion engines
<Althego> they are already like 1000x better than real ones
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and personally I'd love to make a mod for leaving tracks on the sandy/dusty planets
<marcelinethevampirespleen> true
<Althego> there must be a visual mod that already does this
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but waiting an irl month for a transfer is insane
<JVFoxy> @marcelinethevampirespleen I'm an avid aviation type. Planes and flying/piloting. I can do rockets but I tend to stick to more reasonable sizes. I don't get into the overly crazy projects.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I make reasonable to small planes, JVFoxy, but my rockets tend to include 6+ boosters and barely fit in the vab without clipping into the floor, if they do at all
<Althego> have you tried docking instead? :)
<umbralraptop> eh, they can always be moved up
<marcelinethevampirespleen> meanwhile, my heaviset plane was 20 tons
<marcelinethevampirespleen> heaviest
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and mostly lifting surface
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'm good at docking
<marcelinethevampirespleen> on land
<marcelinethevampirespleen> only on land
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> actually docking on land is hard, because of possible height mismatch
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I have a project where I'm docking thousands of identical rovers on duna (cheats to place them there but finding the cluster is hard enough
<marcelinethevampirespleen> at least, i'm hoping for thousands
<Althego> no way
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I have 12 so far
<Althego> part count and physics range is going to get into your way
<JVFoxy> I did a stubbly little plane, back when B9 was still young. And adapter tanks still matched.. I've done a cargo plane, a few passenger ones, something akin to a learjet, regional British Aerospace 146, Boeing's 737...
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I want to cover the planet but idk what do do about all the hills
<JVFoxy> biggest I did was with Airplanes Plus pack, something that looked like a C5 Galazy
<JVFoxy> *Galaxy.. derp, finger slip
<marcelinethevampirespleen> JVFoxy ooo, I did a blackbird (albeit a crappy one), but I find myself dissatisfied with the wings provided
<JVFoxy> parts count... did KSP engine ever get into using multi-thread yet? Sorry, I've kind of been out of the loop a while
<marcelinethevampirespleen> there's not much in the way of lightweight and large
<marcelinethevampirespleen> which gets in the way entirely of making lightweight gliders
<Althego> hehe the good old days of the infinigliders
<JVFoxy> I've done fast jets too, not too big on fighters myself though. Something that looked a bit like the SR-71.. also something that looks a bit anime-ish. Or a delta winged B-1
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oo anime show me
<JVFoxy> Althego tiny SSTO spaceplanes.. did a spaceplane with open cockpit for one pilot. Surprised me it could do flights into orbit on single fuel load. Granted, old days of KSP, heating wasn't a thing yet
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I like fighters for the speed, it inspires ssto designs for me
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I can't get an ssto off the planet though
<marcelinethevampirespleen> slow stall and never enough oxidezer
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I have a half tak but my nose keeps dropping
<marcelinethevampirespleen> tank
<marcelinethevampirespleen> then I flame out
<marcelinethevampirespleen> to be fair I haven't built a plane since I was trying to play on xbox
<marcelinethevampirespleen> - trying
<JVFoxy> sorry, haven't the files on laptop... At friend's right now
<Althego> you probably have a wrong ascent profile
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i try to ascend at 40 degreess up to 5000m then switch to 10 degrees
<Althego> based on designs you either need to go with maximum speed close to the ground, going almost horizontal, or wait until at least 7 km and go supersonic there almost horizontally, barely ascending, and going at least 1300 when you flame out around 20-25 km
<marcelinethevampirespleen> my dad was a fighter pilot and he apparently flew that way so I adopted it
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i'm usually at 3000m/s or above but at only 15-18k
<Althego> i havent started ksp for a few weeks now, since i collected the science tree in career
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'm avoiding career
<Althego> but it is always nice to build a quick ssto
<marcelinethevampirespleen> haven't tried
<Althego> it is ok, but the heart of the game is in sandbox
<JVFoxy> oh... ssto spaceplanes. uh.. let me poke my youtube a sec
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I don't understand how to get an ssto into orbit around another planet, seeing as they take most of their fuel (if not all) getting into LKO
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I've been trying piggybacking them on rockets but then they're too heavy to launch (possibly oversized rockets) and counterbalancing is awkward
<Althego> maybe i go with a simpe small turbojet design now. but they always end up looking like the blackbird :)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> right?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and I can't help myself, always starting with a mk. 2 and wing straakes
<JVFoxy> lol.. I guess launching a spaceplane with the Mk3 cockpit be too much of a challenge for ya
<marcelinethevampirespleen> OI WOT
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> I have
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but I kept losing my wings
<Althego> i eagerly await the stock navigation lights
<Althego> that is what makes a plane. also would help woth night docking
<JVFoxy> one of my unlisted (please don't share) videos from 5 years ago. A version of my Dynafly going up to orbit. There'd been some changes in KSP since so I had to go through some revisions since.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> not my ailerons or elevators, which is odd cos they were on in precarious ways
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but poosh! at 40k
<marcelinethevampirespleen> crested and wobbled and left wing gone
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I managed to land safely though
<marcelinethevampirespleen> one-winged
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lovely design, are those old rapiers or?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> JVFoxy is that really stock
<marcelinethevampirespleen> o.o
<JVFoxy> ya stock, old ksp version
<JVFoxy> old whiplash engines actually...
<marcelinethevampirespleen> color me imprressed
<marcelinethevampirespleen> perfect filight
<marcelinethevampirespleen> why can't I type
<JVFoxy> but as I said, game went through a lot of changes since. Current version can carry 1t to orbit in the 1U cargo bay
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I hate cargo bays lol
<JVFoxy> I've another version that has a docking tunnel in the bay for use with stations
<marcelinethevampirespleen> they explode the contents
<Althego> let's see how the well renowned untitled spacecraft fares
<JVFoxy> I've another spaceplane, my Dakota, uses Mk2 body parts. its a bit of an odd ball. Set of Mk2 fuel tanks with intakes and pair of whiplashes on the sides, but they are sideways. (widest section is vertical)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ooh
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<JVFoxy> Uses the big S shuttle wings and can still look ok
<JVFoxy> oof.. ok now I'm wondering if I should snag my KSP pic archive next time I swing by home so I can at least show
<marcelinethevampirespleen> sounds a bit like my Dart Evader, same idea, same wings, but built with four wings for stable flight at any angle, I find it flies better onits sidelike a fish, though this may just be weight distribution
<marcelinethevampirespleen> yes, the name is memeworthy
<Althego> 500 m/s remains in orbit, enough for a docking and getting back
<Althego> with 2 passengers aside from the pilot
<JVFoxy> mine doesn't have to fly sideways cuz of the body parts
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<Althego> hehe exploded because of incorrect reentry
<JVFoxy> ... too steep or too shallow?
<Althego> usually i want to glide to the space center
<Althego> because of this i kept it at low angle for less drag for a while
<Althego> and the mk1 cockpit doesnt like that
<Althego> have to have it at max angle as long as possible
<marcelinethevampirespleen> hm
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I like to come in with trhe bottom of the plane pointing prograde, use that to aerobrake through the outer atmosphere, and freefall til kss is in reasonable range, and kick in the engines to right myself and start the glide in to the runway
<JVFoxy> getting the right approach I've found to always be a pain. Far too many parameters to take into account
<Althego> yes but i would have needed to use the engine to reeach ksc
<marcelinethevampirespleen> however I turn at random on the runway while taking off and often drive off the runway and launch off of the grass
<Althego> the trajectory was ok but the heating was not. would do better on second try
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lol all my planes have radiators, i assume I'm coming in hot and if I don't that's a bonus
<Althego> useless weight
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ish
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I've used radiators as wings before
<JVFoxy> heh.. only time I've used a Mk1 pod was as a test flight. Treated it like building with a Mk1 command pod. Stuck a tiny heatshield to the bakside.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> unintentionally
<marcelinethevampirespleen> hah
<JVFoxy> what would you use radiators for in early career anyways?
<Althego> they work as heat shield
<Althego> i guess sticking them on the underside of thep lane would help
<JVFoxy> cannon fodder mode or?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> on the front of the aerofoil
<JVFoxy> far as I know, the simple non-folding panel types only help to cool the part they are attached to, and in smaller part, anything attached to the part it son
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but you dont even need to turn them on
<Althego> they wouldnt have time to radiate away the heat anyway
<Althego> the point is that they have higher heat tolerance than the mk1 parts
<JVFoxy> I barely use them as is anyways.. far as I remember, they always on. But there's been some changes to them in recent KSP versions
<marcelinethevampirespleen> well they at least explode first so the wings don't have to
<marcelinethevampirespleen> it's fixed some really inefficient planes survive for me
<JVFoxy> Althego some of my plane designs, the engines get pretty hot after a bit. you'd think the radiator panels would help a bit? Or would they create too much drag?
<Althego> but you cant put them on the engines
<JVFoxy> jet engines, not rocket
<Althego> the smaller jet engines get how when you operate the mat thigh speeds
<JVFoxy> well ok, not directly, but to the nacelle connected to them.
<Althego> but otherwise it isnt an issue i ever worried about
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'd try it
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but don't listen to me on any account
<JVFoxy> I've noticed one of my high speed early career birds, flying low and fast, wheezers do get a bit toasty
<Althego> they can even explode, i think it happened to me once
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ohhh yes
<marcelinethevampirespleen> yesyesyyes
<JVFoxy> granted.. I don't usually fly low if its a long flight. Better to go up high, around 8-10km, better fuel range
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I've had a glider explode and kill the crew just from overheating
<Judge_Dedd> I haven't read the whole scrollback but RE: something you were talking about earlier: I remember there used to be a mod to leave footprints and tyre tracks
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oh?
<JVFoxy> lol... when flying hot for a while. landing the plane, kerbal gets out, shows heat warning on kerbal. Glitch?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I've seen this JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> ya, seen it once or twice, not sure whats going on. Maybe Kerbal getting radiated by plane skin?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but I was crash-landing a rover rocket on moho
<Judge_Dedd> marcelinethevampirespleen,
<marcelinethevampirespleen> (I had planned a trip to eve and things went...pooorly
<JVFoxy> Mine you, heat gauge doesn't seem to go down. I think some people even reported seeing it going up, even when not doing anything
<marcelinethevampirespleen> if only we had inflatable landing cushions like the ones used for the u.s's curiosity rover
<marcelinethevampirespleen> thanks, judge
<JVFoxy> landing on a planet in a bouncy ball
<Althego> tried and tested method
<Althego> there used to be a mod with those inflatable things
<Althego> maybe it still exists
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ah wait
<marcelinethevampirespleen> Judge_Dedd it seems the mod died
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I found a mod with inflatable habitats but not safe for bouncing
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I've tried
<Judge_Dedd> Mods often die, sadly, but they are often revived by others. Might be worth searching around a bit
<JVFoxy> I should see if Kerbinside still alive
<JVFoxy> When I put a few building, something of a settlement south of KSP, later I realized Kerbintown was actually in the same area
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ... town?\
<marcelinethevampirespleen> settlement?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> building?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> these word are foreign to me
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lolol
<marcelinethevampirespleen> kerbal knows only sky, and death
<marcelinethevampirespleen> x3
<JVFoxy> kerbintown was a mod from ages ago. Places a city under construction near the southern tip of the mainland from KSP. Kerbinside is another mod, allows more specific buildings. Alternate launch sites, a nav feature.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> wizard
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ksp has just stopped playing audiop
<marcelinethevampirespleen> idea:
<marcelinethevampirespleen> wastleand defense for ksp
<marcelinethevampirespleen> wasteland defense*
<Judge_Dedd> Sounds like you wand BDArmory
<Judge_Dedd> Updated footprints mod
<Judge_Dedd> It does a lot of other stuff too.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> hiiiii
<Mod9000> Hello, marcelinethevampirespleen
<Mat2ch> Wanna jam?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> J A M
<marcelinethevampirespleen> love to
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but i prefer jelly
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lol
<marcelinethevampirespleen> bad joke, soory
<marcelinethevampirespleen> sorry*
<Mat2ch> .oO( sadly but luckily those gifs aren't displayed here and you have to click on them ;)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lel
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i have a bunch of clips I wish I could post
<marcelinethevampirespleen> of AT
JVFoxy has quit [Quit:]
<marcelinethevampirespleen> trapped at 26,000 meters- a kerbal story
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darsie has joined #KSPOfficial
<marcelinethevampirespleen> is 5 degrees an acceptable angle of attack for a paceplane
* darsie does not object.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I see myself just maintaining one apoapsis and the same line depicting my path while traveling around the globe at 18k
<marcelinethevampirespleen> 18km
<darsie> Rapier?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> yep
<marcelinethevampirespleen> for efficiency's sake
<marcelinethevampirespleen> perhaps not my best choice
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I used 2 shrimp and a ks-25 to get me above 10km
<darsie> dunno these
<marcelinethevampirespleen> teensy boosters and the engines the mammoth is made of
<darsie> ahh, right
<marcelinethevampirespleen> my apoapsis stays 100m ahead of me everywhere I go
<darsie> That doesn't sound right.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> travelapsis
<darsie> that: <marcelinethevampirespleen> I used 2 shrimp and a ks-25 to get me above 10km
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oh?
<darsie> Big plane?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> bad idea?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> medium
<darsie> Well, I'm not much into planes, so my feeling may be off.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ah
<marcelinethevampirespleen> welcome back
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lul
<darsie> Did you welcome yourself back? :)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> no?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> did I show as gone? I've never left
<darsie> Then who?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> kubi
<marcelinethevampirespleen> whom I don't know
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but I saw them leave and return 3 x
<darsie> I didn't see kubi leaving, coming or saying anything.
<darsie> Since I joired.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> o jeez someone's named x
<darsie> moh
<marcelinethevampirespleen> odd
<kubi> what?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I said welcome back cos you're logged as leaving, returning, leaving, returning, then leaving again
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and darsie said they saw none of it
<marcelinethevampirespleen> so I remarked that it was odd
<packbart> my client filters out join/parts in this channel, so I didn't see it, either ;)
<darsie> First message I got was <marcelinethevampirespleen> is 5 degrees an acceptable angle of attack for a paceplane
<marcelinethevampirespleen> hm
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I have 5 hours of log here
<marcelinethevampirespleen> but all 3 times the person in question left and returned were between 4:33 and 4:44
<marcelinethevampirespleen> after you joined
<marcelinethevampirespleen> glithch?
<Althego> didnt see such thing here
<marcelinethevampirespleen> hmm
<marcelinethevampirespleen> why would I get that reading
<Althego> idle for 64 hours
<marcelinethevampirespleen> whom
<Althego> wait why am i not on ssl
<marcelinethevampirespleen> on what
<Judge_Dedd> IRC is a little quirky in that a small disturbance in your internet connection can make you disconnect and reconnect in quick succession.
<darsie> marcelinethevampirespleen: What was the message before you saw k join last?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> "ah"
<Judge_Dedd> I didn't see and leaves/joins there
<Judge_Dedd> That is indeed odd
<marcelinethevampirespleen> in response to you're not a plane person
<marcelinethevampirespleen> very
<Judge_Dedd> My guess is netsplit
<marcelinethevampirespleen> also a polite greeting turned into a long conversation with everyone lol
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<darsie> Yeah, nothing there for me.
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<Judge_Dedd> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<darsie> wb Althego
<Althego> heh still not... ok i have to force it then
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<darsie> KrazyKrl: Are you a Kirl?
<darsie> Ich bin ein Kerl :)
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> you are?
<Mat2ch> uh, still no road closures scheduled.
<Mat2ch> What are they waiting for?
<Althego> hehe, remember the old game z? when you were losing the computer voice was taunting you. when you were winning, said things like: what are you waiting for?
<Althego> let's take the fort
<Althego> etc
<marcelinethevampirespleen> vaguely
<packbart> Sounds like something the Nukem Duke would say
<Mat2ch> I never played that game
<darsie> I am.
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<Althego> thought so
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> well
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> ich bin eine frau
<Althego> here there is one kind of well. gravity well
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> heh\
<marcelinethevampirespleen> or gravity poorly
<darsie> marcelinethevampirespleen: Your nick is confusing. Marceline the vampire spleen?
<Althego> and too long
<Althego> ah the old 9 character limit was so good :)
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<Mat2ch> marcelinethevampirespleen: no, you are the vampire queen!
<marcelinethevampirespleen> yes but I like the word "spleen"
<marcelinethevampirespleen> spleen queen
<marcelinethevampirespleen> of vampires
<Althego> what does the spleen do? maybe it filters the blood? nah
<marcelinethevampirespleen> nope
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lol good video
<Mat2ch> but you don't sound grumpy at all
<darsie> I head it stores red blood cells and emits them when needed. I also heard its function is unknown.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> w e l l
<marcelinethevampirespleen> bonnibel kisses
<Mat2ch> .oO( More like somebody should take away the sugar. But noboby would dare to try ;)
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I take my sugar in bubblegum, thanks
<Althego> bubblegum crisis
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i will now write a song about the bubblegum crisis thanks for the inspiration
<Mat2ch> Have fun :P
<Althego> there are several. bubblegum crisis was good old stuff
<darsie> What I heard about the spleen was wrong.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ;)
<Althego> around 11.5 hours until electron
<Althego> (if it happens)
<Althego> hehe, those satellite names
<Althego> APSS-1
<Althego> Gnome Chompski
<Althego> BRO-2 and BRO-3
<Althego> Spacebees (24x)
<Althego> ok, the gnome is part of the rocket
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lmao
<darsie> lol
<marcelinethevampirespleen> what is electron
<darsie> a rocket with electric fuel pumps.
<darsie> small orbital rocket
<Althego> small rocket for small payloads made in new zealand
<marcelinethevampirespleen> context?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ahh
<darsie> ~6 MUSD/launch
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and that's the time until launch?
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Electron - "Return to Sender" - Fri Nov 20, 2020 01:44:00 UTC (L-11:28:48) - for info/stream
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and what does gnome chompski have to do with it all
<Althego> you can see the gnome in the foreground
<Althego> bolted on the rocket
<marcelinethevampirespleen> what do the names mean
<marcelinethevampirespleen> is there going to be an actual gnome
<Althego> i dont know but bro and spacebees seemed hilarious to me
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and actually 24 small sattelites called spacebees
<darsie> A gnome /noʊm/[1] is a mythological creature and diminutive spirit in Renaissance magic and alchemy, first introduced by Paracelsus in the 16th century and later adopted by more recent authors including those of modern fantasy literature.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> because I demand spacebees
<Althego> see, totally a gnome on the rocket
<marcelinethevampirespleen> @darsie ever hear of (reflected sounds of underground spirits)
<darsie> Electron is a diminutive rocket.
<marcelinethevampirespleen> *echo-gnome-ics
<marcelinethevampirespleen> it's cute
<marcelinethevampirespleen> like a ballpoint pen
<marcelinethevampirespleen> also great so naming my cubic satellite cubesat is not original
<marcelinethevampirespleen> good t know
<marcelinethevampirespleen> so if a short spaceplane really likes falling straight down while rotating slowly on the x axis, remaining level with the ground, what is this a sign of
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'm guessing since it flew fine until flipping backwards, not enough tail
<Althego> convention is x forward y right z down
<marcelinethevampirespleen> ok it was spinning to the left while remaining pointed at 0 degrees are you happy now'
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I'm bad at math, tranch
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lol
<Althego> they also correspond to roll pitch and yaw
<marcelinethevampirespleen> well what's -x then, retrograde travel?
<darsie> Althego: I think x/y/z should be roll/yaw/pitch.
<Althego> that s what i said
<Althego> x axis points forward, therefore rotating around it is roll, y points right, rotation is pitch, z points down rotation is yaw
<marcelinethevampirespleen> wack
<marcelinethevampirespleen> rotation is pitch
<marcelinethevampirespleen> fine it was spinnin on the z axis with little to no yx axis movement
<marcelinethevampirespleen> spinning*
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> in normal flight iit wants to tilt back on the y axis
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> once again my apoapsis is always 100m ahead of me and travels with me without changing
<marcelinethevampirespleen> and at 15k I randomly flip
<marcelinethevampirespleen> once
<Althego> that is exactly the spot to flip if you dont have enough stability
<marcelinethevampirespleen> backwards on the y axis
<marcelinethevampirespleen> then spin around the z
<marcelinethevampirespleen> why?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> I was fine then the minute I push downwards it flips upwards
<Althego> do you use the center of mass and center of lift indicators in the editor?
<marcelinethevampirespleen> yes
<marcelinethevampirespleen> lift is slightly ahead of com
<marcelinethevampirespleen> slightly
<Althego> the yellow ball has to be slightly in front of the cyan ball
<Althego> not too much because then you cant change course
<marcelinethevampirespleen> i AM trying to make do with winglets rather than proper delta wings on the rear
<Althego> lol this is an old post
<Althego> something like this
<Althego> depending on the plane the distance can be bigger too
<marcelinethevampirespleen> oops caps
<Althego> usually because as fuel drains the com moves, so you want to keep a relationship like this even for reentry when you are low on fuel
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<marcelinethevampirespleen> whoops
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that's one of the things I find the hardest to do. Keeping the CoM almost in the same position while the fuel drains
<Mat2ch> and it would be much much muuuuuuuuuuuuch easier if there was an option to drain all active lf and ox fuels simultaneous
<Althego> problem if you build your plane asa one long tube
<Mat2ch> But that's how planes are built. Low profile for fewest drag! ;)
<Althego> then you have to keep a little ballast
<Althego> and pump it around as fuel drains
<Althego> like the blackbird did
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<Mat2ch> well, it usually try to select a few heavy parts that get on the front to counter the weight of the engines
<Mat2ch> and it would be also easier if the smaller wings would hold fuel as well
<Mat2ch> and I have managed to get the ration right, but it's hard and lots of fiddeling around.
<Mat2ch> Could be made easy by having a slider which lets you fuel/unload the plane
<Althego> this is the reason why skylon has the engines on the wingtips
<Althego> yes that fuel slider thing is something i always wanted
<Althego> really annoying to do it for all tanks during editing
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> I wonder how Skylon is doing
<Althego> skylon is not doing, allah is doing
<Althego> i could not let it pass
<Althego> although i think this highlights the mods
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Althego> the engine is still not finished
<Althego> the precooler operation was a requirement for the engine
<Althego> but it is just one part and the whole thing is completely new
<Althego> on the other hand spacex made more progress with starship in less time
<Mat2ch> Starship will probably be flying on a regular basis, when Skylon first lifts off.
<Althego> why would anybody want to use anything else at that point?
<Mat2ch> And that is what annoys me about ESA, they're slow, make some erratic decisions and have some unnecessary secrecy to them (or just bad information politics)
<Mat2ch> a bit like Valve, but with tax payers money
<Althego> nasa and roscosmos does the same
<Althego> maybe the chinese are going to move in the right direction, but it will take them years to catch up
<Mat2ch> until they run out of money.
<Mat2ch> then it's going to be as slow als the rest. :D
<Althego> meanwhile the indians achieve human spaceflight with conventional rockets
<darsie> Do Chinese rocket stages thaht fall at villages contain nasty stuff like N2O4 or hydrazine derivative fuel?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> in many cases hypergolics
<Althego> never go near a rocket part
<darsie> ok. So I told it right.
<Mat2ch> which is totally crazy considering how long their coastal line is
<packbart> Low Flying Rocks strike again. "Man becomes millionaire after meteorite falls through his roof"
<packbart> 2kg of carbonaceous chondrite, now sold off to the Arizona State University
<Althego> what they are worth this much?
<packbart> one report said £645 per gram
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<Althego> there seems to be an other space agency simulator. mars horizon
<packbart> KSP-like graphics, if the Steam trailer is anything to go by
<Althego> focuses more on management than spaceships
<packbart> yeah, it's MechJeb all the way ;)
<packbart> Windows-only, though
<packbart> on the wishlist it goes. maybe I'll buy it someday
<Althego> not on gog
* darsie doesn't have or want Windows.
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<Althego> scott on vega and e tc
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<Mat2ch> I really should complain in the forum that we don't get any updates from there here and I have to do that :P
<packbart> there's probably a bot for that ;)
<packbart> oh, the inventory thingy now has volume
<packbart> interesting addition. I like it
<Mat2ch> yeah, well, now it needs containers for repair kits
<packbart> hm? oh right, this isn't exclusively Breaking Ground, is it?
<Mat2ch> time to hit the sheets
<Mat2ch> what they were showing is a container for three repair kits or other tools
<Mat2ch> and you need three repair kits for one wheel
<Mat2ch> so...
<Mat2ch> better carry a few hundred around
<packbart> ah. hm. looked like the BG inventory to me, su I assumed the same containers would work
<packbart> but yeah, maybe you can stack them at that's what the volume bar is for. we'll see
<packbart> s/at/and/
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<packbart> "linuxgurugamer is streaming Mars Horizon" - I knew I had seen somebody play that game before. still not buying it, yet ;)
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