umbralraptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | < packbart> I hope their sample isn't contaminated by the lunar tardigrade colony
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<darsie> Qubyte: With a Terrier? Pic?
* darsie is a bot.
<FLHerne> ;outcome add You can't prove you aren't a chatbot.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: You can't prove you aren't a chatbot.
<darsie> ;mission
<LunchBot> darsie: You taunt Scott Manley. You match your target orbit, only to find that you're going in the wrong direction.
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<darsie> ;mission add Collide with something that's on the same orbit as you, but goes in the other direction.
<LunchBot> darsie: Added mission: Collide with something that's on the same orbit as you, but goes in the other direction.
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<packbart> well, if that's the intended mission. still hard to do
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<Althego> no falcon eye 2 launch, but
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<Althego> scott about rocketlab videos. because there were two more of returning and landing
<Althego> with an other video about the spacex landing
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<Althego> note the kind reminder from the internet about the hat. made me laugh
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<Althego> about 8 minutes
<Althego> pesky clouds
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<Mat2ch> Doesn't look like SN8 is going to hop tomorrow :/
<Mat2ch> From what I've seen the weather is not good enough. Too strong upper winds
<flayer> i've had some strong lower winds
<flayer> had to open a window
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<Mat2ch> flayer: Out! Now!
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<Althego> hehe winds
<darsie> Where?
<Althego> in the log
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<Althego> and yes winds are still predicted for monday, tuesday is a better candidate, although it will be cloudy then
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<umaxtu> I thought we were still waiting on the FAA?
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<Althego> landing on flags...
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<umbralraptop> ;mission add You liven up your mod mix by installing Atom instead of RSS.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added mission: You liven up your mod mix by installing Atom instead of RSS.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You accelerate John Cena to 0.999c. You are bored to death.
* umbralraptop presses F to pay respects for Google Reader
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<darsie> My second flight to orbit video was deleted from reddit cause it's hosted on the piratebay :(.
<kubi> lol
<Neal> ksp shouldn't lose much performance going from 1080p to 4k right?
<Neal> since its cpu-bound
<Althego> by the sound of the card horizon zero dawn taxes the gpu less than ksp
<Althego> so i wouldnt be so sure
<Neal> the ui looks tiny argh
<Neal> seems to be running fine
<Neal> about the same fps as 1080p on my ryzen 7 1700
<kubi> yes, it works fine in 4K
<kubi> the GUI elements can be scaled
<kubi> but there is a bug in Linux that they have nto fixed yet (maybe now?!) that requires you to go to the config menu and just press accept to scale
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* darsie reposted his video with a DHT hash and magnet link.
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<Neal> I'm not seeing any ui scaling options
<Neal> oh its under general not graphics(where it should be)
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<kubi> yes
<kubi> it helps
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* darsie thought about doing another going to orbit tutorial and this is the last iteration:
<umbralraptop> yeah, that would probably work
<darsie> It does.
<darsie> 100ish m/s left in orbit.
<darsie> Well, what I consider orbit :). 71 km :)
<darsie> I've seen one guy doing 90 km.
<FLHerne> Is that enough margin for error for bad flying?
<FLHerne> People who need a going-to-orbit tutorial aren't going to gravity-turn and circularise perfectly
<darsie> Not much. I had other designs first, and improved on them. That would be part of the tutorial.
<FLHerne> 90km leaves plenty of margin for 90x71 or whatever
<darsie> First one used FL-200 and Terrier.
<FLHerne> tbh, I like the rocket, but I'm not sure it's optimized for the right thing :p
<FLHerne> FL-200 + Terrier is better for a tutorial because it carries over to career games
<darsie> Yeah, it's somewhat advanced. But I had other verisons first, which are better for newbies. The optimization steps woud be part of the tutorial.
<FLHerne> And removing all unnecessary margin is just aggravating when you're trying to learn the basics
<darsie> true
<FLHerne> If you mean "ok, so we orbited -- but look, we can build a smaller and more efficient rocket", then that sounds ok
<darsie> Well, they can fly the more forgiving designs first, and then go for optimization, if they want.
<darsie> Maybe I shouldn't go for 71 km first, yes.