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<Ambiverse> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Ambiverse
<Ambiverse> Hello mod
<Ambiverse> I put jebadiah kermin around the moon
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<raptop> Does jeb appreciate flying an Apollo 8 equivalent?
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<Ambiverse> yes it gives him more space than the other one
<Ambiverse> i never did learn how to save them
<Ambiverse> from their orbits
<raptop> ah
<Ambiverse> if i end up getting this laptop i probably will this winter
<Ambiverse> its borrowed while mine is kia
<Ambiverse> i need math to keep my brain sharp
<raptop> attaching boosters to laptops is contraindicated
<raptop> I'm suddenly tempted to push zachtronics games on you <_<
<Ambiverse> oooo
<Ambiverse> looks good
<Ambiverse> i wanna play an old school tanks game again
<raptop> scorched earth?
<Ambiverse> world of tanks
<Ambiverse> i had a vision that i have to avoid talking about games you havent played
<Ambiverse> because youll only have flashbacks of the trailer
<Ambiverse> if youve never played the game
<Ambiverse> its almost like speaking different languages
<raptop> admittedly, the last WW2ish game I played was Atlantic Fleet
<Ambiverse> sounds cool
<Ambiverse> i only like tank games or modern fps all other fighting seems less fun to me lol
<Ambiverse> tanks are like pokemon and modern shooters arent really a piece of history
<Ambiverse> by time theres world war three if there ever is its likely it wont even be mirror of modern shooters today
<Ambiverse> i think theres more of a karmatic purancy in it
<Ambiverse> since it never happened
<Ambiverse> though tank battles did
<Ambiverse> the tanks are just too cute
<Ambiverse> while fierce like pokemon
<Ambiverse> just don't wanna tempt that fact that people did die
<Ambiverse> probably not a good memory to them for me to be replaying
<Ambiverse> as long as violence stays in the computer its safe
<Ambiverse> i dont think they went to war wanting a game to be made after them
<Ambiverse> that scene in pearl harbor was heart breaking
<Ambiverse> i dont mean to flood, a flow is the only way i know how to explain my disinterest in Atlantic fleet
<Ambiverse> while its probably fun
<Ambiverse> anyway combat is often what makes a game fun
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<raptop> hrm
<Ambiverse> my favorite game is try to get a million views online
<Ambiverse> the most I've ever gotten is 796
<Ambiverse> it was music
<Ambiverse> edm
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<Althego> 3 launches next week. possibly sn8 too
* minas_tirith raptop Althego
* raptop blink
<Althego> in the wrong universe
* minas_tirith slaps raptop :3
<minas_tirith> Take inspiration from warhammer 40k
<minas_tirith> Fantasy and space scifi can coexist
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<raptop> something something, khorne represents strength and honor, slaanesh represents happiness, nurgle represents love and acceptance, tzeentch represents hope and change
<minas_tirith> Slaanesh is hot
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<raptop> hah
<minas_tirith> Mechas can look pretty too
<raptop> assumes that's a metal album
<minas_tirith> Its a dismember album yes
<minas_tirith> I dont like swedish dm tbh
<minas_tirith> But the art is pretty
<raptop> hm
<minas_tirith> Yes hm-2
<raptop> hm hm
<raptop> (etc)
<minas_tirith> Swede bands often used hm-2
<minas_tirith> I don't like it, sounds too heavy for me
<raptop> ah
<minas_tirith> But its generally well liked
* raptop should probably check them out anyway just to see
<Althego> hehe i cant read the title
<minas_tirith> raptop, like an everflowing stream is their more interesting album
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<Althego> there is cooperation between spacex and tesla. but rarely anybody thinks the boring company comes into play when mars is concerned. but elon does everything in mars in mind. maybe there will be teslas and TBMs on mars. (tunnels are actually useful for habitats)
<Mat2ch> Maybe, yes
<Mat2ch> and that is why he wants to go fast than snails
<Althego> hehe. currently the snail is still winning
<Mat2ch> If you want to build a society of mars and connect them with tunnels to be radiation safe you need tunnels fast.
<Mat2ch> and I want a tesla now. My car is rusty below :/
<Mat2ch> Something made from Aluminium please
<Althego> up to 4 launches next week
<Althego> or maybe not
<Althego> because one is called Please move to the new API
<Althego> rocketlab gives such names but not spacex
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<minas_tirith> Althego, am watching youtube in 144p
<Althego> lol
<minas_tirith> why lol?
<Althego> that is stamp sized
<minas_tirith> It looks good
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<FLHerne> minas_tirith: ?
<minas_tirith> FLHerne, 2d waifus
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<Althego> ecchi nano wa ikenai to omoimasu
<Truga> lol that's a blast from the past
<Althego> classic
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<XXCoder> Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong.
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<minas_tirith> Astolfo best husbando
<Truga> yes
<minas_tirith> Truga, panty bulges
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<packbart> ooh, a new BG robotics mod. I'm not sure if the parts also suffer from joint displacement (probably) but they do look nice
<minas_tirith> packbart, you look tired bro. Here, have some choccy milk
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