umbralraptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | < packbart> I hope their sample isn't contaminated by the lunar tardigrade colony
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<Mat2ch> not so good news :|
<Mat2ch> Quiet in here today...
<umbralraptop> mourning or something
<Mat2ch> helo umbralraptop
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<Mat2ch> Well
<Mat2ch> what flies first, Starship to Mars or SLS with Orion?
<packbart> and there's Scott, too:
<umbralraptop> Mat2ch: the timeframe for repairs feels absurd
<Mat2ch> umbralraptop: if you have to unbolt everything, because the engineers never anticipated that this part could need replacement and then you need to assemble and requalify everything, then it can be really months until they're done
<Mat2ch> It looks like there is nobody watching over those engineers to plan things to be easily repaired
<Mat2ch> or they're using this as an excuse, because they are behind their timetable.
<umbralraptop> I guess if the launch has been delayed enough that this capsule has been in storage for several years longer than anticipated...?
<packbart> so the battery is not replaceable? huh.
<umbralraptop> iOrion
<umbralraptop> (Yes, I know this applies to basically every android and laptop also)
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<packbart> it would be a tragedy if SLS would ever fly. it binds so many jobs
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