Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam and BOOM!
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<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Electron - "The Owl's Night Begins" - Tue Dec 15, 2020 09:00:00 UTC (L-04:33:27) - for info/stream
<Althego> this came out of nowhere
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<Althego> psa take vitamin d in the vinter it can possibly help you prevent or easily overcome covid-19
<Mat2ch> oh, yes, I've seen some studies saying that
<Mat2ch> looks like vitamin is even more essential
<Mat2ch> than just for the bones
<Althego> because of this guy i started to take vitamin d a few weeks ago
<Mat2ch> I should take some. Wasn't in the sun much this year, because of the stay at home policy and I feel a bit off lately.
<Mat2ch> Maybe that's the reason
<Althego> same for me, i dont go out much
<Mat2ch> also not much sun in the winter months here
<Althego> as in basically all of europe
<Mat2ch> Right now it wouldn't help here at all. Sun doesn't get high enough
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Althego> most people have vitamin d deficiency in the winter here
<nate> Althego: A daily bayer is an otherwise decent idea daily as well if you can
<nate> The reason Vitamin D would help though is almost every condition/effect of COVID-19 is clotting-linked, Vitamin D assists in proper coagulation
<nate> low vitamin d risks clotting problems
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<Althego> electron launch seems to be on track
<Althego> i must get off my butt i get the optical drive to do ripping of the nanowar cd so that i have music for reading
<Althego> ah there is a bonus disc too
<Mat2ch> my basil is also missing the sun...
<Althego> hah valhalleluja is on the bonus disc
<Althego> just perfect
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<Mat2ch> ugh, without the collapse of the stand we might have seen SN9 being tested right now
<Althego> and after renaming i still need to tag these
<Mat2ch> Althego: al ritmo de la rumba?
<Mat2ch> and it looks like SN9 is really just getting new flaps.
<Althego> what
<Mat2ch> don't you like doing thing al ritmo de la rumba? :D
<Althego> surprisingly it is quite easy to rip cds today
<Althego> whatever that is
<Althego> seriosuly, one track has cyrillic title, how am i going to type that
<Mat2ch> Uh
<Mat2ch> use a cyrillic keyboard!
<Althego> i think i am just going to copy it from the internet
<Mat2ch> You call yourself a Nanowar fan and don't do things al ritmo de la rumba? Tsss :D
<Althego> i dont call myself a fan of anything
<Mat2ch> you have the CD on which that song should be on :P
<Althego> no, it is not on it
<Althego> i remember in the dos days it took time to rip and encode stuff. now it is a matter of seconds for each track
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<Mat2ch> Probably using multiple threads as well
<Mat2ch> wait, Norwegian Reggaeton is not on the CD? Sad.
<Althego> on the bonus
<Mat2ch> the bonus is a CD as well, isn't it?
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> So technically it's on the CD.
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Althego> kurogrtad, it is in russian lol
<Althego> -t
<Mat2ch> btw: Куроград
<Althego> yes i already copied it
<Mat2ch> if you want to copy it ;)
<Mat2ch> the video is online, too
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<Vlakater> hi I need help finding a part
<Mat2ch> hi Vlakater
<Althego> mod part i guess
<Vlakater> yes its been bugging me since last night
<Althego> stream started, nothing on it yet
<Vlakater> huh?
<Vlakater> oh ok
<Althego> guy is talking
<Vlakater> the part is found in Airplane Plus tab in the sph = wright R3350 duplex cyclone
<Vlakater> but when I look in the AirplanePlus directory it isnt there?
<Althego> the name can be different
<Althego> these long display names are inside config files
<Althego> lol this is an actual existing engine
<Mat2ch> here is a part called K-3350 "Tempest" Radial Engine but, uhm
<Althego> i always have to laugh when people mention synthetic aperture radar
<Mat2ch> who would mention that?
<Althego> mentioned in the stream
<Mat2ch> ah, ok
<Althego> it is not their fault that the acronym sounds like something in hungarian i wouldnt be able to write here because of the rules
<Vlakater> lol i know the engine exists in real life and that the game mod version is the tempest one
<Vlakater> but I have a real version two
<Vlakater> I cannot remember how i got it to work but wanted a realistic engine with rss and ro for my B-29 Superfortress
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<Vlakater> but now I need the part so I can create a Texture unlimited Recolor Depot config to change colours and its a pain
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<Althego> going up
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<Vlakater> ......... tell me what is this mod doing ( AJE and AJE Extended config)?
<Mat2ch> Uhm, you might have to ask in the modding forum oder in #kspmodders
<Vlakater> is it possible that config files can lach onto part configs to change it ? or create a other new part using the original config? for I found simularities to the wright R3350 duplex cyclone engine
<Vlakater> ok will do hanks
<Vlakater> I cannot join them how do i get acces
<Mat2ch> you need to register your nick first
<Mat2ch> /query nickserv help
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<Althego> ok, tagged. now i just need to copy this to like 4 different things
<Mat2ch> I need to get working...
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<Mat2ch> So SpaceX got a delivery of O2, methane and nitrogen at the Boca Chica site. Does this mean that they are confident to fix SN9 more quickly than it seems?
<Althego> or sn10 takes over
<Althego> if they are lucky they just replace the fins, do a nitrogen pressure test, and it is ready to go
<Althego> in moderately lucky case it is just going to leak
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: They probably scheduled that days ago
<FLHerne> I doubt specialist bulk-cryogenic-liquid suppliers do next-day delivery
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<Mat2ch> then SN9 was really close to testing :|
* Mat2ch has no patience
<Mat2ch> and I'm hunting a real ghost bug right now. This one is slippy through my fingers for years now
<Mat2ch> it sometimes happens, nobody knows when, it maybe has something to do with user actions, but if you repeat the same steps again, it's gone.
<Mat2ch> So much fun!
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<Mat2ch> lol, nice
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<Althego> maybe astra rocket test?
<Althego> or they chicken out in the last second
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<Matuchkin> wtf the IRC chat is still here
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<raptop> ...
* Mat2ch looks for the trout
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