Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship 15km flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on Friday?
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<Jovian_Oracle> Is there any news on what, if any, engine updates may occur in the next release of KSP?
<Jovian_Oracle> I've developed a chemical dependency on Kerbal Space Program, and going this long without it has given me some seriously bad withdrawal.
<Jovian_Oracle> The Sophons from Endless Space only go so far.
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<nate> Almost a decade since the original KSP release and what, 4 or 5 major unity engine versions since then? I imagine some pretty major engine updates are likely to be in KSP2
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<Althego> more than 1.5 days until the test. if they are not careful the astra rocket might beat starship
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<Mat2ch> Althego: well, it is becoming a meme moving the date every day by a day. :D
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship 15km flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on 9 December??
<Althego> Deddly: it is just as 12.5 km flight
<Deddly> I just saw that in nextlanuch. When did that change?
<Althego> days ago
<Althego> maybe a week
<Mat2ch> I guess it has something to do with the impact radius
<Mat2ch> Port Isabel and South Padre Island are all within 15 km radius and if that things steers of course reducing the height will reduce the likelyhood to impact in the cities
<Mat2ch> So for the first flight the FAA probably told them they can't go above 12.5 km
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship 12.5km flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on 9 December??
<Deddly> Odd, I never saw anything published about that
<Mat2ch> Only Tim Dodd seems to be the source.
<Mat2ch> But he has good contacts to Elon...
<Mat2ch> And the FAA doesn't seem to be the reason
<Mat2ch> they allow from surface up to unlimited
<Althego> but i dont see 15 pr 12.5 in it
<Althego> neither feet or miles
<Althego> so we basically dont know why it was reduced, and how we got that info
<Althego> 12.5 km is not even that high
<Althego> that is like commercial air travel altitude
<Mat2ch> Maybe enough for testing
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<Althego> meanwhile in bavaria:
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<Althego> some time in two hours a docking
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<Mat2ch> well, it's already thre
<Mat2ch> *there
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<Mat2ch> I wonder if this absolutely has to dock itself or if there is somewhere a hook where they can grab it, if everything fails
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<Mat2ch> I was just wondering how they are getting those great shots of the ISS in front of the planet
<Mat2ch> then it dragoned on me
<mrBlaQ> is cargo dragon still berthing or are they docking nowadays?
<mrBlaQ> oh they said docking now. neat
<mrBlaQ> is this the first docking for a cargo dragon? iirc the dragon crew demo-1 was the only other unmanned docking for a dragon craft?
<packbart> doesn't say. it's a few "firsts", though.
<Mat2ch> it is the first docking of a cargo dragon.
<mrBlaQ> ty
<Mat2ch> To sum it up: There was a Crew Demo mission, which had an empty crew capsule. Then there was Crew Dragon 1 and now Cargo Dragon
<Mat2ch> Both crew missions are still considered demonstration missions
<Mat2ch> so their names are Crew Dragon Demo-1 and -2
<Mat2ch> Oh, wait, I forgot, there is currently another crew mission ongoing
<Mat2ch> Called SpaceX Crew-1
<Mat2ch> So Crew Dragon will be the fourth Dravon V2 vehicle that docks to the ISS
<Mat2ch> Time is flying...
<mrBlaQ> yayay capture!
<Mat2ch> *Cargo Dragon
<Althego> eh i missed it
<Althego> scott on chang'e 5
<Althego> a nice smooth processed landing animation
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<Althego> at least there is this much
<mrBlaQ> huh
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on 8 December?
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<Mat2ch> Althego: uhhhhhhhhhhhh!
<Althego> schedule may change
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<Mat2ch> I know
<Mat2ch> But still!
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<flayer> hehe 800m/sec at 500 meters from the surface of the moon
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<darsie> hm?
<flayer> returning to kerbin
<flayer> and flying at high speeds over the surface to do so
<darsie> Ok. Mun.
<flayer> oh right
<flayer> first sample retrieval in 1974!
<flayer> from the moon
<darsie> Playing history?
<flayer> no
<flayer> just erratically changing subjects
<darsie> k
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