Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam and BOOM!
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<Althego> some space games are cheaper on gog now
<Althego> including no man's sky, ksp, x, etc
<darsie> Which ones are good?
<Althego> i leave that as an exercise for the reader
<Althego> but at least i finished horizn zero dawn
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<Mat2ch> raptop: well, I can at least imagine that. But I don't have the destruction of humanity on my mind
<Mat2ch> darsie: if you want to get lost in infinity then No Man's Sky
<Mat2ch> and oh boy I would like to get lost there. But I always fear that I wont find my way back.
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<Kalpa> Eyyy it's a raptop
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<UmbralRaptop> \o
<UmbralRaptop> darsie: I've heard good things about KSP
<Mat2ch> Maybe a Virgin Galactic flight today
<Mat2ch> but no live coverage
<darsie> UmbralRaptop: :)
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<Althego> it was aborted
<Althego> spaceplane released buy a very short engine burst
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<Althego> elon was not talkative in the last few days. for example about the sn9 issue
<Althego> insight also hasnt done anything with the mole lately
<Althego> supposedly in january
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<Mat2ch> mole?
<Althego> the self hammering metal rod that usually jumps out of the hole it made
<flayer> whats happening
<Althego> sn9 saw what happened to sn9, so decided to try to get out of the launch by self harm
<Althego> happened to sn8
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<Althego> inside the bay it just fell over and hit the wall
<flayer> oops
<Althego> i saw at least one fin was damaged
<Althego> these starships are basically thin metal pressure vessels with nothing inside, so i would be afraid of pressurization after a damage
<flayer> yeah, even a dent can cause an explosion
<flayer> i don't see this one being salvaged
<Althego> it was already finished
<flayer> and now its as good as scrap
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<flayer> why did it fall over though?
<Althego> that is the interesting question
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<Mat2ch> uhm
<Mat2ch> the dent would pop out very early in the pressuring process
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<packbart> depends on what force vectors to expect
<packbart> that'll buff out but it probably won't be longitudinally stable
<packbart> weird word. did I mean axially?
<Mat2ch> I don't think that there is major damage on it
<FLHerne> Localised dent would be fine
<Mat2ch> they will repair and pressure test it
<FLHerne> If there's a buckle around a significant part of the circumference that would be bad
<umaxtu> it might be quicker to scrap it and move SN10 up in the queue
<packbart> they'll need one for the archives, anyway
<Mat2ch> quicker than installing new flaps and pressure test it?!
<umaxtu> maybe
<Mat2ch> We are talking about a veeeeeeery slow falling here, which was soon stopped by the high bay walls
<Mat2ch> if there would've been significant force behind it you would see the high bay bent.
<Mat2ch> The upper winglet probably crumbled and absorbed a lot of the force, too
<Mat2ch> so it's just not standing upright. This thing has to take a much harder beating, when coming down through the atmosphere...
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