raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
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<raptop> !mission add You must gather your party before venturing forth.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You must gather your party before venturing forth.
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You hire thousands of low-stupidity kerbonauts. A viral video is posted to YouTube of the Payload Safety Review Panel saying "NOOO" to you for ten hours straight.
<raptop> This raises questions
<raptop> (IIRC courage affects G-tolerance, but stupidity only affects moods?)
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<TwistenX> I'm about to start a KSP Livestream, anybody wanna watch?
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<TwistenX> Can I get some people to watch my KSP live stream?
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<TwistenX> Join my very epic and professional KSP Xbox One Gameplay LiveStream here, please and thank you; https://studio.restream.io/guest/bkxNNFFNbLQBlMzMOUf1lLl_B6G6KG4
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<Guest89814> hey im live streming kerbal space program pls come watch https://studio.restream.io/guest/bkxNNFFNbLQBlMzMOUf1lLl_B6G6KG4
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<Mat2ch> Signals from Proxima Centauri. I hope it's not an alien invasion. :D
<Althego> that would start with the lack of signals
<Mat2ch> If you are an alien super power, why hide your signals?
<darsie> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tau_Bo%C3%B6tis Distance 50.9 ± 0.2 ly
<darsie> In December 2020, astronomers may have detected, for the first time, radio emissions from a planet beyond our solar system.
<Althego> i think i heard about this
<Althego> maybe from anton
<Althego> jupiter also makes a lot of emissions
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<darsie> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLC1 The radio signal was detected during 3 hours of observations conducted by Breakthrough Listen through the Parkes Observatory in Australia in April and May 2019.
<darsie> possibly coming from the star Proxima Centauri.
<flayer> somehow, i don't think its aliens
<Althego> probably not
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<Althego> more singing shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FO1AYB8PK4
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<Lyneira> So... What happened to KSP2? Was really hyped for it when they made their announcement video in 2019 and... there is nothing now.
<Althego> delayed a few years
<Lyneira> Jeez, yeah I just noticed on steam
<Lyneira> used to be early 2020, 2 years delayed now
<Lyneira> How'd they slip a planned release date that badly?
<Althego> probably engine change
<Althego> which means they have to do it from scratch
<Althego> there was also that internal fight between developers and publisher
<Lyneira> Has there been any communication from the devs since 2019 about it?
<Lyneira> or news about it
<Althego> some
<Althego> mostly useless articles and videos
<Althego> they are nice, but just as sn9, we dont know what the actualissue is
<Lyneira> Hm.... Gives me somewhat no man's sky vibes
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<Mat2ch> I fear they're going to make something that is just an update to KSP and it fails, because everyone already has played KSP...
<Althego> or just overhype it and fail because of that
<Althego> exactly like no man's sky
<Althego> although no man's sky redeemed itself
<Althego> but it took years
<Althego> when do publishers learn?
<Althego> dont release half baked stuff
<Althego> oh yes cyberpunk 2077 is in hot waters too because of the consoles
<sandbox> I never thought it would be any time soon
<Althego> i wish ksp1 had the same shaders
<Althego> shiny metal, relaistic surfaces, etc
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<Mat2ch> One of my major issues with the screenshots and the videos is that they are always showing the Kerbal X.
<Mat2ch> And since it is the "main" ship of KSP, for KSP2 they have to show something different
<Mat2ch> but they don't.
<Mat2ch> So KSP2 will still be sticking premade containers together, which is no improvement over what we have now
<a_flayer> maybe they're still working on that aspect of it
<a_flayer> and only have a semi-finished world to show off
<sandbox> was it ever real?
<Althego> it is like nikola and blue origin :)
<Althego> a promise
<Althego> or star citizen
<FLHerne> [15:33] <Mat2ch> that's a KSP2 trailer
<FLHerne> Yes, I know, but we also had 1.11 just now, so I don't see why you think they've forgotten about KSP 1
<darsie> "the total Δv is 6428 m/s. This total impulse is sufficient for landing on the Mun with the piloting skill of the average player, but not for returning to Kerbin afterwards."
<darsie> 6428 m/s seem enough for a sample return.
<FLHerne> Similarly, I don't see the issue with sticking parts together
<FLHerne> "what we have now" is a great game, that's why we play it
<darsie> Maybe it requires expert piloting skill.
<FLHerne> There's plenty of room for improvement without changing the fundamental concept
<packbart> "shiny metal, relaistic surfaces" - KSP 1 already has those, with mods. (Textures Unlimited, Parallax)
<packbart> or rather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4eKLXbDkPA - without debug plates
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: not about KSP1, of us here, in the chat!
<lordcirth_> I think having set tank sizes in KSP2 is fine, as long as they have switchable contents in stock.
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<Mat2ch> It would be better to have them fully configurable in dimensions and content and offer some presets.
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<Mat2ch> The beginners get premade parts and when they advance they can create their own cans.
<lordcirth_> Mods will add that, I'm not sure stock needs it
<packbart> let the devs worry about the beginner's game, use mods for the advanced experience
<lordcirth_> ^
<Lyneira> Premade parts can just be commonly usable presets of an underlying flexible tank system
<Althego> and size and fuels can be hidden in advanced tweakables
<Althego> actually it would make life easier for us, and the devs
<Althego> because no need to maintain and create tank assets constantly
<Lyneira> I wonder if KSP would have been easier or harder to pick up if all the tanks and plane body sizes were stretchy and scalable instead of having many different presets suitable for different diameters and form factors
<Althego> the tanks is less of an issue, the wings are really awkward
<packbart> yeah, I have tried to use "SSTU" once. too. many. options
<Althego> when they dont want to attach just in weird angles and then you have to rotate them
<Lyneira> I did appreciate having procedural wings a lot, yeah
<packbart> a single part can be lots of things, depending on a large number of sliders
<packbart> too many for my taste ;)
<Lyneira> No doubt experienced builders will be at their best with fully procedural, slider controlled parts
<packbart> let them make those as a DLC if they have to
<packbart> the money needs to come from somewhere
<Lyneira> But for someone who's yet to be introduced... I think looking at some preset parts and thinking "that looks like it goes with that other thing" might be better
<packbart> (I only use wings for aesthetics, so can't really comment on their usefulness)
<Lyneira> I haven't played KSP in many years now... But I know I want to see a reimagined version of the game with a far better engine
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<Althego> really hard to get a better engine. not really optimized for interplanetary distances
<Lyneira> Fond memories but its engine had many shortcomings and weird quirks that made you want to go "AAAAA"
<Lyneira> If Elite can do it for the full scale milky way, surely KSP2 can do it for a couple solar systems
<VanDisaster> I'd take the original with more things to do once you got somewhere :p
<Lyneira> Well, KSP2's trailer did seem to suggest that they were focusing on the "things to do when you get somewhere" part with basebuilding and colonization
<Althego> elite cheats
<Althego> jumps
<Lyneira> It is possible to fly from one star to another star system's location in supercruise though, if you got the patience. You won't see the new star you flew to and the skybox stays the same as in the original system (Since you don't change instances) but the location marker is accurate and doesn't get jumpy from floating point errors
<Lyneira> Even the game's orbit lines only ever get jittery from floating point errors if you get right up on top of them with your ship
<Althego> aside from that unity is not adequate for ksp
<Althego> i was wondering why they did a rewrite for ksp 2 in the same engine
<Lyneira> So is it confirmed they are moving away from unity to another engine for ksp2?
<Althego> no
<Lyneira> Time to go, have a nice day :)
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<Tony> Hmm
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<Tony> Anyone here?
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> too late
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<Mat2ch> The bot failed us.
<Mat2ch> Let's kill it!
<Mat2ch> packbart: The problem with modding is: It's always one step behind on something that can easily be in-game.
<Mat2ch> And I mean reeaaaaallllly easy when it comes to modular things.
<packbart> making it in-game would eat more of the development budget I'd rather see spent on other stuff. ymmv
<packbart> the model of lifetime updates for a single fee doesn't led itself well to that, I'd say
<packbart> so I would like to see more DLCs, tbh
<Mat2ch> uhm, making lots and lots of different tanks takes more time than procedural tanks?!
<Althego> you have to make the procdural tanks once
<Althego> that takes time
<Althego> but after that
<Althego> it is for free
<packbart> I'm not sure if that would introduce more and different kinds of bugs
<Althego> everything introduces bugs
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<Mat2ch> SN9 is on the move!
<Mat2ch> it's out of its nest
<Mat2ch> and it's crazy seeing SN9 sitting there and thinking that the booster section will fill the HB almost to the top.
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<Althego> moving slowly
<Mat2ch> But moving!
<Mat2ch> how did they get it on there?
<Mat2ch> Was there another crane?
<Mat2ch> Or jacklifts and wood? :D
<Althego> eppur si muove
<Mat2ch> as SpaceX I'd decorate it like a christmas tree.
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> or at least light it with green spot lights
<Mat2ch> and write "Merry X-mas" on it.
<Mat2ch> ;)
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<Guest74877> Anyone know is there a keyboard shortcut for the maneuver mode? I can't find anywhere as yet of anyone asking this question.
<Althego> dont think so. but at least you have the menu in the bottom left to manipulate it once it is there
<Guest74877> Its hard to believe no one has even asked for one. It would be really handy.
<Guest74877> I typically use KER anyway but I'm trying a 1.11 stock play through and frequently am switching between different "tabs?" in that mode.
<Althego> ker is mostly redundant now
<Guest74877> True except it gives you all the info on screen at the same time
<Althego> i still miss the torque display from that in the editor, but nothing major
<Guest74877> It would be cool if they could make an option to break those Maneuver mode screens out so you could display them along the bottom of the screen, realestate permitting...
<Guest74877> Similar to how like in gmail when you get click the arrow/box to open in a new window
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<Althego> scott
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