Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam and BOOM!
Severian has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<Neal> CD Projekt Red goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.
<umaxtu> even on Gog?
<packbart> potential scrub is live:
<umaxtu> lol
<packbart> I like those Rockomax tanks
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<rocky7> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, rocky7
<UmbralDrone> \o
<rocky7> how can we fly rocket far?
<rocky7> i m 7 years old.
<rocky7> I don't know how to make a rocket at this game.
<rocky7> how can I talk?
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<darsie> .
Guest54952 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest54952> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest54952
<darsie> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, darsie
<darsie> hi Mod9000
<Mod9000> How are things?
<darsie> bad
<Guest54952> hi all~
<darsie> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, darsie
<darsie> hi Mod9000
<Mod9000> How are things?
<darsie> bad
<darsie> Guest54952: type /nick rocky7
<Guest54952> hi darsie, are you computer or human?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> I can pass the Turing test.
<Guest54952> darsie which country do you live?
<darsie> Austria
<darsie> Did you know computer was a job title?
<Guest54952> I live in korea.
<darsie> North or South Korea?
<Guest54952> I live in south korea
<darsie> Do you consider North Korea a part of your country?
<darsie> Guest54952: type /nick rocky7
<Guest54952> I think North Korea is part of my country.
<Guest54952> I can we make rocket go far?
<darsie> Use staged rockets and efficient engines and gravity assists and the Oberth effect.
<darsie> fly shallow
<darsie> Limit drag if in an atmosphere
<Guest54952> Thank you.
<darsie> yw
<Guest54952> How old are you darsie?
<darsie> 1.6 Gs
<Guest54952> What does it mean? 1.6 Gs?
<darsie> It means one and 6 tenths of a gigaseconds. That's like gigabytes, just with seconds.
<Guest54952> bye darsie,
<Guest54952> thank you
<darsie> bye rocky7
<darsie> yw
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<Mat2ch> Sadly that reddit post is in German, but it's hillarious. Apparently there are German gully covers in Cyberpunk 2077, but the wrong ones on the street which are only rated for 12.5 t and not 40 t.
<Mat2ch> _D
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> And now there are jokes about "Drain spotting"
darsie has joined #KSPOfficial
<Mat2ch> the whole thread is just comedy gold. I forgot that the internet has this weird funny sides
<Mat2ch> also it's not a gully cover, but a manhole cover. Big and important difference
<Mat2ch> ;)
<packbart> personhole cover, mind you
<packbart> (yeah, scnr. I don't really mind)
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<Althego> finally i got the shieldweaver amor
<Althego> armor
<umaxtu> what game?
JVFoxy has joined #KSPOfficial
<Althego> it exists in only one: horizon zero dawn
<umaxtu> ah
<umaxtu> thats on my list of games to play
<umaxtu> but its a very long list
<JVFoxy> so.. another launch shortly huh?
<Althego> and there is even a stream now
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Falcon 9 - SXM-7 - Fri Dec 11, 2020 17:20:00 UTC (L-01:36:36) - for info/stream
<Althego> yes this agrees with the stream time
<Althego> while nextrocket has a less than 40 minutes
<JVFoxy> was on the 40minute one, ad shows up, timer went up to 1h40minutes or something. Bad enough ad shows up on live stream I thought
<Althego> a stream that didnt even start yet lol
<JVFoxy> ....
<JVFoxy> a few peeps streaming already. The nasaspaceflight guys already chatting about stuff
<JVFoxy> space googlevesaire is just quiet, but has weather images of the area. That the one I was poking at the first time around, then ad shows
<JVFoxy> ok. why's there a pic of a starship leaning over inside the high bay? I miss something?
<JVFoxy> oooh.. SN9, the next one tipped over
<Althego> probably dasvaldez
<Althego> also a streamer, so talks non stop
<Althego> can be annoying
<Althego> but if i put it in the background he announces even start, while the youtube stream never starts automatically
<JVFoxy> youtube premier about to start doesn't update automatically to play stream? Ya... could be limitations or something..
<JVFoxy> waiting for spacex's stream to start, but it doesn't till a few minutes before the actual launch. So you sitting there, hitting refresh every few minutes if you not already following anyone else
<packbart> some streams do start automatically. I didn't figure out where or how
<JVFoxy> ah
<packbart> maybe it needs to be in the background for that ;)
<JVFoxy> no idea.. could be browser based
<Althego> no info about 1.11?
<JVFoxy> oop.. lets you fix ship stuff? Uh when is that due out?
<packbart> no snow, yet, so winter didn't come
<packbart> ("Kerbal Space Program 1.11: Some Reassembly Required is being released this winter (well, winter in some parts of the planet)")
<UmbralDrone> So, July 2021?
* UmbralDrone ducks
<JVFoxy> is it ever winter in.. well where ever KSP originated from?
<umaxtu> Mexico?
<JVFoxy> ya, thought it was there or Brazil but I couldn't remember.
<JVFoxy> Lol.. comment they made, "SN9 went out to a party last night, came home, woke up with a hang over"
TwistenX has joined #KSPOfficial
<TwistenX> helo
<TwistenX> am are do the okay of the yes?
* TwistenX wins a Nobel Prize for having the best English Grammar in the history of language.
<TwistenX> i am biggerest english
* TwistenX dies
* UmbralDrone sighs and reanimates TwistenX
UmbralDrone is now known as ChexoRaptop
<JVFoxy> think the fleshware needs a bit of a reboot..
Daz has joined #KSPOfficial
* TwistenX I have been reborn
<TwistenX> oops
<TwistenX> I wasn't supposed to /me
<packbart> respawn
<TwistenX> i hab committed are do roux
<TwistenX> You will respawn in 5...
<TwistenX> 4
<TwistenX> 3
<TwistenX> 2
<TwistenX> 1
<TwistenX> Howdy
* TwistenX respawned. 2 Lives Remaining.
<JVFoxy> ... spawnfrag
<TwistenX> ok
<JVFoxy> more annoying than those tele-frags..
<TwistenX> what does those are meaning?
* ChexoRaptop isn't up on recent multiplayer games, do they avoid telefrags?
<JVFoxy> tele-frag, when one player teleports, then a second one pops into the same spot before the first one could move out of the way. Mostly in reference to deathmatch games. I first got introduced to it during Quake2
<TwistenX> oh
* TwistenX gains a vocabulary quotient of 20
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<JVFoxy> netcafe I helped at back around late 90s, had 8 stations. There was one map that probably didn't have enough spawn points for all 8 people.
<TwistenX> big robux
<ChexoRaptop> hah
<TwistenX> su tart
<ChexoRaptop> JVFoxy: did you ever play much Unreal Tournament?
<JVFoxy> Played original Unreal..
<JVFoxy> I might have tried Tournament briefly.. console
<ChexoRaptop> hm
<packbart> "playing a game with some friends" meant lobbing 15" CRT monitors and big towers around town to friend's house
<ChexoRaptop> Mainly because some game modes had a translocator, where you could shoot a disk somewhere and later teleport to the disk
<packbart> don't forget the BNC adaptor
<ChexoRaptop> ...wait, why wouldn't you use VGA for the monitor and Cat-5 for the network?
<JVFoxy> cafe I was at, giant tube monitors, keyboards were literally up in front of them. (Machines were P2-200s
<packbart> Cat-5. The luxury! we had to make to with makeshift coax made from wet cardboard tubes!1
<JVFoxy> Hee.. thin-net
<TwistenX> When it's New Years Day and you hear a voice from the sky say: "Tournament Complete"
<TwistenX> <img src=";usqp=CAU" alt="Nani meme - YouTube"/>
* TwistenX has achieved C O M E D Y
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Memer_TwistenX has joined #KSPOfficial
<Memer_TwistenX> I
<Memer_TwistenX> have
<Memer_TwistenX> returned
<umaxtu> you can change your nick with /nick
<Memer_TwistenX> i know
<Memer_TwistenX> When it's New Year's Day and you hear a voice from the sky say: "Tutorial Complete"
<Memer_TwistenX> <img src=";usqp=CAU" alt="Nani meme - YouTube"/>
<Memer_TwistenX> ok
<packbart> granted, the gaming PCs didn't get smaller and the displays thinner but larger
<umaxtu> my desktop case is a carbide air 540. its quite large
<Memer_TwistenX> <img src=";usqp=CAU" alt="I made this fake boomer comic to mock people/boomers looking down on digital art - Joke Jet"/>
<Memer_TwistenX> shut the f--- up boomer
<ChexoRaptop> uh, you don't need to paste the entire image tags, just the url
<Memer_TwistenX> oh
<packbart> yeah, the one I use at home is also rather big.
<packbart> still don't know why they included a DVD drive
<Memer_TwistenX> this boomer is fine
<umaxtu> I still rip optical media from time to time
<JVFoxy> DVDs still a thing...
<packbart> I remember the one from Marathon
<JVFoxy> although, blueray may wanna have a different say in things
<umaxtu> I have a bluray drive, for whatever reason, it doesn't like cds
<JVFoxy> they watch movies up on ISS... do they watch them on disk or does it get uploaded?
<ChexoRaptop> If you have long ago fond memories of Marathon, do not replay it
<Memer_TwistenX> No, this is everyone's favorite boomer:
<ChexoRaptop> (the gameplay doesn't hold up. Even compared with, say, Doom or Quake)
<JVFoxy> Ugh.. you know you've watched too much BSG when you hear Boomer, you think of the one character from there
<Memer_TwistenX> what's BSG
<packbart> ChexoRaptop: I think I only played Marathon 2. The one that was released for Windows (NT)
<packbart> oh, Windows 95 even
<ChexoRaptop> packbart: I mean, if you want to, there's AlephOne
<Althego> ah win 95. remember the t-shirts? hiroshima 45, chernonyl 86, windows 95
<ChexoRaptop> Marathon 2's level design is still very hit or miss, though generally better than Marathon 1
<packbart> yeah, I tried it once. it does work
<ChexoRaptop> huh
<JVFoxy> BSG -> Battlestart Gallatica.. been going through the series on Prime
<Memer_TwistenX> Althego
<Althego> there seems to be an anti hotlinking thumbnail there
<Memer_TwistenX> <img src=";usqp=CAU" alt="Nani! Memes. Best Collection of Funny Nani! Pictures"/>
<ChexoRaptop> 何?
<ChexoRaptop> ...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> that was the nani question
<Althego> !jap 何
<Kerbot> Althego => 何 [なに]: (int,pn,adj-no) (1) what; (n) (2) (col) euph. for genitals or sex; (P) :: 何 [なん]: (int,pn,adj-no) (1) what; (pref) (2) how many (some counter); (n) (3) (col) euph. for genitals or sex; (P)
<Althego> i didnt know about the secondondary meaning
<Memer_TwistenX> Dream: *makes a tower*
<Memer_TwistenX> Fundy: *puts sign on tower that says; "our tower''*
<Memer_TwistenX> *U.S.S.R. Anthem Plays*
<ChexoRaptop> uh
<Althego> you are treadin on thin ice
<Althego> getting close to politics
<Memer_TwistenX> But I have Frost Walker III Boots
* JVFoxy is totally lost.. then again also not fully awake
<Memer_TwistenX> "As you can see, I pulled a sneaky on ya
<Althego> i didnt buy the banuk ice hunter outfit yet. but i am not going to, now that i have the shield-weaver
<Althego> under 55 minutes for launch
* Memer_TwistenX 's brain is running at 50p and 10fps
* JVFoxy running.. somewhat. Always that hint of depression sneaking in, clocking things up.
<Memer_TwistenX> Under 55 mins to launch of what
<Memer_TwistenX> Althego
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Falcon 9 - SXM-7 - Fri Dec 11, 2020 17:55:00 UTC (L-00:52:04) - for info/stream
<Memer_TwistenX> ooh
<Althego> sxm, whatever that is
<Memer_TwistenX> What is SXM-7 gonna do
<umaxtu> satellite radio
<Althego> falcon 9 is always interesting because of the landing
<JVFoxy> ooh... that is why it was called SXM
<Memer_TwistenX> Oh
<JVFoxy> its combo of Xm and Serius sat radio
<Memer_TwistenX> Falcon IX
<Memer_TwistenX> Roman numberals
<Memer_TwistenX> "Oh, you playin' Minecraft."
<JVFoxy> I got XM radio here in Canada shortly after it came out. But ended up letting the subscription lapse when I stopped doing my long road trips
<Memer_TwistenX> "I like ya cut, G."
<Memer_TwistenX> *smacc*
<Memer_TwistenX> "AAAAAAAAA"
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<Althego> too bad that there is not going to be a Delta V rocket
<Althego> would have been a nice pun
<JVFoxy> We had Delta heavy launch yesterday
<JVFoxy> the rocket that literally sets itself on fire as it lifts off...
<Althego> yes but that is delta iv
<packbart> so much ΔV in a Delta V
<packbart> oh, wait. lowercase m) Δv
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<Althego> 1 minute
<packbart> synced
<Althego> hold
<Althego> i guess those upper level winds again
<Althego> not happening
<Althego> in one hours supposedly there is an astra rocket test flight
<Althego> but no stream
<Mat2ch> Oh no
<Mat2ch> SN9 tipped over!
<Mat2ch> well, not over, but it tipped
<Mat2ch> so get the crane!
<Mat2ch> and a tent looks like it's loosing it's cover
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Raptop is now known as raptop
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<FLHerne> Channel died again
<FLHerne> !stupid
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Space doors to fifty!
<FLHerne> Boring
<FLHerne> !stupid
<LunchBot> FLHerne: You must grasp this moment and take the first step.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You imagine six impossible things before breakfast. You prove yourself to be an omnicidal maniac.
<raptop> Yeah, that mission/outcome match
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