Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Welcome Althego, our new channel overlord :)
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<flayer> i have landed on olympus!
<raptop> Greece or Mars?
<flayer> mars
<flayer> also: in a video game
<raptop> well, yes
<flayer> i'm going to build a forest in the crater XD
<flayer> s/build/grow
<raptop> Seven minutes of terror down, █
<raptop> er
<raptop> Seven minutes of terror down, █████ minutes of terror to go
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<flayer> poor rivals, they don't have concrete
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes i usually sell concrete for food
<flayer> i'm raking in millions
<flayer> of $$
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<Mat2ch> what are you playing?
<Althego> must be surviving mars
<Althego> was there any test yesterday?
<Mat2ch> yes
<Mat2ch> LN2 cryo test
<Mat2ch> Nasaspaceflight reported it went fine
<Mat2ch> Next test on Monday
<Mat2ch> Maybe tank test, maybe already static fire?
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<Althego> i knew it, it was obvious the separate package of the one gloryhammer cd was going to be a problem. guy comes into the house, for that he needed to use the door intercom or whatever it is called. and leaves a delivery failure notice so that i have to go and pick it up. if the idiot has just called me on the intercom i would have gotten it, but no
<Althego> it is the exact same effort, but needed to be a jerk willfully
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<darsie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn3KWM1kuAw Do You Love Me? - Boston Dynamics. lol
<Althego> watched it several times already
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<TwistenX> Hello
<Althego> hi
<TwistenX> what doing
<Althego> finally, i can say this, because the bot is here
<TwistenX> Kerbot?
<Althego> no, that is mine. the mod9000
<TwistenX> Ohhh
<Althego> it reacts to hi
<Althego> really annoying
<TwistenX> hi
<Althego> since it is not here...
<TwistenX> oh
<TwistenX> I just got a self-aligning telescope
<TwistenX> made specifically for sky watchign
<Althego> the mount is self aligning, but what is the telescope?
<TwistenX> A Celestron Nexstar
<Althego> nice
<Althego> i am unable to live outside of cities, that makes telecopes useless to me
<TwistenX> I live in the Suburbs
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<raptop> Althego: fun fact: you can see the ring nebula in bortle 9 skies. With a 60 mm telescope
<Althego> i also like to slape and hate cold
<Althego> sleep
<raptop> sleep is for the daytime
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> (And well, summer also has nights)
<Althego> simple, i just have to move to the first lunar city, there i can look at the stars any time :)
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<darsie> You can also use the Hubble :).
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<Althego> yes, after it is decommisioned, i just steal it
<Althego> nobody is guarding it :)
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<darsie> People use it. You could be one of them.
<Althego> nah
<Althego> extremely limited resource, people who know what thye can do with it should use it
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