raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
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<Althego> there is a slight warp of the disc of the milky way
<Althego> "There are Flat-Milky Wayers all around the Galaxy"
<Althego> ah found flat earth content
<Althego> already a better day than yesterday
<packbart> you're still not convinced?
<Althego> i am convinced they are entertaining
<Althego> (the flatties)
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<kubi> they believe that Earth is 2-dimensional
<kubi> however, if you look at it from its edge, then it is only 1D
<kubi> but
<kubi> go far enough, and it will be a dot without a dimension
<kubi> so, at the end they are at only the first level of enlightenment
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<Althego> cant stop watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1ErwnRcplc
<darsie> Fiddlesticks the cuddly hedgehog
<packbart> all SAS modes available in some games but not all. weird bug
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<packbart> "For some reason forum changes monazite to mopedantte" - I guess the forum's being too pedantic about nazis, maybe
<Althego> i dont know either of these words
<Althego> changes blurgadonk to glerboloh
<packbart> it was in a thread about the Community Resource Pack
<packbart> so it's probably some stuff to be found in planets
<packbart> "Monazite is a primarily reddish-brown phosphate mineral that contains rare-earth elements."
<packbart> the forum software only sees "nazi" and changes it to "pedant"
<Althego> lol
<Althego> write it with . or - in the middle somewhere
<Althego> hehe guy doesnt know what pie is. also argues it has different value
<packbart> Mopeddante - a poet on a small motorcycle
<Althego> lol
<Althego> asks: what is 15 degrees in pi?
<Althego> i guess he is talking about radians, but doesnt know what radians are either
<packbart> https://xkcd.com/2205/ - "assume Pi is one"
<Althego> you cant make this up
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<Althego> prepare for rapid firing, two arrivals to mars on the 9th and 10th, hope and tianwen-1, perseverence arrive later on the 22nd
<flayer> epic stuff
<Althego> it is cool. epic would be 3 manned missions at the same time
<flayer> epic relative to our time
<packbart> Thundermars - three capsules land, one returns
<Althego> lol you didnt need to turn it into a deathmatch
<Althego> was this some mad max?
<packbart> featuring Tina Turner
<Althego> Aunty explains that Bartertown’s electrical supply depends on a crude methane refinery powered by pig feces.
<Althego> hmm, methane refinery
<Althego> needed on mars too
<packbart> also "Jedediah the Pilot"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it is jedediah
<Althego> but close enough
<Althego> is armageddon a kerbal movie?
<Althego> space heroism, stupidity and broken physics
<Althego> maybe somebody could make a remix of it with kerbals, saying and doing kerbal things
<flayer> for years i thought mad max was just a movie about life in australia
<Althego> mad max 1 is :)
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I fear that the Mars thing could turn into a death match
<Althego> mars is dangerous already without that
<Althego> maybe later when there are established colonies
<Althego> when there is no more unclaimed land
<Mat2ch> you just go and claim all the land on the first mission.
<Althego> impossible, you need people to hold it
<Mat2ch> Everyone else landing needs a permission or it's a war declaration. :D
<Mat2ch> No, no, that's the fun part.
<Mat2ch> Since the Mars belongs to one country on Earth it would be considered a war declaration here, too.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> scary stuff. we have enoug hproblems already
<Althego> youtuber puts on a (safe but painful) shocking device and connects it tou supercjats
<Althego> to superchats
<Althego> who would have thought that people would pay money just to se one guy suffer
<Mat2ch> are you sure it is not facked?
<Mat2ch> *faked
<Althego> no, but the device exists
<Mat2ch> ElectroBoom does the same and I'm not always sure if it's real or just very well overreacted :D
<packbart> as far as I know, there are already international treaties in place covering Mars. King Elon can't just claim the land
<Althego> simple, he will be prophet elon on a relegion, and it will be allowed
<packbart> unless he doesn't expect to return, either
<Althego> *of a
<darsie> Treaties are just words/paper. if King Elon rules on Mars that may work out. But his empire on Earth may get confiscated.
<packbart> that's why he's putting the Orbit Denial System (aka Starlink) in place
<packbart> one signal from Mars, instant Kessler
<darsie> Might even be a powerful threat while being on Earth.
<Althego> now with lasers
<Althego> those might be self defense lasers from intercepting satellites
<darsie> Hackers could trigger Kessler syndrome.
<packbart> use a few thousand lasers to target a single point on the surface
<darsie> Some website said some Republicans think Democrats started Californias forest fires with orbital lasers.
<kubi> I'm curious is these are true or just propaganda
<kubi> dunno which is worse
<Althego> i heard about lasers
<packbart> Starlink doesn't have that many lasers yet, so it couldn't have been them
<Althego> i dont remember if they were supopsed to be orbital
<darsie> I thought each starlink sat has at least one laser for intersat comm.
<Althego> not yet
<Althego> only the new polar batch has them
<Althego> and for a while only the polars are going to have them
<Althego> full laser equipment starts from next year
<Althego> but there will be still satellites remaining in orbit without lasers
<Althego> some kind of rocket for ants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYR7lQyCVI0
<Althego> (live)
<Althego> apparently it doesnt fly high up
<packbart> bio-fuels!
<packbart> isn't fossil fuel also a "bio-derived fuel"?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> thecnically one of the rarest resources of the universe
<Althego> and we just burn it
<packbart> it's nature's plan
<Mat2ch> Althego: we don't really know that yet. Life could have been plenty all over the universe, but now extinct and turned into fossil fuel...
<Althego> hehe like carlin with the plastics. maybe the earth wanted plastics, but didnt know how. the answer to the age old question, why are we here? plastics
<packbart> yeah, I somewhat believe in it ;) the garbage patches will become a new primordial goo
<packbart> life will incorporate plastics one way or another
<packbart> and it really feels like we're being phased out ;)
<Mat2ch> Oh, that's why people oppose the ocean cleanup!
<packbart> "first bio-derived fuel ... in the entirety of the cosmos" - my, they are laying it on quite thick :>
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<packbart> Mat2ch: the first coral to extrude a skeleton from microplastics will have an advantage in acidic waters over those that rely on calcium
<Althego> the plastics are not really reactive, so you can only mechanically build on them
<packbart> Blueshift seems to have some uplink problems. Or maybe it's still the Windows Update
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<packbart> I seem to remember that there are ways to cold-weld them. But I don't know the chemical or physical details
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<packbart> joining pieces of rain pipe
<packbart> they'd probably need to produce some sort of solvent to glue droplets of plastic onto one another
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<packbart> or build a sort of fibre-mesh
<packbart> anyway, it's the future
<Althego> usfo commander we are the future
<Althego> *ufo
<Althego> what is the point of this slither.io?
<Althego> after a while you are going to die, and i dont even see high scores
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<packbart> it's multiplayer snake. I see a leaderboard in the top right corner
<packbart> JPEG refers to the standards body
<packbart> well that fizzled out
<Althego> looks dangerous
<Althego> people in the chat in the universal language of the internet: f
<packbart> that too will fizzle out over time
<packbart> staging checked
<Althego> after this i would drain the whole thing and check the valve
<packbart> that's a lot of Vodka to drain ;)
<Althego> wait, is it running on alcohol?
<packbart> I don't know. Calling it "bio-derived" I imagined some sort of moonshine from potatoes ;)
<Althego> but there were alcohol based rockets already?
<Althego> so how were those not bio derived?
<packbart> I like the Kerbal-ish control hut. A wooden container with a space agency poster
<packbart> it's probably just marketing
<Althego> hehe control hut
<Althego> level 0
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<Althego> i see the problem, it is solid fuel
<Althego> so it is a hybrid rocket
<packbart> solid fuel + gaseous oxygen? they don't really have much detail on their website. but it supposedly doesn't have cryo tanks
<Althego> notrous oxide maybe
<Althego> hehe nasaspaceflight is in the chat
<Althego> nothing
<Althego> i have been trying to start this career game for two days but the initial science collecting keeps me back
<packbart> you could just start out with some initial science ;)
<packbart> but yeah, I always mean to build a career template from which to start new games. didn't really get to do it, yet
<Althego> we got to the point where a rocket is funded by patreon :)
<packbart> the person next to the rocket for scale. it really is a large model rocket :)
<packbart> "Unique Polar Launch Opportunity" - huh. can't you launch into polar orbit from almost anywhere?
<packbart> Maine's Uniqueness is probably that it doesn't have a large population, just huge farms
<raptop> unique polar launch opportunity because SLC and KLC don't exist?
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<Althego> is it easier to launch to a polar orbit from the pole?
<Althego> you dont have to cancel the rotation
<umaxtu> ^^^
<Althego> you could technically eat our fuel :)
<Althego> oh yes, make it from sugar
<raptop> annoy everyone by making a novelty confectionary company called "rocket candy"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> sounds like a mission
<raptop> ;mission add As a side hussle, you start a novelty confectionary company called "Rocket Candy".
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: As a side hussle, you start a novelty confectionary company called "Rocket Candy".
<Althego> hehe, he called it unironically lithobraking
<minas_tirith> raptop, the passing of the Grey Company
<raptop> ;outcome add Don't worry about it.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Don't worry about it.
<raptop> ;outcome add This is Fine.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: This is Fine.
<raptop> ;outcome add This is a Fine (for the deaths and destruction).
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: This is a Fine (for the deaths and destruction).
<Althego> what would remain if the rocket is destroyed? stardust memories
* raptop really should watch a Gundam show sometime
<minas_tirith> raptop, Austria
<minas_tirith> Yeah the japanese make some interesting cartoons
<minas_tirith> However I was thinking
<minas_tirith> It'd be fun to write some keyboards themed on tolkien
* raptop assumes that there are tengwar IMEs out there somewhere, though an actual keyboard could be amusing
<raptop> (Naturally a dwarven one would be clicky)
<minas_tirith> Oh I meant keyboard music
<minas_tirith> But a computer keyboard would be fun too
<minas_tirith> Dwarven would probably have stone body and keys
<minas_tirith> raptop, on an unrelated note, Oblivion is so pretty
* raptop should probably at some point see what the graphics mods options are for it and do a playthrough
<minas_tirith> Unmodded is pretty
<minas_tirith> No need for graphics mods
<minas_tirith> raptop, when you walk out of the prison for the first time and see the rolling green valleys, clouds and purple hills in the distance...
<raptop> nice
<Althego> oh no, the launch still didnt happen and an angry astronaut live stream is coming up
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<Althego> from unconfirmed sources supposedly the problem with sn8 was that debris went all over the place including the other side of the border
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
<umaxtu> sounds like we might actually need a wall their :D
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<Althego> flies, but t here was no image of the launch
<Althego> at leas the rocket streamed an image
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<Althego> hehe, exactly a title i would expect from nile red "Making a deadly chemical in my parents' garage"
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<raptop> ;mission add You commense primary ignition.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You commense primary ignition.
<raptop> (This was in there at one time)
<raptop> ;mission del You commense primary ignition.
<LunchBot> raptop: Deleted mission: "You commense primary ignition."
<raptop> ;mission add You commence primary ignition.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You commence primary ignition.
<raptop> spelling hard
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