Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
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<packbart> ugh. I really can't make a useful cargo plane. back to flying rockets for now
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<umaxtu> did they get rid of the advanced tweakables option?
<umaxtu> nevermind
<raptop> they did not, but I'll admit to sometimes missing it
<packbart> there's a mod for that. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/197500-18x-19x-110x-stock-default-settings/
<packbart> it turns on advanced tweakables and the extended burn indicator by default (and can save global setting per save-game)
<Althego> hehe the camera double click look was originally on. i turned it off fast
<packbart> I don't even know what it does, I must admit. never changed it, either
<Althego> i didnt know there was a confirmed message deletion
<Althego> i just carry over my old config all the time
<Althego> 1.11.1 when?
<Althego> the flag bug is critical
<packbart> totally unplayable, you say? ;)
<Althego> anton petrov. now he told us that earth is spinning a bit faster and because of this the very first negative leap second may happen
<Althego> unplayable in career
<packbart> the flags still show up in the map
<Althego> hmm
<Althego> then it may not be so bad
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<Mat2ch> That looks better.
<Mat2ch> Netsplit and the server I was on didn't recognize it. :/
<Althego> so test flight on friday?
<Mat2ch> Did you all see this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Ec3K7lx_4
<Althego> no
<Althego> but dres is like bielefeld
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<Mat2ch> It's not really about Dres, but how to build that bridge...
<Althego> hehe has to overcome physics
<Althego> hehe flag crosshair
<Althego> crazy
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<Mat2ch> there's an XML version of that site https://tfr.faa.gov/save_pages/detail_1_4687.xml
<Mat2ch> I wonder if the overview has an xml version as well
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that is Thursday
<Mat2ch> 21th January is a Thursday
<Althego> ok
<Althego> there is an other rstriction from monday to thursday
<Althego> i guess for the static fires
<Izaya> Does anyone have any documentation on the KSP save file format? Want to play with lightweight craft sharing.
<Althego> isnt it a text file?
<Izaya> yup
<Izaya> it seems simple enough too
<Althego> so it is more or less self documentinfg
<Izaya> values are just key = value
<Izaya> one per line
<Izaya> very pleasant
<Izaya> was hoping for a listing of valid keys and such, and maybe a formal specification of the format so I can write a parser
<Althego> supposedly it is almost json
<Izaya> Doesn't have commas at the end so I don't think it's valid JSON
<Izaya> it is superficially similar though
<Althego> somebody wanted to make a loader for it 5 years ago
<Izaya> I'll take a look :)
<Izaya> Got my parser working enough to list the vessels in my save file :D
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<darsie> 1337
<Mat2ch> yay
<Mat2ch> oh, too late
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<darsie> .
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<minas_tirith> darsie, Ia Ia Shub Niggurath...The Goat with a Thousand Young
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<shub_niggurath> Fire-Dragon-DoL, hi
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<Althego> scott 14 minutes ago
<Althego> i noticed the test was too short
<Alanonzander> Which test?
<umaxtu> the SLS hotfire
<Althego> the sls 4 engine test from yesterday
<Althego> and as i predicted before the test scott indeed did a video on it
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<Alanonzander> ahh yes
<packbart> yeah but Scott doesn't know what happened, either
<Althego> ultimately doesnt matter. sls is 30 years too late, despite using shuttle hardware way overpriced, non reusable, and is never going to be redy for any action
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<shub_niggurath> You never know
<shub_niggurath> Old tech isn't always bad
<Althego> the rs-25 is a nice engine
<shub_niggurath> Its nice to see nasa forging its own path independent of that musk thing
<Alanonzander> sdomethic went wron in engine #4, that's about as much as I can find out too
<Alanonzander> *something went wrong
<shub_niggurath> Althego, the fact of the matter remains
<shub_niggurath> That any manned mission to mars in the near future will be a suicide mission
<shub_niggurath> There is no point in trying for mars
<shub_niggurath> When our own orbit and our own moon have yet to be utilized
<packbart> There's not much point in going to the Moon, either
<shub_niggurath> There is, its not a suicide mission for one
<shub_niggurath> People who value their lives can visit there and come back
<shub_niggurath> And we won't have to train a new set everyone to send to die
<shub_niggurath> *everytime
<Althego> moon is close. you can come back in a matter of days
<shub_niggurath> Exactly
<shub_niggurath> And with present tech there is no way to return from mars thus a suicide mission
<Althego> but if you think of it, isolated small settlements do exist already. like research stations in antarctica
<shub_niggurath> Precisely my point
<shub_niggurath> Moon is much better
<Althego> in a sense they have to have life support, food stored, and self sufficient in case of a medical emergency
<Althego> and you cant leave for half a year or os
<Althego> so
<shub_niggurath> Althego, look up at the sky
<Althego> so just to have experience with that, we dont need the moon
<shub_niggurath> You can see the moon
<shub_niggurath> Can you spot mars as easily?
<Althego> you can see mars too
<Althego> yes, look for a red star
<shub_niggurath> You can but its tougher and you need a binocular to see inside it
<shub_niggurath> at least a binocular
<shub_niggurath> I can see the details of moon with just my naked eyes
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<shub_niggurath> Althego, and if I am not wrong man has already set foot on the moon and returned at least once
<Althego> more than once
<shub_niggurath> Yeah I have heard we have already stepped on the moon
<shub_niggurath> So we have past experience to help us make a moon base
<shub_niggurath> Althego, the vast dark emptiness of space is terrifying
<Althego> it is peaceful
<Althego> at least until we go there
<shub_niggurath> Even our local star is far from peaceful
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<shub_niggurath> But yes
<shub_niggurath> The gulf between bodies, even more so between galaxies is...exceptionally quiet and dark
<shub_niggurath> Althego, does it terrify you to think of the vastness between galaxies?
<Althego> no
<Althego> i cant imagine them
<Althego> if you wait long enough some galaxies come to you :)
<shub_niggurath> Like even our closest intragalactic neighbour is way beyond our technological abilities to reach
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<shub_niggurath> Poor andromeda and milky way
<shub_niggurath> Though tbh
<shub_niggurath> Its cold and empty out there
<shub_niggurath> So I can't blame for them two to want to huddle up together
<shub_niggurath> Hey Milky Way, please don't fling us out when you meet your buddy Andro
<Althego> 4.5 billion years
<shub_niggurath> Althego, the horrors of the cosmos
<Althego> twinkle twinkle little star (dead space)
<Althego> so at that point the sun is probably a white dwarf
<shub_niggurath> Spiral galaxies look so pretty
<Althego> btw life has only a few hundred million years remaining on this planet
<shub_niggurath> Do you have instruments powerful enough to see m33's details?
<Althego> the sun gets hotter all the time slowly, at some point photosynthesis is going to stop. for a while chemosynthesizing bacteria will survive under ground, but then it gets too hot, water evaporated, and that is it
<shub_niggurath> I wonder if there's any pretty spiral galaxy that is oriented at an angle that we can see its "disc" head on
<Althego> probably at least thousands
* raptop gestures at M51 and M101
<Althego> i cant get more than the galilean moons. but i wouldnt be able to see anything because of the city lights anyway
<shub_niggurath> raptop, yeah thanks bro
<shub_niggurath> M51 would be a good example where the disc is oriented normal to us
<shub_niggurath> or rather facing us
<shub_niggurath> Oh right m101 is the pinwheel of course
<shub_niggurath> I thought m33 was pinwheel
<shub_niggurath> That one too is a good example yeah where the disc is facing us directly
<raptop> M33 isn't quite face on, but a lot of the disk is visible
<shub_niggurath> I meant pinwheel, which I had confused with m33
<shub_niggurath> m33 obviously seems more angled than these other two
<shub_niggurath> raptop, man both m51 and 101 are so goddamn pretty
<raptop> something something isaldn universes
<Althego> is that like isdn? :)
<raptop> yeah, the bandwidth isn't that great so far out
<Althego> no stream
<packbart> Confirming a clean release from the aircraft and a perfectly executed ignition of our main stage engine, NewtonThree.
<Althego> max q
<Althego> it is like in the 19th century. we are looking at telegraph messages for news about an event
<packbart> well, they do have live video streams. just not for the unwashed public
<packbart> and probably some spectators in the Learjet circling nearby
<packbart> MECO
<packbart> well, looks like they made it this time
<Althego> it seems it was a success
<packbart> well, they still need to relight for circularization. but yeah, looking good
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