Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
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<JVFoxy> ... don't suppose anyone plays old, retro space based games?
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<darsie> Galaxy :)
<darsie> ?
<darsie> Space Invaders? :)
<JVFoxy> was hoping for something akin to station simulator.. although. I guess I could try getting MS Spacesim on this laptop
<JVFoxy> although, it might run a little too crazy fast 0_o
<darsie> Elite?
<JVFoxy> old version, the one that docking is a serious pain?
<darsie> C64/Amiga
<darsie> Not sure if I played it on C64.
<JVFoxy> I would have to probably dump big games on a flash drive since laptop has limited space
<JVFoxy> just a little sad, keeping self from home, because issues, and not really a whole lot to do
<Alanonzander> JVFoxy: Try Factorio ?
* raptop is now obligated to mention SpaceChem and Infinifactory
<raptop> I guess as far as old games go, there are Alpha Centauri and TIE Fighter
<JVFoxy> Alanozander I saw it played, looks interesting. Not sure laptop could handle..
<JVFoxy> seen Satisfactory, not sure I could get into that one so much
* raptop feels like they'd either bounce off of factorio, or get way too into it
<JVFoxy> I've seen some crazy creations other's have done with the game
<Alanonzander> JVFoxy: if you have steam, grab the free demo, see how it plays
<JVFoxy> oops.. don't have steam, oh well
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<nyarlathotep> Lyneira, hi
<raptop> nyanlathotep
<raptop> something like that
<nyarlathotep> raptop, uwu
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<Althego> excited shark turns into disappointed shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhfoJIj-S1s
<nyarlathotep> Althego, sharks are cute
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* UmbralRaptop imagines gura playing doom
<Althego> calli did
* UmbralRaptop could see that going well or poorly
<UmbralRaptop> … it could be another callie/korone collab!
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<nyarlathotep> UmbralRaptop, I want to cuddle a shark
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<Althego> dont, their skin is like sandpaper
<Althego> and their teeth are like a buzz saw
<UmbralRaptop> nyarlathotep: consider: blahaj
<Althego> a few years ago there were these rc flying fish balloons
<nyarlathotep> UmbralRaptop, good idea
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<Althego> btw there was no static fire
<Mat2ch> Sadly not.
<Mat2ch> I was watching, when they aborted. Two or three minutes before the predicted fireing
<Mat2ch> *sad trombone*
<Althego> wait, there is no road closure
<Althego> so static fire and launch who knows when
<Althego> also weather seems bad too
<Mat2ch> on the other hand, the video I'm not allowed to talk about has 40 mio views ;)
<packbart> why are you not allowed to talk about Thought Emporium?
<Mat2ch> Uhm, I mean a totally different video ;)
<packbart> ah, ok
<packbart> right, that was Althego, sorry. got that confused
* packbart waits for the Smoke Alarm Tester Guy
<packbart> another thing that probably could be done via video conference or even just the phone
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<Althego> it was a video about putin
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<packbart> ah, the Smoke Alarm Tester Guy didn't just test but replaced them all
<packbart> ok, that would not be possible remotely
<darsie> Batteries?
<packbart> the whole unit, actually. probably easier and more reliable than just changing batteries
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<Mat2ch> SpaceX bought two oil drilling plattforms and wants to transform them to launch and landing pads
<Mat2ch> "The two rigs sold for $3.5 million each" that's expensive for oil rigs. They must be in a good shape. Usually you can get them for less than their scrap value
<emyn_muil> Mat2ch, what would he do with all the oil
<emyn_muil> I hope he isn't dismantling them
<Mat2ch> emyn_muil: you might want to read the article. Or what I've written.
<packbart> could fuel the Starship from the Big Methane Tank under the sea ;) (yeah, just kidding)
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<Althego> the issue is, the superheavy booster is too loud. therefore cant launch from land because of environmental (people dont like it) regulations
<Althego> around 28 or so raptor engines
<emyn_muil> Mat2ch, even if he transforms them I hope he keeps the oil part
<emyn_muil> Let me read the post
<emyn_muil> That article doesn't clearly say anything weather the oil drilling part would be disbanded or not
<packbart> and I guess they wouldn't want to launch from a heavily corroded scrap-rig, hence the price
<emyn_muil> But it'd be dumb to disband it
<emyn_muil> Why squander a nice source of gas for your rockets
<packbart> why? it's of not much use to SpaceX
<emyn_muil> How will they fuel their rockets?
<packbart> they buy methane
<packbart> from experts
<emyn_muil> Even so oil is precious
<packbart> it's mostly nasty and sticky
<emyn_muil> Its a rare resource that should not be squandered
<packbart> not much use pumping crude oil into a Starship tank
<emyn_muil> The Russians used to use vodka
<packbart> oil rigs are not a rare resource
<emyn_muil> An oil rig can only exist where oil exists
<packbart> nah, it can be dragged anywhere
<packbart> they're ususally repositionable
<emyn_muil> How?
<emyn_muil> You can only drill oil where oil exists
<packbart> by pulling it with ships to another location
<emyn_muil> And how will the ship drill for oil?
<packbart> there are even special low-loading truckships
<packbart> it doesn't. duh. anyway. whatevs
<emyn_muil> The ship can't produce oil from think air to "pull" it to an oil rig
<Mat2ch> Uhm. You should watch some documentaries about oil rigs...
<emyn_muil> I can't understand how you can just move a rig to any random point
<emyn_muil> A rig can only drill if there is oil underneath
<Mat2ch> They are usually anchored to the bottom of the ocean, but swim. They are not really drilling there, usually there's only a pipe going down to the oil pocket under the sea bed and they pump it into their storage tanks
<Mat2ch> once a week an oil tanker visits and takes the oil to shore
<emyn_muil> Either way oil exists underneath that point
<Mat2ch> you go out and drill, if you find oil, you get oil rig pulled there, anchor it to the bottom of the ocean, pump oil.
<Althego> yet another protocol that makes our lives harder: ice
<emyn_muil> Althego, hi
<Mat2ch> Althego: link?
<Althego> if it helps
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<Mat2ch> ugh, NAT
<Mat2ch> NAT should be dead by now. But we are still using IPv4 everywhere
<emyn_muil> Mat2ch, networking is a very subtle subject
<Althego> hey we dont even support ipv6 fully yet. because there is literally no reason to
<Althego> every provider using ipv4 internally
<emyn_muil> Its a very subtle and complex thing
<emyn_muil> With a lot of history behind it
<Althego> and quick to anger?
<Althego> (like wizards)
<emyn_muil> Althego, that too
<Althego> anyway as usual, with all the not mentioned things ice becomes complicated
<emyn_muil> Althego, have you looked inside an ethernet wire when its working?
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<emyn_muil> Our bits are flowing through them
<emyn_muil> Its a scary thought
<Althego> no, but i do packet captures
<emyn_muil> These wires
<emyn_muil> They are Atlas
<emyn_muil> They are holding the weight of the world
<emyn_muil> They and other networking hardwares
<Althego> i think that is truer? more true? for fiber optics
<emyn_muil> Althego, the hundreds of algorithms in use inside the lower layers of the network for the management of traffic
<emyn_muil> They are scary complex
<Althego> luckily i am in the application layer
<emyn_muil> Yes
<Althego> that is already too complex
<emyn_muil> The data link layer for example has some really intricate algorithms to manage traffic
<Althego> sip alone with 100rel support, update support, sdp, rtp, srtp is already a mess
<emyn_muil> Althego, there are many conveniences and abstractions one has available on the application layer
<emyn_muil> They are protected from the dark outer hells of the lower networking layers
* Mat2ch looks for the pills
<Mat2ch> :P
<emyn_muil> What pills?
<Althego> oh i dint mention call transfer, conferences, music on hold, ringback tone, transcoding, transcrypting, h323 interworking
<emyn_muil> Althego, the dark gods of the outer networking hells
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<Mat2ch> !road
<Kerbot> Mat2ch => Primary; Thursday, Jan 21, 2021; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Friday, Jan 22, 2021; 7:00 am to 12:00 pm; Scheduled
<Mat2ch> Althego: static fire maybe today.
<Althego> hah this is new
<Althego> but obviously no flight
<Althego> tomorrow
<Mat2ch> they have a tfr for Saturday
<Althego> isolated thunderstorms
<Althego> i guess if they can wait for the right moment
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<Althego> i still have to fix the shuttle to aero-fly
<emyn_muil> Althego, are you working on a shuttle?
<Althego> now it is too stable
<Althego> and i noticed the tank may be a tiony bit offset to the left
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<emyn_muil> woah dude
<emyn_muil> Good luck on your launch
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<Althego> the launch was okay with zero planning though
<Althego> even with the slightly offset tank
<Althego> yesterday
<Althego> the problem is reentry
<Althego> maybe i have to add hidden wing parts
<mrBlaQ> Forever ago, I used proc wings to make very thin strakes along my longer tanks.
<mrBlaQ> heh yep, https://imgur.com/a/41PkN
<Althego> that is remarcably accurate
<mrBlaQ> I spent too long on it. TY
<mrBlaQ> I even used the winch system from whatever mod for the tether landing ;)
<Althego> i swear this behave differently in every second launch
<Althego> and the colored balls are lying
<mrBlaQ> Trust in your feelings
<Althego> search your feeling, you know it to be true
<Althego> i built it on instinct and the launch worked all too well for that. i remember i used to tinker with the com a lot. but those were the old times without the vectors, just used clipped skippers
<Althego> the wings are made of paper glued on by technokol
<Althego> the external tank turned into a bomb during testing and destroyed the landing strip
<Althego> in 2 days
<Althego> at least basically all rocket youtubers had an interview with him
<Althego> seems to be quite open and smart guy
<Althego> i think my problem is a tank that didnt exist in the original shuttle
<Althego> but i cant put anything there
<Althego> nothing is the correct shape. except maybe a monoprop tank which is smaller
<Althego> the devs should give up this stupid different tank ideas. have the same model, make the fuel exchangable
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<Althego> and if i remove the tank, i have to set up everything again
<packbart> but but but even Nertea uses different models for different fuels
<Althego> i have to get a ballast
<Althego> otherwise that tank in itself turns into a ballast
<Althego> and no, i will not put it on empty
<packbart> use Kerbals? ;)
<packbart> a few clipped external command seats
<Althego> the issue is rather there is no part that has this clipped cylinder shape of the shuttle elements and very thing. to put between the cargo by and the engine holder hingie especially made for the shuttle
<Althego> maybe the monoprop, but i dont want that
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<Althego> after i rebuilt the aft part twice now it flies. but has huge empty monoprop tank
<Althego> at least i can explain away that the batteries and the fuel cells are in the empty space there
<Althego> meanwhile on wintergatan 2
<mrBlaQ> I'm worried he's gonna have a mental breakdown soon
<Althego> i think he is living in it :)
<mrBlaQ> honestly I'd be OK with him just fully investing in only improving MMX and never touring
<Althego> if i take out the dummy payload it could land on the moon by delta v. but the two terriers as oms have too small delta v. but it could probably land on minmus
<Althego> hmm, the dummy payload was a fuel tank, so with that... it could go to the end of the world
<Althego> but ard to fly because of the offset engines
<Mat2ch> Road closed!
<Althego> for a while now
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<Mat2ch> I could watch Martin just play the piano for hours...
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<Guest35860> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest35860
<Guest35860> maybe this is a common question, im new in this game and community, but how much science you can get with an asteroid?
<raptop> Quite a bit (I'd have to double check how much), but it's also sort of a hassle since it invovles getting the asteroid into different situations
<Guest35860> is it worth?
<raptop> I mean, if your goal is "enough science to unlock everything", there's a case to be made for mining out minmus with a secondary focus on the mun as the easiest
<raptop> I'd argue that a lot of "inefficient" things are worth doing because there's plenty of science in the kerbol system, and you want interesting challenges
<Guest35860> Thanks for the info, my goal is to unlock all :p cuz i want to see what i can do with everything, just bought the game 1 week ago and havent played anything but easycarrer mode
<raptop> Fair enough, and feel free to ask questions about the various mechanics, etc
<Guest35860> Thank you
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<Mat2ch> the video I'm not allowed to talk about will hit 50 mio views soon. Crazy.
* raptop vaguely wonders if althego will be watching a chicken and a detective try to defuse bombs
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<darsie> There was a short static fire.
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