Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
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<raptop> ;mission add You shake hands with Danger Kerman.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You shake hands with Danger Kerman.
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<Neal> the sun was shining on my ceiling today... without reflecting off of anything. my ceiling is level.
<Althego> oh, there is a new flat earth debate on ftfe :)
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* Mat2ch sings Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
<Althego> doesnt snow here
<snow> hrrmph
<Mat2ch> woot, another static fire?
<Mat2ch> snow: go to Althego!
<snow> we also don't have snow here :-(
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<Althego> i dont expect snow here until febryary or march
<Althego> lately it almost never snows in the winter
<Althego> it is not even cold
<Mat2ch> we hadn't had this much snow in years.
<Mat2ch> Maybe has something to do with the pandemic and the lower CO2 concentration that changes the micro climate above us
<Althego> less airplanes and traffic
<Althego> also maybe less factory production
<Mat2ch> I had the feeling that last summer wasn't as hot here just because of that, too. The numbers said it was still the hottest year in history, but we didn't have that many heat waves.
<Mat2ch> Oh, now that the winter will be soon gone I should prepare for summer :(
<Althego> yes, i didnt feel it to be even warm, let alone hot
<Mat2ch> Oh, it was hot. Almost 40° for a few days
<Mat2ch> and I still live in an ofen as appartment
<Mat2ch> So. It looks like a static fire could happen today and flight on Friday then?
<Althego> wednesday seems realistic
<Althego> firday may be too windy
<Althego> firday. yes. we have to have a day named after the finite impulse response filters
<Althego> but the irgin orbit launch may happen before starship now
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* flayer is sleepy
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<Althego> diluting the pain
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<Althego> amd ces pres
<Althego> and even this is not live just premiered
<Althego> ok no actual ces this year
<Althego> hehe comment: She's wearing blue cuz she owns Intel already
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<Althego> 20 minutes of useless intro so far
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<Althego> this was a largely useless time waster
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<Althego> i see, nvidia does a similar show
<Althego> (no info)
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<flayer> well, this playthrough i don't have a demographics issue, but only a homelessness/joblessness issue... i need to keep expanding to keep up with population growth!
<Althego> you can stall population growth
<flayer> yeah, but i want to grow, right?
<flayer> and now i have 30 refugees incoming XD
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<flayer> there, put up another dome, and two arcologies (replacing one hanging garden)
<raptop> Obviously you should build 150(ish) launch arcologies
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