Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
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<raptop> visually correct stars: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.06254
<Althego> interesting
<Althego> but also funny that white dwarves are pale orange
<raptop> You have to dig into the links in the paper, but they've got lists of hexadecimal codes for black bodies and stars of various metallicities
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<Mat2ch> I have a confession to make. I always skip the sunrise part of the NSF videos from Boca Chica, because I hate sunrises. :P
RoboFreak is now known as Althego
<Althego> i always skip most of the video, just click through it
<Mat2ch> I do that as well
<Mat2ch> they're almost at SN20...
<Mat2ch> I wonder if SN17 is already built with 3mm steel
<Althego> somebody must go in and check it with a caliper :)
<packbart> I only watch the Boca Chica stream if something interesting is going on ;)
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<Mat2ch> Oh, Virgin Orbit did make it to orbit?
<JVFoxy> what I heard...
<JVFoxy> read...
<Althego> yes they did
<Althego> now only the container rocket guy in alaska need to make it too
<Althego> they almost did it last time
<JVFoxy> ... container rocket guy?
<JVFoxy> lol
<Mat2ch> Astra!
<Mat2ch> Yes, very interesting concept!
<Althego> guys
<Althego> but yes astra
<Althego> i didnt remember the name
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<JVFoxy> seems a friend of mine been trying out KSP, can't quite get it to orbit yet, can only do a few launches before needing a break from the game
<Mat2ch> Well, send some links to Scott Manley videos. :D
<JVFoxy> with how many videos Scott has racked up so far...
<Mat2ch> Just the basics. Not ALL of them :D
<Althego> scotts kerbal videos may be really outdated
<Althego> physics changed
<Althego> lot of things changed
<JVFoxy> its ok, we don't talk too much about things, not sure its really a big thing for them. Probably only got the game because saw I was into it.
<JVFoxy> mind you, 3 months of not playing, I totally forgot all the things I was doing in my career modes. Ended up starting from scratch again. Big whoops when I boosted Val into higher polar orbit. Just enough fuel to get her orbit back down but that was it.
<JVFoxy> she's not stuck, I did send up a robotic booster to dock with her. Just waiting for KSP to swing around again.
<Althego> i am waiting for 1.11.1
<Althego> which may not come
<Althego> career takes a lot out of me
<Althego> and it takes weeks in real time to collect all the biome data around kerbin and its moons
<JVFoxy> originally I sent her up with a docking port, Jeb went up, got the first docking milestones. Jeb came back with all the biomes in low space. (ya dock'n with no RCS, not really a challenge for me now)
<minas_tirith> Hewwo JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> I can get orbit on my second launch...
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<Althego> i have to be careful to not go into orbit in my first :)
<JVFoxy> my first is just a 500m hop with the SRBs to get some science points
<Althego> the problem is if i want to get all the atmo low high space low high things, the rocket cant carry all that stuff (sci jr and goo)
<Althego> so i have to do two launches
<Althego> and one just collects the atmo thing
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<JVFoxy> I tend to avoid the 'one mission to do it all' sort of thing. Ya, it makes for slower progression but eh...
<JVFoxy> minas_tirith hi
<minas_tirith> JVFoxy, space is so creepy man
<Althego> luckily the quantum woo guy didnt come back since then. technically could, by changing the username
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<minas_tirith> The vast emptiness between the galaxies
<Althego> still going on about that?
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<minas_tirith> The horrors of an empty cosmos
<JVFoxy> the wha...?
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<Althego> a form of phobia i guess?
<Althego> agoraphobia?
<minas_tirith> JVFoxy, space is either millions of light years of cosmic void or ultra violent cosmic deathstorms
<JVFoxy> quantum woo guy huh?
<Mat2ch> If you are afraid of space you really should watch The Expanse to make it worse. :D
<JVFoxy> problem with The Expanse, binge watching the two seasons to get caught up, now it sad because I have to wait a week for each episodes :\
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, thanks
<minas_tirith> Pretty creepy how supposedly denser regions like nebulae are also extreme rarefied
<JVFoxy> 93 billion light year sphere around us: the size of what we consider the observable universe
<minas_tirith> JVFoxy, photography and telescopes were pretty advanced already in 1888 it seems https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Pic_iroberts1.jpg
<Althego> it took a while for ccds and other semiconductor devices to catch up
<Althego> for star photometry pm tubes are still in use
<JVFoxy> note: visible vs observable universe....
<Althego> i am waiting for the final book of expanse
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<minas_tirith> Althego, I just find it surprising how good the optics and tracking of that period was
<Althego> "tracking"
<Althego> you literally need to move one axis in a steady speed
<minas_tirith> In theory
<minas_tirith> In practice its quite tough to keep the telescope fixed and moreover at these powers we might have to start dealing with deviations from the ideal circular/elliptial orbit assumptions
<Althego> we do not live on a flat earth
<minas_tirith> So?
<Althego> so the speed does not need to change :)
<minas_tirith> Neither earth nor its orbit is a perfect sphere/ellipse
<Althego> doesnt matter
<Althego> in the short term it rotates in a steady speed
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<minas_tirith> How does it not? If there are deviations from the ideal rotation, it might affect very high powers telescope
<Althego> you need to track the moon
<minas_tirith> And again as I said, keeping it mechanically steady probably isn't as easy as the theory makes us think
<Althego> that is moving, visible to the eye compared to the background stars
<minas_tirith> Yeah I am guessing they could put a finder scope above that tracks some fixed star with manual adjustments
<Althego> but you dont need long exposure there
<minas_tirith> to "correct" the tracking errors
<Althego> but anythign else
<minas_tirith> I meant wrt several hour long photos
<Althego> is basically too slow and too far away to matter for a photo
<Althego> i am talking about natuiral objects. satellite tracking is a whole other business
<minas_tirith> >The first known attempt at astronomical photography was by Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, inventor of the daguerreotype process which bears his name, who attempted in 1839 to photograph the Moon. Tracking errors in guiding the telescope during the long exposure meant the photograph came out as an indistinct fuzzy spot.
<minas_tirith> This shows it isn't as simple as we think
<Althego> for the moon
<Althego> what i explicitly stated
<minas_tirith> Ok moon orbit is a bit complex
<minas_tirith> due to its closeness and the fact its rotating itself
<Althego> and the Daguerreotype needed a really long exposure
<Althego> even wet plates were used for astronomy just fine
<Althego> and as i said, those already had superior resolution to ccds
<minas_tirith> When was ccd imaging invented
<minas_tirith> and when did it surpass traditional photography in quality
<Althego> optics, is a different thing. it is always hard to make a good lense
<Althego> especially a lens you design for a specific purpose
<minas_tirith> Yeah the telescope optics part is also fascinating how clear a photo of the andromeda he was able to take
<minas_tirith> as well as the optics of the camera too
<minas_tirith> which is an even subtler problem
<Althego> andromeda is huse btw
<minas_tirith> Ray calculation must have been a very laborious and lengthy process back then
<Althego> i havent seen it, as i am city dweller
<Althego> luckily mirrors help you out, so since newton there were good mirror telescopes
<minas_tirith> Althego, as for good city targets, have you ever tried a sun projection?
<Althego> no
<minas_tirith> what scope do you have
<Althego> my wave function is global to the universe :)
<minas_tirith> I am not mathematical enough to understand the joke orry
<Althego> scope in programming is where you can find something. global can be found anywhere
<minas_tirith> you are local to a place, humans aren't global
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<Althego> but the probability from wave function needs to be 1 for the whole universe, in that sense i am globabl
<Althego> there is always a small chance that a macroscopic object teleports
<Althego> so small it is probably never going to happen
<minas_tirith> Althego, uwu
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<minas_tirith> Althego, how do you feel about the riffs in a blaze in the northern sky?
<Althego> i am running out of the joey questions
<minas_tirith> Althego, darkthrone album
<Althego> sounds like noise to me
<Althego> minas_tirith: do you like kennedy steve's face the front joke?
<minas_tirith> I'll have to listen to it
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<minas_tirith> Althego, its not noise...its very atmospheric and unique
<minas_tirith> Yes that was the first reuslt
<Althego> i even gave you timestamp
<minas_tirith> Yes I'll listen to it thanks
<minas_tirith> Althego, thanks
<Althego> meanwhile at louis' place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUUDums6-Jg
<minas_tirith> Althego, do you scare yourself?
<Mat2ch> Althego: it's sad that the novels 7 to 9 aren't made into a show :/
<Althego> also i heard one of the actors is sacked before the last season
<Mat2ch> well, maybe they will make it into one, but as another show, since it plays almost 30 years after the other books
<Mat2ch> sacked?
<Althego> fired
<Mat2ch> probably Cas Anvar
<Althego> but in general i didnt follow what happens with the series
<Althego> maybe after i retire i will watch it
<Althego> just like i will watch the new bsg
<Althego> or the whole of babylon 5
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<baguette> Hi GlassYuri3 and NicknameHere
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<Mat2ch> I don't know how true it is, but rumour has it that SpaceX might do a static fire today and if successful a flight tomorrow.
<Mat2ch> but this are only rumours.
<Althego> they can
<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; Monday, Jan 11, 2021; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Canceled | Secondary; Tuesday, Jan 12, 2021; 2:30 am to 8:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Primary; Thursday, January 14, 2021; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Canceled | Primary; Monday, January 18, 2021; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Tuesday, Jan 19, 2021; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Wednesday, Jan 20, 2021;
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<Althego> lol i didnt know about the trolling saruman joke until now
* raptop thought saruman got ented, not trolled
<raptop> <_< >_>
<Althego> hehe
<baguette> Althego, whats the joke
* raptop chooses to believe that this is canon
<baguette> Althego, its genius
<Althego> it is perfect
<baguette> I love the way how he continues to sing non-chalantly as he is shot and falling down
<Althego> and stops suddenly with a thud
<baguette> Yes
<Althego> cracks me up every time
<baguette> The way it sounds like a scratched up old record from the 50s
<Althego> wait, you dont know the trololo guy?
<baguette> I don't know the band
<Althego> the recording could have been in the 70s, because it was colored
<Althego> this is an interent meme in its own right
<baguette> Oh it says in the youtubes detection
<baguette> its some song from a band called bjork
<baguette> yeah the vid is colored
<baguette> so its not that ancient
<baguette> Althego, but it really kinda sounded like those creepy old songs in that sound collage band
<baguette> what was it called
<baguette> Caretaker
<baguette> yeah
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<baguette> Althego, that project is really creepy
<baguette> eriophora, have you heard the caretaker sound collage
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<baguette> Its an interesting concept, a pastiche of various "cheap" older music; probably kinda invented the concept of synthwave before synthwave
<baguette> eriophora, Althego I must warn you its rather gloomy stuff
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<baguette> VanDisaster, creepy music dude
<baguette> It turns into some rather good dark ambient toward the end
<baguette> ie stage 6
<raptop> "stage 6" makes it sound like you're going to face a 東方 boss
<baguette> What is that?
<baguette> I don't know chinese
<raptop> touhou >_>
<Althego> !jap 東方
<Kerbot> Althego => 東方 [とうほう]: (n,adj-no) (1) eastern direction; (2) the Orient; (P) :: 東方 [ひがしがた]: (n,adj-no) (1) eastern direction; (2) the Orient
<baguette> Oh
<baguette> Bullet hells are pretty
<raptop> hrm, I'm definitely not in the right mode for caretaker sound collage music
<baguette> raptop, which one did you try
<raptop> that section 6 of the one you linked
<baguette> stage 6 is in a different vid
<baguette> my link was of stage 1
<raptop> ah
<baguette> stage 6 is very distended dark ambient drones
<baguette> stage 1 is clearly identifiable as pastiche of 20s-50s random musics
<baguette> 1920s-1950s that is
<baguette> raptop, death is handled in different ways by different bands
<baguette> Death metal for instance handles it as a dark, circuitous path with a sharp ending that resolves the puzzle started by the riffs before
<baguette> This on the other hand handles it as a gradual fading/disintegration
<raptop> hrm
<baguette> raptop, its very gloomy/creepy stuff
<baguette> How did stage 1 make you feel?
<raptop> baguette: like I was wandering through a historical building and/or museum
<baguette> Exactly
<Rokker> museum
<baguette> raptop, the musician has stated the project is a representation of dementia
<baguette> and ultimately concluding in complete metal dissolution/death
<baguette> Hi Rokker
<Rokker> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Rokker
<Rokker> not you
<baguette> Why "not you"
<raptop> hi, Mod9000 bot
<Althego> it's back
<Rokker> baguette: can't trust bots
<raptop> The bot does automated greetings for some things as a way to keep webchat questioners around long enough for us to have a chance to answer
<Althego> and always replies to me instead
<Rokker> raptop: I miss the days when someone would join, say hello, and then leave 5 seconds later
<Rokker> the good old days
<Althego> that still happens
<Rokker> oh, good
<Althego> but there is an overall decline
<Rokker> heh
<Rokker> ill never move this over to steam
<Althego> i will never have anything on steam
<Rokker> eh
<Rokker> most of my stuff is on steam
<Rokker> but i dont wanna deal with the hassle of mods and stuff
<Rokker> I've been meaning to do a fresh install of Realism Overhaul for like... *checks watch* a year and a half or so
<Rokker> so I suppose I'll do that
<baguette> Rokker, I read that as *cries watch*
<raptop> I would recommend against a water powered watch, as leaks can make it appear to cry
<Althego> and people come and worship it as a miracle?
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<raptop> Maybe
<raptop> something something Khronos
<Althego> that's the vcr. even i, chronos, master of all time, cannot adjust one of those
<baguette> Althego, 17th and 18th century demonology texts have interesting art
<Rokker> raptop: wanna build a new Arecibo with me
<Althego> baguette: the voynich manuscript has strange illustrations too
<Althego> so tomorrow starlink?
<Althego> starship and electron didnt fly
<baguette> Althego, when was it written
<Rokker> Althego: LauncherOne flew at least
<Althego> yes, nice success
<Althego> although i dont know if they are going to find a market
<Rokker> I think they will
<Rokker> not much of one
<Rokker> but they will
<Rokker> the smallest market is becoming very oversaturated though
<raptop> arecibo, but make it bigger than FAST!
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<Rokker> raptop: let's make an arecibo but in space
<Althego> on the moon
<Althego> i want the crater antenna
<Rokker> let's turn the moon into an actual crescent 🌙 and then turn that into the new Arecibo
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<darsie> Should I upgrade to 1.11?
<raptop> darsie: sure, why not
<darsie> I think some reported some annoying bugs.
<raptop> Rokker: Aitken Basin Interferometer!
<raptop> Yeah, I feel like they might have missed something with ladders
<darsie> Wanted to wait for 1.11.1
<raptop> That would be a fun version number
<packbart> I've read about some phantom forces caused by Kerbals on ladders
<packbart> the flag thing is probably the most obviously annoying. other than that it plays well
<FLHerne> They fixed the fuel transfer bug, that makes up for all other annoying bugs put together
<FLHerne> And ladders are a total pain anyway
<packbart> I need ladders for the Kourageous Tourists contract. They want to EVA on the Mun but don't get jetpacks
<darsie> Official tourist EVA? :)
<darsie> They can jump.
<packbart> not high enough
* raptop imagines rappelling kerbals
<darsie> Lay the rocket on the ground.
<packbart> I just use ladders. That's what they're for :)
<darsie> Ok, yeah, if they work :)
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<FLHerne> You could build some sort of rocket catapult to fire them at the hatch
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<darsie> Why didn't the astronauts on the Moon do this? http://loftambach.ch/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/865A5977-scaled.jpg
<raptop> Apparently the suits weighed 200 lbs on earth
<raptop> Call it 350 with an astronaut inside
<raptop> So, 58 lbs on the moon, which, which is a big hassle to lift one-handed
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