raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
<raptop> ...why is "* Amended dV and orbit calcs to use Double precision" on the list twice?
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<raptop> * Fix mistake in the 1.10 section of the changelog.
<raptop> ???
<raptop> * Fix multiple comet comas blotting out the sky when a comet breaks up on reentry.
<raptop> Wait, that sounds cool
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<raptop> ...
<TwistenX> here's my ksp stream
<TwistenX> how about you watch it now or im gonna hack u
<TwistenX> jk
<TwistenX> but plz still join
<umaxtu_> why does it want to access my camera?
<TwistenX> it's like online school but u can say no
<TwistenX> i think
<umaxtu_> if not, I'll unleash the power of the AI I've just created upon you
<TwistenX> ok
<umaxtu_> don't worry, all it can do so far is add two numbers
<TwistenX> ok
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<TwistenX> it's ksp gameplay
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<packbart> resource panels are hard. in 1.11, the windows only show up every second time I mouse over the resource panel m)
<packbart> well, if it fixes the transfer bug
<raptop> booyay
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<Althego> in outcast at some point you had to collect a few pieces of booyat. was annoying. and itturned out you didnt need them anyway
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<TwistenX> Can someone give me tips on how to do a re-entry and landing with a space shuttle-type spacecraft?
<TwistenX> i am an noob so i need help
<Althego> periapsis below 30 km and keep high angle of attack
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<TwistenX> What do i do if my wheels explode
<TwistenX> cuz shuttle's don't have very strong parachutes
<TwistenX> if they even have any
<raptop> Well, the shuttle proper had a chute that it used after landing
<raptop> Anyway, I suggest something with a high L/D compared with the actual shuttle so you can do a lowish speed landing (especially low vertical speed)
<Althego> wheels are quite sturdy, for them to explode you are probably too fast vertically or horizontally
<TwistenX> i mean if they explode in the atmosphere from the excessive heat
<Althego> that is also strange, wheels have high heat tolerance
<raptop> Paradoxically enough, may I suggest a steeper reentry?
<Althego> if you go deep sooner you decelerate faster
<TwistenX> okay, this sounds a lot easier than i thought
<Althego> so maybe heating is lower
<TwistenX> the probable only problem is actually having someplace to land that isn't water where I'll just smack into the surface
<Althego> obviously land on a runway
<TwistenX> there's only one runway on Kerbin tho (i think)
<Althego> 2 with the dessert site
<Althego> 3 with the island
<TwistenX> huh
<TwistenX> nice
<Althego> the island is stock the dessert site is dlc
<TwistenX> k imma start
<TwistenX> cya
<raptop> mmm... dessert...
<TwistenX> thx for the tips
<TwistenX> i had pumpkin pie not too long ago btw
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<Mat2ch> Uh, I lost count of the starships. There's work done on SN17, but SN9 didn't even fly yet.
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<Althego> eh spacex moved to saturday
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<Mat2ch> woooooot
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<Althego> stream on
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<Althego> fully russian
<Althego> isnt oneweb bankrupt, but they already paid for these launches?
<Mat2ch> "The post-bankruptcy company leadership plan an initial return to flight launching 36 additional OneWeb satellites as early as 17 December."
<Mat2ch> The will go bankrupt again, when starlink gets out of the beta.
<Althego> but the ik bought oneweb because they leave the eu or something
<Althego> uk
<Althego> the stream failed
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<Althego> stream ok again, but what happened to the countdown
<Althego> no launch
<Althego> here is a singing shark instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L77WpA6a_jA
<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm sure that is against the rules here
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Althego> time to nap
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<Althego> eh while i slept the soyuz launched
<Althego> but it was mostly good cgi
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<kubi> EVA repair
<kubi> no new ides, just copy the mods?
<kubi> but in an uglier way
<Althego> wheel repair was there for a long time. so i think they just never expanded on it
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<Mat2ch> Solar panel repair as well
<Althego> now that kerbals have weight in cabins, pilots are the most useless kerbals since they can be replaced by lighter probes
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<Mat2ch> except when you've got no coverage
<Althego> still have the directional buttons
<Mat2ch> sometimes not enough
<raptop> Obviously you should use kOS or the like to replace pilots with very small scripts
<Althego> go away or i will replace you with a very small shell script
<Althego> was on a t short i saw on a guy some 15 years ago
<raptop> yeah
<raptop> consider: a KSP mod that lets you run bash or perl on a stayputnik
<Althego> just open a generic api you can use to create bindings. to any language
* raptop presses F to pay respects to kRPC
<minas_tirith> Programming is tough
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<Althego> there is no royal road to geometry
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<Althego> hehehe, now in video form https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=102&v=WIL427k4xTg
<Althego> what are they doing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=am2kw1TCNAk
<Althego> the beer (?) truck is stuck
<Mat2ch> It's near Mexico, so it's tequilla!
<Althego> in the meantime the convoy went on its way
<Althego> there were two containers, one is possibly a building, and a tanker truck
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<Althego> hmm, spacex may build a launch site in indonesia
<Althego> also they have nickel for testla
<Althego> -t
<Mat2ch> nickel?
<Althego> for the new batteries
<Althego> wait that sound cant be right
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