Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam and BOOM!
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<Mat2ch> Aaaaaaand SN9 is upgright again
<Mat2ch> took them a whole day
<Althego> please return your rocket to its original upright position
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<Mat2ch> I think the shipyard cam broke...
<Mat2ch> or not. There's just no movement at all...
<Mat2ch> maybe they are checking if it is worth to repair or just throw over and crush ;)
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<Althego> Danny2462: SN8 But More Kerbal! - Kerbal Space Program
<darsie> :)
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<flayer> lmao
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<Althego> launch in something like 75 minutes
<flayer> ordinary spacex launches and landings are so boring
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<Althego> hah, nanowar of steel, 1 week ago
<Mat2ch> Althego: what is it this time and against how many community rules would you violate if you would post a link? ;)
<Althego> actually it seems to be ok
<Althego> if i am lucky the cd arrives next week
<Althego> like the one about the planet, this is also from stairway to valhalla
<Althego> so they were pushing out these videos out because of the re-release of the album
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<Althego> Now targeting 12:30 p.m. EST for launch of SXM-7, time is optimized for launch and recovery. Weather forecast has improved to 80% favorable
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<Althego> never gets old
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<JVFoxy> lol.. that last second of the video
<JVFoxy> ya.. go fast enough, you can pass through things.. at least in game. Unless if you going for Jool, that just flips you off at 5 times light speed.. or something
<JVFoxy> We don't launch just the rocket.. we also launch the silo with it, 40% more rocket... uh, did someone just quote Portal game?
<JVFoxy> Instead, with them its bullets instead of rockets... oh guuh, rocket bullets..
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<Althego> stream on
<JVFoxy> hmm.. which to follow
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<flayer> two and a half minutes
<JVFoxy> watch'n directly from spacex.. wasn't sure what other feed was good
<Althego> no onboard stream from any other stream
<Althego> 10
<Althego> hehe that ksp style trajectory prediction in the mission control audio stream
<JVFoxy> no on board... so far
<Althego> there it is
<JVFoxy> oh.. n/m
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<JVFoxy> grid fins.. can't help think cheese graters with the shape on the underside.. or something
<Althego> hehe
<umaxtu> I'm not sure how well they would grate cheese at supersonic speeds
<JVFoxy> slices the air pretty good.. though with a bit of friction. Those things still melt a little on the way down?
<FLHerne> Very well, I expect
<FLHerne> No, they're titanium now
<FLHerne> (largest single titanium castings ever, according to Elon)
* FLHerne suspects some secret military thing actually holds that record
<Althego> was it a precursor to tesla gigacasting?
<JVFoxy> oh..
<JVFoxy> entry burn.. pulls quite a few Gs I guessing
<FLHerne> I doubt there's any connection there
<Althego> sometimes there is
<umaxtu> working with titanium is a very different animal
<Althego> hmm
<Althego> this never happens
<Althego> maybe the anti ship missile worked this time?
<FLHerne> nope
<FLHerne> It had a pretty good try on SES-whatever
<JVFoxy> wonder how the booster lands and not just skid off the droneship with those waves
<Althego> there is the octograbber
<Althego> it goes under it and grabs it
<JVFoxy> ya but it has to be brought out.. takes time
<JVFoxy> lol.. hand booster, big fingers of a hand comes up and pinches it instantly
<Deddly> Wow, 7th flight and landing of that booster
<JVFoxy> ... big booster... a few thoughts got crossed there
<Althego> big booster, big bada boom
<FLHerne> The more wow is that they did that with a customer payload
<Althego> normal operation. i expect them to reach 10th landing soon
<Althego> supposedly sxm-8 should follow shortly
<FLHerne> I don't think any external payload has flown on even a 5th flight before?
<FLHerne> All the .5, .6 and .7 have been Starlink
<Althego> it seems it will not make it in december, just ion january
<Althego> did falcon heavy see any action this year?
<Althego> i dont think it did
<JVFoxy> only been that one launch so far..?
<JVFoxy> Last I heard, was debate over if its worth it now or not
<flayer> when i have just 1% signal on a manned kerbal flight, i like to pretend they are communicating in morse kode to preserve bandwidth
<Althego> probably digital transmissions could do better
<FLHerne> Althego: Not since June 2019
<FLHerne> JVFoxy: There've been two customer launches, plus the demo mission
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. I remember roadster..
<Althego> angara a5 launch in 12 hours. probably no stream
<Althego> test launch with dummy payloa
<FLHerne> Definitely worth it, because they wouldn't qualify for the USSF block buy otherwise
<Althego> ah yes they are going to launch some military stuff
<FLHerne> And they need it for NASA's lunar cargo contract too
<FLHerne> Should be 2-3 launches per year for the foreseeable future
<JVFoxy> just did a quick catch up on the other two launches for heavy..
<JVFoxy> way things been going, seems like not even a day or so between launches in general
<Althego> most of them probably goiong to postponed
<JVFoxy> looking at number of launches each year..
<JVFoxy> guess I've been more aware of them in recent times. Its been picking up slowly since 2000s, early 80's was when we saw more than we do now.
<FLHerne> What that chart doesn't show is the difference in location/nationality
<FLHerne> US launch (mostly SpaceX) is a few times higher than early 2000s
<FLHerne> Mostly at the expense of Russia
<JVFoxy> I know.. I was just thinking over all
<Althego> scott
<Althego> i was wondering just now about the roadster current looks
<Althego> is it pale, is the surface cracking
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<packbart> did aliens already nick the tyres
<Althego> they dont even need the bricks under them :)
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