Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship 15km flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on Friday?
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<Althego> hah, hayabusa 2 sample return was a success
<Althego> what the... woomera, that is almost woomerang as in ksp
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<umbralraptop> o_O
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<Althego> meanwhile chang'e 5 completed docking
<darsie> .
<umbralraptop> yay
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* Mat2ch shakes his fist against the sky
<Mat2ch> Why you rain? Stop it!
<Mat2ch> No no rain!
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<Althego> spacex launch, weather favorability 60%
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<Mat2ch> I say they don't launch today
<Althego> they just did
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<Althego> landing isnt showing
<Althego> landed
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<deadmind> landyboi is back for the fourth time!
<Guest93329> launching
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<Mat2ch> ok, I was wrong :P
<Mat2ch> But the second stage seemed to have a problem
<Mat2ch> I've never seen gas coming out from the side
<Mat2ch> there must have been a hole in the pipe that feeds the gas turbine exhaust into the nozzle
<Althego> wintergatan video 18 hours ago
<Althego> breached 2 million subs
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<Althego> lol angle grinder to the flywheel
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<mrBlaQ> I don't care if they never finish MMX
<mrBlaQ> just keep building and improving
<Althego> yes, finishing it would be a disappointment
<Althego> end of entertainment
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I hope you screamed, like I did, when he did that. :D
<Mat2ch> That's not proper balancing ;)
<Althego> i didnt scream but i thought it was dumb
<umaxtu> MMX?
<Althego> you balance a rotating thing by either taking out small mass in certain positions, or by adding them. and this is what he did finally. it shouldnt have taken 3 days
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> that's what I was thinking
<Mat2ch> it made a pretty video though :D
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