raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
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<lordcirth_> Mat2ch, I'm not sure it is... It was using ~70GB of my 660GB usable space, and I was running out
<flayer> having a versioned dataset of ksp instances is mental
<lordcirth_> It's perfectly sensible. And now I'm doing it more efficiently.
<flayer> lmao
<lordcirth_> I can make a new KSP folder in a split second; zfs clone is instant
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<flayer> i guess as long as you're eating well...
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<packbart> I keep 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11, too. NTFS compression saves a fair bit of disk space
<packbart> those are just for testing some mod stuff, though
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<Mat2ch> !road
<Kerbot> Mat2ch => Primary; Thursday, Dec 17, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Cancelled | Primary; Friday, Dec 18, 2020; 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm; Scheduled | Primary; Monday, Dec 21, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Wednesday, Dec 23, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; Scheduled | Primary; Monday, Dec 28, 2020; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Tuesday, Dec 29, 2020; 8:00 am to
<Mat2ch> There is really a closure scheduled for today
<Althego> maybe they move sn9
<Mat2ch> the crane is no longer attached to SN9 for some reason
<Mat2ch> Don't they need the crane to move it to the transport stand?
<Althego> there are also other building operations
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<Mat2ch> oh, it seems like the crane might not be needed to transport SN9 to the launch site, but it's needed to put SN9 up onto the launch stand
<Mat2ch> I wonder when that it's going to happen
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<Mat2ch> Oh, look
<Mat2ch> we again got forgotten
<Mat2ch> :P
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<FLHerne> Mat2ch: What?
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<FLHerne> 1.11 was a few days ago
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<Mat2ch> That's not 1.11.0
<Mat2ch> that's a KSP2 trailer
<darsie> ETA?
<Mat2ch> 2025 :P
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<Althego> in the year 2525
<Mat2ch> :D
<darsie> If Jeb is still alive ...
<Mat2ch> Althego: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa** you, now I have that song in my head!
<Mat2ch> darsie: oh, Kerbals seem to live a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong life ;)
<Althego> unless they explode or collide or smashed or burned...
<darsie> Or are terminated.
<JVFoxy> kerbals even age?
<Althego> i never noticed that the eyes of kerbals are not the same size
<JVFoxy> lol.. someone should do a kerbal model for Totally Accurate Battlegrounds. What with the sometimes weird variations that come up when yo udump a load of characters on the map
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<raptop> KSP2, JWST, close enough
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> with this speed the first starship lands on mars before jwst is deployyed
<raptop> Ooh
<raptop> *Oof
<Althego> it is not going to last decades either
<raptop> on a happier note, epic is doing a free game every day up to the 31st
<raptop> well, yeah, lack of servicing means a 1-off cold phase, and the warm phase can't last forever
<raptop> Spitzer only lasted what, 17 years in total?
<Althego> a nice age
<raptop> More like 16.5, but yeah
<raptop> Technically you can argue that 2020 killed Spitzer
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> then it also killed the areicbo telescope
<umaxtu> last I heard, JWST was actually on track for once
<raptop> hm
<Althego> isnt there some delay because of the virus?
<raptop> some, not sure how much and if it's x days or just cuts into margins
<umaxtu> idk, work on JWST was already done in bunny suits
<raptop> Sure, but there's the whole changing into/out of the suits
<raptop> oh good, nothing fell out this time
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it did last time?
<raptop> not if it it was last time, but that did happen with an early test
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<Althego> EEVblog 13 hours ago: What 2020 needs is an epic rap battle between the two dumbest and most impractical ideas of the 21st century. Hyperloop and Solar Roadways. Which would win?
<Althego> hehe, i would watch that
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<kubi> test
<Althego> there is absolutely no cause for alarm
<kubi> I thought it will be out there for now
<umaxtu> Althego, I don't see that topping Thanos v. Oppenheimer.
<flayer> what are some great scientists today?
<flayer> Some person at CERN?
<umaxtu> not space related, but Anthony Fauci is up there in my book
<flayer> i think he's mostly just a media personality
<flayer> like bill nye, degrasse, etc
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<umaxtu> as of this year, he is the 32nd most-cited living researcher
<umaxtu> "According to the Web of Science, Dr. Fauci ranked 7th out of more than 1.8 million authors in the field of immunology by total citation count between 1980 and January 2020"
<flayer> but what about before this year?
<flayer> being put in the media spotlight is going to get you cited
<raptop> authorship can get a bit fraught, especially with larger collaborations
<umaxtu> the man has been around for decades. this is a pretty good summary. https://www.zippia.com/advice/dr-anthony-fauci-resume-cv/
<umaxtu> thats probably enough of that though, getting very close to talking politics
<Althego> the existence of anti maskers showed that public science outreach is an important thing
<Althego> but it seems it is not enough
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<flayer> i'm building a kerbal-style reusable launcher.. a rocket that launches traditionally, but uses parachutes and jet engines to land lol
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<Althego> real kerbal style: uses parachutes to launch
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<darsie> I used an aerospike based SSTO with chutes for 2 orbital tourists.
<darsie> Fully reusable.
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<Mat2ch> The crane is on the move
<Mat2ch> and yes, that's a code for that the crane is on the move.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> hawkeye to nightingale. the crane has left the nest. i repeat...
<Mat2ch> so, SN9 tomorrow then? ;)
* raptop chirps innocently
<packbart> roger that, Hawkeye. the seeds are sprouting
<Mat2ch> now for important things: When the biggest crane in the world falls over, how do you upright it again?
<packbart> by stacking smaller cranes on top of each other
<Althego> hehe in an absurd comic. there was a strip. starts out with somebody on the radio: to all units. the weasel has found the marmalade. i repeat. the some soldiers receiving it: use tear gas. delta-1 go! teargas grenade is used. and in the final scene we can se a soldier pointing a gun on a crying weasel holding on to a jar of marmalade
<raptop> poor weasel :(
<Althego> i basically translated it
<Mat2ch> uhm, is that the ocean in the backgroud on the Nerdle cam?
<Althego> unexpected side effect. the ch53 ga simulator in buckeburg contains a test file name: szlopakikki.xml
<Althego> i doubt anybody removed it
<Althego> you could probably find a similar sized crane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYpMz63WAjM
<lordcirth_> Getting a weird bug that only happens once I leave atmosphere, and not immediately: https://gist.github.com/lordcirth/8ec1ff050b2ae30b3ed2cdbbd2a0fbee
<lordcirth_> The framerate drops to ~1 FPS, and the delta-v node bar is blank (no yellow)
<lordcirth_> Does anyone have a clue what could cause the NullRef?
<umaxtu> making a reference to something that is null?
<lordcirth_> Wow, thanks /s
<umaxtu> fyi, don't get a vanity plate that says "NULL"
<Mat2ch> but but but
<Mat2ch> oh, wait, can't get that here at all.
<lordcirth_> But you could get DEV NULL
<lordcirth_> Probably taken, tho
<Althego> hehe, little bobby tables we call him
<Mat2ch> ohhhh, I remember that article. :D
<Althego> me too
<Althego> also there are t2 ammos in eve (the game) called null and void
<Mat2ch> why am I still watching the cam stream?
<Mat2ch> A crane on the move
<Mat2ch> ohhhhh. :D
<umaxtu> cause you have no life?
<Althego> i watched it too
<Althego> for a minute
<Althego> it it is slow
<umaxtu> probably faster then the crawler
<Althego> it is on a modular transporter
<Althego> although it has its own tracks
<umaxtu> rubber or steel?
<Althego> looks steel
<umaxtu> probably why
<Althego> doudbt you could use rubber on this size
<umaxtu> idk about Texas but in Michigan, you're only supposed to drive a tank on the road if it has rubber tracks
<lordcirth_> Rubber would liquify and squish out the sides, on the crawler
* flayer squishes out all over lordcirth_
<Althego> looks like several hundred tonnes
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<lordcirth_> Removed a bunch of mods, still borked
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<lordcirth_> Hmm, it seems to trigger when I leave map view?
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<Mat2ch> umaxtu: welllll, oh, wait, I took a few days off ;)
<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm not entirely sure but I think it's a Liebherr LR 1600/2
<Althego> i checked a few possibilites, all of the cranes of this size spacex has have several hundred tonnes of lift capacity, so they are probably over thousand tonnes in their own weight
<Mat2ch> they are not as it looks
<Mat2ch> Go to page 17
<Mat2ch> Around 160 t
<Althego> how light
<Althego> i wouldnt have expected that
<Mat2ch> The counterweights are missing in this
<Althego> i tried to find the weighht of this and one other
<Althego> but it is simply no concern for anybody so i couldnt :)
<Mat2ch> counterweights, the max I could find: 190 t on the crane itself, and additional 350 t on the back hanging
<Mat2ch> this is absolutely crazy
<Althego> hehe theoretical question. if master chief would be transported to doom 2016, how well would he do?
<raptop> Probably okay
<raptop> assuming one can apply marathon lore to halo (and several dooms), doomguy and master chief may (sorta) be the same person
<Mat2ch> another angle
<lordcirth_> IIRC most organic creatures don't survive jumping back from hell. So if master chief is not also immune, he might just die.
<raptop> see: marathon infinity and how the player character is a sort-of immortal warrior hero
<Althego> actually two modular transporters are under it
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<lordcirth_> Ahah! Removing Kopernicus Expansion fixed it!
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