Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship 15km flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on Friday?
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<Mat2ch> Just a wet dress rehearsel. When flight?
* Mat2ch pokes SpaceX with a stick
<Althego> i think elon is already giving them heat from below and poking them with a stick from above :)
<Althego> after all he wants to die on mars
<Althego> just so many decades remaining
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<Mat2ch> Hrm
<Mat2ch> do you really think he's going to live on Mars?
<Mat2ch> And unless we figure out artifical gravity and good shielding Mars will be a death trap
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<Althego> technically you could put people on trains going in circles, creating a false gravity. and you can put the whoe thing underground for shielding
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<bees> Mat2ch: large spinning things, 10 meters of rock, some nukular power and you can live on majority of solar system bodies
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<Mat2ch> bees: well, until your supplies run out. :D
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<FLHerne> !stupid
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Modern science does not rule out the existence of a creator, but it definitely rules out the existence of a (non-deceitful) creator who created the universe 6000 years ago and then killed everybody in a global flood 4000 years ago.
<FLHerne> (I added more nonsense to the bot, just in case)
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<packbart> non-deceitful gods are a myth, anyway. they like to "test your faith" and allthat
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<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You launch a mission to retrieve a surface sample from Jool. You suffer a massive headsplosion.
<Mat2ch> SN8 flight maybe tomorrow
<Althego> eh arecibo
<Althego> F
<Althego> this was the reason it couldnt be repaired
<Althego> as it got older the strength deteriorated, should have had some maintenance long ago
<umaxtu> lack of funding
<Althego> would have been cheaper to build a new one
<Althego> maybe on the far side of the moon
<Mat2ch> That would be fun
<Althego> rotates slower, so can look at the same point longer
<Althego> also shielded from emissions from earth
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<Althego> yes this is the one i was talking about
<packbart> and it's still no radar telescope, or is it?
<Althego> probably not
<packbart> Arecibo was able to ping asteroids and Saturn
<packbart> lost space probes, too
<Althego> saturn, that is amazing distance for radar
<sandbox> the only thing that went ping was the cable
<packbart> still, a measly ~3MW of transmission power, iir
<packbart> iirc
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<darsie> Peak or average?
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<packbart> I didn't find definite information. from what I read, the 430MHz radar transmitter could send 1MW continously. another site said 2.5MW, that's probably pulsed
<packbart> "The telescope had three radar transmitters, with effective isotropic radiated powers (EIRPs) of 25 TW (continuous) at 2380 MHz, 3.2 TW (pulse peak) at 430 MHz, and 200 MW at 47 MHz,[12] as well as an ionospheric modification facility operating at 5.1 and 8.175 MHz."
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<umbralraptop> ;mission add You use PWM to control the thrust of a larger array of NTRs.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added mission: You use PWM to control the thrust of a larger array of NTRs.
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