raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<krb> heyo
<krb> does it usually take 3 daysn, not in game but real days, to refill a small ore tank?
<krb> or is something going terribly wrong
<Althego> lol
<Althego> no, why would it take that long
<krb> idk
<krb> i've been drilling for an entire day and i've..actually lost fuel in the process
<Althego> ah you mean isru
<krb> almost a year in-game
<Althego> the place matters
<krb> no I don't not yet
<krb> I can't isru cos I haven't got any ore at all
<krb> i'm in eve highlands and scanners say ore 8.33 percent
<Althego> 2 things influence this. the place on the planet and heat
<krb> thankfully I can scoot along eve's surface at 60m/s with this vehicle
<krb> so I can easily relocate but i'm running low on fueal
<Althego> ah eve
<Althego> there are places on eve that dont even have minable ore
<krb> down is easy, up, not so much
<krb> oh what
<krb> it says ore 8.33%
<Althego> there is a small flat island close to the shore of one of the seas. once i landed there to see if i can go back to orbit from that low altitude. there was no ore there at all
<Althego> then the other thing is heat
<Althego> i am not sure the heat on eve is taken into account. but for mining and isru radiators are a must
<Althego> do you have radiators?
<Althego> the bigger the better
<krb> two large
<Althego> that should be doing something
<Althego> together with the 8.33% it should be ok
<Althego> are the drills reaching the ground? it is not enough that they are touching
<Althego> they have to go deep enough
<krb> yes, right through thye surface
<krb> I can adjust camera view and see them below the rendered ground
<krb> also scanning arms hate me'
<Althego> did you start them in surface harvester mode?
<krb> yes
<Althego> what does the drill action window say about its status?
<Althego> harvesting?
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<krb> harvesting then switching between harvest and inactivity
<Althego> strange
<Althego> that should stay in harvesting constantly
<krb> 0.007 a second
<Althego> also do you have an engineer?
<krb> ugh now it's refusing to go activve
<krb> an engineer is piloting
<Althego> must be some not too apparent issue then. these are he usual things we went through
<krb> insufficient power
<krb> the whole time
<minas_tirith> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, minas_tirith
* minas_tirith Mod9000
<krb> nice name
<krb> lol
<minas_tirith> uwu
<krb> ;3
<minas_tirith> krb, meow :
<minas_tirith> ;3
<Althego> hehe didnt expect that
<Althego> i pack two large solar panels for each large drill
<raptop> にゃあ!
<Althego> nyaa
<minas_tirith> raptop, hewwo
<minas_tirith> uwu
* raptop should probably mess around more with my current campaign
* minas_tirith messes around with raptop
<minas_tirith> How are you
<raptop> surviving
<Althego> how is the research going?
<raptop> probably not doing enough studying or research calcs/writing, but *gestures vaguely at the uncontained pandemic*
<krb> I have 10 panels
<Althego> life is an uncontained pandemic. or contained, but by earth
<krb> i forgot to bother with them
<krb> unless
<minas_tirith> uwu
<krb> there's life on maaaaaaaarrrs,
<Althego> supposedly the heat on eve decreases solar panel efficiency
<Althego> there probably is
<krb> *crappy bowie reference intensifies*
<Althego> some chemosynthesizing microbes many km underground
<krb> lol someone asked me over my shoulder what chemosynthesising meant: I said "smol bug et rock"
<krb> x3
<Althego> hehe
<krb> so
<krb> bad joke
<raptop> Althego: IIRC, yeah, post-1.0 solar panels have a heat component
<krb> has anyone got a kersona
<krb> nyehehehe
<krb> ker-sona
<krb> i may be more amused with myself than I should be
<krb> minas_tirith mewo
<minas_tirith> krb, nuzzles
<krb> minas_tirith yo necky wecky?
<krb> x3
* minas_tirith pounces on krb
<krb> felt relevant
<krb> boops minas_tirith
* minas_tirith licks krb
<krb> r e p e a t e d l y
<raptop> why is there a 10 hour remix?
<krb> because
<raptop> (because internet I guess)
<krb> they're doing Dog's work out there
<minas_tirith> krb, happiness comes in many forms
<krb> minas_tirith so happiness comes in snoot form
<krb> in theory
* minas_tirith presses snout against krb
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<krb> i can't figure out how to do golden letters
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<raptop> ?
<krb> like minas_tirith was
<Althego> probably use the structural elements with the gold color scheme from making history
<Althego> ah
<Althego> in irc, there are no gold letters :)
<krb> yellow
<minas_tirith> krb, ists your client colors
<minas_tirith> Its not controlled by server
<krb> o
<minas_tirith> Just what colors your client chooses
<Althego> it wasnt yellow for me
<minas_tirith> Yours is probably coloring the /me messages yellow
<krb> you're teal, i'm pink, when you rp you're in yellow
<minas_tirith> krb, type /me then a message
<raptop> Must be the webchat client
* krb hi
<krb> ohh
<Althego> test
<Althego> well, still not yellow
<krb> the drill disappeared
<krb> off of the craft
<Althego> lol
<Althego> f3?
<krb> idk where go
<krb> ah
<krb> crashed into terrain
<krb> well duh it was in the terrain what's the dealio
<krb> Is this /me kraken?
<krb> fug no highlight
<Althego> the actuall drill part is not colliding with the ground, the main body is
<minas_tirith> hewwo
<Althego> so if the ship is shaking because of the drilling and the body is close to the ground, it can collide
<krb> heyo
<krb> hm
<krb> should be 5m above the ground
<Althego> then it is random base kraken thing
<Althego> things can reposition and explode upon changing to that location
<krb> a a a a
<krb> changing to what location
<raptop> proper collision physics hard
<krb> the thing rests at 5m
<Althego> when there is a scene change, for example from tracking station to something on a planetary surface. physics start up and probably the game also wants to put things on the ground
<krb> now I can't find a place to sit still now I've landed
<Althego> you cant :)
* raptop wonders if the mimus flats are safer
<krb> i keep rolling
<krb> with brakes on
<Althego> on landing legs?
<krb> no it's got landing geaar
<Althego> how steep is the slop?
<Althego> e
<krb> picture a plane/hourglass with fuel tanks in place of wings and a whole lot of wheels
<krb> and rockets on the back
<krb> for pushing it
<krb> like 20 degrees
<Althego> that is quite steep for eve
<krb> sort of
<Althego> you could try to rotate the plane so that the wheel direction is perpendicular to the slope
<Althego> but probably doesnt help
<krb> it is already
<krb> 0.2m/s slide
<krb> but there isn't anywhere flat
<krb> the flat bits are too small for the whole roverhing
<Althego> there must be a local minimum somewhere :)
<krb> roverthing
<krb> i'm impressed with this design though, heavy, but it can travel realy infinitely on duna
<krb> *nearly
<krb> @raptop minmus is poorly suited for this craft
<krb> ins tant bouncing and flipping
<krb> goes over a bump and wheee
<Althego> hehe
<krb> buggered
<krb> x3
<Althego> so anyway doing wheels correctly is also hard
<Althego> you can experiance sliding in ksp randomly on any surface
<krb> they're on evenly
<krb> no problems on a 35 degree hill on kerbin
<krb> no turning problems
<krb> can drift 180 degrees to stop quickly, from 80m/s
<krb> it's just hard keeping it on the ground, anywhere but eve
<krb> and dres is too hard
<krb> i keep landing in an enormous crack with no sunlight
<krb> xD
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the only mildly interesting place there
<Althego> if you assume that dres exists :)
<Althego> the ksp version of the bielefeld conspiracy
<raptop> Dres is inhabited by birds
<Althego> blunderbirds?
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<raptop> Dres isn't real, birds aren't real
<Althego> i havent heard that
<krb> ...q u e?
<Deddly> raptop isn't real
<krb> dres is working for the bourgeoisie
<Althego> but complex :)
<raptop> well, yes, I have imaginary components
<krb> don't we all
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" is not real
<Althego> m odcall
<Althego> why
<raptop> "chanlog" is not doing
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Althego> that, but why are there spaces in the m odcall
<Althego> i could try to implement the chanlog, but i am not sure how fast it actually updates
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Althego> eh
<Deddly> I dunno where the spaces came from
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" is not real
<Althego> at least it doesnt react to the topic
<Deddly> That would be amusing
<Deddly> Eggdrop is pretty robust. It shouldn't even get into a loop with another bot
<Deddly> It's not infallible, but it's about as mature as software gets
<Althego> not much development going on there
<Deddly> It was updated just a few months ago
<Deddly> How much development do you need on something that's been working mostly flawlessly since the '90s?
<krb> now the isru won't work
<Althego> stable release 1.8.4 2018
<Althego> i dont consider it as update if there was no release
<Deddly> Late December though
<Althego> there are some commits though, from few days ago
<krb> i've spent 20 mins for 4 units of fuel
<krb> is that typical
<Althego> it never was fast but i dont know its exact speed
<Deddly> Seriously though, the first release was in 1993. I think they have ironed out most of the vulnerabilities since then
<Althego> it can have heat issues too
<Deddly> krb, it depends on how much ore there is at the location you have the ISRU set up.
<krb> it hits 100k in 30s
<Deddly> Have you done the scan?
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<Althego> have you tried turning it off and on again? :)
<Deddly> Looks like that's what he's doing right now
<Deddly> Clearly lacks an SSD
<Althego> webchat
<Deddly> Yeah I know. Just kidding
<Deddly> So I missed the crew mission in its entirety :(
<Althego> cloning lxc 4 times. the host clearly lacks an ssd too
<Althego> not really, they will be up there for half a year
<raptop> Deddly: yeah, have to watch out for all those resources IRC consumes
<Althego> mostly human reasoure :)
<Althego> resource
<Deddly> I always loved IRC for its simplicity
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<Althego> heh, you can drag the pages with the cursor, and they bend as real paper would
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<Deddly> And yet you can't bend the hard cover. Nice touch
<Deddly> That's a really well put together report
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<Mat2ch> .oO( what is going on here, while I'm sleeping? So much backlog! )
<Althego> not important
<Mat2ch> no road closures scheduled yet. That's important
<Mat2ch> means: No flight this week :/
<krb> all your rovers belong to china uwu
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<Mat2ch> This could be interpreted as political expression/discussion. But since this is a real possibility, I file it under "possible threats that need discussion".
<Mat2ch> :P
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<Althego> this week in virology podcast. calls to iss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qon6j-7PJz0
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<darsie> Yay, someone downloaded my 'Second flight to Kerbin orbit' video :).
<Mat2ch> darsie: a torrent is an interesting way to distribut those videos, but most people would have to set up a client for it first. :D
<Mat2ch> Is there a torrent client for a webbrowser?
<darsie> idk
<darsie> Normal ppl would upload to youtube, but I don't want to stay away from google as much as possible.
<darsie> 220 MB is a bit much.
<Althego> in this day and age? not really
<darsie> for some ppl
<darsie> on a phone
<packbart> it's probably not easy. Non-HTTP connections with Javascript in Browsers is tricky, bordering on impossible
<Althego> websockets and stuff
<Althego> but that is black magic i dont need to know yet
<packbart> that still relies on an initial HTTP request. UDP DHT probably won't work, either
<darsie> I had a meal at a supermarket restaurant and tried to IRC, but it didn't work. They just opened some essential ports. IRC? We don't open that. Hackers use it.
<packbart> Hotels aren't better. The more expensive the hotel, the worse is their Internet for anything but browsing
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> if ssh works, then it solves every problem
<darsie> All those other orbit Kerbin tutorial videos use needlessly complex or overengineered rockets. I just used 16 FL100 tanks and a swivel.
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<Althego> remember the song "go west" and do the exact opposite :)
<darsie> :)
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<darsie> The internal name for the small Klaw is smallClaw!
<darsie> I will always find something to complain :).
<Althego> where is the problem?
<darsie> Should be smallKlaw!
<packbart> it could be "part546761"
<packbart> at least you don't have to type "persistant" like them modders do
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> what is "persistant"?
<Althego> used for
<packbart> it's an attribute for a field in a mod that should be saved in the persistent.sfs
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> "isPersistant = true"
<packbart> I blame modern IDEs. they'll happily complete and change typos throughout the whole source code
<packbart> nano never does that
<Althego> yes curse of autocomplete
* umaxtu looks at emacs
<Althego> this is my friday of the year
<umaxtu> how so?
<Althego> next workdat: 4th of january
<umaxtu> nice!
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<Althego> looks like some spacewalk started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
<Althego> preparing for new module
<Althego> kind of a late addition
<Althego> or is this the axiom thing that will be its own station?
<umaxtu> Nauka?
<Althego> ah it seems so
<Althego> didnt find it in the first article
<umaxtu> watch its Proton launch vehicle fail
<Althego> lol
<darsie> my angle snap key us broken :(
<darsie> EER
<darsie> again
<darsie> Can't remember how to fix it.
<darsie> I click c and nothing happens.
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<darsie> reset mode and snap keys worked :)
<Althego> maybe you selected an other editor mode? 1-4
<darsie> what?
<darsie> I used mirror mode
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* darsie 's new rescue Klaw: https://i.ibb.co/zVMSSXQ/screenshot238.png
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<darsie> Refuels in LKO and at Minmus orbit. Docking port balanced by rotating the mirror chutes and shifting the port.
<packbart> darsie: yeah, the keys sometimes just stop what working. I guess the reason for the prominent "reset" option is that nobody knows how to fix it :)
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<darsie> :)
<darsie> Oh, forgot an antenna ...
* darsie does the checklist ... Staging, electric, comms, crew, engineer.
<packbart> "stop what working" wot. I don't even know what I meant
<Althego> if keys stop working
<Althego> i usually go int the locks menu and just kill that lock
<darsie> "There is nothing concerning about this vessle." :)
<Althego> this tarted to happen in 1.10 and i think in 1.9 too
<darsie> locks?
<packbart> Althego: the problem seems to be with the Editor Extensions mod, not in stock
<darsie> imgur now requires me to disable ad blocking.
<Althego> there is a submenu i the cheat menu for input locks
<Althego> sometimes something stops keys from working
<Althego> i think i cant even click
<Althego> and then i just go into that input locks menu there is something with a button
<Althego> i click on the button
<Althego> and everything works gain
<darsie> Console/Input locks
<packbart> yeah, that's seems to be another common problem. there's even a mod with a "clear locks" toolbar button now
<packbart> can't remember having that problem myself, though
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* darsie refuels his rescue craft in LKO: https://i.ibb.co/HFYJ8SZ/screenshot239.png
<Mat2ch> How often do you want to be able to refill there?
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<darsie> Till the next big bang :)
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<darsie> Ohh, the refill was automatic :). All tanks were full and the refinery was active, automatically refilling whenever something docked.
<Althego> what is the mass conversion ratio of ore to fuel + oxidizer?
<darsie> 1
<Althego> hmm
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<Althego> but it is denser, isnt it?
<Althego> so basically it is valid solution to launch ore, then convert it in orbit
<darsie> The fuel station Ap is aligned with Minmus AN. I don't think I did that intentionally, but it's great :).
<darsie> Ore is denser.
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> And it's more flexible. Make LF/Ox/monoprop as needed.
<darsie> I didn't launch ore, I think. I flew to get it from Minmus.
<Althego> it seems space people never hurry
<darsie> I use time warp :).
<Althego> in reality it only works for events in the past
<packbart> are they out yet? I wasn't watching for a while
<Althego> no
<Althego> that is why i said they never hurry
<packbart> well, airlocks are large holes if handled in a hurry
<Althego> because of some leak check they went down to vacuum, and then partially repressurized
<Althego> supposedly this is the first usage of this module as an airlcock
<Althego> so that is understandable
<packbart> we really need those force fields
<Althego> anly if you have an antimatter energy source :)
<packbart> the Enterprise's shuttle bay never had to wait so long
<packbart> Althego: it's probably also the last use of this airlock if I heard that correctly. they're going to unplug and deorbit it next month, then supposedly replace it with a new module
<packbart> err, next year
<Althego> isnt that the module on the other side?
<Althego> so they exit the poisk
<Althego> but they want to get rid of pirs
<Althego> to get nauka
<packbart> ah. I thought they were using Pirs today. makes sense though
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<Althego> pirs is towards the bottom, poisk is on the top
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<Althego> they are out
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<Althego> they conduct repair in orbit: the orbital mechanics :)
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<darsie> mission accomplished
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<Mat2ch> What a beautitful netsplit
<Mat2ch> So empty, so quiet
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> not that much happens even without it
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> the Vega rocket that crashed had cables wrong connected
<Mat2ch> that is something the you usually design in a way that it can't possibly happen, except you force it really really hard
<Althego> i think the upside down accelerometer was like that too
<Althego> if spacex is progressing with this speed, they will have to launch sn8, because there will be no place left for sn9
<Althego> !nela
<Althego> what
<Althego> lol the princess (bot is in another castle)
<Althego> megdöglöttem
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<Mat2ch> Althego: there's another launch stand for SN9
<Mat2ch> SN10 on the other hand...
<Althego> nice
<Althego> but why isnt the split ending
<Mat2ch> Not sure
<Mat2ch> maybe the one server they all were connected to died the hard way
<Althego> i dont think so, then people would come back in from another server
<Althego> probably this one has an issue
<Mat2ch> Then we should reconnect and see!
<Althego> according to the bot it is connected to something
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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