raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
<Qubyte> hmm
<Qubyte> i heard that you should put space stations above 250km to increase FPS or something?
<Qubyte> apparently ksp switches to a simpler way of rendering planets at that altitude that apparently has an effect on fps
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<packbart> that's probably true. there is a switch to "scaled space" somewhere
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<darsie> I put my stations at 80 km or so.
<darsie> My refuelling station has 140 km Ap. IIRC that's because how it happened, and because it happens to some ships, too.
<packbart> I do notice a short lag at ~150km with a returning capsule. it usually doesn
<packbart> doesn't affect anything muc
<packbart> much. duh. this keyboard is broken, I guess
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<umaxtu> pc keyboard?
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<packbart> no, aging laptop keyboard. I might have a spare
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<Althego> hah arrived just in time for docking
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<Althego> homeworld remastered only 3.19 eur on gog
<raptop> nice
<raptop> (-1.01, but still)
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<Althego> "i've been floating in the airlock, just to pass the time away" :)
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<Guest24953> a few questions. i had this game for a long time and have played it intensively but then i didnt tuch it for the past 3 years
<Guest24953> are the 2 DLCs worth it?
<packbart> maybe, yes
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<Althego> Guest24953: i dont really like making history dlc, but breaking ground added electric props and robotic parts, and these are quite worthy (also can lift mjölnir)
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<packbart> the 1.875m parts are a useful intermediate size (although augmenting it with the Missing History mod is recommended). the Mission thingy has its uses to plan and replay missions but I didn't use it much
<Althego> yes that is true
<packbart> (imo, ymmv)
<Althego> i didnt notice those were from the dlc
<Althego> i use thos
<Althego> e
<packbart> the 5m parts are from MH, too?
<packbart> or is that stock-stock
<Guest24953> in other words its worth it
<Guest24953> the breaknig grounds DLC
<packbart> oh, the egine plates are good, too
<packbart> +n
<Guest24953> can i make helicopters with breaknig grounds DLC?
<Althego> engine plates are just a shortcut to my usual method with cubic...
<Althego> yes you can
<Althego> but they are not easy to handle
<packbart> anyway, I'd probably buy any KSP DLC. shutupandtakemymoney :)
<Guest24953> #packbart smart smart boi
<Guest24953> what about the maknig histroy DLC in short what is it about
<Guest24953> and is it worth it?
<packbart> yes, the parts alone are worth it
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<Guest24953> relative to its contributions
<packbart> (I'd say)
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<packbart> the additional gameplay stuff not so much, unless you want to build challenges for your friends or such
<Guest24953> ah so makngi history also adds parts
<packbart> yeah, see the two wiki links Althego posted
<Guest24953> alright wil lcheck them out and ty for all the info guys
<Guest24953> its such a nice game
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<Guest86602> wups i loged out. anyways thanks for the information and bye now
<Guest86602> will probably get them
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<Althego> because of these mods i have to buy a 4k screen so that i dont need to scroll in the parts list in the editor
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<Mat2ch> .oO( I'm still mad about the DLC and will always be :P )
<Althego> i bought the game too late
<Althego> so it was not free
<packbart> I bought KSP and MH in a sale on Steam, not for the full price
<Althego> i couldnt stop playing ksp for 5 years. cost 15 eur. well spent
<packbart> still, I think DLCs are important for KSP to keep development going should the buzz for new players slow down
<Althego> yes, obviously. but the making history was something that nobody wanted
<packbart> apart from the parts pack?
<Althego> those are a nice addition, but no way important
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<Althego> but i always wanted the electric props and the robotic joints
<Althego> but whatever i do i cant put enough props on a plane to really fly on duna
<packbart> I use the structual parts in almost every rover. sure, some modder would eventually have created them
<Althego> the triangle things?
<packbart> otoh, I don't use the props (yet)
<packbart> I don't build planes
<packbart> Althego: and the rectangular plates
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<Althego> the point is, the props have infinite delta v in atmosphere
<Althego> yes i never needed those
<packbart> a 2.5mx2.5m is a good base for a rover base
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<Althego> but i wouldnt be able to build a car looking rover. i tried several times, they turn out hideous every time
<Althego> i would just skip that in this case
<Althego> the cabin is enough for a base
<packbart> well, ok, it doesn't really look like a "car". but it handles Mun and Minmus well enough
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<packbart> the robotic joints are a bit of a let-down, though. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspr1.jpg
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> why are there such gaps?
<packbart> I don't know. They just happen over time
<packbart> Robotics don't last long
<packbart> (from what I've read, the Infernal Robotics mod does have similar problems, too)
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<packbart> probably a variant of the Base Kraken
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<Althego> i heard it had all sort od strange problems
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<Anders_> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Anders_> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Anders_
<Althego> doesnt work
<Anders_> yep still down
<Anders_> anyone got any tips for geting the encounter for docking
<Althego> i could try to export the logs odf the other bot
<Althego> but didnt get to it yet
<Anders_> its fine I just wanted to see if it was fixed
<Althego> orbit around a planet or moon?
<Anders_> yeah mainly Kerbin for practice
<Althego> wait, are you the one from a week ago? :)
<Anders_> umm I think so.. What was my name then?
<Althego> i cant remember
<Althego> but i think i cant help you
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<Anders_> I was here befroe but I think it was more like 3 weeks ago and my name was Morerockets
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<Althego> maybe 3
<Anders_> ok its fine if you cant help
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<Anders_> I gtg soon sry
<Althego> i mean there was somebody i tried really hard to help some weeks ago
<Anders_> oh then I dont think it was me
<Althego> and faile
<Anders_> maybe though
<Anders_> well I gtg bye!
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<Mat2ch> and that's why others test on clean stands ;)
<Althego> doubly interesting
<Althego> 2 nm in 2024?
<Althego> but i though we get 5 nm in 2022
<Althego> and 3 nm is a bit delayed
<Althego> 2 nm is even a step after that
<Althego> so those shiny things flying in all direction turned out to be a hazard
<Althego> at least no actual problem with the ship
<Althego> also by 2024 intel might switch to 10 nm :)
<umaxtu> assuming they don't switch to TSMC
<Althego> and he dodged the question about the starship progress report
<Althego> again
<Althego> the only way for intel to do that is to sell its fabs to tsmc
<Althego> because somebody needs to produce that volume
<Mat2ch> Althego: the nanometer game is a fraud anyways. It's just marketing
<Althego> i know
<Althego> i just signifies a process change
<Althego> der8auer showed that the intel and amd transistors are the samesize :)
<umaxtu> personally, I suspect Intel is making noise about moving to TSMC to try to get the US Gooberment to give them money for "national security"
<Althego> just take it from profits. they are making a load of money even now
<umaxtu> why decrease your profits to do something when you can convince the gooberment to pick up the tab?
<Althego> exactly because of capitalism. not their money
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<Althego> oh a what about it
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<Althego> os that 10 dollars for kg to orbit?
<Althego> heck even i could afford that
<Althego> if they finish human rating it before i die
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<raptop> $10/kg sounds like ocean-crossing airfreight
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<packbart> beware, it's elon-metric. but yeah, sounds very good if it even comes close to that
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<Mat2ch> packbart: but even at 20 USD/kg it would be affordable, if you save for it
<umaxtu> cheaper than pot. thats for sure
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<Althego> hehe
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<darsie> Magnet hash if tpb is blocked for you: BF8C16690FD53694F1EFF8CABC83340A10E3633E
<darsie> Not a super exciting video, though :)
<darsie> How to get to Kerbin orbit with your second launch and make lots of science
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<Qubyte> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Qubyte
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<darsie> .
<raptop> ..
<packbart> so, nobody was watching the Vega launch? I just learned that it failed because of a wiring error. check your cabling! :)
<packbart> "Engineers concluded that cables leading to thrust vector control actuators on the upper stage were inverted, apparently a mistake from the assembly of the upper stage engine"
<deadmind> damn it, another "installed IMU upside down"-type failure
<deadmind> how do their tests not catch that?
<packbart> how do their plugs don't have polarity notches?
<packbart> but yeah, one might imagine the actuators are tested before launch to check if "move left" moves it to the correct left
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<Qubyte> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Qubyte
<Qubyte> i heard that anything inside of farings, even open ended ones, would not have any drag
<Qubyte> is this true or not?
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* raptop wants to say that there's a lot of weirdness. They *shouldn't* have drag IIRC
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