Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<Althego> launch in about an hour
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<darsie> .
* darsie forgot to put airbrakes on the Minmus ore return rocket. Failed to slow down enough to deploy chutes. Gotta send an extension.
<Althego> hehe called the payload satellites passengers :)
<darsie> t-8
<Mat2ch> why the heck is the camera image off?
<Althego> 4:+
<Althego> 4:3
<Mat2ch> If you have MILLIONS to build a rocket, why not invest something in good cameras?!
<Mat2ch> I will never understand it.
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<Althego> they have a slideshow from orbit
<Althego> at least it is something
<sandbox> trending on twitter #EVEMUN ... you can probably guess what that is
<kubi> maybe, because they do not need as good marketing as for a private company
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<kubi> it is good that they are not afraid of rain though
<kubi> rains every day
<kubi> so what?
* darsie sends a pair of rescue drogue chutes:
<Althego> tiny
<darsie> as always :)
<darsie> Second stage is inverted to fit better in the fairing.
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<Althego> eh, eggdrop does not support multiple servers
<Althego> adorable
<Althego> oh wait, the ports do not match
<darsie> mhm
<Althego> now you have to send up something with both ports to go between them :)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I bet stuff like this happend irl.
<flayer> well, there was the imperial vs metric mishap
<darsie> That's what I thought :)
<darsie> 1.25 m vs 1.25 ft port
<Althego> !mode
<Althego> eh
* darsie cries. 4 chutes, 12 m/s, ore tanks splashed down hard and were destroyed.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you just need a tiny bit of fuel
<Althego> to slow down a few m/s
<darsie> I have. But the Terrier is too bad at sea level.
<darsie> Maybe spend more fuel to lose mass.
<Althego> also better do it on land, landing legs could help
<darsie> ahh, I have legs :)
<darsie> I was aiming for the KSC.
<packbart> water is harder than the ground ;)
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<darsie> yay, soft touchdown just before the KSC mountains. But I want closer to the KSC ... :)
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<Althego> let's see
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Atlas V - NROL-101 - Wed Nov 11, 2020 22:22:00 UTC (L-4 days, 10:36:20) - for info/stream
<Althego> well, it works
<darsie> "Perfect" landing :)
<darsie> Even the HECS survived. That was designed to be expendable.
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<Althego> !calc base2(16), int(exp(1) * pi()^5 - root(60,3))
<Kerbot> Althego => 827 /* 0x33b */
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<Althego> finally, a 5 direction rcs port
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
<raptop> Interesting -- it looks like some scaling/tweakables mods are slowly becoming stock
* darsie did atmospheric surveys with a whiplash VTOL and landed vertically:
<darsie> Do a normal runway approach, pull up vertical, turn off elevons and tell the computer to hold the plane vertical with thrust vectoring.
<darsie> Then go down.
<Althego> doesnt matter that chanlog is out of order. nobody is talking anyway :)
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Althego> eh
<Althego> where is scheduled jixuan and sebastian 2 the future video? ok i think i will just go to bed instead
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
* darsie is nobody.
<darsie> gn
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