umbralraptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | < packbart> I hope their sample isn't contaminated by the lunar tardigrade colony
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<darsie> "Reach Milkin-Lizely 2 and take a sample to transmit or return for analysis. Make sure to send a Scientist to take the sample. This comet's orbit [escape trajectory out of the Sun] means you'll have only one chance to catch it before it departs for the Oort cloud or ever beyond. Make sure you've assessed the complexity of this mission before you accept this contract..
<darsie> Does that mean it may be impossible to decelerate the comet to an orbit around the Sun?
<darsie> As in, it's on an unalterable orbit like planets and moons?
<umbralraptop> I'm not sure, but suspect not
<darsie> So do I.
<darsie> I'm now on that mission officially. :)
<umbralraptop> Time to break their assumptions
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<DarthTater> I'm making a probe launch vehicle with 8 probes, each with their own separate stage to power uo their ion engines, and a control group for each to toggle to components necessary to keep the little guy on trajectory aand providing signal, and then the launch vehicle itself will be an obvervation probe. perhaps this isn't speciaal but i'm feeling sel
<DarthTater> f satisfied
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<umbralraptop> 8 probes for 8 targets, or does this have all the Δv?
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<DarthTater> 8 probes on 1 launch vehicle, palnned 2 for each location, hoping to leave 22 for mun and minmus each, sling off to eve, drop 2 on the way by, sling a couple in the general direction of near-dunar orbit around the sun, them dump the restaround jool
<DarthTater> each probe has an ion engine to keep things eccentric enough to matter
<DarthTater> aim at the time I decouple it
<umbralraptop> nice
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<DarthTater> do you think the ion engines will continue to function after I pull away from the probe though
<DarthTater> that's my main worry
<DarthTater> otherwise, yay, signal everywhere into the outer reaches
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<DarthTater> whoops, I've launched facing the wrong direction and now I'm in a polar orbit
<umaxtu> nice
<umbralraptop> Off-plane intercepts!
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<Althego> hehe horizon zero dawn is 68 GB
* umbralraptop grumbles
<umbralraptop> And here I was happy about upgrading from ~0.6 Mbit down to ~29
<Althego> imagine it was still distributed on disks. we would be back in the change the disk era
<Althego> and unfortunately gog breaks it int o4 GB chunks
<Althego> nobody uses fat32 anymore, completely pointless
* umbralraptop imagines 8x 9 GiB DVDs
<Althego> but i still cant by ookami on gog. it really is an old game. and now on pc. not on gog
<umbralraptop> grmbl
<Althego> almost like a linux distro :)
* umbralraptop assumes that a corporate distro would be named gmbh
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> As I predicted SN9 gets its nosecone stacked before testing. Was too obvious. ;)
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<Althego> predicted? i think it was placed on it a time ago
<Mat2ch> nope
<Mat2ch> stacking was yesterday
<Althego> ah maybe i thought it was going to happen because the nose cone was fully ready
<Althego> or something like that
<Althego> but it seemed obvious to me
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<Mat2ch> SN8 got tested first
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> and takes waaaaaay too long to fly :D
<Althego> only the first one
<Althego> it is going to get faster
<Mat2ch> On Monday we will either see a glorious landing or a huge fireball
<Mat2ch> I don't know what I want more :D
<Althego> i think it is going to hit the ground during the flip
<Althego> not huige fireball
<Althego> because it will be almost empty
<Mat2ch> To look like real natives we have to say: "It's gonna getting faster"
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> somehow the airplane jive scene comes into mind
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<Mat2ch> well, if I look at the current outcomes of the climate catastrophe, this could be a possible solution.
<Mat2ch> Or does anyone still believe we will make it in under 5° C?
<Althego> not really
<Althego> 2 is a lost cause for sure
<Althego> maybe this is the great filter
<packbart> we'll probably adapt
<Althego> after all we are the borg
<packbart> increasing CO2, temperatures and water levels is good for plants
<packbart> breathing oxygen is more of a niche
<Althego> w should convert to nitrous oxide :)
<Althego> anyway we cant move elsewhere, there is no elsewhere now
<Althego> and we dont know what makes the whole ecology of earth work. in small scale we cant replicate it
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<Althego> also increasing carbon dioxide levels is not good for plants. first of all this would matter only if it was the bottleneck, and it isnt. second with increasing temperature they can photosynthesize less, so again the surplus carbon dioxide doesnt help
<Althego> the bottleneck is more probably nitrogen fixation or the availability of phosphorus
<Althego> i didnt expect sound
<Althego> now if they just released a landing video...
<DarthTater> *rocket refueses to stage
<Deddly> Wow. That's beautiful and sounds amazing
<Althego> now wait until february for the mars landing. with multiple camerase and sound
<Althego> -e
<Deddly> What altitude does Electron stage?
<Althego> i guess over 60
<Althego> km
<Althego> but the videos show altitude
<Deddly> Still enough atmosphere to transmit sound waves at 60km?
<Althego> maybe the interstage is pressurized
<Althego> after that the exhaust provides medium
<Deddly> But you can also hear the rocket flying off into the distance
<Althego> staging happened around 72 km
<Deddly> Wow
<Althego> by ignition it was around 80
<Althego> or they are just faking the sounds
<Althego> like for ultra high speed cameras, the slow motion has fake sounds
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<Althego> as i expected. in 18 files
<Althego> (horizon zero dawn)
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<Althego> now i still have to replicate it to backups
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<minas_tirith> Deddly, nice name bro
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<Mat2ch> Althego: Deddly: Since sound is nothing more but particles hitting on something, this is pretty obvious. The interstage has some air still left and the rocket engine itself produces lots and lots of particles that can hit the microphone
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<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, sounds of what?
<Althego> of silence
* minas_tirith blushes
<Mat2ch> Althego: luckily most of the oxygen is made by cyano bacteria
<Mat2ch> and they like it warm and CO2 rich
<Althego> which will soon die because of pollution and the ocean acidity following the temperature rise
<Althego> the biggest extinction was caused by carbon dioxide
<Mat2ch> I thought it was caused by a giant asteroid hitting the earth where today greenland lies
<Mat2ch> causing dust clouds covering the earth for years and an ice age
<Althego> no, that was the dinosaur extinction, not too deadly
<Althego> oh wait that was not on greenland
<Mat2ch> oh, you are right
<Mat2ch> I confused that with the one that probably caused Atlantis to be destroyed and inspired the story of Noahs arch
<Mat2ch> *ark
<Althego> anyway hydrogen sulfid creating bacteria in the oceans is bad
<Althego> imagine that, only higher altitudes would be habitable
<Althego> a few mountain tribes would survive
<Althego> erasing all technology and hsitory
<Mat2ch> History won't be erased if we're not too stupid.
<Althego> our data storage is not too reliable. even though it is digital and can be copied, it doesnt last long
<Mat2ch> And higher latitude places will probably be habitable or become habitable.
<Althego> in contrast to stone tablets
<Mat2ch> Uhm, micro film is made from plastic and stored in underground bunkers. There are even technologies that store information in glass plates
<Mat2ch> this will last thousands of years
<Althego> no, because the poision gas from the oceans would kill everything in lower altitudes. which means whatever the latitude, there would be no place to live
<Mat2ch> We will adapt. We can filter it out. People will probably live inside of glass domes then, but they will live
<Althego> not without food
<Mat2ch> Look at where people are living today. From places where temperatures go down to -50° C and lower to places where temperatures reach over 50° C regularly
<Mat2ch> green houses, with air filters
<Althego> replication complete
<Althego> but i still have to finish broken sword 5
<Mat2ch> Also Cyano bacteria usually don't make H2S, but just oxygen
<Althego> that is the issue
<Althego> as temperature goes up, those die off
<Althego> basically everything dies in the ocieans
<Mat2ch> I don't think so
<Althego> what remains produces hydrogen sulfide
<Mat2ch> the northern and southern parts of the ocean will never be too hot for them
<Althego> happened once
<Althego> not the hotness
<Althego> the chemical composition
<Althego> shelled animals wouldnt be able to make shells. chorals die out too
<packbart> that's where microplastic comes in
<Althego> needless to say, this is where you come in
<Althego> (ksp mission style)
<packbart> shelled animals could evolve to integrate plastic shells
<Althego> i think i have to watch this video
<Althego> seems to be going into great detail
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<Althego> hehe, conclusion: blame it on pangea
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<Althego> so when is the falcon eye 2 launch? nextrocket has a date a day later
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<Tank2333> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
<FLHerne> Hey
<Tank2333> Im just watching Star trek Discovery and anscent Science girl said 2 ships blew up but with a time difference of one millionth of a Mikro second
<Tank2333> or so
<Tank2333> is that even possible? a mikrosecond is retty short already
<Tank2333> Planck second or so is the limit isnt it? kinda
<packbart> microseconds are rather long, actually. ok, it depends on the use
<Althego> completely possible
<packbart> I timed loops in nanoseconds. high-power pulse lasers fire for a pico- or even femtosecond
<Althego> yes planck time is far away
<Tank2333> ah ok
<packbart> planck time is something*10^-43 seconds
<UmbralRaptor> Considering that ships tend to be a few hundred nanoseconds across, explosions that are the same at the picosecond scale are odd
<Tank2333> a mikro second is 10^-6 isnt it?
<UmbralRaptor> yeah
<Tank2333> so one millionth of that is 10^-12?
<Tank2333> i dont know how math works though
<UmbralRaptor> well, microsecond in en-US
<Tank2333> oh
<UmbralRaptor> also yes
<Tank2333> in the new season 1000 years in the future all dilithium got "inert" and exploded everywhere at the same time... its called "the Burn"
<FLHerne> Star Trek physics is a bit weird
<Tank2333> and now they try to triangulate the origin of the burn
<packbart> ST Discovery was getting too whacky for me. I didn't quite follow the plot
<FLHerne> Not just in Discovery, it's never made a lot of sense by regular-universe standards
<Tank2333> its garbage, and in season 3 every episode has a vastley diffeent tone and theme to it, very odd
<packbart> well at least Discovery shows that people don't change. "this fungidrive destroys the habitat of the fungigrades - not our problem. we need to go places" :)
<Althego> i even heard people saying that orville which is a sort of comedy thing is better star trek than the current star trek
<Tank2333> Packbart they forgot about the part that the Fungidrive destroys the fungiuniverse, they are happy to jump all over the plays in the new season
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<Tank2333> "no body has warp but we can go places yeahhhhh"
<packbart> the warp drive also destroys the universe
<UmbralRaptor> I want to say that in early Voyager they mentioned that they'd ended that problem with warp field design
<Tank2333> althego well the central character is the adopted sister of spok and she is a Black strong emotional intelligent responsible who ries alot and doesnt follow orders
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<Althego> even in next generation there was an episode where it turned out warp drives have some kind of negative effect on space
<Tank2333> yeah i remember that episode now :)
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<Tank2333> in discovery though the techno babble is pure techno babble, in old trek often the episode was about solving a problem
<Tank2333> also the writers of the show think Dilithium is "Fuel" for the Warp engines... and even the Romulans forgot that they dont use Antimatter for Energy... well
<Althego> this sounds dumb
<packbart> well, there will be a Great Reset after all, before TOS begins. all old knowledge will be lost
<Althego> dilithium is more like a catalyzer, and romulans use a miniature artificial black hole as power source
<packbart> I'm unclear of where the Discovery timeline fits into Starfleet history
<Althego> to me everything starting with abrams and later is non canon. i dont care, i will not look into them, will not watch them
<Tank2333> at the end of season2 of discovery they had a big fight with an AI wich was after some sort of ancient knowledge artifact, and Discovery escaped 930 years into the future so the AI cant get them ( if i where the AI i would just wait :) ) and since the discovery with its spore drive is was seret tech of the Federation i think it officially "never existed" or so... they kind of reset the timeline every new season because they write
<Tank2333> themselfs into a corner (the script writers)
<Tank2333> i think in second season there where a few episodes with Cpt. Pike, i liked him. he was doing captain stuff, not like most people in charge in this show
<Althego> unfortunately studios destroy all big franchises. star trek, star wars and doctor who. (i never watched any doctor who)
<packbart> oh, right. I forgot they jumped from Before Kirk to a near future
<Tank2333> far future
<packbart> 1000 years are not very far, I'd say
<Althego> far for humans
<Tank2333> well federation is destroyed klingons nowhere to be seen, vulkans and romulans reunited and living on Nadir´ (old Vulcan)
<packbart> I've been listening to too many scifi audio books that have people travel for a few thousand years via cryo-sleep or laserbeam. The Culture universe throws even larger numbers
<Tank2333> Terran universe Drifted away (what ever that means) and
<Tank2333> Altered carbon?
<packbart> which reminds me to begin The Expanse
<Tank2333> expanse is very good
<packbart> no, Alastair Reynolds or Ian Banks
<Tank2333> only watched 2 seasons so far
<Tank2333> my book reading time transformed into Podcast time... :)
<packbart> I listen to audio books. Eyes do not multitask well
<Althego> i read the first book of altered carbon. just because the mc was called kovács :) i was quite disappointed, because there were good ideas in the universe, but it was focusing on action only
<Tank2333> i loved the first one, didnt had the feeling i twas action only though, but its long ago so i dont remeber muh detail
<Tank2333> i used to just grab a random book in supermarkets, read a few sentence and buying it :)
<Tank2333> In discovery they also banned timetravel, they told the crew of the discovery that by jumping into the Future they commited a crime, that strikes me as pretty unfair since they have no chance of knowing that
<Tank2333> because there once was a Temeporal war... maybe they link it to Doctor who...
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<DarthTater> ;mission
<LunchBot> DarthTater: You attempt to detonate the explodium sea. There are mysterious cases of food poisoning in the KSC.
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<DarthTater> is 117 meters a bit too tall for a moon lander launch vehicle?
<DarthTater> lol
<DarthTater> or just perfect for a trip toeve?
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<Althego> no too tall ship, until the kraken eats it
<umbralraptop> You probably want some launch clamps
<DarthTater> naturally
<Althego> who gets it? naturally
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<DarthTater> O forgot but it was quite stable
<DarthTater> what is same vessel interac and do I use it to make probes work
<DarthTater> lmission add no too tall ship, until the kraken eats it
<DarthTater> ;mission add no too tall ship, until the kraken eats it
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Added mission: no too tall ship, until the kraken eats it
<umbralraptop> same-vessel interaction lets parts on the same vessel collide with eachother. If used correctly, craft behave more realistically. In practice, it is an optional feature because it summons krakens
<umbralraptop> ;mission add You misread tako as taco, and attempt to eat the kraken.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added mission: You misread tako as taco, and attempt to eat the kraken.
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<DarthTater> heh
<bees> ;mission
<LunchBot> bees: You introduce Jeb's BadS Workshop to the Astronaut Training School. Your plans are thwarted by the Münar tardigrade colony.
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<DarthTater> probe mission failed due to lack of EC...not enough charge to open the solar panels'
<Althego> hehe
<DarthTater> ;outcome add You don't have enough charge to operate your solar panels.
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Added outcome: You don't have enough charge to operate your solar panels.
<umbralraptop> All hail the OX-STAT
<umbralraptop> (Also, sometimes it seems like adding missions/outcomes is more fun than actually using ;mission)
<DarthTater> it is, yrs
<DarthTater> Year 2, day 256 at 3:36:00ArrivalYear 6, day 161 at 4:24:00Time of flight3 years 331 days 0:48:00Phase angle77.51°Ejection angle113° to progradeEjection inclination-1.81°Ejection Δv1,987 m/s Transfer periapsis13,338 MmTransfer apoapsis75,710 MmTransfer inclination0.39°Transfer angle193°Insertion inclinationN/AInsertion ΔvN/ATotal Δv1,987 m/s
<DarthTater> what is phase angle, is ejection angle the point tobe aligned with when exiting orbit around kerbin, what's all the transfer fluff
<umbralraptop> phase angle would be the angle between your start and end planets when you are doing the burn
<umbralraptop> or moons
* umbralraptop would have to double check on ejection angle >_>;;
<DarthTater> fuf
<DarthTater> I haven't got a protractor
<DarthTater> ;outcome add Due to an error in action group staging, you gravity turn off the mun.
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Added outcome: Due to an error in action group staging, you gravity turn off the mun.
<DarthTater> this just happened to me
<DarthTater> ;mission
<LunchBot> DarthTater: You try to raise money to upgrade your computers on the ground and on your craft. You activated all your separators at once and your ship fell apart.
<packbart> you accidentally the whole gravity?
<DarthTater> rather
<DarthTater> a booster caught up with me whilst still burning and pushed me just so to turn around the mun
<DarthTater> oof caps
<DarthTater> ironically it proved more efficient than the burn I had set up
<DarthTater> only
<DarthTater> I wanted to go towards duna
<DarthTater> and I'm closer, I suppose, with more
<DarthTater> delta v
<DarthTater> but i'm headed nowhere
<DarthTater> i take it back, I'm sun-bound
<DarthTater> ;outcome add As a result of a clerical error, you crash into the sun.
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Added outcome: As a result of a clerical error, you crash into the sun.
<umbralraptop> ;outcome add As a result of a clerical error, Jebediah becomes the next pope.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added outcome: As a result of a clerical error, Jebediah becomes the next pope.
<packbart> the Kraken's representative on Kerbin
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<DarthTater> heheh
<DarthTater> ;mission add The Katholic Pope Jebediah I holds mass for the worship of Kraken.
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Added mission: The Katholic Pope Jebediah I holds mass for the worship of Kraken.
<Althego> not even scott manley can save you now
<DarthTater> ;outcome add Your pagan ship is torn apart by Krakenists.
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Added outcome: Your pagan ship is torn apart by Krakenists.
<DarthTater> Abstergo perfect
<DarthTater> *althego
<umbralraptop> Katholics?
<DarthTater> yes
<DarthTater> Kerbal antikrakenists
<DarthTater> oh wait
<DarthTater> it should have all been Krakenist
<DarthTater> forget the katholics
<DarthTater> i edited the joke then forgot
<DarthTater> crossed wires
<DarthTater> ;mission fixup s/Katholic/Kraken/
<LunchBot> DarthTater: New text is: The Kraken Pope Jebediah I holds mass for the worship of Kraken.
<DarthTater> ;mission fixup s/Kraken Pope/Krakenist Pope?
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Format for `fixup` should be s/<old>/<new>/
<DarthTater> ;mission fixup s/Kraken Pope/Krakenist Pope/
<LunchBot> DarthTater: New text is: The Krakenist Pope Jebediah I holds mass for the worship of Kraken.
<DarthTater> there
<Althego> ;outcome add The Great Will Of The Macrocosm reverts the mission to launchpad.
<LunchBot> Althego: Added outcome: The Great Will Of The Macrocosm reverts the mission to launchpad.
<DarthTater> ;add outcome You are devoured by the Cosmic Owl ( such is the course of nature.)
<DarthTater> ;add outcome You are devoured by the Cosmic Owl ( such is the course of nature.)
<DarthTater> hm
<Althego> outcome add
<DarthTater> ;outcome add You are devoured by the Cosmic Owl ( such is the course of nature.)
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Added outcome: You are devoured by the Cosmic Owl ( such is the course of nature.)
<DarthTater> kill meh
<Althego> typographically incorrect
<Althego> there is a space after the open parenthesis
<DarthTater> aaaaa
<DarthTater> ;mission fixup s/( such is the course of nature.)/(such is the course of nature.)
<LunchBot> DarthTater: Format for `fixup` should be s/<old>/<new>/
<DarthTater> ;mission fixup s/( such is the course of nature.)/(such is the course of nature.)/
<LunchBot> DarthTater: No recently-mentioned mission found matching "( such is the course of nature.)".
<DarthTater> w h a t
<Althego> possibly you need to escape the parens because those are meaningful in regex
<DarthTater> ;mission
<LunchBot> DarthTater: You build a porkjet-powered plane. A bowl of petunias crashes onto the roof of the Astronaut Complex.
<DarthTater> I succumb to the lunchbot
<Althego> ;mission fixup s/ such is the course of nature./such is the course of nature./
<LunchBot> Althego: No recently-mentioned mission found matching " such is the course of nature.".
<Althego> whatever
<Althego> ;outcome fixup s/ such is the course of nature./such is the course of nature./
<LunchBot> Althego: New text is: You are devoured by the Cosmic Owl (such is the course of nature.)
<DarthTater> hmph
<Althego> wormsign
<DarthTater> um?
<DarthTater> is that some form of sorcery
<DarthTater> sorcery
<DarthTater> sourcery?
<DarthTater> oh wow I'm dumb
<FLHerne> Althego, DarthTater: No parens, you just need to use ;outcome on outcomes
<FLHerne> (it's not smart enough to do proper regex :p)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> then why have the syntax lol
<DarthTater> I am inept and don't know what you mean
<FLHerne> It has to use *some* kind of syntax
<DarthTater> regex?
<DarthTater> reggie's regex regatta
<Althego> man it is in python
<FLHerne> Regular expressions are a useful but strange way to match specific strings
<Althego> python has powerful regex
<FLHerne> Yes, I could easily make it use regex if I thought that would be helpful
<FLHerne> But when is anyone going to deliberately edit missions with a regex?
<packbart> you gave them a wiki, prepare for edit-wars ;)
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> At least we have !banlist now
<Althego> oh no event horizon 3 hours ago
<Althego> how could they say Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay several times without failing it?
<Althego> probably lot of practice
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<DarthTater> i judt did
<DarthTater> lol
<DarthTater> Any ideas on how to get 300 kerbals to duna
<umaxtu> save hacking?
<Althego> i think danny2462 has hundreds of methods through breaking physics
<DarthTater> If I was going to cheat I'd use the menu for it
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<Althego> scott 27 minutes ago
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<FLHerne> DarthTater: The Mk3 passenger cabins hold 16, so you only need 20-odd
<Althego> i would go with command seats
<FLHerne> Maybe four ships with five cabins each
<packbart> but that's two parts per Kerbal
<FLHerne> And who wants to sit in an external seat for five months?
<Althego> kerbals
<packbart> there's a gravity ring station part that holds about 50 Kerbals, I think
<FLHerne> Ring station of 6x segments made of 3x Mk3 cabins each?
<FLHerne> Gives you 288, then put a few more pods on the axis
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<DarthTater> but how
<DarthTater> I would happily hAve them sit outside for 5 months
<DarthTater> though i prefer the ring station idea, I have no idea how to make a ring
<DarthTater> the must be a shortcut I don't know
<packbart> well, in the next version of KSP, you could launch the segments and weld them in orbit
<packbart> otherwise docking ports, a very large fairing or one of the existing orbital launch mods
<DarthTater> I'm almost at the transfer window for jool but I haven't the slightest how to get the delta v without my weight making it pointless
<packbart> to make a ring, you'd need to rotate and clip the parts a little bit. then stick docking ports or struts at the ends
<DarthTater> or possibly, my burns are ineficcient
<DarthTater> clearly, but that isn't allowed for with the symmetry unless you switch it to the round one but then it's terribly inaccurate and the lasst thing I want is an egg
<DarthTater> *inefficient
<packbart> should work with angle-snapping, too
<packbart> I'd maybe connect a few of these: (from SSPXr)
<packbart> folds up into a 3.75m part
<FLHerne> DarthTater: You just need the docking ports on the end of each segment rotated 30° 'upward'
<packbart> even this old thing can't hold 300 Kerbals...
<packbart> only two launches for 118 Kerbals, though
<FLHerne> That works with angle-snap if you use shift-rotate
<FLHerne> Modded parts seems like cheating :p
<packbart> why? they have a fair and stock-ish volume and crew capacity
<packbart> I wouldn't play without the Stockalike Station Parts
<packbart> :)
<DarthTater> wasn't there something with 64 way symmetry
<DarthTater> I have the station parts but nye
<DarthTater> I want to use stock and use the mk3
<DarthTater> lol
<DarthTater> I will do this just to (playfully) spite you all.
<DarthTater> 300 kerbals
<DarthTater> in the meantime, what am I doing wrong with jool
<DarthTater> lol
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<DarthTater> before I launch, is 23 tons too large of a final stage to get to jool
<DarthTater> considering my skill level (I started about a month ago)
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<packbart> I don't know. probably depends on how much of it is fuel (and the resulting dV)
<DarthTater> 2 tons of it is fuel but I'm not using it for transfer, I was going to build a 3 stage rocket beneath it to get it there
<DarthTater> also how do I know if I'm facing the right way for an ejection angle
<DarthTater> is it related to the longgitude and latitude on the navblal
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<Qubyte> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Qubyte
<DarthTater> eyo
<Qubyte> today i'm going to dres, the most boring rock ever
<DarthTater> today I'm a noob, so i can't figure out how to get to jool
<DarthTater> lol
<DarthTater> Idid accidentally catch dres once, but crashlanded violently in a canyon
<Qubyte> it's just rapid ablative lithobraking lol
<Qubyte> well, that does count as landing, even if it was only for one physics frame
<DarthTater> rapid...what?
<Qubyte> lithobraking is like areobraking, but with the lithosphere instead
<Qubyte> some know it as "crashing", but it is not the case
<DarthTater> lmao
<DarthTater> ugh I'm at the jool tranfer windowww
<Qubyte> i hate timewarping to transfer windows
<Qubyte> it takes forever, and i always feel like i warped past it by accident
<Qubyte> if you aren't already, try splitting up your ejection burn up into 2 parts
<DarthTater> now i'm at it I don't really know if ejection angle relates to the navball or?
<DarthTater> coast stage?
<Qubyte> explains it the best
<DarthTater> basically this is my first tranfer where I know sort of what I'm doing and I don't understand the process
<DarthTater> THAT is what I am using
<Qubyte> oh lol
<DarthTater> I started a month ago
<DarthTater> I don't understand that really
<DarthTater> I wrote fown my ejectoon angle but idk how to tell if I'm at it
<DarthTater> lik
<Qubyte> so rotate your view until kerbin is traveling up relative to your view
<DarthTater> am i supposed to face 115 degrees on the navballl if myy ejection angle is 115
<Qubyte> then you want to put your manuever node at x degrees clockwise relative to the top of your screen
<DarthTater> I can't type lol
<Qubyte> the ejection angle is relative to kerbin's prograde around the sun
<DarthTater> ...
<Qubyte> so look at the orbit line of kerbin, then put your ejection manuver 115 degrees around your orbit from that
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<Qubyte> sorry i kind of suck at explaning things
<DarthTater> and i suck at learning
<Qubyte> more than kind of acturally
<DarthTater> evidently
<DarthTater> that sent in a weird order
* umbralraptop feels like a lot of stuff with ejection angles, etc is easiest to understand with a whiteboard
<DarthTater> or a blackboard
<DarthTater> let's be equal opportunity here
<DarthTater> lol
<Qubyte> i think a blackboard/whiteboard is acturally going to be the hardest way to teach here
<umbralraptop> I mean, sketching out positions etc
<Qubyte> well, i guess you could take a picture
<umbralraptop> well, yes, that is the problem
<Qubyte> oh was making a joke about mailing whiteboards
<Qubyte> question: do cabin window lights consume power when turned on
<DarthTater> lol
<DarthTater> yes?
<DarthTater> I think
<DarthTater> I've been told insufficient power before
<Qubyte> i feel lazy and i want to bind my solar panels to the light action group
<umbralraptop> ...I forget. I think they do now but didn't at one time in the past?
<Qubyte> ok, thanks
<DarthTater> but I didn't have enough to extend solar panels either
<Qubyte> f
<DarthTater> full sun, can't charge cos no charge
<Qubyte> i had that happen after i frogot to extend my solar panels during a probe controlled rescue mission
<umbralraptop> ;mission add Instead of tea, you brew TEA-TEB.
<LunchBot> umbralraptop: Added mission: Instead of tea, you brew TEA-TEB.
<Qubyte> mmm i sure love hypergolic rocket fuel
<DarthTater> ;missonion
<DarthTater> ;mission
<LunchBot> DarthTater: You ask someone what is their K/D on KSP. And everyone was run over by a space bus driven by the kraken.
<Qubyte> isn't there a mod for handheld weapons for BDA+KIS
<Qubyte> get that + a mutiplayer mod and build a battlebus using one of the airship mods
<Qubyte> install kerbal konstructs and make some of your own building
<Qubyte> top 10 worst ideas i've ever come up with
<umbralraptop> There's a game where you build airships and use them to try to takeover the world
<Qubyte> and i just realized i frogot all about staging
<Qubyte> hmm
<Qubyte> if i lift my ship up to the top of the VAB and then add some launch struts, i'm goning to get more dV
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<DarthTater> doI eject at 115 degrees
<DarthTater> lol
<DarthTater> because it seems I'd need to go the wrong way
<Qubyte> what do you mean?
<DarthTater> I'd have to be on a retrograde orbit to eject at thant angle
<DarthTater> I think
<DarthTater> aaand I have inexplicably lost probe control
<Qubyte> power? antennas?
<umbralraptop> 5x timewarp?
<DarthTater> 1x
<flayer> just incompetence then?
<DarthTater> or is that a suggestion
<DarthTater> oh bugger off
<flayer> kek
<umbralraptop> uh
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<Qubyte> today i learned that pane changes suck
<Qubyte> 950 m/s spent on a 5 degree pane change to dres...
<Qubyte> do i even have enough margin for this?
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