raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "m odcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<Althego> what, nrol-101 moved again
<raptop> Has it diminished into the west yet?
<Althego> the launch date
<raptop> that too
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<minas_tirith> raptop, why are eldritch things so exceptionally creepy?
<minas_tirith> I mean even by horror standards
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<raptop> something something fear of the unknown something worst case scenarioes
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<Mat2ch> SpaceX got me lost with Starship...
<Mat2ch> SN8 is on the launch pad, SN9 in High Bay, probably getting a nose cone before testing, SN10 is almost done, SN11 started, SN12 started as well...
<Mat2ch> And SN5 and SN6 just sitting around and watching
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<Mat2ch> They really need to be a lot more unsuccesful with their stuff to get rid of it! ;)
<Mat2ch> *unsuccessful
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> they were
<Althego> the first few ones kept exploding
<Mat2ch> Yep, and some in glorious fireballs!
<Althego> hehe. the gut was commenting. that is not methane, is it? because it would be bad
<Althego> next moment a huge fireball
<JVFoxy> ... ok whats exploding now? Besides guts.
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<Althego> guy, was a typo
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<JVFoxy> commenting guts.. lol, sorry. Thought something you ate was complaining down there.
<JVFoxy> guessing another test was done recently?
<packbart> JVFoxy: the explosion was SN4, some 5 months ago
<JVFoxy> ya, was figuring pressure test of some sort. I've been out of loop for a while now.
<JVFoxy> ok so just a pressure test burst.. nothing expected till later this month, SN9
<JVFoxy> er.. I mean SN8
<Althego> we are expecting a flight next week
<Althego> and i thought they will be ready in 2 weeks, and even then my estimation was larger than other people's. and now they are going to the third
<Althego> here
<Althego> if it was methane it would be igniting at the flare, correct?
<Althego> next second it exploded
<Althego> (not because of the flare)
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<Mat2ch> There is a road closure scheduled for today
<Mat2ch> so maybe another static fire test with all engines?
<Althego> yes that starts in the evening
<Althego> so as usual probably the climax is after midnigh
<Mat2ch> It would be a weird choice to fly today.
<Mat2ch> SpaceX didn't talk much about their flight tests before. I doubt it, but they're crazy enough to just fly
<Althego> elon promised a live stream
<Althego> they know that they are watched by 3 cameras
<Althego> or rather 3 organizations on a regular basis
<Althego> so it is pointless to hide it
<Mat2ch> and SpaceX has enough cams out there to do a live stream
<Mat2ch> so it would be easy to just set one up
<Althego> anyway, if there is a live stream there would be a post about that
<Mat2ch> An hour before the event maybe
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<Claas2008> can you make a rocket that automatically points at a target? (the target can't be a building or a object)
<packbart> yes
<packbart> I don't know what exactly you mean by it but I can see several solutions
<packbart> might need mods
<darsie> Claas2008: There are radar or heat seeking missiles.
<Claas2008> no mods plz
<darsie> Hmm, they point at objects, though.
<packbart> the use SAS "to target" and stay within the active bubble
<darsie> What is a target that's not an object?
<Claas2008> i tried a kerbnet waypoint, but you can't sellect it as a target
<Althego> it is an interesting question what the target object is
<darsie> You can activate navigation and then select attitude hold at target.
<packbart> what are you trying to achieve?
<darsie> I think. Maybe not.
<packbart> Althego: there are several types of different targets in KSP :/
<Althego> you can target flags or other spacecraft
<packbart> and waypoints are another thing altogether, I think
<Claas2008> no objects, just a random place that you make your target
<Althego> stock ksp cant do that
<Claas2008> like the top of a mounten
<Althego> but if you have something there, you can target that
<Althego> like a flag for example
<packbart> KSP can target positions. But I'd use MechJeb to do that. don't know of how to do it in stock
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<Althego> road closed
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<Althego> unrelated
<Mat2ch> LabPadre is waiting for another static fire, too. So it seems it's going to be rather boring ;)
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<Althego> will the 15 km fligh happen from the same stand?
<Althego> and where is the landing target
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<umaxtu> why wouldn'
<umaxtu> it?
<Althego> you mean the launch? it is a test stand. but the small hops happened from similar ones, but with one engine only
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<Mat2ch> Althego: why shouldn't they launch from the test stand?
<Mat2ch> And the landing target is where it always was.
<Mat2ch> This will be proper fun :D
<Mat2ch> To see it crashing down near all the good stuff
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Althego> yes that is my problem with the landing
<Althego> because of that flip in the end it can pick up large horizontal speed
<Althego> and the stand, as i said it is a test stand, if it can withstand the 3 raptors blasting it, good
<Althego> or maybe they dont care, it is just some steel beams and pipes
<Mat2ch> It's not just some steel beams, there's the whole tanking/detanking section there and that can be shielded, when a Starship lifts off
<Mat2ch> and the flip in the end wouldn't be very critical, if the first flips wouldn't need raptor support...
<Mat2ch> but you can flip at 1 km already and then overshoot and use the raptors to stop it from overshooting
<Mat2ch> just as they're doing it with the F9
<Mat2ch> oh, Rafael talks about a planned two-engine static fire
<Althego> hehe this is a side view
<Althego> those header tanks looks so small
<Mat2ch> and are probably bigger than my appartment...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> but how long can they supply fuel? maybe 10 seconds?
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<Mat2ch> FLHerne: ok, mine is bigger.
<Mat2ch> My tank, obviously.
<Althego> you live in a tank?
<FLHerne> On the Internet, no-one can tell you're a goldfish
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> like the dolphin from johnny mnemonic
<Mat2ch> Althego: maybe.
<Mat2ch> ;)
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<Mat2ch> Oh, KSP 1.11 is released?
<Mat2ch> And we get... work lamps? :D
<Althego> what, now?
<Althego> navigation lights!
<Althego> i always wanted these
<Althego> i hope they blink
<Althego> they could be useful too
<Althego> because docking always happens in the dark
<Mat2ch> It does
<Mat2ch> but I'm using a docking mod, so...
<Althego> for the lazy people https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/198067-ksp-loading-some-reassembly-on-progress/
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<Althego> heh the pad is still not clear
<umaxtu> window open till 9pm central again?
<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; November 8, 2020; 7:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.; Cancelled | Primary; November 9, 2020; 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Backup; November 10, 2020; 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Backup; November 11, 2020; 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.; Cancelled | Primary; November 12, 2020; 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Backup; November 13, 2020; 5:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; Scheduled
<Althego> seems so
<Mat2ch> Why are they closing the road so early, when they are not clearly ready?
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* darsie rescued Keldred Kerman from the surface of the Mun ... and sent him back to his shipwreck to plant a flag and whatever flags there are to be planted on the Mun in the future.
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