Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Soyuz on Sunday
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<Althego> header tank test again
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<Althego> kyle hill about mars colony
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<Mat2ch> Am I allowed to say "lol" without any reference? :D
<packbart> (not really, I think. but a good fake ;)
<packbart> or is it. I can't decide
<Mat2ch> uh, that is Scott
<packbart> yeah, I didn't recognize him under that helmet at first and was wondering if anyone else would have built one
<packbart> also, the background looks different than on YT
<Mat2ch> but the name has a checkmark on it! ;)
<packbart> well, I apparently missed most of the stream. I just looked at the KSP category and he was at the top with the most viewers
<Mat2ch> Also Ad Astra... one of the worst movies I have seen
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> scott is obviously szyzyg, that is common knowledge
<Althego> djsnm too
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<Althego> hehe two minute papers. simulating dragons under cloth sheets
<Althego> who wouldnt want that
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<packbart> Gnome Chompski going to space.
<sandbox> weta workshop
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<packbart> "I wish Squad would finally stop updating KSP for free" (paraphrasing a forum post) ya can't please everyone, I guess
<Mat2ch> wait, what?
<Mat2ch> what kind of person writes such stuff?
<packbart> people complaining that they've just updated from 1.3 to 1.8 and now there's even 1.11 on the horizon! too many updates
<packbart> breaking mods and such
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> ok, I understand ;)
<Mat2ch> I really hope for an integrated mod manager and a ship manager for KSP2
<Mat2ch> but I'm not sure if I would play it as much as KSP...
<packbart> All Glory to the Hypnocroq!
<minas_tirith> Cute gator
<Mat2ch> Pet it!
<Mat2ch> It hasn't been fed in two weeks
<Mat2ch> but it's fine!
<minas_tirith> Yes I'd love to give it headpats
<Althego> you can hold its mouth closed easily so it cant bite you
<Althego> if you have an extra arm then you can pet it
<Mat2ch> I'd rather use some duct tape
<Mat2ch> (no, duck tape is not a good replacement)
<minas_tirith> Why would I shut the mouth of the poor creature?
<Mat2ch> Don't know. What about you, Captain Hook?
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
<minas_tirith> Hewwo Deddly
<Deddly> Hewwo
<minas_tirith> uwu
<sandbox> yeah, should've just stopped at 0.18 and called it a day
<minas_tirith> Single note death metal trems are so beautiful
<Althego> death note :)
<minas_tirith> There's no such thing as a death metal note
<minas_tirith> I just meant lengthy single string tremolos
<minas_tirith> See for example Grave or Suffocation
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<Anders_> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Althego> hehe still doesnt work
<Anders_> yup
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<Deddly> Althego, Apparently there's DDOS attack going on on their web server
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<minas_tirith> A Mongol without a horse is like a bird without wings.
* UmbralRaptor eyes terror birds
<Althego> or even modern day emus
<minas_tirith> I was born in the saddle and the only worthy death is one in the saddle
<Althego> yuve yuve yu?
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<Althego> there will be an atlas v launch in something like 7.5 hours
<Mat2ch> I want to see SN8 fly! Everything else doesn't matter ;)
<minas_tirith> The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.
<Mat2ch> there is still work going on in the upper part of SN8 :/
<Althego> and a primary date for something
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: uhm, that sounds like some serious war crimes.
<Mat2ch> some say at 12 local time they might attempt one. That is in 2 1/2 hours
<Althego> that is some quote, i recognize it
<Mat2ch> I bet by Alexander the Great
<Althego> too lazy to google it
<minas_tirith> To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.
<Mat2ch> ah, no, Genghis Khan
<Althego> so anyway with this speed i doubt sn8 could fly this week
<Althego> at least elon said something about official live coverage
<minas_tirith> They will be waist-high and long enough to contain the supine body of a VIRGIN. The stone top will have grooves for blood, and the whole will be covered with dry brown stains of a troubling kind (OMT) from former Sacrifices.
<Althego> virgin galactic or orbit?
<packbart> Media or Mobile?
<minas_tirith> The famous fur loincloths are handed down from father to son.
<packbart> minas_tirith: The size and shape varies, but the general effect is of unassuming potency?
<minas_tirith> packbart, thats a different kind but yes
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<Mat2ch> Althego: saaaad
<minas_tirith> There will be lots and lots of wild-seeming people advancing under a cloud of dust in order to devastate more civilized parts. They are a bit like locusts, except that they kill people direct.
<minas_tirith> They are, in fact, mostly innocent victims. They have usually been stirred up by some God or the DARK LORD.
<Althego> also dont forget, do not parse html with regex
<packbart> or e-mail addresses
<FLHerne> Didn't someone write a regex that can parse email?
<FLHerne> (it was enormous and crazy)
<Althego> there is no 100% regex for that
<Mat2ch> and don't forget: If you access databases, first understand how databases work. I'm living in a nightmare here
<Althego> or the 0th rule
<Althego> dont use excel
<Althego> you probably wanted a database isntead
<raptop> Iä! Iä! c'mp`tr fhtagn!
<Althego> or is this politics? :)
<minas_tirith> At first there will be large grottoes with stalactites, followed, when your torch fails, by areas that glow on their own. Shortly you will come upon a major centre of population, which can be of Other PEOPLES or of troglodytic humans.
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, I fucking hate people whose imagination somehow only extends to the current module they are writing and the current time
<packbart> soon you'll have quoted the whole book :)
* raptop pokes minas_tirith with the language rule
<minas_tirith> If they even go far as writing modules beyond what is necessary for their language and framework
<Deddly> No swearing in this channel please, minas_tirith
<raptop> (you are hereby fined one copper for violating the prince's verbal morality statue)
* TheKosmonaut mumbles in rules
<minas_tirith> packbart, its hilarious. I am seeing all of tolkien and elder scrolls bit by bit in this book.
<raptop> hm
<TheKosmonaut> raptop: a morality statue, eh?
<raptop> Do they include any Howard or Lovecraft?
<minas_tirith> Probably
<minas_tirith> I haven't read Howard yet
<minas_tirith> But there is a lot of talk about barbarians too
<minas_tirith> so perhaps
<raptop> TheKosmonaut: English is a confusing language, so it's easier to write the laws on cyclopian obelisks
<FLHerne> Althego: It depends if your 'regex' language is actually regular :p
<minas_tirith> Its supposed to cover most swathes of fantasy I think
<FLHerne> Althego: You can do it in Perl, because the regex syntax allows non-regular expressions
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<packbart> "When the night of the Wolf Blitzer waxes strong in the morning, the wise man is wary of a false dawn."
<packbart> so true
<minas_tirith> I am reminded of the cryptic messages of Proscriptor McGovern
<minas_tirith> Perhaps he was inspired by this book?
<minas_tirith> lolol CITY OF CANALS is word for word Bravil and Riften
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<Althego> nrol-44 is not even scheduled
<Althego> that delta iv heavy is not in top shape it seems
<packbart> maybe it should go on a diet
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<Mat2ch> still some lifts at SN8 and an open hatch
<Mat2ch> at least it looks like that
<Althego> but what is a nerdle?
<umaxtu> nerdle? where are you getting that?
<Mat2ch> that is a good question
<Althego> nerdle cam
<umaxtu> ah
<packbart> there's a nerdle map, too.
<Althego> still dont know what a nerdle is
<Mat2ch> someone asked for some water?
<packbart> Althego: not even the Urban Dictionary can decide on a meaning ;)
<minas_tirith> SODOMY AND LUST!
<minas_tirith> nerdle sounds like weedle
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* darsie built a little Duna science lander: (relay already in orbit from a previous mission)
<darsie> Didn't have enough dv left to go back to orbit.
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