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<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Heads up Kerbonauts! Work remotely with Squad as a Senior Software Engineer! ⏎ Send your resume, all applicants will…
<Althego> remote senior software engineer
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<Mat2ch> looks like SN8 will going through its first tests today. Finally! What took them so long? ;)
<Mat2ch> Althego: Wait. They post on twitter a link to a facebook page?
<Mat2ch> Now I'm sure they have lost their mind.
<Althego> there were some strong winds and it was not possible to safely put it on the stand
<Althego> starlink 12 tomorrow
<Althego> how many times was it not launched? :)
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> but it looks great!
<kmath> <✔elonmusk>
<Althego> sometimes these rockets really need a literal scrubbing :)
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<Guest31982> help me get to the mun plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<Althego> use more boosters
<Guest31982> i have
<Guest31982> i just carnt do it
<flayer> keep trying
<Guest31982> ok
<Althego> so what is the problem?
<Althego> cant land? cant get back?
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<flayer> can't find it?
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<Guest31982> no i carnt get to the mun
<flayer> you need like 5000dv to get to the mun
<flayer> does your rocket have that much?
<Guest31982> no
<flayer> moar boosters
<Guest31982> all so how do you install mods
<flayer> you don't need mods
<Guest31982> oh
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<Guest31982> just asking
<Guest31982> how hard is geting to the mun???
<umaxtu> not that hard. but I've been doing it long enough that I can do it by eye
<taniwha> I can get to minmus by eye
<taniwha> I once got to Duna by eye
<umaxtu> without looking at the map screen?
<Althego> i want to do a cockpit only to duna
<Althego> but i doubt i can do it, the tolerances are really small
<taniwha> (lauched in window (KAC), noticed Duna was on the horizon when I was burning for orbit, kept burning (did look at map to check intercept)
<umaxtu> does rpm have a maneuver planner?
<Mat2ch> Guest31982: can you show us a screenshot of your craft which shall take you to Mun?
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<darsie> no
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<raptop> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, raptop
* raptop hugs Mod9000
<Ragnaman> @guest31982 funnily enough, minmus is easier than Mun, once you know how to target the trajectories to capture minmus.
<Althego> left hours ago
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