Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Soyuz on Sunday
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<taniwha> packbart: for monttryle... controlling the main throttle is possible with a mod (it would have to *pre*-hook FlightInputHandler.OnRawAxisInput
<taniwha> and, I guess, have an axis field for KAL to control
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<darsie> I tested a Sidekick in orbit around Minmus between 60-70 km altitude. I had a LF tank and a spark in a fairing pointing the other way, but it just didn't have enough dv. Didn't want to add booster, so I took a Mun gravity assist and on the Minmus transfer orbit I used a dummy maneuver which allowed me to find an encounter several orbits ahead with a low dv burn at the first orbit.
<darsie> I misenterpreted the contract at first and planned for a 60-70 km orbit, but discovered the mistake in time and went into a low Pe and high Ap orbit and ran the test at 60-70 km.
<darsie> With the remaining fuel I crashed the rocket into Minmus.
<darsie> Didn't bring an antenna, so I had to use hibernation and adjust the rocket attitude and engine thrust near Kerbin for the phasing maneuvers (one main, one for final precision).
<darsie> 1-* contract: Conduct seismic surveys near Area F92B14 alpha and beta site.
<darsie> 2-* contract: Position Duna egghunt 2 in an adjusted orbit of Duna.
<darsie> seismic surveys of Eve*
<darsie> Rescue Cristiano from orbit of Kerbin. Is than someone we know?
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<FLHerne> Oh, British weather
<FLHerne> An hour ago, I went out for a nice walk with the dog
<FLHerne> Mild, dry, sunny weather with a few clouds
<FLHerne> Now there's heavy sleet
<Althego> but only 3 hours remaining until the amd presentation for the new radeons
<darsie> Graphics cards?
<darsie> right, this is a gaming channel :)
<Althego> btw closure cancelled for today and tomorrow
<Althego> only a short window on the 30th
<Althego> (obviously talking about boca chica)
<kubi> how many words do you have for the rain?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i must admit i have never seen or heard sleet before
<FLHerne> kubi: We have lots of kinds of rain :p
<FLHerne> (sleet is combined rain+hail)
<FLHerne> Usually sideways for added sog
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<darsie> Regen, Gewitter, schuetten, nieseln, troepfeln
<Althego> not as many separate words here. eső, havas eső, jégeső, zápor, zivatar
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<Althego> about 400 minutes until electron
<Althego> one hour remaininf
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<darsie> How can he have 52 km Ap and 23 km Pe at 2300 m/s?
<raptop> surface mode?
<Althego> orbit
<Althego> i think that should be ok
<Althego> it is about the value i would expect
<raptop> yeah
<darsie> IIRC orbital speed is <2300 m/s.
<Althego> the lower you go, the higher it is
<darsie> Fine, I'll go to orbit ...
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Actually, I have a lot of stuff in orbit already ...
<darsie> 2294 m/s at 71 km.
<darsie> Ahh, he was lower.
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<Althego> amd stream started
<Althego> lol comment: "I fear no man, but that woman.. she scares me." - Jensen Huang & Intel Ceo
<packbart> *gasp* cancel him!
<raptop> TF2 reference!
<Althego> i didnt expect this
<Althego> i expected them to be on par with 3080, but not with 3090
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<Althego> wintergatan
<Althego> eh electron already delayed 10 minutes
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<darsie> rocketlab stream live
<darsie> t-14:24
<Althego> less tha na minute
<Mat2ch> uh
<Althego> 10
<Mat2ch> when is the Hold Hold Hold? :D
<Mat2ch> you are a few seconds ahead
<Mat2ch> wow
<Althego> somehow it is surprising how powerful even this small rocket is
<Althego> the power of two
<Althego> (the speed multiplier)
<Althego> it eats up the buffer
<Mat2ch> I see, I see
<Mat2ch> Never thought the buffer would be that huge
<Mat2ch> 10 seconds or so buffered
<Mat2ch> the mission control is weird
<Mat2ch> so mamy people
<Mat2ch> but that is possible in NZ, because they got rid of the corona virus...
<Althego> it is getting bad here. there was a point where it looked soon the second wave would be over, but then it flared up again
<Althego> i liked how the black fairing was visible on the shiny surface as a reflection
<Althego> perfect anti flat earth images
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Althego> spacex is not good of those
<Althego> wide angle lenses
<Althego> and the first stage is just never in the right angle
<Mat2ch> yeah, well, we're going to get another lockdown. But schools and kindergarten stay open. I hope that's the right call.
<packbart> is that an ablative nozzle or why does it shoot sparks?
<Althego> that is soot
<packbart> ah. makes sense
<Althego> burning in the exhaust
<Althego> at least that is what peter back said
<Althego> beck
<XXCoder> gonna love how flame expands as air get thinner
<Althego> another anti flat earth fact
<Althego> supposedly recovery start around the 16th launch
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<Althego> about the soot
<Althego> but where did i get the number 16 from
<packbart> ah, thanks
<packbart> yes, Peter, I noticed it glowing. I still asked :)
<Althego> 17 not 16
<Althego> but 16 is the next, they might have one launch this year
<Althego> actually 3 more launcher in nextrocket so it may ieven happen this year
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