Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Yet another Starlink launch: Wed 21 Oct 16:36 GMT/UTC | Starship SN8 engine testing
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<Guest05932> when i press shift/ctrl it makes me go my rover go back and forwards, but i want to control my throttle. my rover is still attached to my lander btw
<Guest05932> im trying to throttle up and down but when i press shift/ctrl it just makes my rover wheels move. how do i switch back to rocket controls
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<Guest05932> this f##### s### is so anoying why wont my f################ game work
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<Althego> another day, another test
<Althego> Data from 3 engine Starship static fire this morning looks good. Proceeding with nosecone mate.
<Althego> "looks like you gonna need a bigger pump" :)
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<Althego> stayed 22 seconds
<Althego> not great, not terrible :)
<Althego> so what are they testing if test was good? or maybe they just forgot to cancel the roadblock
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<Mat2ch> Althego: Nosecone!
<Althego> no sec one? :)
<Mat2ch> Elon said that they're going to attach the nose cone now
<Althego> thought so
<Althego> but they run some tests too
<Althego> ran
<Althego> there was some propellant loading
<Mat2ch> this is a test of the long range accoustic device LRAD
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> looks like they want to make some announcements for the streams ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> they could just tweet them
<Althego> or simply say in the chat
<Althego> or put up a led display with scrolling text
<Althego> that doesnt even need sound
<Althego> i think this has more to do with the high altitude flight
<Althego> some kind of safety thing
<Mat2ch> They want to make announcements from 15 km up?
<Althego> no
<Althego> on the ground
<Althego> that it will be landing shortly and dont go in the empty space that seems to be safe
<Althego> [05:25:19] <Althego> Data from 3 engine Starship static fire this morning looks good. Proceeding with nosecone mate.
<Althego> also he promised to have a fail tape of the engines, once they have made it into orbit a few times
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<Mat2ch> Hopefully!
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<Althego> heh starlink moved to tomorrow
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<Cardz> Heyo
<packbart> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, packbart
<packbart> hi bot
<flayer> i'm sleepy
<Cardz> Could someone help me out?
<Cardz> I have no idea why that happens but i'd appreciate if anyone could help
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<packbart> huh. can't say I've had that problem before. maybe the OS swaps because of too little RAM?
<flayer> can't you check your filesystem to see which folders are clogging it?
<Cardz> thats the thing
<Cardz> Not a single folder changes size
<Cardz> atleast not one that the computer recognizes
<packbart> or the KSP.log fills up with errors
<packbart> huh. hm. that would still point to swap, then, I'd say
<Cardz> Any idea on how to fix it?
<Cardz> It does go away after i close the game, but i dont want to be able to play for only 10 minutes because of that problem
<packbart> does it happen without mods, too? if not (and if you don't have that many mods), you could try and pinpoint it to a mod or combination that causes it
<Cardz> It does happen without mods, but happens slowly
<packbart> hm. how much RAM do you have, anyway?
<Cardz> 8 gigabytes
<Cardz> But it nevers get used more than 70%
<packbart> that should be enough, even with a few mods (it was on my Linux laptop)
<Cardz> And on task manager, my Disk usage is stuck on 0 even if the storage is filling up
<packbart> so, I'd say: check the Windows RAM usage statistics thingy for swap usage while KSP runs. and look at the size of KSP.log, too. with broken mods, that log can grow big very fast
<packbart> I don't have ideas other than that, though
<Cardz> i'll try, thanks
<Alanonzander> I know my Windows Swap file gets huge when playing KSP
<Alanonzander> nearly double in size and I have 32GB of Ram.
<Cardz> I Think i'll learn how to live with this
<Alanonzander> My linux ssytem manages the swap better, it only increases about 25% when KSP is running, but I also only have 8GB ram there
<Cardz> it seems that it now gets "capped" at 8 gigabytes
<Cardz> so atleast i dont have to worry about my storage filling up
<Alanonzander> I would make sure you can double your swap/pagefile size on your drive
<Alanonzander> if before starting KSP is is using 16GB (2x Ram), then assume it will use 32GB (4xRam) when KSP is running.
<Alanonzander> I added a seperate, but small, hard drive just for my page file
<Alanonzander> that helped a lot for performace on all large-footprint programs, including MS Office.
<Cardz> I mean, i was planning on getting a new SSD and more RAM this month, so i guess i'll just have to do it a bit early
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<Althego> ok it was two days ago, so old
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umbralra1top is now known as raptop
<umaxtu> I've started using emacs lately
<flayer> nerds
<umaxtu> it gets even nerdier, cause I'm using a "distribution" of emacs called "Doom Emacs"
<raptop> idkfa
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<Althego> less than 3 hours until launch
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<Mat2ch> Aaaaaaaand scrubbed
<Mat2ch> (just kidding ;)
<Althego> i am going to time skip several hours after the projected launch time anyway
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<raptop> 2 seconds?
* raptop assumes a misclick
<Althego> it looked like 1 sec for me bu i dont have decomans in the timestamp :)
<Althego> this mustbe the new record anyway
<raptop> decomans?
<Althego> decimals
<raptop> ah
<raptop> Yeah, I also go with an integer number of seconds
<Althego> also soyuz is coming abck shortly
<Mat2ch> I really really wonder why they still use such potato quality cameras. There has to be a good reason for that.
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<accidentalcolonies> yep scrubbed
<flayer> kek
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