Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Soyuz on Sunday
<packbart> thar she blows. Kogon Constructor Fleet Ship #1
<packbart> (evolved quite a bit from the initial draft )
<packbart> propulsion section sold separately
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<FLHerne> That's quite the ship
<packbart> no wobbly problems, yet. it's still very light with empty tanks. I'll see if I can get it moved do Duna or Eve in one piece
<packbart> on the other hand, having a construction station on solar orbit might even be more useful
<FLHerne> What does it actually do?
<FLHerne> I assume those are modded parts
<packbart> yes, those are from the Global Construction mod (and some others). One day, I'm going to try EL but it scared me with too many tanks at the first encounter
<packbart> it produces crafts from "Specialized Parts" and "Material Kits" and "Skill Hours" (engineer rank * time)
<packbart> the idea was to go to Jool and produce probes and relays there instead of docking them all to a carrier
<packbart> it still takes the same mass (ISRU production from "Ore" works but is sloow)
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<taniwha> gory details
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<packbart> taniwha: I read it :) I am going to try it, still. it was a bit overwhelming at first attempt. GC basically just has two main parts, the "assembly" to create kits and the "workshop" to tun kits into crafts
<taniwha> yeah, it can be
<taniwha> which is why I wrote the manual
<packbart> it doesn't handle base-building on uneven terrain as good as EL, though, from what I've seen
<taniwha> I doubt anything does, really
<packbart> the wisdown about the "base kraken" was still worth the read. never realize that. thanks for that, too :)
<taniwha> yeah, that was was thanks to a guy watching my streams back end of 2018/early 2019
<taniwha> he showed me some of his tests where the vessel was pushing itself into the ground
<taniwha> after watching his vid a few times and remember some details of how vessels work, I had an epiphany
<taniwha> I then experimented with the well supported light root
<taniwha> worked like a charm :)
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<raptop> planetary habitability
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<Yeeter> Which multiplayer mod do ya'll recommend
<umaxtu> no idea. that would require friends
<Yeeter> :(
<Yeeter> I will be your friend
<Yeeter> I'm hoping to find someone who plays KSP multiplayer through NVidia GeForce NOW
<Yeeter> So they can coach me how to make that work :P
<umaxtu> that I can't help you with
<raptop> I mean, we can go over stuff with rocket design and how to do maneuvers in this channel
<Yeeter> I know how to do that--just add bunch of engines to get whatever u need into space right
<raptop> ...
<raptop> so, about ΔV and horizontal vs certical velocity...
<Yeeter> what is certical vel
<raptop> a typo of vertical
<Yeeter> triangle v is acceleration
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<Althego> ksp is 75% off on gog
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<packbart> oh my, not only KSP *scrolls through wishlist*
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<JVFoxy> eh.. anyone else gone through watching the Expanse series?
<Althego> no, but i am waiting for the last book
<JVFoxy> hmm.. stuck waiting till Dec before season 5 kicks in.. annoying how they can lineup such hard hitting cliffhangers. :\
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<darsie> JVFoxy: I watched the expanse.
<JVFoxy> finished it yesterday.. tv series, not even seen the books yet
<Althego> to be honest, the last few books have suspense and action, but somehow getting dull
<JVFoxy> I'll admit, I was sorta lost on a few of the political side of things.
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<Althego> this year seems to be taking its toll on the celebrity front too
<Althego> grant imahara, chadwik boseman, little richard, kenny rogers, eddie van halen, james randi, and now sean connery
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<Althego> lot of mars society videos
<Althego> at least i dont need to listen to random pro revenge and malicious compliance stories
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that is just your perception.
<Mat2ch> Althego: because some of those are real big and world-wide know stars
<Mat2ch> *the first
<Mat2ch> and that started 60 to 70 years ago and now it's just their time to go.
<Mat2ch> Next year will be the same for others
<a_flayer> people always be dying
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<sandbox> there's still time
<a_flayer> personally i'm rooting for an alien invasion
<a_flayer> "you have stolen our rocks!"
* raptop steals a_flayer's rocs 🐦
<Althego> you mean the asteroid sample?
<a_flayer> yeah
<a_flayer> it could happen.
<raptop> hrm
<Althego> their fault. left it there
<raptop> Bennu is technically a bird...
<a_flayer> i'm still in favor of shooting dart-like probes at an interstellar rock to catch a life to wherever
<a_flayer> lift*
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<bees> interstellar tardigrades invasion?
<packbart> if we don't seed those asteroids with life, who will? :)
<darsie> Asteroid impacts on Earth.
<raptop> tardigrades and cyanobacteria
<Althego> scott 13 minutes ago
<a_flayer> can you imagine if they find all sorts of new bacteria and so forth
<Althego> haha, comment. the custome suits you (yes it is a spacex spacesuite)
<Althego> -t
<Althego> -e
<darsie> Is the space tesla sterile?
<Althego> probably not completely
<a_flayer> musk put his seed in it
<Althego> lol
<darsie> That's not alive.
<a_flayer> also not sterile
<darsie> Maybe works as protomolecules.
<raptop> The tesla's going to be floating around for a long time before it impacts a planet (if ever)
<Althego> maybe some people will try to find it and put it in a museum or sell it. like the pieces of the titanic
<Rokker> museum
* raptop is okay with this
<Althego> oh no i forgot
<darsie> It's still owned by Elon.
<darsie> And be inherited if his progeny accepts the heritage.
<Althego> i think the act of shooting it into interplanetary space removes ownership
<Althego> not just lost it but intentionally gotrid of it
<darsie> You don't give up ownership when tossing a frisbee.
<darsie> Satellites are owned by whoever owned them before. Unless they're sold. Not sure if you can give up property rights to them. There are still responsibilities, e.g. when they hit something.
<Althego> but they are also operated
<darsie> The tesla is naturally a NEO.
<Althego> the car is just there
<Althego> left to disintegrate because of solar radiaton
<darsie> If it hits my bicycle I can sue Elon.
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